The Importance of Preparing for Ministry

Voices of Life

APG Mannheim Rating 0 (0) (0)
Launched: May 23, 2024 Season: 1 Episode: 22

Voices of Life
The Importance of Preparing for Ministry
May 23, 2024, Season 1, Episode 22
APG Mannheim
Episode Summary

How can I prepare if I am asked to do a ministry in church? If it is leading

a song, teaching, preaching or any other ministry you will need to

prepare. In this episode we will talk about how to do exactly that and be

effective in doing it.

Episode Chapters
Voices of Life
The Importance of Preparing for Ministry
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How can I prepare if I am asked to do a ministry in church? If it is leading

a song, teaching, preaching or any other ministry you will need to

prepare. In this episode we will talk about how to do exactly that and be

effective in doing it.

But also what I do is when I have verses that I don't read, I just mark them or I underline them. So if I need them, I can say it. But if I don't need them, I just say, okay, well, you can find that and that also in that and that verse if you want to read it at home or whatever and then I can but also the verses I always write down because yeah you don't want to mess up God's word so you might as well just have it written down that you can read it

so yeah so that's that's what I'm working at the moment Ladies and gents welcome to Voices of Life, the podcast with topics related to the apostolic faith in the 21st century. Let's talk about what interests you here on Voices of Life. Hello, friends. It's us 4 again, the 4 of Voices of Life. Welcome to a new episode. I want to start with a little backstory of mine. As most of you know, I was born and raised in church and since I could remember or really understand what the preacher said behind the pulpit, I was always amazed

in and of what that person had to say, how much he could say about the Bible and what points he got out of different verses. And I always ask myself, like, or back then I asked myself, how does he do that? How does he get that? And it just amazed me. And I already heard from 1 of our brothers in our church, our pastor, who also is a very good speaker, or very good preacher. Sorry, it's not a bash. It's a prop. Can use that something positive. And he asked me once, like, oh, how does he

do that? Does he memorize? Does he write a text and memorize it? How does he do it? Does he do it? But it's not that. It's actually preparation. And that's what we want to talk about today. We want to talk about how do we prepare ourselves when we preach, teach, or even lead worship. And I will start with this question. How do we start our preparation at first? Or how do we start our preparation? Sorry, Yeah.

As good Christians, we should always start with prayer. But I think that's an answer most of us expected, but it's just so true because everything should start with prayer, should start with a conversation and a connection with God, because anything we do after that should be directed by God and directed by His will, because otherwise we may prepare for 3 weeks, 4 weeks, 5 weeks, whatever we do, or 1 week, and we go in the completely wrong direction and God is on the other side waving saying, hey, I want you to go here, I want you

to look at this, to watch this, to focus on that, and you run in a different direction until we go down and pray and ask God for direction. He says, well, here that's out. You could have had more time, but now you're here at this point. Let's get it done anyway. Yeah. So I think prayer is a very important point, because we want to do it God's way and not our way.

Yeah, we are talking about a ministry, a ministry from God and it's a ministry to the people, to His people actually. And He is the 1 that knows their hearts, He knows their lives, He knows exactly what they need and therefore we need His guidance and we get his guidance in our preparation time when we pray. Like in other businesses, let's say self-help businesses, they can guess what people need and they have a good idea what people need and to a certain degree they are successful in helping them. But here in this case it's not just

helping them to be successful people, but we want people to be saved and have a relationship with God. So our approach is a spiritual approach, And therefore we need to be spiritually prepared, which means, like you said, just praying, fasting, Bible reading, and so on. We need to do that. That's a priority before we start anything else. And just only focusing on special techniques and only focusing on our oratory, the way we speak. It's nice if you know some of those techniques, but we cannot rely on these things while we minister to the people of God.

So therefore our preparation, most of our preparation should be seeking the will of God.

But it's also a continuous ongoing thing because sometimes maybe the Lord wants to use you spontaneously to say something that He put on your heart during the week or something like that. And then you didn't have any preparation time in that sense at all like days before, but you are still ready to speak the word and to do, yeah, share it with the church or with whomever the Lord puts on your heart. So preparation in that sense is something that goes on the whole time as we surrender to God and make ourselves available and listen to

His voice.

