Ep 55 - Create a Profitable Summit with Jaime Slutzky

Launch Yourself

Melissa Anzman Rating 0 (0) (0)
Launched: Mar 04, 2021
hello@launchyourself.co Season: Episode: 55

Launch Yourself
Ep 55 - Create a Profitable Summit with Jaime Slutzky
Mar 04, 2021, Season , Episode 55
Melissa Anzman
Episode Summary

Online summits are a great way to grow your reach and audience and get known as an expert in a specific space. Jaime Slutzky shares how she used a summit to grow her business in a new space and shares how to get speakers, attendees, and the time and effort commitment needed.

Get full show notes and more information here: LaunchYourself.co/55

Launch Yourself
Ep 55 - Create a Profitable Summit with Jaime Slutzky
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Online summits are a great way to grow your reach and audience and get known as an expert in a specific space. Jaime Slutzky shares how she used a summit to grow her business in a new space and shares how to get speakers, attendees, and the time and effort commitment needed.

Get full show notes and more information here: LaunchYourself.co/55

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