Hot Topic Bonus: Release & Surrender

Connected For Real Podcast

Rebbetzin Bat-Chen Grossman Rating 0 (0) (0) Launched: Nov 04, 2021 Season: 1 Episode: 66

Connected For Real Podcast
Hot Topic Bonus: Release & Surrender
Nov 04, 2021, Season 1, Episode 66
Rebbetzin Bat-Chen Grossman
Episode Summary
In This EpisodeRelease, Surrender, Let-Go & Let God... Easier said than done, right? When things don’t go our way, it is easy to feel frustrated and annoyed. We sometimes question God, but actually, He is the expert on letting go so we can breakthrough and become better versions of ourselves. This Hot Topic Bonus is a preview of the Marriage Breakthrough Retreat, which is designed to teach us how to release the need to control. Highlights01:28 Rebbetzin Bat-Chen gives an analogy on computers to surrender and let go. You can definitely relate to this! What kind of person are you when it comes to this situation?04:50 You don't have to live in a technical, robotic marriage. You can get to the next level with your husband and have fun together.06:18 In the last two Marriage Breakthrough Retreats, women were blown away from what they learned and it brought more happiness into their marriage.07:02 A few weeks ago, Rebbetzin Bat-Chen experienced frustration with conflicting schedules. We all experience this. Rebbetzin Bat-Chen decided to just stop and allowed herself to be curious about what God was trying to tell her.12:08 Resentment, frustration, and feeling annoyed are temporary. God allows things to fall into place.12:31 What we feel are not directed toward a physical experience but our connection with our transformation.12:51 The Marriage Breakthrough Retreat is designed to help you align God's purpose for you by having a breakthrough to have an amazing marriage and successful business. LinksMarriage Breakthrough Retreat5 Surprising Ways to Improve Your Marriage Let’s Connect!Connected for Real is on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedInFor more information about Connected for Real, visit the website! Subscribe to the PodcastSpotify | Google Podcasts | Apple Podcasts REBBETZIN BAT-CHEN GROSSMANWelcome to the Connected for Real Podcast! I’m Rebbetzin Bat-Chen Grossman, a marriage coach for women in business, and my mission is to bring God’s presence into your life, into your marriage, and into your business. Let’s get started. The following is one of the many conversations I had with experts and professionals about real life and how it affects marriage. Let me know your takeaways on Instagram or Facebook, @connectedforreal. Enjoy. And we are live. Welcome to the Hot Topic Bonus. In preparation for the Marriage Breakthrough Retreat, I like to do some hot topic bonuses with things that come up as I am preparing for their retreat and today's topic is Release, Surrender and Let Go. You know how it is they tell you, “You just have to release the need to control,” or, “Just surrender and everything will be okay,” or, “Let go and let God,” which is one of my favorites but how, right? Well, I sort of get that that's the ideal or what I'm supposed to be doing but how do I do this? Or even better, “Easier said than done,” right? It's sort of too much expectations on ourselves and then you beat yourself up for not surrendering or for not knowing how. So, I want to tell you a little bit about how I had surrendered recently. I want to give you first an analogy, so the analogy goes like this. You know how you're trying to fix something on your computer because things are going slow and they keep getting stuck, and there's something going wonky with your computer you don't know how to fix it? So, you have this expert who is looking over your shoulder and he's going to tell you what to do. He starts telling you, “Okay, so go into the Settings,” and he has to start explaining to you how to do that. Go to the apple, click Preferences, go into Settings, blah, blah, blah, and it's just taking longer and you're trying to find your way in this world of tech that you may be very techy but maybe this isn't your specialty, and it's going slow but you're learning and you're getting there until you finally get so frustrated, you're like, “Okay, nevermind. Here.” You get up and you let them sit down at the computer and like magic,
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Connected For Real Podcast
Hot Topic Bonus: Release & Surrender
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In This EpisodeRelease, Surrender, Let-Go & Let God... Easier said than done, right? When things don’t go our way, it is easy to feel frustrated and annoyed. We sometimes question God, but actually, He is the expert on letting go so we can breakthrough and become better versions of ourselves. This Hot Topic Bonus is a preview of the Marriage Breakthrough Retreat, which is designed to teach us how to release the need to control. Highlights01:28 Rebbetzin Bat-Chen gives an analogy on computers to surrender and let go. You can definitely relate to this! What kind of person are you when it comes to this situation?04:50 You don't have to live in a technical, robotic marriage. You can get to the next level with your husband and have fun together.06:18 In the last two Marriage Breakthrough Retreats, women were blown away from what they learned and it brought more happiness into their marriage.07:02 A few weeks ago, Rebbetzin Bat-Chen experienced frustration with conflicting schedules. We all experience this. Rebbetzin Bat-Chen decided to just stop and allowed herself to be curious about what God was trying to tell her.12:08 Resentment, frustration, and feeling annoyed are temporary. God allows things to fall into place.12:31 What we feel are not directed toward a physical experience but our connection with our transformation.12:51 The Marriage Breakthrough Retreat is designed to help you align God's purpose for you by having a breakthrough to have an amazing marriage and successful business. LinksMarriage Breakthrough Retreat5 Surprising Ways to Improve Your Marriage Let’s Connect!Connected for Real is on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedInFor more information about Connected for Real, visit the website! Subscribe to the PodcastSpotify | Google Podcasts | Apple Podcasts REBBETZIN BAT-CHEN GROSSMANWelcome to the Connected for Real Podcast! I’m Rebbetzin Bat-Chen Grossman, a marriage coach for women in business, and my mission is to bring God’s presence into your life, into your marriage, and into your business. Let’s get started. The following is one of the many conversations I had with experts and professionals about real life and how it affects marriage. Let me know your takeaways on Instagram or Facebook, @connectedforreal. Enjoy. And we are live. Welcome to the Hot Topic Bonus. In preparation for the Marriage Breakthrough Retreat, I like to do some hot topic bonuses with things that come up as I am preparing for their retreat and today's topic is Release, Surrender and Let Go. You know how it is they tell you, “You just have to release the need to control,” or, “Just surrender and everything will be okay,” or, “Let go and let God,” which is one of my favorites but how, right? Well, I sort of get that that's the ideal or what I'm supposed to be doing but how do I do this? Or even better, “Easier said than done,” right? It's sort of too much expectations on ourselves and then you beat yourself up for not surrendering or for not knowing how. So, I want to tell you a little bit about how I had surrendered recently. I want to give you first an analogy, so the analogy goes like this. You know how you're trying to fix something on your computer because things are going slow and they keep getting stuck, and there's something going wonky with your computer you don't know how to fix it? So, you have this expert who is looking over your shoulder and he's going to tell you what to do. He starts telling you, “Okay, so go into the Settings,” and he has to start explaining to you how to do that. Go to the apple, click Preferences, go into Settings, blah, blah, blah, and it's just taking longer and you're trying to find your way in this world of tech that you may be very techy but maybe this isn't your specialty, and it's going slow but you're learning and you're getting there until you finally get so frustrated, you're like, “Okay, nevermind. Here.” You get up and you let them sit down at the computer and like magic,
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