Decoding AI: What is Artificial Intelligence, Unveiling the Mysteries, Embracing the Future

Ai Training Podcast

Mark Latimer Rating 0 (0) (0) Launched: Dec 12, 2023 Season: 1 Episode: 2

Ai Training Podcast
Decoding AI: What is Artificial Intelligence, Unveiling the Mysteries, Embracing the Future
Dec 12, 2023, Season 1, Episode 2
Mark Latimer
Episode Summary
  • 00:01: Intro

  • 01:16: Theme: "What is AI?" Definitions and applications exploration.

  • 02:40: Simple AI definition for beginners.

  • 03:51: AI as a conversational language model like Chat GPT.

  • 05:04: Daily Chat GPT practice for mastery.

  • 06:12: AI's broad applications in personal and professional life.

  • 07:26: Brief history and milestones in AI.

  • 08:55: AI as an enabling force across industries.

  • 10:11: Advances in AI technologies like language processing and computer vision.

  • 11:28: AI's presence in popular culture.

  • 12:30: Reflection on AI's daily life impact.

  • 13:48: Closing, gratitude, and an invitation to explore OpenAI Training.

  • End: Next episode preview on ethical considerations in AI. 

Episode Chapters
Ai Training Podcast
Decoding AI: What is Artificial Intelligence, Unveiling the Mysteries, Embracing the Future
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  • 00:01: Intro

  • 01:16: Theme: "What is AI?" Definitions and applications exploration.

  • 02:40: Simple AI definition for beginners.

  • 03:51: AI as a conversational language model like Chat GPT.

  • 05:04: Daily Chat GPT practice for mastery.

  • 06:12: AI's broad applications in personal and professional life.

  • 07:26: Brief history and milestones in AI.

  • 08:55: AI as an enabling force across industries.

  • 10:11: Advances in AI technologies like language processing and computer vision.

  • 11:28: AI's presence in popular culture.

  • 12:30: Reflection on AI's daily life impact.

  • 13:48: Closing, gratitude, and an invitation to explore OpenAI Training.

  • End: Next episode preview on ethical considerations in AI. 

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the AI training podcast. My name is Mark Latimer. I am your host and founder of Grateful AI. You can check us out Welcome. I am thrilled you're here. I'm so excited. Coming off that first episode, I am still buzzing with excitement. You know when you're doing something and you're just in it and you're experiencing this energy, this excitement? I know this is exactly what I should be doing right now. And I'm so glad you're here. This episode is going to be fantastic. It's called? What is AI? And there's a lot of things that get thrown around about what AI actually is. So hopefully, by the end of this short episode, we will help you understand a little bit better what is AI. So let's get into some definitions to help us understand what AI is and what it isn't.

So, for an AI beginner, to help understand what AI is, I want to give you a simple and concise definition. I also want to discuss the concept of machines simulating human intelligence. And I want to also emphasize the broad range of applications and capabilities within AI. So AI for beginners, at least when it comes to using something like Chat GPT, you can imagine a computer trained on a whole bunch of information. Where it has read the information, it understands it, and it has been trained to respond like a human, so that you can ask it almost any question about anything. And it'll do its best within its rules to give you an appropriate answer. But just like a musical instrument, unless you know the nuances of how to play it, you probably won't get the best sound.

So for you to sound great, for you to be a master of AI, you really have to develop that daily practice. It's unrealistic to imagine a musician getting good at something really good unless they practice every day. So if you're not doing it already, I would encourage you to start using Chat GPT every day. You can start with simple things, but get in the habit of using it so you don't lose it, because these are things that are going to make both your business more productive. You can use it in many different areas of your life, and we're going to be exploring some of those. But a simple definition. AI is a large language model, which is simply a fancy way to say it's.

A computer trained with a whole bunch of information that you can access through Chat just by asking it questions, so it becomes conversational. That's why they called it Chat GPT, so you can talk to it. If you're here, you've probably used Chat GPT, or maybe you haven't, but I'm going to be talking to you like this is your first time using it. So why is Chat the way to approach this information? Well, it's easy, it's accessible, and now you can also speak into it. So Chat GPT can translate your voice. And if you don't like to type, as some people don't, that's a great way to get started. There's so many applications for AI, and AI is a big topic and growing. You can use it for your personal life.

