You're Fired! Companies Are Firing Their Best Talent.

Books & The Biz

Dan Paulson and Richard Veltre Rating 0 (0) (0)
Launched: Jul 13, 2023 Season: 1 Episode: 3

Books & The Biz
You're Fired! Companies Are Firing Their Best Talent.
Jul 13, 2023, Season 1, Episode 3
Dan Paulson and Richard Veltre
Episode Summary

Is it wise to let your best producers go?  Recently ESPN laid off 20 of their top on-air talent.  Is that a wise move when they are the very reason why people watch?  Companies have to make difficult choices when it comes to letting people go.  Sometimes it makes sense to find other alternatives.  In other cases, letting a top performer go is necessary because they aren't all they're cracked up to be.  Join us as we break it all down.

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Books & The Biz
You're Fired! Companies Are Firing Their Best Talent.
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Is it wise to let your best producers go?  Recently ESPN laid off 20 of their top on-air talent.  Is that a wise move when they are the very reason why people watch?  Companies have to make difficult choices when it comes to letting people go.  Sometimes it makes sense to find other alternatives.  In other cases, letting a top performer go is necessary because they aren't all they're cracked up to be.  Join us as we break it all down.

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