Dealing with Uncertainty - what it's like living with OCD

Inner Stillness Outer Chaos

Avery Thatcher Rating 0 (0) (0) Launched: Jan 25, 2024 Season: 2 Episode: 1

Inner Stillness Outer Chaos
Dealing with Uncertainty - what it's like living with OCD
Jan 25, 2024, Season 2, Episode 1
Avery Thatcher
Episode Summary

I came to a realization recently that I thought might be helpful to share because it highlighted one of the sneaky ways we can sabotage ourselves. It’s so sneaky because it feels like we’re really just trusting our own intuition and experience - but really it’s just trying to keep everything the same because, to our nervous system, “the same” is safe. But as I’m learning, living with OCD adds a whole other layer of complexity to everything.

Episode Chapters
Inner Stillness Outer Chaos
Dealing with Uncertainty - what it's like living with OCD
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I came to a realization recently that I thought might be helpful to share because it highlighted one of the sneaky ways we can sabotage ourselves. It’s so sneaky because it feels like we’re really just trusting our own intuition and experience - but really it’s just trying to keep everything the same because, to our nervous system, “the same” is safe. But as I’m learning, living with OCD adds a whole other layer of complexity to everything.

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