Empowering Visionaries: Roxy Talks Iconic Business Building & Personal Growth | AI Training Podcast
Ai Training Podcast
Mark Latimer | Rating 0 (0) (0) |
openaitraining.com | Launched: Jan 31, 2024 |
podcast@openaitraining.com | Season: 1 Episode: 14 |
In this inspiring episode of the AI Training Podcast, join host Mark Latimer as he dives into a profound conversation with Roxy, the founder of Roxy Talks. Roxy shares her insights on empowering visionaries to build iconic, world-altering businesses and manifest their boldest desires. Roxy's journey is a testament to the power of positive thinking and manifestation. She emphasizes the importance of tapping into one's creativity and passion, and how it can lead to significant personal and professional growth. This episode is not just a conversation; it's an empowering guide for anyone looking to make a mark in their field.
0:00:00 - Introduction to Roxy and Roxy Talks
0:01:00 - Empowering Visionaries and Business Building
0:05:45 - Roxy's Approach to Personal Growth
0:10:00 - The Importance of Positive Thinking and Manifestation
0:15:00 - Insights into Roxy's Coaching and Mentoring Techniques
0:20:00 - Roxy's Journey in Music and Positive Influence Through Art
0:25:30 - Looking Forward to New Horizons at 40
Favorite Quotes:
"Every single thought we're thinking all day long is creating our reality." - Roxy
"I'm here to empower people to go after their passions and really tap into the reason they came to planet Earth." - Roxy
"The joy of manifesting your boldest desires can change the planet." - Roxy
Roxy's insights are invaluable for anyone seeking inspiration and guidance in both personal and professional spheres. Her approach to life and business is a beacon of hope and a roadmap for success.
For more information on Roxy Talks:
Website: https://roxytalks.com/
Instagram: roxytalks
For more information on Mark Latimer:
LinkedIn: openaitraining
Website: https://openaitraining.com/
Instagram: marklatimer
#Entrepreneurship #PersonalGrowth #Manifestation #VisionaryLeadership #RoxyTalks #Empowerment #AI #BusinessStrategy #Podcasting
Episode Chapters

In this inspiring episode of the AI Training Podcast, join host Mark Latimer as he dives into a profound conversation with Roxy, the founder of Roxy Talks. Roxy shares her insights on empowering visionaries to build iconic, world-altering businesses and manifest their boldest desires. Roxy's journey is a testament to the power of positive thinking and manifestation. She emphasizes the importance of tapping into one's creativity and passion, and how it can lead to significant personal and professional growth. This episode is not just a conversation; it's an empowering guide for anyone looking to make a mark in their field.
0:00:00 - Introduction to Roxy and Roxy Talks
0:01:00 - Empowering Visionaries and Business Building
0:05:45 - Roxy's Approach to Personal Growth
0:10:00 - The Importance of Positive Thinking and Manifestation
0:15:00 - Insights into Roxy's Coaching and Mentoring Techniques
0:20:00 - Roxy's Journey in Music and Positive Influence Through Art
0:25:30 - Looking Forward to New Horizons at 40
Favorite Quotes:
"Every single thought we're thinking all day long is creating our reality." - Roxy
"I'm here to empower people to go after their passions and really tap into the reason they came to planet Earth." - Roxy
"The joy of manifesting your boldest desires can change the planet." - Roxy
Roxy's insights are invaluable for anyone seeking inspiration and guidance in both personal and professional spheres. Her approach to life and business is a beacon of hope and a roadmap for success.
