Improve Post-Trip Overwhelm for Your Business

The Zone of Purpose™ Podcast

Virginia James (she/her/LGBTQ+) Rating 0 (0) (0) Launched: Oct 04, 2024 Season: 2 Episode: 25
Support Wise Woman Magic Over Toxic Bro-Culture

The Zone of Purpose™ Podcast
Improve Post-Trip Overwhelm for Your Business
Oct 04, 2024, Season 2, Episode 25
Virginia James (she/her/LGBTQ+)
Episode Summary

Welcome to episode 25, where you do business with less hustle, more alignment, and simplicity. Bring on your soul's magic, my friend, without the burnout! ✨

A couple of months ago I went on a 10-day road trip and you bet I had the laptop, weekly planners, a list of what needed doing… And I barely got anything done. It's all good: other needs had to take priority!

But this made me think about how to come back to the drawing table, the desk, or our office space, with roots, alignment, and less overwhelm after a trip.

Here are the main talking points in this episode: ✨

1. Deal with the easy: begin with low-hanging fruit with your Inbox, social media notifications, etc.

2. Use your normal routine to get grounded again after your absence for posts, and messages, and give yourself grace.

3. Look at the Big Things: from the must-dos to the want-to-dos, the upcoming offers, and launches. And come to the table with your intuition and steadiness.

4. And a bonus tip: think about how to sustain yourself as you get back into the groove of doing your business.


One thing that makes many of us want to grab a blankie is talking about money, so grab the Reconnecting to Your Sacred, Aligned Money™ course now. <---

"For those of us struggling with debt and low income, there's a lot of cultural debasing directed at us, which makes the perpetual struggle that much harder to get through. Virginia's gentle affirmations helped to begin rewriting that narrative in my head...and center my own truths about income instead." ~Anonymous ❤️‍🔥


About This Space:

Here you'll find content that supports you as you craft a business from your wise woman calling with simplicity, not the hustle! Instead of working harder for your dream, take an aligned breath and work wiser!

~Your GPS 🦄

(Guided Personal Sage) 

PS) Leave a comment if this resonates for you or you can watch the video of this Weekly Wisdom and share your experiences there!

Estimated listening time: around five minutes and the music credit for our podcast intro and outro is Rockot's AMALGAM on Pixabay.

#womanownedbusiness #lgbtbusiness #smallbusinessowner #soul #soulbusiness #zoneofpurpose

Episode Chapters
The Zone of Purpose™ Podcast
Improve Post-Trip Overwhelm for Your Business
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00:00:00 |

Welcome to episode 25, where you do business with less hustle, more alignment, and simplicity. Bring on your soul's magic, my friend, without the burnout! ✨

A couple of months ago I went on a 10-day road trip and you bet I had the laptop, weekly planners, a list of what needed doing… And I barely got anything done. It's all good: other needs had to take priority!

But this made me think about how to come back to the drawing table, the desk, or our office space, with roots, alignment, and less overwhelm after a trip.

Here are the main talking points in this episode: ✨

1. Deal with the easy: begin with low-hanging fruit with your Inbox, social media notifications, etc.

2. Use your normal routine to get grounded again after your absence for posts, and messages, and give yourself grace.

3. Look at the Big Things: from the must-dos to the want-to-dos, the upcoming offers, and launches. And come to the table with your intuition and steadiness.

4. And a bonus tip: think about how to sustain yourself as you get back into the groove of doing your business.


One thing that makes many of us want to grab a blankie is talking about money, so grab the Reconnecting to Your Sacred, Aligned Money™ course now. <---

"For those of us struggling with debt and low income, there's a lot of cultural debasing directed at us, which makes the perpetual struggle that much harder to get through. Virginia's gentle affirmations helped to begin rewriting that narrative in my head...and center my own truths about income instead." ~Anonymous ❤️‍🔥


About This Space:

Here you'll find content that supports you as you craft a business from your wise woman calling with simplicity, not the hustle! Instead of working harder for your dream, take an aligned breath and work wiser!

~Your GPS 🦄

(Guided Personal Sage) 

PS) Leave a comment if this resonates for you or you can watch the video of this Weekly Wisdom and share your experiences there!

Estimated listening time: around five minutes and the music credit for our podcast intro and outro is Rockot's AMALGAM on Pixabay.

