Carmen Harrington - Inspire to Change

Harborough Hustle: Inspiring Talks with local entrepreneurs

Roman Britons Rating 0 (0) (0) Launched: Sep 06, 2023 Season: 1 Episode: 2

Harborough Hustle: Inspiring Talks with local entrepreneurs
Carmen Harrington - Inspire to Change
Sep 06, 2023, Season 1, Episode 2
Roman Britons
Episode Summary

Martin sits down with the inspiring Carmen Harrington, the founder of Inspired to Change and a clinical hypnotherapist. Carmen shares her journey of how she got started in her business and the importance of understanding the power to change one's mindset. She also addresses common misconceptions about hypnotherapy

Episode Chapters
Harborough Hustle: Inspiring Talks with local entrepreneurs
Carmen Harrington - Inspire to Change
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Martin sits down with the inspiring Carmen Harrington, the founder of Inspired to Change and a clinical hypnotherapist. Carmen shares her journey of how she got started in her business and the importance of understanding the power to change one's mindset. She also addresses common misconceptions about hypnotherapy

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