For more information on Roxy Talks:
Website: https://roxytalks.com/
Instagram: roxytalks
For more information on Mark Latimer:
LinkedIn: openaitraining
Website: https://openaitraining.com/
Instagram: marklatimer
#Entrepreneurship #PersonalGrowth #Manifestation #VisionaryLeadership #RoxyTalks #Empowerment #AI #BusinessStrategy #Podcasting
Welcome to the show Roxy really appreciate you being here thank you I'm happy to be here I appreciate you having me in the spirit of how I used to do it and not bothering to change anything nine years later I asked the same 10 questions and the 10 questions sometimes will help you think about different things but I'm really excited to learn from you and hear the different answers that that you come up with without further Ado let's let's dive in so the first one that helps set everything up if you could for our listeners please share who you are and what you do my name is Roxy I have a business and movement called Roxy talks and I help Visionaries build iconic World altering businesses help them manifest their boldest desires and really just make their Mark and put change into the planet I'm here to empower people to go after their passions find their creativity follow it and really tap into to the reason that they came to planet Earth just to kind of bring back the Renaissance essentially it's like what I'm what my mission is that's great and uh right away talking to you I get this this energy that you bring to the work and it's clear to see that the people that you attract work with probably love that about you that energy that you bring to it is that true I am I hope amazing what do you love most about the work that you do I really love there's this moment when when I'm coaching someone or I'm having a conversation with someone and I unlock or help them unlock this oh yeah of course I could do that and it's just like this aha moment and this like light bulb it's almost like a light bulb moment like a light bulb appears over their head they have 20 pounds that it's lifted off of their energy their shoulders are bigger they have these huge smiles and they just are like oh yeah I'm the I forgot and I just really that's really my favorite thing in what I do is like seeing that moment in people's faces when they're like oh okay yeah I forgot for a second who I was but yeah I'm good now so is it part part cheerleader for your clients 100% yeah that's great can you tell me thinking back to where it all started or early in your career what made the biggest difference what you learned over the years I'll rephrase the question what did you learn early in your career that made the difference yeah uh once I realized that every single thought that we're thinking all day long was creating reality and if you could just get a hold of them then you would be in complete control of everything that changed my life just open the door in every way because at the time also with my business I was I was treating it like The Little Engine That Could it's getting there it's trying it can but oh it's hard and it's slow going and then I was like why am I saying this when I had that realization it was was like oh my gosh my sentences all day long are making this thing like chug along and making it hard and and like it's a boulder that I'm dragging up a hill when I could use my language to put myself at the top of the hill love that when it comes to mentors how important have mentors been in your career very extremely I just talked to my coach today I've been with her for three years and I also have a few others that I like pop in and out of things with here and there but I'm one of those people that will probably always invest in mentorship for the rest of my life because I really value growth and learning and I don't ever want to be stagnant and I also think that due to the nature of what I do I have to grow I can't be out here preaching growth and helping you grow and not keep up with or match the pace of or even like you out a little bit ahead of the people that I'm helping like I have to continue to be the example so it's to me I'll probably always have coaching and mentoring that's great makes a lot of sense that as soon as you stop growing it puts a cap on yeah especially from that leadership perspective you're not practicing What You Preach in that case tell me Roxy what are you most excited about I'm turning 40 in a couple weeks and is I just turned 40 you did okay yeah October 2nd so y okay so I'm November 8th we're so close nice that's awesome fun yeah so you get happy pre-birthday be the first happy birthday before it's such a cool time I think to be 40 because when we were kids it's the best time it like it's amazing when we were kids 40 was old and 40 was like I don't know it was just a different vibe and then it's like we got Gwen Stefani she's like in her late 50s I always she's like my I don't want to say the word aging but she's like my icon for that I always look at her and just remind remind myself that it's how you be and how you think about yourself I'm actually really excited to go into my 40s and just everything I've been working for all the that I've been doing I've been grinding for a decade to get this all going and I just feel like I've been building the ark and this is about to set sail so I'm exced it does sound like I was thinking Arc in terms of like story arc where this is like a new chapter of your life Al yes and you know why not the 40 or 20s were for learning 40s 30s for learn earn earning and then I don't know all I'm saying is that this next chapter is going to be amazing and wishing you all of the best and have an amazing birthday thank you I appreciate it that's great so yeah I would be excited about birthday coming up too what motivates you I want to be the best and not not in competition with others I want to be the best that I can be like I feel I want to utilize the gifts the tools everything that I've been given in