Maiden Energy: Invite It for an Authentic Business

The Zone of Purpose™ Podcast

Virginia James (she/her/LGBTQ+) Rating 0 (0) (0) Launched: Sep 24, 2024 Season: 2 Episode: 24
Support Wise Woman Magic Over Toxic Bro-Culture

The Zone of Purpose™ Podcast
Maiden Energy: Invite It for an Authentic Business
Sep 24, 2024, Season 2, Episode 24
Virginia James (she/her/LGBTQ+)
Episode Summary

Welcome to episode 24, where you do business with less hustle, more alignment, and simplicity. Bring on your soul's magic, my friend, without the burnout! ✨

We've talked about bringing Crone energy into your business, so let's talk about Maiden energy today!

Here are the talking points in this episode: ✨

1. Bringing play into your business

2. Harnessing your excitement in offers and launches, not just trepidation

3. Get muddy, in the fun and in the rough times and storms

4. When you're feeling "aloof" or want your business blankie, honor it

5. Temper tantrums happen. Enough said.


One thing that makes many of us want to grab a blankie is talking about money, so grab the Reconnecting to Your Sacred, Aligned Money™ course now. <---

"For those of us struggling with debt and low income, there's a lot of cultural debasing directed at us, which makes the perpetual struggle that much harder to get through. Virginia's gentle affirmations helped to begin rewriting that narrative in my head...and center my own truths about income instead." ~Anonymous  



About This Space:

Here you'll find content that supports you as you craft a business from your wise woman calling with simplicity not the hustle! Instead of working harder for your dream, take an aligned breath and work wiser!

~Your GPS 🦄

(Guided Personal Sage) 

PS) Leave a comment if this resonates for you or you can watch the video of this Weekly Wisdom and share your experiences there!

Estimated listening time: shy of six minutes and the music credit for our podcast intro and outro is Rockot's AMALGAM on Pixabay.

#womanownedbusiness #lgbtbusiness #smallbusinessowner #soul #soulbusiness #zoneofpurpose

Episode Chapters
The Zone of Purpose™ Podcast
Maiden Energy: Invite It for an Authentic Business
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Welcome to episode 24, where you do business with less hustle, more alignment, and simplicity. Bring on your soul's magic, my friend, without the burnout! ✨

We've talked about bringing Crone energy into your business, so let's talk about Maiden energy today!

Here are the talking points in this episode: ✨

1. Bringing play into your business

2. Harnessing your excitement in offers and launches, not just trepidation

3. Get muddy, in the fun and in the rough times and storms

4. When you're feeling "aloof" or want your business blankie, honor it

5. Temper tantrums happen. Enough said.


One thing that makes many of us want to grab a blankie is talking about money, so grab the Reconnecting to Your Sacred, Aligned Money™ course now. <---

"For those of us struggling with debt and low income, there's a lot of cultural debasing directed at us, which makes the perpetual struggle that much harder to get through. Virginia's gentle affirmations helped to begin rewriting that narrative in my head...and center my own truths about income instead." ~Anonymous  



About This Space:

Here you'll find content that supports you as you craft a business from your wise woman calling with simplicity not the hustle! Instead of working harder for your dream, take an aligned breath and work wiser!

~Your GPS 🦄

(Guided Personal Sage) 

PS) Leave a comment if this resonates for you or you can watch the video of this Weekly Wisdom and share your experiences there!

Estimated listening time: shy of six minutes and the music credit for our podcast intro and outro is Rockot's AMALGAM on Pixabay.

#womanownedbusiness #lgbtbusiness #smallbusinessowner #soul #soulbusiness #zoneofpurpose

Virginia James [00:00:03]:
Welcome to

Virginia James [00:00:03]:
the zone of purpose podcast where the fucking girl culture takes a seat and we do business from your wise woman calling and your soul's magic.

Virginia James [00:00:12]:
I have talked about crone energy before and I will link to that video, but let's discuss a different energy today. Let's discuss the maiden energy. And again, we're not gendering this. We're not trying to make this pure or anything like that. Alright? You think about this the way you wanna think about it. But when I think of maiden energy or maybe something that's more fair is childlike energy is basically this playful, this excitable young being. This one that is like, will explore anything, you know, kinda get into trouble actually sometimes. If you have any kids in your life, you might know this to be the case.