That's what the apologetics usually say, be ready, always be ready to give an account. You know, we always have to be, let's say, prepared in a way. And that comes by having a close relationship with God and studying His Word, reading His Word. And over time, your knowledge will increase and you can draw from it. And it's like with just a little example, David for example, when he killed the giant, he killed it with what he had. He had a slingshot and he had stones, but he had to have the stones in his back. So if

he would have gone out without, you know, checking that there are stones in his back, he would not be able to slay, or he wouldn't be, he would not have been able to slay a giant. And the same when you have an archer that goes out and wants to shoot some arrows, but if he has no arrows in his quiver, well, he will be killed pretty soon, I guess. And so it is for us, we have to be always looking for what is the will of God and what God wants to teach me. So we read

our Bibles, we try to be spiritually sensitive. And while we do that, it's not just we read the Bible, not just to have a sermon or have a thought or so. We have to read it for ourselves to be nourished and we have to read it to increase our knowledge. And then sometimes when we come into situations like you said where we have no preparation time so that we can start talking about the Word of God.


want to teach and preach His Word and not our word so that's why we can't do that without prepare or really have a relationship with our God. So that's like you guys said, prayer and reading the word is really important.

Yeah. And when he was talking about having the arrows or the stones, you know, it also reminded me of the parable of the virgins, the wise and the foolish ones that had to have oil in their oil lamps, or how does it say? Yeah. Yeah. And so we know that this is a picture for the Holy Spirit. So if we want to serve, I think we also need to be sure that we have his spirit in us, that we are anointed, that we are pure and holy and that we live with a good heart before God

and not in bad ways or in impure ways.

Ah, okay.

Yeah, that was it. I'm sorry. I wanted to say something. No, no, I was actually done.

Oh, okay

I didn't signal it very well you

wanted to say something I wasn't sure oh you were okay he took it he took it away it's okay okay okay so yeah we know that prayer

is very important.

It's very important, but...

So that was a German word to fill a gap in his thought process.

No, I was thinking of the question, how can I say it the best way? Okay, we have our prayer, but...

Ah, there are practical ways.

Ah, yeah, okay, yeah, that's a good question. Oh, I thought maybe that's... No, it was, no, that was... Well, let's

go then. So, Justin,

I'll ask you.

Wow. Really? I mean, you're prepared now. I mean, you're, like you said, you're leader of the hyphen or young adults group. So you prepare lessons too. How do you go about that? Like, what do you do? Of course, praying, like we established now. But what else? Like, when you know, OK, for example, you're on on Friday, what do you do?

Well, like we said, we start with prayer. But in my prayer, I'll always ask the Lord, also, what do you want to give the young adults or the hyphen group? What do they need to hear from you, oh God? And then I have my, I sometimes I just sit if it's in a tram or at home and really think about what is the thing, what they can need or have. And then I start reading the Bible. Sometimes I just open up a page. Sometimes the Lord gives me something like a story to read, and I just

read the Word and read different stories. And then suddenly the Lord just talks or shows me a thing, what could be interesting or what could be good for the young adults. And so then I read more into it and I think about it for hours. So maybe sometimes, sometimes takes me also 1, 2 days. When I know there's something there, but I don't know yet what it is. And so also there, I pray about it, think about it. And then suddenly, slowly, but surely things come pop up. The Lord comes and gives me thought, read this

section, or remember this verse, or remember this parable or story, read about that. And then I just read on, read on, and while I read, and while I write down the things that come through the word, something builds up, something adds up and then I build from there. And then when I got all the verses, then I read through them and think about what could I say, how can I build it and then slowly but surely something comes together? Yeah.

Yeah. That process that you described, I think it's a process that should be able to have its time. Like you have a big problem if you didn't prepare the whole time for reasons and now it's just 1 day. And you want to go through that process that you just described. You're going to be sitting there and be like, yes Lord, but I cannot wait. I need to know now what will it be about because I don't have so much time anymore. And you will have pressure and it will be like business. Things need to get done

and you can have a hard time to get the Lord into it. I speak from experience. I understand. But

I have to say the Lord also works in mysterious ways because they were, like we said, prepared every time. There was 1 time, that was a couple months ago, when I was at work and I listened to a preaching or to a podcast, I don't remember. I listened to something and while I was listening to it, I had also different points and different aspects of that point, what the preacher or the podcaster, I really don't remember what it was, talked about. And I was like, oh, this could be interesting for a session sooner or later. And

then, you know, keep thinking about it. I was like, oh, that's interesting. And then verses came into my head. Oh, yeah, that could fit to there and this and that and it was on a it was a Friday and I was you know doing my work and stuff like that and then the sister who actually should have should have teach she couldn't teach so she was like oh guys I have to work or something like that can you can you must can someone can someone hop in and teach for me? And I was like, Lord, is

that... You know, I was like, okay, I can do it. And then, I mean, of course, we should always prepare. And that's not a smart way if you work like that all the time. But sometimes the Lord also works in that way. And I think also our pastor can tell a story about that when the Lord just doesn't talk for weeks. And then suddenly, an hour or 2 hours before he actually should preach, the Lord gives him something. So he also works and can also work in that way.