this life to my fullest and do the top that I'm even able to Fathom I want to go to the I want to stretch how far I can think about myself and how big I can go mentally and then I want to go there and then I want to stretch it even further so to me it's like I have and now it's like now that I'm 40 I'm almost 40 it's I'm looking at in a different way obviously because I'm on a different landscape of it now and I got to do and I've always been a very ambitious person and a very I'm going to do what I say kind of person and so now it's like it's go time because there's nothing else really in your way you know what I mean yeah let's go amazing let's let's change gears a little bit what is your biggest challenge as a leader I think it's I think it's remembering to allow yourself to be human a little bit because when you have people watching you it there's like this pressure this added pressure of you don't want to stumble you don't want to mess up you don't want to do the wrong thing you don't want to have a setback you don't want to be embarrassed you know what I mean and so I think that like for most people it's there's a lot of pressure to perform in life and then when you're and maybe it's just me when you're like in a role like this there's this added pressure of people watching you and the expectation of I'm setting the bar so I have to perform at the level that I am publicly sharing and and stating for myself I'm I just saw Babe Ruth in my head you know what I mean it's I'm pointing to the stands I better hit that ball and I better go right where it needs to go or else why did I do that I look like an idiot out here pointing at the stand so it's there just this once you're doing this and you're you've set yourself like okay I'm going to lead people you better lead and don't it up that's how I feel I love the analogy and even most of those people who keep pointing at the stands they're going to miss most of the time right so say that because I'm like Babe Ruth doesn't miss we don't miss like how could you miss you pointed at the stands I think it's just continuing to swing right yep and continuing to point right if you miss so not deciding to bunt after first three swings but still going for it when it's all in the line so that's cool no I got I definitely got the the visual how do you prioritize what's most important I'm sure you have a ton of things that constantly need to be shifted and adjusted what's your strategy like practically yeah because uh what I do I use this something I got from the Ultimate Sales Machine the book by chat Holmes and it's a six basically you make a list of six things every day that will move the needle forward and then you schedule you write down how long they'll take you schedule them into your day and then you like leave time for taking walks or getting lost in your phone for a half an hour sometimes that stuff happens and but you're scheduling your day you're taking things off the box or off the list as you go and ideally you get it all six done but if you don't they go on to tomor tomorrow's list and my new my note is also we don't beat ourselves up if we don't get all six done but we do try to get it done so it's just six that's the the number I like that my my to-dos are often discouragingly long so working on six if they're the right six yeah I'll I'll give that a try yeah try it out and let me know how it works for you because I don't know about you I have I'm hesitant to affirm this I know I'm affirming it but I have ADHD long list is was that diagnosed or was that self diagnosed diagnosed I got diagnosed last year about actually about a year ago so it's been very freeing to get that diagnosis nice it's like a get at a jail free card I'm just joking oh it really is because I was so hard on myself for those things because it's I the I can't adult stuff procrastinating being late being disorganized check mentally checking out having that executive dysfunction not being able to move like when you're just like paralyzed and stuff and all these things that I would just being socially awkward sometimes and saying stuff I probably should think before I speak and it was just like after I found out that I'm not a piece of this is how my brain is wired it would just allowed me so much more freedom to be myself I spent 39 years being very hard on myself for all that stuff so it was nice it's been really nice actually if I could give you a hug I would thank you I appreciate it no yeah it's I think it's normal if you have uh if you keep raising the bar but at some point the bar is very difficult to reach and you're like but why am I not reaching it like I always reach whatever bar that I set but maybe it's just a matter of the universe doesn't want me to get the bar just yet because I have to learn these three things and then I can raise the bar again but we're I find we're constantly as long as we're enjoying the journey the bars really don't matter as much as like having something that you're excited about working towards and hopefully some people around you that make the the the boat ride something that you can be excited about who you're with on that boat totally totally so that's great let's keep going one of my favorite questions what are your favorite books I love reading so that's okay so obviously I love Harry Potter obviously gotta throw that out there of course I okay and so shifting gears the book Rich As by Amanda Francis I've read that book like seven times it's such a good I don't know there's something about it I've looked at it up oh yeah you should get it there's something about it the way that she breaks down money that was just very powerful for me and I really enjoyed that book I've read it so many times I got Britney's book I've read a couple chapters I haven't gotten that deep into it yet but I'm excited to continue with that yeah I like Amanda's Pink brand I see you pink is a great color especially with all the Barbie