#womanownedbusiness #lgbtbusiness #smallbusinessowner #soul #soulbusiness #zoneofpurpose

Virginia James [00:00:03]:
Welcome to the Zone of Purpose podcast where the fucking bro culture takes a seat, and we do business from your wise woman calling and your soul's magic.

Virginia James [00:00:12]:
Welcome to anyone who is new here. I, am so excited for you to be here. I'm Virginia James. I'm the CEO and founder of Feminine Sage Wisdom, and I'm a guide. That's what I do. I'm not a coach. I'm not like a cheerleader in some way, shape, or form. I'm not a therapist, although I'm licensed.

Virginia James [00:00:31]:
You're here, if you like this kind of stuff, you're here to do your business with Sol. So I've got some notes like usual. So let's talk about getting back into it after a trip. Okay? Now number 1, point number 1, let's let's handle low hanging fruit. Yours truly is a 0 inbox type. I don't like 8,000 messages in my inbox. It gives me, like, heart palpitations. I'll be totally honest about that.

Virginia James [00:00:57]:
So that was one of my low hanging fruits this morning, getting back into things. Zero inbox, putting things on my task list, putting things on my calendar, accepting invites, handling the notes that I need to do, you know, for that thing or meeting with somebody on a coffee chat. K? So there's that low hanging fruit. The other one was social media notifications. I have, like, 5 messages. Not bad. I know some people, like, maybe Oprah have a hell of a lot more. But when you're a solopreneur, those social media notifications, man, they they add up.

Virginia James [00:01:33]:
So I had messages and then other messages and then I had other notifications on my posts, specific to LinkedIn. I've got a comment, you know, to handle here and there on my YouTube channel like where you're at right now. So the reality is I was like, let's deal with the easy. Okay? That's step 1, deal with the easy. Because when I sat at my desk this morning, I went blank. My mind went blank. I was like, so much to do. Start with low hanging fruit.

Virginia James [00:02:02]:
Okay? And a shower. I got a shower in too. Felt glorious. Okay. Number 2: look at your normal routine. Okay. For example, these weekly wisdom videos every Monday, except for last Monday because I was on the road. But the reality is look at your routine, if you have one, and let's start to re I almost said reinstill it.

Virginia James [00:02:25]:
I don't have the words today. I'm still fried and tired. Okay? Didn't sleep great on this trip and that's all right. But take your routine what you normally do. Like for me, weekly wisdom is every Monday. Then I have my podcast going out once a week. Then I've got my blog post done once a week or thereabouts depending upon what's happening. And, and then my LinkedIn posts.

Virginia James [00:02:45]:
Right? You get the idea. Do your routine, and if it feels overwhelming, we just start with the day. Literally today is just do the video, Virginia. Whoo. Do your LinkedIn post. Whoo. Got that done. Take a shower.

Virginia James [00:02:59]:
Feel good. Got that done. Okay. After this video, I'm gonna go make some sourdough rolls because they are needed for dinner. So the point is what your routine looks like personally and kind of professionally or with your business. Start to just ease back into it and give yourself a lot of grace whilst you do it. All right now, number 3. It's the big things, right? We sit down at our desks or at our table or at the coffee shop and we go, oh my god, I've got all this big shit to do.

Virginia James [00:03:28]:
Before I left, I have a lot of, I have a lot on my plate right now and I thought I could make more, like take more strides, make some, get a good pace going. See vocabulary right now. I'll be better next week. But the reality is I didn't get a lot done. So when you've got the big things on your plate, come back to them with grace, with simplicity, with ease, knowing your intuition is there for you. Okay? And think of how you can start getting back into routines, getting back into what you have to do, the musts and the must dos, and then also the things that are on the table ready to roll out, whether it's a new offer, ugh, my hair, whether it's a new offer or you're tweaking something, in my case also web copy, and also the, new offers that are ready to come, around the corner. K. So with the big things, also think about how to sustain yourself whilst you do that.

Virginia James [00:04:25]:
Alright? So those are just a few highlights for today. Let's keep it short and sweet. Let's handle it. I hope that you have a beautiful week ahead. I'm glad to be back. Alright? Let me know if you have any questions. As always, ask FSW. I'm here for you.

Virginia James [00:04:40]:
Alright. Talk to you later.

Virginia James [00:04:42]:
Doing life and business with soul is where it's at. And if you wanna get started, grab your soul seeds guide. It's under $40 and can be done in a weekend. And don't forget, my friend, it's time to align with your calling. However you do it, ditch the hustle and bring your soul's magic to life.

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