Simplify Your Business Flow: Think Meal Planning

The Zone of Purpose™ Podcast

Virginia James (she/her/LGBTQ+) Rating 0 (0) (0) Launched: Sep 11, 2024 Season: 2 Episode: 23
Support Wise Woman Magic Over Toxic Bro-Culture

Welcome to episode 23, where you do business with less hustle, more alignment, and simplicity. Bring on your soul's magic, my friend, without the burnout! ✨

Today we're talking about meal planning...and business... Stick with me here! And I've got an offer for you at the bottom of my talking points that you won't want to miss (it's about money)! <---

Here are the talking points in this episode: ✨

1. Your budget matters and influences how your business flows.

2. Like planning (and making) a meal, your time is precious and needs to be determined.

3. Cravings are a real thing. And that works in business, too.

4. Practicality is a life skill and we need to keep it in mind as we build or run our businesses in all seasons.

Here's the announcement: the new Aligned Money mini-course launched today! 💰

Get it at 50% off right now by going to: ✨✨✨



About This Space: ✨

You'll find content that supports you as you craft a business from your wise woman calling with simplicity not the hustle! Because the toxic bro culture is f*g outdated. Enough said. Instead of working harder for your dream, take an aligned breath and work wiser!

~Your GPS 🦄

(Guided Personal Sage) 

PS) Leave a comment if this resonates for you or you can watch the video of this Weekly Wisdom and share your experiences there!

Estimated listening time: shy of eight minutes and the music credit for our podcast intro and outro is Rockot's AMALGAM on Pixabay.

#womanownedbusiness #lgbtbusiness #smallbusinessowner #soul #soulbusiness #zoneofpurpose

Virginia James [00:00:03]:
Welcome to

Wisdom advocate [00:00:03]:
the zone of purpose podcast where the fucking girl culture takes a seat, and we do business from your wise woman calling and your soul's magic. Welcoming from you here.

Virginia James [00:00:14]:
I am Virginia James. I'm the CEO of Feminine Sage Wisdom and the founder. I made it. And, I'm excited for you to be here. So thank you. Thank you for watching this video, and listening to this story. So I am going to bring an interesting topic to the table today. Not gonna lie, it actually just hit me a few minutes ago and you know I actually do have a list of content ideas or if you ever have questions, that's how some of this comes out too.

Virginia James [00:00:41]:
But this one, I was like, oh, we should discuss this. So I have notes. Again, watch out world. So I want to propose something. Maybe you should think if you have a business or you want to build 1 consider doing it like meal planning. You know like what the fuck? Excuse me? So thoughts. We have 4 areas to consider if we think of a business flow and meal planning. Okay? I do meal planning.

Virginia James [00:01:12]:
I like it. Is it always perfect? Hell no. Do sometimes I'm like, oh my god. I really crave this? Actually, that's a spoiler alert. But sometimes I'm like, man, I'm craving this in the morning, but by the afternoon or time to make dinner, I'm like, that doesn't sound that great anymore. That's kinda how business goes actually. So we have to love ourselves through the process. Okay? But the 4 areas I wanna talk about are budget, makes sense, time, because not everything takes the same time, what you're craving, like I just discussed.

Virginia James [00:01:47]:
It is so loud today between the chickens, a rooster, my sheep, the traffic. I don't know what the fuck is happening today. It's Monday. And then the last thing is practicality. Okay. So again, if you're not into meal planning, you might not really like this video or you might not get it and that's okay. Maybe you'll do it down the road. You can listen to this video or check it out down the road too.

Virginia James [00:02:08]:
I'll always be around. So let's think of business flow or doing business. Okay. We gotta talk budget. We have to talk budget. Okay? Sometimes the gurus out there are like, you need to buy all this shit to make it work. I actually appreciated a few years ago learning from the folks who were like, let's keep this as cheap as possible or free, even better. Okay? I appreciate those folks because unless you're gonna go get a business loan or you've got buddies with money or you can get some grants or something, okay, we might be bootstrapping for a little bit.