stuff it's uh oh my God very right now oh yeah and it as a 40-year-old woman who loves pink and Barbie this is again what a great time to be alive like Barbie movie I it was like a spiritual experience for me because it was such a huge part of I played with Barbies until I was eighth grade okay I was one of those girls me like other girl they were girls were like kissing and making out with boys me and my friend were secretly playing Barbies you know what I mean at spending nights playing Barbies and stuff and to see the movie come out and it was so pink and it oh my God it was just so great I loving this whole Resurgence that's happening right now is are there plans for other movies is that because such a big success in Barbie 2 what did you want what did you say I want to be in Barbie too you want to be okay so let's intention that yes I know who do we need to talk to I know I have Hollywood friend like I'm thinking about hey do you know I I know one I know one H Hollywood friends okay let's we'll make a list of our Hollywood friends and see how we can get you into the the Barbie movie and also anyone listening if you have any connections to help Roxy get into the Barbie movie they need a tattoo Barbie exactly right the the Barbie diversity needs to be there exactly your Barbie needs to exist can you get are there personalized Barbies where you can just get like your Roxy Barbie I don't know but would you want your own there's going to be one I just I feel it in my legacy okay cool let's we're speaking it into existence it's gonna happen all right fingers crossed so this is the last question there might be one maybe bonus question if you could give advice to your 20-year-old self what would you say man interesting because I had I was just thinking I had the time in my life when I was 20 and I don't know if I would want to say anything to that up I was just telling my like my one of my best friends we literally call that our summer of Glory we had just the best time and right that I would not want to even touch it because it was just one of those things in my is that that's a weird way to answer that question I guess not necessarily it's everything is that has got you to where you are you wouldn't really want to change per se because a slight variation could alter the good memories as well as maybe some of the lessons I respect not wanting to rock the boat right that's what it is yeah yeah because it could change all of the timelines right it would because even if like I could think of something of going to see people more that are not on Earth anymore but that would have changed that would have brought me to California way earlier than I did and or back to California I should say yeah like I I will sometimes meditate on timelines I didn't go down just kind of see what like who I'd be today and I'm always glad that I'm here no not that it's bad but it just feels of course this is what where I'm supposed to be right it's it's certainly challenging in some moments to feel like it's all happening for us but if you wait long enough then everything works out it just sometimes feels like you got to wait a while the that's the thing is like what does waiting mean then waiting means keeping yourself apart from Joy No I disagree I feel like waiting means getting yourself into the right vibrational frequency as like quickly as possible so you're it separates the feeling you want to have from so if you're feeling it now then you should be able to bring in some kind of experience it's more in line with how you wanted to feel in the future right all I'm saying is if it feels like you're waiting for something good to happen then you're defining the waiting as a bad thing or is not good at least no I think there's I think there's a lot of value and appreciation for the the spaces in between right for for the contrast I'm living in seita outside of Puerto viarta and it's great but even in the most beautiful place how you show up in that environment if you're bringing worries and things like that the beach can look amazing the sky could be beautiful but if you're in your head about things that are holding you down then you know you might be looking at that place totally differently because of what you're bringing to it um but even in the most beautiful place uh not every day is going to feel like sunshine right there's things that happen and we some of them are out of our control but how we react is often makes a difference between what uh a beautiful day might look like or not um okay bonus question you talked a bit about meditation tell me a bit about your practice what what how you approach it that kind of thing so I meditate every day I try to get about an hour in I generally walk myself down some stairs usually I have my dog that passed away he like meets me there and kind guides me down the stairs hang out with him a little bit pet him and stuff and then I have different areas where I will areas I'll go sometimes I go and talk to my ancestors and my family members that have passed and there been one space I have a space where this is actually new I've been talking to God so that's something that's I used to be an atheist and that was before I even understood manifesting and I up until maybe like a month or two ago I've been very avoidant of using the word god and I just because to me it just didn't I couldn't connect with it because I just had a very weird kind of relationship with it but I'm so I going in and channeling and talking to different entities which I'll get to in a minute so often that one day it was what up I'm God you want to you want to talk so I was like oh hey God okay and it just became this thing and like I talked to Jesus and I was like am I a Christian now and they're like you're a humanitarian and I was like okay that I feel more comfortable because at the end of the day there is a source of something right so to me like I'm very logical but I also know