You can make to do lists, you can create questions for AI to help you understand ideas. You can get book summaries, you can create tables, you can create links. You can have Chat GPT go out to the Internet and gather information for you. You can help your son or daughter with your homework or their homework, or maybe your homework if you're studying. If you're learning things, chat GPT can be your best companion. I love learning and it lights me up when I think about all of the different things that you can use Chat GPT for. We're going to get into more applications, but at a high level. Awesome stuff. So many things you can do it with that you can do with it.

So, the history and evolution of AI, you know, Chat GPT is only a year old, but I think many of us can agree that everywhere you look, every company is incorporating AI into their business in some way. It's difficult to see an ad for technology without seeing those letters. AI, artificial intelligence. A lot has changed in a year. We've gone through different versions of Chat GPT releases, all the way up to Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, being let go from the company only to be quickly reinstated. There are so many questions. The milestones are coming fast and furiously. And in a way, it seems like there are almost too many things happening with AI to keep up. But that's why we're here.

We're going to break it down, simplify it for you so that you learn about AI, get trained on it and are better for it. So, current applications in AI, we've touched on a couple of them. Everyday life. I can't wait to show you how AI can help you get in shape, fix your daily routine, make your calendar more efficient, improve your if you need a personal virtual assistant, you got one. Can recommend things for you and personalize content. So much great things that can be applied to your daily personal life. As far as industries go, where can AI be used? It can be used virtually across every industry. Healthcare, finance, education, entertainment, script writing, songwriting, you name it. AI has got your back. Now, some people feel that AI is going to replace them. I disagree. I believe AI is an enabler.

It's only going to make you stronger, more confident, competent. But it's all perspective. So have the right attitude when it comes to AI. Be curious, be excited, be enthusiastic, and you will reap the benefits. When it comes to cutting edge technologies, there are some great advancements with AI, especially when it comes to things like language, especially when it comes to things like natural language processing, computer vision, and reinforced learning. I love that transcriptions of audio are becoming so easy to do. I had a podcast nine years ago called edutain, and you could get transcriptions then, but you couldn't dig into the data. And I love being able to take a large amount of information and query it or ask questions to get out the juice or the nectar of what I'm really looking for in that data.

One of my favorite things is to get a short bullet, a short, brief bullet summary from a conversation. I love information delivered to me in just the right way, and AI makes that possible. You're seeing AI more and more in popular culture. If you've watched Black Mirror AI can seem very scary. But when has the media ever done something to not make you want to fear technology? You think back to the Terminator and that there is this doomsday, apocalyptic there is this doomsday, apocalyptic event coming and we have to be scared. So don't be afraid. You're seeing AI show up in more books, TV shows, movies, and it's not going away. I'd encourage you to embrace it and keep your eyes open and really watch how it's influencing popular culture and how the public perception will change over time.

I'd encourage you to learn as much as possible about it so that you can make educated decision. I'd encourage you to learn as much as possible about it so you can make your own educated decisions. I just want to reflect on a few things. I want to encourage you, the listener, the most amazing person, you, to take a moment to consider the impact of AI. If you use AI daily and you get good at it, like I'm talking about it's second nature, you understand how to use it. It can change your life. It absolutely has changed mine. I want to have you reflect on how AI is already woven into the fabric of your life.

Maybe you don't even see it, but the businesses you're interacting with, the chat bots, the businesses excuse me, the businesses you're interacting with, the chat bots you're dealing with on company websites. AI is already being incorporated into all different areas of your life. But just think about where you're not seeing it. Maybe that's tough to do, but I challenge you to pause and reflect on how AI is already in your life. This has been a lot of fun and I just want to say thank you so much for being here and I hope this has shone a little bit of light on what is AI. I want to invite you to check out our Instagram at OpenAI training. And if you haven't already, visit our website,

This is Mark Latimer, founder of Grateful AI and the host of the AI podcast and the host of the AI training podcast. I'm so excited about our next episode and I'm going to share with you. What that episode is? Our next episode is on ethical considerations in AI. Sounds like a beauty. Really looking forward to having you there. And stay tuned, because we're going to be digging in to all kinds of amazing topics around AI in the future. We are going to have fantastic guests, and I've already started interviewing some wonderful people that I can't wait to introduce you to. Stay tuned. Stay grateful. I love you. 

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