I heard him telling a story like that before, yes, I would like to hear it.

Well this...

He's like, what's the point of

that take? Something I really don't like so much and don't prefer, you know, having nothing to preach actually. You feel like there is no message in the whole Bible, it's 66 books and you don't find anything. And it amazes you how every other pastor and preacher, evangelist or whatever finds so nice messages all the time and you are just there, no clue what to preach. That happens just sometimes, not that often. And I hope it won't repeat. But The lesson I've learned there is, because it's not about me, it's about the people. So as soon as

I have to be behind the Pope, I trust the Lord that He will help me, that He will supply my need in this case, and that He has a word for the people. But I am the 1 that likes to prepare. And so I rely on my preparation as well. But sometimes I guess God just wants to teach me, don't rely too much on your preparation. Because people sometimes think you go to the pulpit and preach, let's say 40 minutes or an hour. And I just prepare 10 minutes for it or so. But usually when I

teach or preach, it's about at least 3, 4, but sometimes 5 hours I'm just in preparation for those messages. Even though my notes don't look like I prepared for hours or whatever, but it's all in your head then and you already know the way, where to go. But sometimes if that's not the case, that makes me very uncomfortable. And also then you have the accuser accusing you, telling you, you have not prepared enough, because you have no notes, you have nothing, just maybe a Bible verse if you're lucky. And what's that? People don't, you don't deserve

to be the pastor to the people. How would you, will you minister to them if you have not prepared? But really it is God that is doing it. This should not be excused to not prepare, you know, to become lazy and don't do anything, that would be stupid. But it should help us that our confidence is in the Lord and it's not in our own abilities and preparation.

And I think he once also said that some of the best preachings he had were like this, where it was like completely like he was relying on the Lord, like you said, and put his confidence and then he did it well in the end what he would not have thought, you know, because the preparation wasn't there but God blessed it. So, yeah.

So it should be prepare like it depends on you, then deliver it or preach it Like it depends on God because it does.

That's a good sentence. Wow. Nice. So ting!

I'm God.

We just have a

mic drop. That was a mic drop. Wow. That was nice. I was like first like what do you want to say? But no, that was good.

Yeah. I needed to write that down. See, I'm that kind of guy. I have to write that stuff down. Because otherwise I'll forget it. Like you said, in a tram or something, when I'm in the car, it's hard to write something down. But usually I do write things down, like just a thought or word or sentence or something I see, I just write it down because you never know when you might need it. For example, I had a... What is that in German? And English? Oh my gosh. Well, I was with work with somebody and he

just taught us stuff about trees. And so it was just about trees, about actually cutting trees.

A gardener? No, he wasn't a gardener.

He was a gardener. Let's just keep it. He was a gardener and he just taught us stuff about trees. And we just stood there and he talked about how trees have their bark and stuff like that. And all of a sudden that thought came to my mind about being trees and we are trees planted by the waters. And so how God compared us to trees as well. And so that thought just came down. And so I was like, oh, okay, I have to write that. I cannot forget it because I couldn't write it down at that

moment. I'm like, oh, don't forget that. And I couldn't really listen to him anymore because I want to lose the thought. And so I wrote that down and then there were just some verses and this is just an ongoing note now for me where just...

Didn't you use that note? Okay, then I heard it from someone else because I heard that. Yeah, okay, sorry. Yeah, you go. Yeah.

So this is just something that came to mind now and it feels like it's developing now. And we'll see. Maybe I'll never teach it or anything, but it's just for myself, maybe a thought that just came and just now there's me to the bone, so to say, just fills up with verses, fills up with other thoughts and studying it out. So that was 1 example now how it sometimes just comes or it's a sentence or word that just inspires you

in that moment. 1 question to you, if you prepare, do you use those notes and look through them or you just have them and then they just sort of like maybe pop in your head and you're like, okay, let's do something with this or no?

