Hot Topic Bonus: Technical & Robotic Marriages

Connected For Real Podcast

Rebbetzin Bat-Chen Grossman Rating 0 (0) (0) Launched: Nov 06, 2021 Season: 1 Episode: 64

Connected For Real Podcast
Hot Topic Bonus: Technical & Robotic Marriages
Nov 06, 2021, Season 1, Episode 64
Rebbetzin Bat-Chen Grossman
Episode Summary
In this EpisodeThere is no denying that life can get busy and we have to get moving, but this is part of life. Technical and robotic marriages become an issue when the problems are no longer temporary. Rebbetzin Bat-Chen shares what can already be 50% of the work when it comes to transforming your marriage. Highlights01:31 Technical and robotic marriages become an issue when the problems are no longer temporary.02:05 The first step is to be ready to change this mindset. This is already 50% of the work!03:08 The Marriage Breakthrough Retreat can help you figure out what works for you and move forward. Sign up here!03:27 Rebbetzin Bat-Chen started the Marriage Breakthrough Retreat because marriage is the core of everything in life.04:28 The retreat is done for an hour for 7-days on Zoom. Not only do you get to meet Rebbetzin Bat-Chen one-on-one to address specific issues and a workbook, but you get a breakthrough in your marriage. LinksMarriage Breakthrough Retreat5 Surprising Ways to Improve Your Marriage Let’s Connect!Connected for Real is on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedInFor more information about Connected for Real, visit the website! Subscribe to the PodcastSpotify | Google Podcasts | Apple Podcasts REBBETZIN BAT-CHEN GROSSMANWelcome to the Connected For Real Podcast! I’m Rebbetzin Bat-Chen Grossman, a marriage coach for women in business, and my mission is to bring God’s presence into your life, into your marriage, and into your business. Let’s get started. The following is one of the many conversations I had with experts and professionals about real life and how it affects marriage. Let me know your takeaways on Instagram or Facebook, @connectedforreal. Enjoy. And we are live. Welcome to the Hot Topic Bonus number three. Today we are talking about Technical and Robotic marriages, and this is a huge issue that is coming up over and over again when I am talking to women. Really because we get busy. We have lives things are happening and there are seasons when things just have to get done and we just have to get moving and get through it so things become technical. Who's picking up who? What's going to be for supper? What are we doing about this kid or what are we doing about that issue? The whole thing is fine and that is part of life that you have seasons when things are going to be that way. Just like we talked about survival. There are survival times. There are times when you're just getting through it. There's a hardship, challenge, or something's coming up and you've got to get through it and so it's okay when it's temporary. The issue starts becoming a real issue when it is no longer temporary, when it starts getting like, “It's been too long since we had a conversation,” or, “Have you noticed that we haven't talked about this or that or the other—" “What happened to all those deep meaningful conversations, the play, laughter, the fun and excitement, and all of that warm fuzzy feelings that you used to have? This is all very familiar to anybody who is in a marriage and living life. Pretty much all of us. [Laughs] And so, I want you to— first step is be ready to change it. Be not okay with it being okay anymore because as long as we think this is normal and this is just how life is, and this is how it's going to be, and it's just nothing to do about it, this is how everybody has it, then you're going to feel stuck because you're gonna feel like there's nothing to do about it. The second you bring awareness to the fact that it can be changed and should be changed if it's bothering you—of course, those of you who are happy having technical and boring marriages go ahead enjoy it, but most of us are not and so just bring awareness. “I am not okay with this and I want to change it,” and then it is so easy to change because once you bring awareness to it, that's 50% of the work. Now you just have to figure out what works and move it forward, and for that my friends you should definitely sign up for...
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Connected For Real Podcast
Hot Topic Bonus: Technical & Robotic Marriages
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In this EpisodeThere is no denying that life can get busy and we have to get moving, but this is part of life. Technical and robotic marriages become an issue when the problems are no longer temporary. Rebbetzin Bat-Chen shares what can already be 50% of the work when it comes to transforming your marriage. Highlights01:31 Technical and robotic marriages become an issue when the problems are no longer temporary.02:05 The first step is to be ready to change this mindset. This is already 50% of the work!03:08 The Marriage Breakthrough Retreat can help you figure out what works for you and move forward. Sign up here!03:27 Rebbetzin Bat-Chen started the Marriage Breakthrough Retreat because marriage is the core of everything in life.04:28 The retreat is done for an hour for 7-days on Zoom. Not only do you get to meet Rebbetzin Bat-Chen one-on-one to address specific issues and a workbook, but you get a breakthrough in your marriage. LinksMarriage Breakthrough Retreat5 Surprising Ways to Improve Your Marriage Let’s Connect!Connected for Real is on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedInFor more information about Connected for Real, visit the website! Subscribe to the PodcastSpotify | Google Podcasts | Apple Podcasts REBBETZIN BAT-CHEN GROSSMANWelcome to the Connected For Real Podcast! I’m Rebbetzin Bat-Chen Grossman, a marriage coach for women in business, and my mission is to bring God’s presence into your life, into your marriage, and into your business. Let’s get started. The following is one of the many conversations I had with experts and professionals about real life and how it affects marriage. Let me know your takeaways on Instagram or Facebook, @connectedforreal. Enjoy. And we are live. Welcome to the Hot Topic Bonus number three. Today we are talking about Technical and Robotic marriages, and this is a huge issue that is coming up over and over again when I am talking to women. Really because we get busy. We have lives things are happening and there are seasons when things just have to get done and we just have to get moving and get through it so things become technical. Who's picking up who? What's going to be for supper? What are we doing about this kid or what are we doing about that issue? The whole thing is fine and that is part of life that you have seasons when things are going to be that way. Just like we talked about survival. There are survival times. There are times when you're just getting through it. There's a hardship, challenge, or something's coming up and you've got to get through it and so it's okay when it's temporary. The issue starts becoming a real issue when it is no longer temporary, when it starts getting like, “It's been too long since we had a conversation,” or, “Have you noticed that we haven't talked about this or that or the other—" “What happened to all those deep meaningful conversations, the play, laughter, the fun and excitement, and all of that warm fuzzy feelings that you used to have? This is all very familiar to anybody who is in a marriage and living life. Pretty much all of us. [Laughs] And so, I want you to— first step is be ready to change it. Be not okay with it being okay anymore because as long as we think this is normal and this is just how life is, and this is how it's going to be, and it's just nothing to do about it, this is how everybody has it, then you're going to feel stuck because you're gonna feel like there's nothing to do about it. The second you bring awareness to the fact that it can be changed and should be changed if it's bothering you—of course, those of you who are happy having technical and boring marriages go ahead enjoy it, but most of us are not and so just bring awareness. “I am not okay with this and I want to change it,” and then it is so easy to change because once you bring awareness to it, that's 50% of the work. Now you just have to figure out what works and move it forward, and for that my friends you should definitely sign up for...
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