Virginia James [00:02:45]:
That's okay, I did it, you might be doing it, just something to consider. Okay so like meal planning you might not always have, I'm a vegetarian but let's think of this as you know in a generic sort of way, You might not always have the the money for like the filet mignon. You might not have the money for the truffle oil version of business stuff, okay, whether it's tech or how to, you know, travel to little networking gigs, all all that kind of stuff. Okay? You can kind of you're following me here. Right? So time. Oh, what's that? Man, I'm snarky today. It's just the day. Sorry.

Virginia James [00:03:23]:
But time time is valuable. It is a resource. It is an asset, and you know how much time you have. Okay. I don't know that for you. And time changes, obviously. So kind of like meal planning, how much time does it take to do a project? How much time does it take to do a launch? How much time does it take to have these different conversations during the week? Whether they become collaboration calls, or a sales call, or something like that? Okay. Think on that.

Virginia James [00:03:56]:
Also, if you want, I'm gonna link that video I did about 5 buckets of relationships. I think that might be helpful. Okay, all right number 3. What we're talking about is what you're craving. Man, I'll tell you man the sun's moving, the clouds moved. Here we go. What you're craving, so what I mean by that is for any of us, like man I'll tell you what, I got a dill havarti in the fridge right now, that's all I want to eat. I'm making sandwiches with vegetables like a responsible adult, so to speak, but that's all I want.

Virginia James [00:04:25]:
But I can't eat it 247 for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. So you can also consider a balance with what you're craving, kind of like the meals. Okay. And use it as a foundation. Right? Use it as something like you know what lights your your soul up in the work that you do, in the conversations that you have. If you need help with that, that's what I'm here for. But the reality is, what are you craving in your business? Yeah. There's certain things we have to do.

Virginia James [00:04:54]:
Like, I was just staring at social media earlier this morning. I'm like, oh, another post. I don't really like social media. Chicken agrees. So she might have just laid an egg. Sorry, all. Welcome to the urban farm life. So when you think about what you're craving in business and what sings to you, also what's in alignment with you and sorry.

Virginia James [00:05:16]:
She's so distracted. And also your strengths. Think of it like those cravings. Okay? Think of it and track that stuff. Just like meal planning, track it. See what you love over time. Things also change. K? I've had folks in my life who have, you know, have pregnancy cravings, hormonal cravings, just a Monday craving.

Virginia James [00:05:37]:
It doesn't matter. This is your life. This is your business. Okay? So follow the cravings. Also do the work that we have to do just to keep the business going. Okay? Like that admin kind of stuff. And then finally, practicality. Just like with making shit, how practical is it to make something? Right? Do you have the time? Do you have the resource? Do you have the budget? Do you have the craving? But really, when we break it down, I think I've said this before, if not I'm gonna repeat myself or it's a new piece of information, is there are seasons to business.

Virginia James [00:06:08]:
We're shifting now from summer vibes into fall vibes. Okay, There's an energy shift in that, there's definitely a calendar shift in that, there might be a sales shift in that. So when you think of it, what's practical for your business? Not anyone else's but your business or the one that you want to build. Okay. We got to think about that. So these are the 4 areas again just kind of off the cuff but when the intuitive nudges come, watch out because they come. Okay. This is how I do business, this is who I work with.

Virginia James [00:06:39]:
Those who are intuitive, those who are wise, those who are old souls and don't fit into this world. You're my people. Okay? Whether you ever buy anything from me or not. If you have ever like questions. If you have chickens and you want to talk about chickens, that's fine too. Or farm animals or gardening. I've got it. Okay? So anyway, let's wrap this up because she's just still continuing on.

Virginia James [00:07:01]:
I don't know why, but, I hope that you have a beautiful week ahead. Maybe as you're doing your next meal plan, think of your business plan, think of your business flow. K. I can help you with those. If you got any questions, let me know. And also, I just hope you have a great week. Okay? Alright. I'll talk to you soon.

Wisdom advocate [00:07:19]:
Doing life and business with soul is where it's at. And if you wanna get started, grab your soul seeds guide. It's under $40 and can be done in a weekend. And don't forget, my friend, it's time to align with your calling. However you do it, ditch the hustle and bring your soul's magic to life.

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