When I know, when I'm like, when pastor asked me, I think, here, could you do something on Sunday or something? For Bible study, sometimes we have like stuff prepared, so to say, we just teach that material. But other than that, I always go to those. So Maybe there's something that I remember already. It's like, oh, that could be something. So I look into it. Sometimes that has been the case. Like I looked in and I'm like, nah, that wasn't it. But sometimes I just go through it. I'll read through it. I read through thoughts that I

wrote sometimes like years ago. It's like, oh, that was a good thought. Man, that's cool. And so I go into that. And for me, it is that way when it fills up. I don't have a better word to say when it just, when it keeps going and the verses come together and the thoughts come together, then it shows you, okay, I'm going in the right direction. That's how, up to now, that's how it was for me. When I come to a point where it just stops completely, and then I maybe go to something else and come

back to it and still there's like nothing. It's just like, no, for now that's the end. That's where we are and we're not going on from there. And then I try to turn and pray again and look for something else and maybe I miss something. So that's how it is now for me. But I do go through those.

Okay, okay.

That's interesting. Sometimes God gives us things that is just for us, and sometimes it's a thought that we have to share with others, and then we get into the flow, I would say. It just flows and flows until it stops, and then you know, okay, that's it now. The thought is done. But sometimes it's just for us and that's it. I don't know how many sermons I just started and that's it. And some of them had it on paper, throw it away in the trash can and I don't have it anymore. Sometimes I'm just you are

stupid and throw it away. Because usually when I have it on paper and I throw paper away I just rip it apart so you cannot just hold

it anymore. It's gone.

It's gone. It's deleted.

But I

do also have, in my home, my computer, I got a folder which says in German, Predigt Matria, preaching material. And there I do have some of my open sermons that I just started and never finished, or sometimes sermons I heard from others or notes that I got somewhere or Bible studies and so on and I just collected and sometime I may teach from it or may not.

I have 1 question to you pastor. So sorry. So you preach from Sunday to Sunday to almost every Tuesday. I'm sorry to keep it. But do you have most of the topics already ready for the weeks or months ahead? Oh, I wish. You wish, okay. So it's a week-to-week thing?

Sometimes it is, yes. Sometimes it's 2 weeks ahead or so, but usually not more than that. And every year, also when I was not pastor yet, and I knew I had to preach a little more often, I said, well, I do develop like a preaching calendar where I write down in this month, I will teach on that subject or preach on that subject and stuff like that. Yeah,


did not work out the way I thought it would. So usually it's just being sensitive to God, to His Spirit, just being open to what He wants to say. And, you know, when I read things, when I see or watch things, and sometimes, and I think all the pastors have done that, we like to steal some thoughts from other pastors that happens. And it's not like we just copy paste the whole sermon. But usually sometimes when I'm just checking on YouTube or so, and then I hear a preacher, our preacher, not just some kind of


And I hear a good sermon and sometimes it is just the Bible verse that teaches the text. And all of a sudden it starts, so then I stop him preaching and then I go on and that's it. Sometimes it's just enough. Sometimes it is 1 or 2 sentences or a little thought that he has in his sermon that helps me to get going. So it's some of the things we get out of books, not just the Bible, of course, some of the things we hear from others, and then the sermon will always be different. Even if

I have prepared a sermon and I preach it here in Manheim and I would preach it again somewhere else, most likely the sermon will be different, going in a different direction, whatever that congregation needs. If we are sensitive to his spirit, then he will lead us in a direction to what the congregation needs. And so the sermon will be different, though it's the same notes.

Isn't that crazy? Like, you have the same notes, and from congregation to congregation, you can get out differently.

I think that's the difference between like a speaker that just has a presentation prepared and preaching or inspired speaking inspired by God because he knows what the people need that are listening to it right now. For a speaker it's just okay I have that message and I give that message across no matter who's there. Because I think as a speaker they need that what I have to say. But as a preacher now it's the other way around. Okay, God knows what those people need. And so whatever the word is that you have, it always fits to

the people that

listen to it.

That's so cool. That God knows the hearts and sometimes you don't even know why you say some things. So often already I heard preachers say, so I don't even know why I said that now, or that's not in my notes or things like that. And that was the exact moment I was like, I know why you said that. I know why it wasn't in your note. Why you went that way or down that road or something like that.

Yeah, that's so crazy. There you can see that our Bible that we are reading and studying from is just timeless. I mean, you can use it for every moment, every situation. You just have to read it and use it. And you can make so much with it. So yeah, that's great. Yeah, that's awesome. Yeah, I will ask this 1 question and then because I think that interests also the listeners, me as well. I mean, I already asked in a German episode, but I will ask it again, just to have it again, that I can learn from

you 3, because you

are my experts for today. How do

you do it? What? Yeah, we can... First you go, and then I go, okay? So, what is on your notes? Why you teach, preach or even you can even have notes when you leave worship, but yeah, you go, you go.

