Revolutionizing Reality: AI Training Unleashes Real-World Applications

Ai Training Podcast

Mark Latimer Rating 0 (0) (0) Launched: Dec 12, 2023 Season: 1 Episode: 5

Ai Training Podcast
Revolutionizing Reality: AI Training Unleashes Real-World Applications
Dec 12, 2023, Season 1, Episode 5
Mark Latimer
Episode Summary
  • 00:01: Intro

  • 00:23: Previous episode's quick recap.

  • 00:38: Preview of real-world AI applications.

  • 02:08: AI in everyday life.

  • 03:50: AI revolutionizing healthcare.

  • 05:11: AI reshaping finance.

  • 06:47: AI transforming education.

  • 09:27: AI's impact on manufacturing.

  • 11:18: AI applications for environmental challenges.

  • 12:42: Outro, call to share AI experiences.

  • End: Teaser for the next episode on AI and Creativity

Episode Chapters
Ai Training Podcast
Revolutionizing Reality: AI Training Unleashes Real-World Applications
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00:00:00 |
  • 00:01: Intro

  • 00:23: Previous episode's quick recap.

  • 00:38: Preview of real-world AI applications.

  • 02:08: AI in everyday life.

  • 03:50: AI revolutionizing healthcare.

  • 05:11: AI reshaping finance.

  • 06:47: AI transforming education.

  • 09:27: AI's impact on manufacturing.

  • 11:18: AI applications for environmental challenges.

  • 12:42: Outro, call to share AI experiences.

  • End: Teaser for the next episode on AI and Creativity

Welcome ladies and gentlemen, to the AI training podcast. My name is Mark Latimer, the host of the show and the founder of Gratefulai. You can check us out if you haven't, where you can get free training on OpenAI and a ton of other great resources.

Quick recap on the last episode where. We talked about AI in popular culture. That means in the media and the movies, shows like Black Mirror, Star Wars and all that great stuff. If you haven't already, check it out fantastic episode.

In this episode we will be looking at and talking about real world applications in AI. What are real world AI applications? Well, these are examples of where AI is being used. And if you haven't already, you're going to notice that AI is being used everywhere. And maybe you don't use it or think about it, but you're probably using it already. Really excited about this show and I'm so happy you're here. I appreciate you. Let's dive in. So, the everyday applications of AI. Let's explore a little how AI is already showing up in our daily lives. If you are using tools like virtual assistants, things to help you with your tasks, you're already using AI navigation apps. You think Maps, you think Google Maps doesn't have a bit of AI sprinkled in there? And recommendation systems, do you shop on Amazon?

Do you buy things online? How do you think those recommendation engines work? They're using large data sets to organize information and serve it up to you exactly when you need it. Of course, there's variation between how these different applications work, but more and more, every company is incorporating AI in some way. Whether you see it or not, there is AI under the hood. Let's look at healthcare. AI is transforming the healthcare industry. There is so much information available to us and it's now being organized in a way to support better diagnostic tools, personalization in medicine, and predictive analytics. When you got a lot of data and you can feed it to AI, the opportunities are limitless. As far as what that data can share with you and the insights gathered, I think about those scans, those image scans.

Someone has a tumor in their brain, and traditionally a doctor would have to just look at that scan and try to figure it out. One of the most amazing things AI can do is sophisticated image recognition, looking at large data sets of images and being trained to identify tumors. Now, this may not replace the doctor doing that, but ultimately can speed things up and become more accurate. To ensure that if somebody does have cancer, it's caught early in finance. AI is changing the game. It's reshaping the financial sector. Think about fraud. Fraud detection can be done in many different ways, but it's becoming harder and harder for criminals to take advantage of systems where AI is catching people in the act.

Algorithmic trading, people are making money hand over fist with these bots, these tools to predict where stocks will grow and go, when to short, when to invest. Personalized financial advice. Wouldn't it be great to have a financial advisor in your pocket? There is so much great information available to you, but it's all about asking the right questions. And one of the things AI is great at, specifically tools like Chat GPT is being that expert for you, being that expert in your pocket or on your computer that you can talk to and ask for wisdom to improve your financial situation. AI and education. I love education. And AI is once again changing the game of the financial or sorry, AI is changing the game. AI is changing the way students are learning and teachers are teaching.

There are some really interesting applications in personalized learning where courses aren't designed for everyone, but they're designed just for you, to meet you where you are and give you the tools that you need to step up to that next rung of the ladder. We're seeing more and more of that in education, intelligent tutoring systems and even automatic grading. I got a friend who is a teacher and he's told me that he's got his life back. So much of an educator's role is administrative. You spend your time preparing for classes, course curriculums, providing feedback for students, and all this time can be more productive with the use of AI.

Really exciting stuff, so teachers can spend more time one one with students and less time doing the busy work, the paperwork, having an impact on someone's life and seeing them light up from a new idea, making a difference. This is what teachers love and this is what AI allows them to do. You see AI applications in manufacturing. Maybe you don't work in manufacturing, but the systems are getting better and better. These warehouses that are nearly fully automated with machines, moving products and information, and RFID scanning, efficiency tracking, working with databases and predictive maintenance, quality control and supply chain optimization. Incredible. And you see AI applications impacting the environment. There are so many environmental challenges that we as a society are faced with.

And there are tools now that can help us model the climate in higher degrees and understand what's going on, improve our resource management and conservation efforts. In effect, we are smarter with AI. There are certainly challenges and considerations, especially the ethical considerations. With widespread AI adoption, should everyone have access to it? I believe yeah, makes sense. It should not be limited to the few, but be available to the many. I believe the widespread adoption of AI is going to be the greatest equalizer for people from all walks of life to learn and explore and grow, to ultimately reach the pinnacle of knowledge and understanding. We learn together, we grow together, we prosper together. I want to encourage you, the listener who I appreciate so much, to share your thoughts on AI applications.

I want to encourage you, the listener, to share your thoughts on AI applications in your respective industry. Where do you see it showing up? Where do you see it showing up? Where do you see AI in your job? I'd love to hear your personal experiences or observations of AI in action. Thank you so much for listening and being here and tuning into episode five, Real World applications in AI. This has been a lot of fun and I love talking about AI. There's nothing I'd rather be doing right now than being here with you. And I invite you to continue the conversation on social media or through our website. If you'd like to follow us, you can visit or check us out on Instagram at OpenAI training. Really, really excited about our upcoming episodes, and the next episode is AI and Creativity.

I am super pumped because I pride myself on being creative and one of the things I love more is pushing the limits of what Chat GPT can do with creativity. I'm a singer, I'm a songwriter, and I love incorporating Chat GPT into helping me find that next line of a song, or improving a verse, or tweaking the nuances. This is just one area, but it's incredible. I love showing people what AI can do when it comes to creativity. And that's what we'll be discussing in the next show. Signing off. Why be good when you can be grateful? I love you. This has been Mark Latimer with the AI training podcast.


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