that is not what it seems so I'm always trying to get to the Nugget of okay but where did that come from what was before the Big Bang and how did that start and what I'm trying to find out who am I talking to in here because I'm going to these meditations I'm doing like an hour a day and the conversations I'm having are just insane and I've seen so many things about like how earth is made in like different dimensions and history and all kinds of stuff and then also I'm talking to versions of my ideal self different placements along the timeline that I'm choosing to go to and every single day I go in and I talk to some version of my ideal self it picks itself I don't really usually pick who they are there's I have different ones and I get advice from them about what to do today to move me forward on that timeline and I do that and then sometimes I will go in and I'll meditate with somebody that I admire or like I've meditated with Amanda francis's energy or Joe despenza Beyonce Bruce Lee like all kinds of people on Walt Disney that's so cool I love Dr Joe my business partner and I darek who I'd love to introduce you to we went to Dr Joe's Advanced retreat in cahana for seven days and it was amazing we met like the best people did seven days of meditation it was awesome how many people were there like1,600 wow one of my uh people from my community went to one of the ones in New York it's totally worth it the next one is in Cancun and I'm intention being there yeah totally yeah but this has been a lot of fun thank you so much for sharing all of the uh words of insight and I I jokingly say that the last time I followed up with people for my podcast was niney year Gap I wrote a nine years later interview follow-up message oh my go yeah pretty high replies on those uh but uh I assure you that the follow-up will be a lot but yeah this has been a lot of fun I I enjoy doing this kind of thing and learning from people and oh yeah there was one other thing I wanted to ask you was you're talking about some music or something that is coming out into the future and I'd love for you to have an opportunity to talk a bit about that thank you yeah so I am I'm a musician I've always that was my first Passion and I've been working on an album for a few years now of positive or motivational music and it's musically something that you would hear mainstream wise or mainstream but it's content lyrically is more it's about keeping in alignment and understanding your power and affirming and things like that it's been really exciting for me to create music that is going to uplift people keep them focused on their goals not detract or pull their energy away send them spiraling and stuff which I feel like a lot of music does unfortunately I listen to other people's music but it does like put me in a place mentally so the idea behind um the the music that I work on now is that it still sounds like music that you'd want to listen to but the words aren't going to like knock you down and keep you off track in fact it's going to do the opposite and my producer we've been working together for over a decade we met on 11111 and so our connection is very Divine and he also is is very totally nerds out on the audio like geometry like he's doing sacred geometry with the Beats as they're going through your mind and like the way they're moving through from the speakers and things like that and the tones and frequencies he's using to also Aid in healing and and opening up your your your mindset and things like that so all around it's very good intentioned music and I'm just very excited to put it out which will be next year early next year and where can people find it when it's available iTunes Spotify all the places uh and what's your website so people can check you out and or your Instagram yeah Roxy talks everywhere so Roxy talks.com Roxy talks on Instagram Tik Tok and then if you look up Roxy talks on Spotify and iTunes right now that we have a podcast and but I also have affirmation music there now so you could listen to We have music going but this will be like actually singing and stuff like that like real songs coming soon so it'll be leas under the same name great are you ready to do uh a little Acappella for us oh you're going to have to pay for that okay okay no problem I'm also a musician and yeah I play guitar I'm a singer songwriter oh cool I've been playing for about eight years since I stopped my podcast to go live in India and it's been great and now I wrote this new seita song about the place that I'm in and I've probably played it like 80 times in the last two weeks and it just lights me up to close the laptop at the end of the day and sing and perform and I just love it so to be in that kind of environment I'm super grateful for just having the music Community the whole place is walkable and I just feel like I found a little sweet spot for me it's not for everyone but for me I love the the beach Vibes that's all that matters really is like connecting to that pure joy of within you and then just letting yourself be there and follow that passion and follow what brings you Joy and turns your light on so that we can just shift this energy I feel like when you have those passions outside of work that when you do get back to work you're more energized you're just like you're buzzing from that last experience and then you're bringing that great energy to your podcast or your music or anything else that that you love to do but happy to do this again closer to your actual release and we can plug it for you and maybe get a couple extra eyeballs on there and yeah this has been so much fun great to get to know you and yeah have a wonderful day this has been a lot of fun and I look forward to sharing the the podcast with you once once it's all edited and good to go I appreciate it this is fun had a good time thank you likewise okay cheers bye have a good one talk to you [Music] later [Music] grateful AI