Well, for me, I'm a, I notice for myself, I need to write it out. So, I have sentences, I have, I have the verses written out already that I don't have to look at my Bible, because I know I won't find it. Even if it's Genesis, I probably won't find it. So I'm making sure I have those verses ready. And yeah, whatever the verses are, I also make notes now if I have to, if I read them or plan to read them or just cite them or just describe them. Because that was 1 thing I noticed.

I was talking to Pastor about that. And he was like, yeah, I asked him, okay, how do you have that? Because I had 20 verses. So I couldn't read all of them because that would be a little, I just read and then we're done with the sermon. So I asked him how he does it and he said, well, do you need to read all those verses? Are they really vital or are they just like supportive? So can you just cite them? Can you just describe them? And so that's what I included in my notes now, which

helps me a lot to not read all the verses. I do read a lot, I think, But I have those sentences written out in case I get stuck somewhere. And for me personally, it's like a stability where I say, okay, I don't want to just make something up on the go, I think, because I know I can speak. That's something I know I can talk about all kind of stuff, but that's not what I want to do But I want to stick to that what your original thought So I think that's maybe for me a stability

to know okay These are the sentences that were prepared and so that's why I have that okay

How does it musically looks like look like?

Musically yeah, I have a lot of notes too. Okay.

I have a lot of notes too. Okay.

I have a lot of notes for the songs, intro, outro, what I want to do, also to give the musicians a kind of direction where we're going with that song. How often do I wanna sing the verse? Where do I want to build up? Where do I want to go down? Where do I might want to say something in between so that they can prepare and know, okay, we have to play this and that. Do I have to think about what am I playing in that moment? How do I follow that? That it doesn't come as

a surprise then? It sometimes comes as a surprise. Now during practice I just throw things out and say okay we don't do it like that. That sounds awful with the band but most of the time I have a lot of notes in there just to give them also a way to prepare for what I'm thinking and planning and feeling where to go.

Okay, okay.

Okay, so I'm gonna try to briefly say how I'm doing it. So, I have a Word file where I put in my verses, like in written out form and in the translation that I want to read them in. And usually I, you do it in red letters that I know, okay, this is the Bible verse. And underneath the verses I have thoughts and maybe sometimes also reference embraces to thoughts


it's clear, you know, that I'm not going to read it because, but maybe I want to say you can read it there, you know, for the listener. So I write embraces there. And then when I write those notes down, I'm really comfortable when I'm in a flow, like when I feel the anointing on me and God is actually talking to me first in that moment, then I'm really comfortable that it's going in a good direction because I feel convinced and I feel excited and passionate about the Word. And this way I'm sure that this really is

the Word of God because it's just doing its work on me myself. And then I know later on exactly what was this, what direction was it going emotionally also, and just the message behind the note. And so I don't have maybe all the sentences that I say about it, but like 1 short sentence, so to say, that gives a direction


the thought. And then sometimes I just say that very briefly while I'm actually preaching or teaching. And other times I get maybe a bit more into it and it gets a bit more detailed and then I'm moving on to the next thoughts. And sometimes I may be also jumping or something like that. It's not like completely, you know, a structure that cannot be broken at all. I'm still flexible, hopefully. Yeah, And that's it. Okay. Yeah, to sum it up. Okay. How I'm

doing it.

Sounds good,

sounds good. You or I? Well, to sum it up, I've noticed myself if I have too many notes, too many written out sentences, complete sentences, the delivery of the message or the sermon gets worse. So that's why I just have some hints, some clues. Sometimes I just write down, read it out of the Bible. Sometimes I write down, just refer back to that Bible verse and connect it. That's it. And things like that. So that helped me a lot because the preparation time is longer. So I do prepare a few hours. I think about it. And

sometimes I, in my Bible, when I read it in the Bible I may just underline a few words or a sentence or so that I want to emphasize and that's basically it. I may also read different commentaries quite a lot commentaries that takes a lot of time. I'm thankful to God that he helps me remembering a lot of things. That's why I don't have to write everything down. I try to deliver it without too many notes. That is just me personally. Everybody has to do it differently. But I understand totally when you deliver the Word of

God that sometimes you will fight against spirits that try to distract you, that try to discourage you, to rob you of your faith, of your self-esteem and things like that, and your confidence. And when you have it written down, it's easier then to go back and stick to the structure. So there are benefits of writing things down. And of course there are benefits for generations that follow maybe. But I'm not that good of a preacher so that I write down everything for every other generation to really enjoy those nicely written sermons. So I really envy those

other, I should not, but I have to admit I sometimes envy those other preachers that have those nice Twitter or X ready sentences or Instagramable sentences, however you would say it. And some of those sentences, they are so good. They're so catchy. I usually don't have that. Why write it down? Just bridge it then. So I don't have too many notes. Okay.