Virginia James [00:00:54]:
So let's think I've got some digital notes behind me. That's one bonus to doing it, actually at my office. But basically, another thing I love about the young energy, depending upon what the young person is like or the young critter, is sometimes they really bounce back. They have this resilience that is fucking outstanding. It's amazing. And so there's also something we should discuss, temper tantrums. They have those. We have those.

Virginia James [00:01:22]:
So let's talk about this now, but using maiden energy in your business or if you're in that job to business like zone or transition, this works too. Okay. So number 1, you have to bring plan to business. I know there's some folks out there that say business is just business. I don't like that. I don't agree with that. That's just where I stand because business is so much more, right? And it's also unique to you. So we'll get that one out of the way.

Virginia James [00:01:49]:
All right. Another thing is harnessing your excitement. This happens when well, we're we feel trepidation sometimes too when we do a new offer or a new launch or something like that. But when that excitement is there, live it, Love it. Embrace it. Because if we're always just doing business is business and that excitement isn't there or we, like, push it down because we're trying to be serious all the time, that that just doesn't feel good, right? And it doesn't work very well in my opinion, okay? Because we have to have the whole spectrum of feelings here in this business process, in this business journey, okay? Another thing is get muddy. Kids, critters, young beings, they get muddy all the time. They play in that shit.

Virginia James [00:02:35]:
I own dogs. It's amazing what dogs wanna do. I know for my cat friends, y'all are like, ew. Mhmm. So get muddy. Business is money. There are times I'm talking about this with a fellow business owner, right now, also a client. She and I are talking right now.

Virginia James [00:02:51]:
Sometimes this is a phase of mud where you're slogging through, where kids, like, they plan it, they roll on it, sometimes they eat it, all this stuff. I'm not saying just don't feel the feelings as a business owner, but maybe we just gotta get money and we just gotta break out, you know, for lack of better phrasing, the 4 wheeler and just get into it and experience it because it's not going away in certain stages or chapters of a business or a certain project or something that you're working on in an administrative fashion. Okay? Makes sense? Alright. Another one. When you're feeling aloof, you know, when kids are like, no, I don't want it, and they are done. They're tapped out. Sometimes you see them at the market like that, maybe when you're traveling or just at home. You know, they just want their blankie.

Virginia James [00:03:38]:
Okay. There are times in business, we all just want our blankie. Okay, or stuffed animal or our familiar or the dog or the kitty or I don't know, the ferret that just holds us and lets us feel, you know, that everything's gonna be okay. Honor that in you as you do your business journey because kids try to honor that too. When they wanna nap, man, they just nap. Have you seen a kid in a car seat? Holy shit. The flexibility, chef's kiss. It's amazing.

Virginia James [00:04:06]:
So when you're feeling aloof, give yourself some time for that. Don't just, like, charge forward. I've done that before that's why I can tell you now. Okay lastly those temper tantrums they're a real thing. They're a real thing. So honor your temper tantrums. When the thing doesn't work the way you thought it was, when you're just like, what the fuck am I doing? Or just as much as we allow those times of excitement, allow the times of the low or the, you know, the freak out or the meltdown. Allow the tears to come or however you have temper tantrums.

Virginia James [00:04:40]:
Okay? Those are real. We always keep talking about it here at FSW and we have to honor that. Okay? Because it's not always just rainbows out there in the business journey or if you're transitioning or if you're overlapping like I have. Okay? So that's what I wanna talk about today. And next time you see a little critter kid thing playing in the mud, maybe see how you could do it in your business. Next time you see a meltdown, maybe allow yourself to have a meltdown. Next time you see that excited play or you feel it inside because you fucking wrote copy like a boss, so to speak. I don't mean bitch boss.

Virginia James [00:05:17]:
That's not where we're at here. What I mean is you feel good in it and you feel aligned and you feel alive in it. Honor that. Honor that. Okay. Have a great week ahead. You're amazing. Don't forget it, and I will talk to you soon.

Virginia James [00:05:33]:
Doing life and business with soul is where it's at. And if you wanna get started, grab your soul seeds guide. It's under $40 and can be done in a weekend. And don't forget, my friend, it's time to align with your calling. However you do it, ditch the hustle and bring your soul's magic to life.

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