Harmony of Creativity: Exploring AI's Impact on Art, Music, and Writing

Ai Training Podcast

Mark Latimer Rating 0 (0) (0)
openaitraining.com Launched: Dec 12, 2023
podcast@openaitraining.com Season: 1 Episode: 6

Ai Training Podcast
Harmony of Creativity: Exploring AI's Impact on Art, Music, and Writing
Dec 12, 2023, Season 1, Episode 6
Mark Latimer
Episode Summary

00:02: Intro

00:22: Episode recap: Real-world AI applications

01:35: AI and creativity exploration

03:13: AI's impact on art

04:41: AI in music composition

09:42: AI as a writing tool

11:11: Ethical considerations in creative AI

12:54: Fusion of AI and human creativity

14:34: Call to action: Explore and share your AI projects

15:51: Closing gratitude and sign-off

Episode Chapters
Ai Training Podcast
Harmony of Creativity: Exploring AI's Impact on Art, Music, and Writing
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00:02: Intro

00:22: Episode recap: Real-world AI applications

01:35: AI and creativity exploration

03:13: AI's impact on art

04:41: AI in music composition

09:42: AI as a writing tool

11:11: Ethical considerations in creative AI

12:54: Fusion of AI and human creativity

14:34: Call to action: Explore and share your AI projects

15:51: Closing gratitude and sign-off

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the AI training podcast. My name is Mark Latimer, the host of the show and the founder of Gratefulai. If you haven't checked us out already, visit us@openaitraining.com or follow us on Instagram or both at OpenAI training. Love that you're here. We have an amazing episode, but just a quick recap. Last episode we discussed real world AI applications. So cool to see all the different industries that AI is being used in this episode. Episode six. This is a topic that I am extremely passionate about. AI and creativity. I love creativity and AI. So I am thrilled to go deep in this topic. Let's get going. The intersection of AI and creativity. I want to explore the role of AI in creative fields like art, music and literature.

Some people believe it's the end, whereas others believe we're just getting started. And this is the beginning of a new chapter, a fusion of the human mind and the machine. I feel like art is only getting better. It is the fundamental human expression of who we are as people, and AI is simply an extension of us. So fusing and using them together can only create more beauty in the world. Having been using Chanchi, BT since it came out daily, for work, for play, for fun, for art, for music, for writing, I can tell you that it has changed my creative process. And maybe it's changed yours. There is a lot of pushback from a lot of different people, especially when it comes to music songwriting. If AI wrote the song, who gets the credit?

If AI only wrote part of your song, who gets the credit? Before jumping into music? Because music is a huge passion of mine and I love to sing and songwrite. Not a day goes by without me using AI. The same goes for playing the guitar. Let's talk about art. The visual kind, the kind that you see you've probably, unless you've been living under a rock, seen AI generated art and its impact on the world. Most prominently, you probably see AI images being used in advertisements that are catered to you. I was just on social media and there was a performing arts school advertising to me. And they said every DJ and their dog sorry, every person and their dog is now a DJ. And they had this image of a dog DJing. That image was AI generated. I know this.

You probably know this too. But it can be fun. AI can be so humorous. I had a laugh looking at this dog DJ. But we're not here to talk about dog DJs. I love to see the examples of AI collaborations with human artists. It's about learning the tool to understand what it can do and then playing creatively to push the limits and bring a unique perspective to it. We are only limited by our imagination, and as artists, there is an infinite number of possibilities and I can't wait to see what people come up with. Tools like Dali, Mid Journey and a host of other image generation tools are really changing the way at least I'm working with websites. In the past, I would go through an image library and spend a lot of time trying to find the perfect image.

But now through an idea, I can simply type in a prompt and get exactly what I want. And if it needs to be tweaked, I can adjust it. And this iterative process of idea creation iteration is a creative process loop that is only going to become more and more common with working with AI. AI can be your greatest assistant and there are certainly applications for art without AI, and that is great. I think that there's also a ton of opportunity for people to co create with AI, to really create something that could never have been done before. One of my favorite quotes is from a comedy professor that I had, and I love this quote goes like this everything has been done. How does it go? Everything has been done, but nobody has done it quite like you.

And whenever you're doubting yourself as an artist, remember everything has been done, but nobody has done it quite like you. You are unique and you can make something special. So believe in yourself and believe in the power of art and creation. We need your art. Keep making it. Let's talk about AI and music. There are tools that can create Aigenerated music. The entire composition can be created in a single prompt. Music is data. And the more music an AI model is trained on, the more likely the creative output can be. Artists don't want to give up the creative control, but they want to be in control of the possibilities. And I feel like traditionalists will always push back against what's coming and what's changing.

But it's important to embrace possibility and explore and play and jam and figure out what you like and what you don't. These new AI algorithms are really assisting artists in new ways to create and compose music and influence music. Let's talk specifically about AI and writing. I love to songwrite and there's nothing better than sitting down with a pen and paper. And for me, writing an idea, I was inspired. I had this muse, this moment, this energy flowing through me and needing expression. And oftentimes I will write on a page and I may go to Chat GPT and get synonyms for a word or a verse that needs options for a line, one phrase, one thing that I need to tweak. You can write entire songs quickly. You can write entire songs slowly. There is no right or wrong.

Music is often subjective, but it can be a huge aid in your creative process. So don't fear it. Embrace it. From stories to poetry, AI as writing tool is not going away. So if you haven't had a chance to massage it and work through that creative energy with AI play. Have some fun and see what you come up with. I'd love to read it and hear it. Art is special. You're special. I encourage you to create something magical and share it with the world. Of course, there are ethical considerations in creative AI and they do need to be addressed. And it's hard to say who in the creative space should be making these decisions. Fundamentally, art is expression. And to stifle that expression, the authorship, intellectual property and the impact on human creativity.

I do not think that AI is going to make us less creative, but amplify it, amplify our creativity, amplify our ability to connect with one another. When it comes to augmenting creativity, this fusion of AI and humans us people is exciting. Not sure we're all ready for chips in our brain, but certainly to write a song to make your loved ones smile, to personalize art for a special somebody. I love writing songs to make people smile and feel emotion. And I feel like AI can enhance and amplify our creative abilities and allow us to further engage with audiences and get something special, really special and unique. And you can do it. I encourage you to create and share your thoughts on AI's role in creativity.

You can visit us on Instagram at OpenAI training or check out our free training resources on our website at OpenAI training. I'd love to hear about your thought process and creative process around Aigenerated art, music and writing. What tools do you like to use that have caught your attention? Man, I love this topic. I could talk about it for days. As a call to action. I'd like to encourage you to explore your own creative AI projects and share your findings and ask for what you want from AI, because what you ask for is usually what you get. This has been a lot of fun. I love talking about AI and creativity, and I'm feeling inspired to write and create and pick up my guitar. Thanks so much everyone for listening. This has been episode six of the AI training podcast.

I've had a lot of fun and I hope you have too. And I want to remind you to subscribe, like, leave an awesome review. It all helps. I appreciate you so much. Thanks for listening. In our next episode in our next episode, we've got some exciting topics lined up. Our next episode is going to be on the future of AI and what that means for all of us. This has been the AI training podcast. My name again is Mark Latimer. I'm the founder of Gratefulai and you can visit us at OpenAI training or follow us on Instagram at OpenAI training. I just love the way AI infuses passion into our work and when you can be enthusiastic and excited about what you're building and where you're going there's lots to be grateful about. Why be good when you can be grateful? 

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