Oh, yes, Steven's looking at me like I have to explain as well. Well, the thing is, I'm not as, I'm still in the learning process of teaching. So I have more, right now I have 1 way, but I used different ways. But the way I'm using right now is this way I have 1 title with let's say 3 to 4 topics because I don't have some that's how I measure the time how much time I got and how much time I need so I have the title 3 to 4 topics and to those topics I have

1 to 2 or 3 verses and I write like sentences down when I like those way I should remember but because of my nervous ahead I somehow forget and yeah that's what I write down and just just to get started So when I start reading and then sooner or later, I just can look up and just start talking about different things and always can look back to the topic or to the note that I need. But like also have like when I talk about stories or testimonies, then I just write, let's say I write daddy's money

story. So I have a testimony about my dad's story about something finances. So I, because some mostly already know what, what type of testimony I want to give. So I just write that down, that is testimony, and then I just start telling the story and tell the tale. And then I look and I was like, okay, that's the next topic. And I just start with the title of the topic. And then from there, I just start reading down. But also what I do is when I have verses that I don't read, I just mark them or

I underline them. So if I need them, I can say, but if I don't need them, I just say, okay, well, you can find that and that also and that and that verse if you want to read it at home or whatever. And then I can, but also the verses I always write down because yeah, you don't want to mess up God's word. So you might as well just have it written down that you can read it. So yeah, so that's what I'm working at the moment. It's also still in development, but yeah, that's how.

That sounds very good. I don't know why you put the disclaimer that it's in development.

Like I said, I'm still learning how, what's the better way to work with. Like, because I could, I couldn't write too much, like Stephen, because I would just be like, my notes, just reading, reading, reading, reading. But I can also write 2 less. Yeah, you can say that, 2 less, because I would read that 1 sentence, and then I would be like, yeah, that's

all I wanna read.

The sentence is good. Yeah, exactly, amen? Or no, okay, Then I will go with the next topic. So yeah, so I'm still finding the way of how much info can I write on my tablet or iPad or whatever? Or yeah, so notes. Notes, thank you. And so yeah, that's what I'm working with.

I just remembered when you said stories, sometimes when I found and find a nice story or so, what I do then is I write down illustration, and then I write down the topic of it. Sometimes when there are some dates and names involved I just write them down like little outlines so I can remember them and don't mix it up too much. And if I may use that sermon again I know what this illustration is about. You say, let's say, illustration Tante Emma. That was German.

Aunt Emma.

Yeah. And no idea what is it about, you know, after half a year or so. So that's why I do have an outline of that.

Yeah, if I have... Mostly the stories I tell are mostly testimonies that I've really seen or lived in my life. But if I talk about things that I didn't relive, then I always also have notes like dates, time, or whatever, country, how many people, whatever important notes, because you don't want to mix that up as well because people we have the internet today people can check fact check you so yeah

and that's the only reason

no no not really dollar reason but you want to get the right message out. It's

just even more embarrassing now because everyone can find out if you said the wrong name or date or number. So you want to have the facts right before the fact checkers cancel you.

Sometimes the audience can help you. The congregation helps. I mean we and then they just yell out a name or yell out oh yeah that's right thank you brother. And then you just continue on. But yeah, something,

yeah, you want something else. That name is wrong. Yeah. Then you're out there.

That happens. Yeah.

Yeah, I would say if you don't mind to wrap it up, or in summary, is that our focus should always be how can I minister effectively to the people and not just how do I deliver the perfect speech? And that's the thing that we always have to consider in our preparation. And if we are prayed through and ready, then we will deliver it the way God wants it to be. Amen. Always keep your focus on the Lord.

Amen. I would say that's a wrap. Thank you, my fellow experts. Thank you for all the tips

and everything. We wish we were.

You've been a help. You've been a help to me and to the others as well. So I would just say until next time next week Thursday 5 p.m. See you soon. All right. See you soon.

God bless you. Bye bye.

God bless you. Bye bye. Till next time. Bye.

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