Daniel Rios | Weird Hearts and Plant Medicine

Weird and Strong

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https://weirdandstrong.com Launched: Apr 20, 2023
podcasts@weirdandstrong.com Season: 1 Episode: 10
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Weird and Strong
Daniel Rios | Weird Hearts and Plant Medicine
Apr 20, 2023, Season 1, Episode 10
Weird and Strong
Episode Summary

We get to dive deep with the powerful and heart-centered man that is Danny Rios. I had the extreme pleasure of meeting him back in December and he guided me through my first real plant ceremony and it was such a powerful experience. Having this conversation months later to hear his journey towards the role that he fulfills for people now was a fantastic experience while we recorded, and I know that you'll all hear and feel that warmth and laughter through this podcast.

Check out all the fantastic offerings that Danny provides and I look forward to seeing some of you at the events and ceremonies that Danny brings into the world!

Connect with Danny!
Instagram: @myplantmedicinejourney
Website: https://myplantmedicinejourney.com

Support the Podcast!
Buy Me A Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/weirdandstrong
Weird and Strong Gear: https://weird-and-strong.printify.me/products
Learn More About What We Do: https://lnk.bio/weirdandstrong

Are you a Millenial that wants to transform from Burned-Out to Bad-Ass, book a free 15-minute call with Coach Jeremy to chat about your goals and struggles: https://api.leadconnectorhq.com/widget/bookings/weird-and-strong-connection-call

Episode Chapters
Weird and Strong
Daniel Rios | Weird Hearts and Plant Medicine
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We get to dive deep with the powerful and heart-centered man that is Danny Rios. I had the extreme pleasure of meeting him back in December and he guided me through my first real plant ceremony and it was such a powerful experience. Having this conversation months later to hear his journey towards the role that he fulfills for people now was a fantastic experience while we recorded, and I know that you'll all hear and feel that warmth and laughter through this podcast.

Check out all the fantastic offerings that Danny provides and I look forward to seeing some of you at the events and ceremonies that Danny brings into the world!

Connect with Danny!
Instagram: @myplantmedicinejourney
Website: https://myplantmedicinejourney.com

Support the Podcast!
Buy Me A Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/weirdandstrong
Weird and Strong Gear: https://weird-and-strong.printify.me/products
Learn More About What We Do: https://lnk.bio/weirdandstrong

Are you a Millenial that wants to transform from Burned-Out to Bad-Ass, book a free 15-minute call with Coach Jeremy to chat about your goals and struggles: https://api.leadconnectorhq.com/widget/bookings/weird-and-strong-connection-call

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