Grateful AI: A Journey into Artificial Intelligence with Mark Latimer

Ai Training Podcast

Mark Latimer Rating 0 (0) (0) Launched: Dec 12, 2023 Season: 1 Episode: 1

Ai Training Podcast
Grateful AI: A Journey into Artificial Intelligence with Mark Latimer
Dec 12, 2023, Season 1, Episode 1
Mark Latimer
Episode Summary
  • 00:04: Intro

  • 01:05: AI landscape overview

  • 02:01: Mark's pivotal AI team leadership

  • 04:04: Passion for teaching AI, music parallels

  • 04:58: Strategies for AI job market experience

  • 06:49: Reflection on gratitude, AI's tool role

  • 07:49: Future vision, teaching AI, community

  • 09:00: Call to action: explore gratefulai,, subscribe

  • End: Closing gratitude

Episode Chapters
Ai Training Podcast
Grateful AI: A Journey into Artificial Intelligence with Mark Latimer
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00:00:00 |
  • 00:04: Intro

  • 01:05: AI landscape overview

  • 02:01: Mark's pivotal AI team leadership

  • 04:04: Passion for teaching AI, music parallels

  • 04:58: Strategies for AI job market experience

  • 06:49: Reflection on gratitude, AI's tool role

  • 07:49: Future vision, teaching AI, community

  • 09:00: Call to action: explore gratefulai,, subscribe

  • End: Closing gratitude

Hello ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the show. My name is Mark Latimer and this is the AI Training podcast. I am so excited to start this show and begin to teach what I've been learning specifically over the last year regarding Chat GPT, Open AI, and how it's changed my business, my life, and I hope the same for you. A little introduction I founded a company called Grateful PR. I spent a good portion of my time teaching and training and I loved that part of my job. So recently I've pivoted. I've created Grateful AI and I'm the proud owner of OpenAI Training. I am thrilled to be here. This is a dream of mine. I've been podcasting for over a decade and to be here with you just fills me with excitement. There is so much to cover.

AI is changing rapidly and I love being at the forefront of this exciting new technology. What we're going to be covering over this podcast series is going to be mind blowing. All kinds of tips, tricks, and things that are going to make you more productive, a better leader, a better teacher of AI with your team. There's so many little things that we're going to get to explore and I'm excited to be on this journey with you. To give you a bit more background about me and my journey, about eight, nine years ago I was working with AI Technology Company and I had a six month contract to lead a team that was working on AI, robotic process automation and helping the company in a number of different ways. It was a life changing experience and I am forever grateful.

I've had opportunities to start businesses over the years in both technology training, podcasting. I've been a publicist and my real passion is teaching people. I love it. It's something that when I get to see people learn something and they light up because of that breakthrough, it's just awesome. Right now, there is nothing I'd rather be talking about than AI and AI training. When I was living india, there was an interesting blend in my life, at least of technology, spirituality and community and the way those intersected. I'm really excited to bring some of that here with this conversation around AI, spirituality and community. So stay tuned. Excited to dig into these topics. What is Grateful AI? So grateful, spelt G-R-A-I-T-F-L is more than a company. I want to emphasize that grateful AI is the culmination of my personal journey.

All of the things I've done over the years have brought me to this point, and all of the things you've done over the years have brought you here, listening to this podcast. So grateful AI encapsulates my passion for AI technology. I'm just so excited and I've seen what it can do and I just want people to see what I see. So that's why I'm here. I want to teach, I want to develop talent and I want to match that talent with amazing opportunities. I love to be in service, I love to stand for people and their brands and their dreams. And nothing lights me up more than understanding where somebody wants to be and reverse engineering that goal. There's so much great information out there. I want you to have it. I want you to use it. 

I want this program to be a catalyst for your career. My personal goal, professional goal, is to educate and empower by breaking down the complexities of AI. When I was living india, I have fond memories of teaching people to play the ukulele, teaching people to play the guitar. I don't know if you've ever picked up an instrument before, but when you get started, it can be a little bit nerve wracking. Everything seems weird. And with AI, if it seems weird right now, do not worry. We're going to take it one step at a time so that you learn what you need to know to be successful. Much like a guitar. If you pick it up for the first time, but you stick with it, you're going to end up starting to play things that sound like music. So let's get you going.

Being more productive, maybe right now you have all kinds of great experience, but the one thing the marketplace is asking for is AI experience. So how do you get it? How do you nurture it? I also want to highlight that it's not just about training, it's about helping individuals find their place in this rapidly changing AI ecosystem. Right now we are recording our first ten episodes, which are going to be a bit of an introduction to AI. What is it? Is it something that I can use? How can I use it? There's so many questions and so many answers, and I am just thrilled to talk about these things and dig in. So this journey that I've been on is really grounded in gratitude.

Life is full of ups and downs, and the moment that you realize you have to be grateful for the highs and the lows, you really start to appreciate all the nuances that make your life. I want to reflect on the importance of gratitude in my journey, and I am just blessed with a ton of chance opportunities that have brought me to this seat, this microphone, hitting this record button, all of it. And I am just incredibly grateful. I'm grateful for you. I'm grateful for the journey that you're on and being part of this, because without you, this show wouldn't exist. So thank you so much for listening. When it comes to gratitude, how does AI and gratitude come together? I think every time we use tools, we need to be grateful for the tools that we're using.

They are gifts if we choose to see them that way. Of course, AI is complex and it can change. It can be a little scary. But what we're trying to do here is really take the veil off AI so we can see it for what it is, no different than when Google first came out and people were hesitant to use it. But after a while, you can see that it can become that daily partner in helping you achieve what you want to achieve. So my vision for the future, teaching you the fundamentals, but preparing you for a life of change. I want to also discuss Grateful AI as a platform for creating that positive change. And I encourage you where possible to participate. We are playing an infinite game and my hope is that we can continue this dialogue indefinitely.

I want to also emphasize and really focus on the community that we're building here. Because technology in isolation is just that. People make tech work, people together, having conversations, dialogue around how we can use these tools better and improve them, and how we can serve humanity with these tools. I am so excited about making AI relatable and beneficial for everyone. So happy you're here. A quick call to action before we wrap up, I want to encourage our listeners you to explore gratefulai and Check it out if you haven't already. I also want to invite you to join us in this exciting AI training podcast journey. So if you haven't already hit subscribe, we're going to be bringing you all kinds of episodes, information, training, ideas, tips, as well as fantastic guests.

It wouldn't be grateful without expressing my gratitude for your time and your curiosity. I love that you're here. Thanks so much for tuning in for this first episode of the AI Training Podcast. Why be good when you can be grateful? I love you. 

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