Mastering the Couch Market: AI, Entrepreneurship, and the Quest for the Perfect Sofa with Alex Back
Ai Training Podcast
Mark Latimer | Rating 0 (0) (0) |
openaitraining.com | Launched: Feb 08, 2024 |
podcast@openaitraining.com | Season: 1 Episode: 17 |
In this conversation, Mark Latimer interviews Alex Back, the CEO of Couch.com. They discuss the origins of Couch.com and its mission to help consumers find and buy couches.
Alex shares his lessons learned in entrepreneurship, including the importance of taking a slow and steady approach. He also talks about the challenges of being a leader and the need to balance being amicable with getting the job done.
Alex explains how Couch.com leverages AI in its business, from content creation to image generation. He also shares his productivity tools and the benefits of mushroom coffee.
The conversation concludes with a discussion on finding the best deals and the surprising facts about couches. In this conversation, Alex discusses his approach to productivity and how he uses Blinkist to quickly consume book summaries. He also shares advice he would give to his younger self.
00:00 Introduction and Guest Welcome
00:32 The Origin Story of Couch.com
02:21 Understanding the Concept of Couch.com
04:17 Entrepreneurship Lessons and Challenges
09:11 The Role of AI in Couch.com
12:38 The Importance of Mentorship and Inspiration
17:25 Personal Furniture Shopping Experience
21:32 Content Creation and Inspiration
23:41 Utilizing AI Tools in Business
25:13 Harnessing AI for Visuals and Information Gathering
26:34 Leveraging AI for Text-to-Speech: A Deep Dive into Speechify
29:16 The Art of Staying Productive and Healthy
31:15 The Magic of Mushroom Coffee
34:57 The Couch Conundrum: Getting On and Off
38:12 The Quest for the Best Deal in Furniture Shopping
40:27 Productivity Hacks and Inspirational Reads
44:25 Advice to My Younger Self
45:56 Wrapping Up: The Journey with Couch.com
For more information on Alex Back:
LinkedIn: alex-back-49784435
Website: https://www.couch.com
For more information on Mark Latimer and the AI Training Podcast:
LinkedIn: openaitraining
Website: https://openaitraining.com/
Episode Chapters

In this conversation, Mark Latimer interviews Alex Back, the CEO of Couch.com. They discuss the origins of Couch.com and its mission to help consumers find and buy couches.
Alex shares his lessons learned in entrepreneurship, including the importance of taking a slow and steady approach. He also talks about the challenges of being a leader and the need to balance being amicable with getting the job done.
Alex explains how Couch.com leverages AI in its business, from content creation to image generation. He also shares his productivity tools and the benefits of mushroom coffee.
The conversation concludes with a discussion on finding the best deals and the surprising facts about couches. In this conversation, Alex discusses his approach to productivity and how he uses Blinkist to quickly consume book summaries. He also shares advice he would give to his younger self.
00:00 Introduction and Guest Welcome
00:32 The Origin Story of Couch.com
02:21 Understanding the Concept of Couch.com
04:17 Entrepreneurship Lessons and Challenges
09:11 The Role of AI in Couch.com
12:38 The Importance of Mentorship and Inspiration
17:25 Personal Furniture Shopping Experience
21:32 Content Creation and Inspiration
23:41 Utilizing AI Tools in Business
25:13 Harnessing AI for Visuals and Information Gathering
26:34 Leveraging AI for Text-to-Speech: A Deep Dive into Speechify
29:16 The Art of Staying Productive and Healthy
31:15 The Magic of Mushroom Coffee
34:57 The Couch Conundrum: Getting On and Off
38:12 The Quest for the Best Deal in Furniture Shopping
40:27 Productivity Hacks and Inspirational Reads
44:25 Advice to My Younger Self
45:56 Wrapping Up: The Journey with Couch.com
For more information on Alex Back:
LinkedIn: alex-back-49784435
Website: https://www.couch.com
For more information on Mark Latimer and the AI Training Podcast:
LinkedIn: openaitraining
Website: https://openaitraining.com/
okay welcome ladies and gentlemen to the AI training podcast I have a very special guest today Alex back welcome
back what oh welcome back we're gonna have a blast together let's have some fun so Alex you are the CEO of couch.com
a fel.com with meaning amazing and
welcome to the show thank you so much I am very excited to be here I love your
podcast and to chat cool let's start from the top how did couch.com come to
The Origin Story of Couch.com
be great question I started thinking I left my company my
former company apartment 2B which is an online furniture retail brand and I left
my company after about 13 years a year ago and I set off on a worldwide journey
to find myself and I traveled the world and and read every Business book I could
get my hands on my goal was simple to get out of the furniture
business but somebody told me about the fact that couch.com the URL was available and so that idea was like
percolating in my mind it was very expensive mind you like life savings type expensive but I started thinking
what I might be able to do with it and I had an aha moment when I was traveling
the streets of Oslo Norway where I realized that this could be something
much bigger and something that can scale a lot better than I had originally
thought and so I started pursuing it and ended up acquiring the domain and yeah
we're just building it up right now it's very exciting I have not been to Oslo I imagine the couches there are
beautiful and that's super cool yeah that's what I went there for the beautiful couches of
course the beautiful Scandinavian couches that's what they talk about so true this this business couch.com I know
you've you've had a chance you've been doing a bit of a podcast tour lately showing up on all the popular podcasts
so nice to have you here feel like I'm talking to a little bit of a a podcast celebrity so what is couch.com what are
Understanding the Concept of Couch.com
you doing there yeah so couch.com is a place to find a couch it seems simple
enough but it sets out to it's a platform that sets out to answer the the
toughest question that consumers have when buying a new couch which is quite simply where the heck do I buy a new
couch nobody really knows even people in the industry friends of mine colleagues
we all joke about the fact that we ourselves don't really know where to buy great furniture and the reason is that
it's as much as it's saturated in some ways with direct consumer Brands these days that have popped up over the last
10 to 15 years it's very it's still very underrepresented in the online space the
furniture industry and the couch retail world the other thing that's really difficult is that people just generally
don't feel very comfortable buying a couch that's not a pun comfortable couch
they're not comfortable finding a comfortable couch and the reason is it's just something that no one really knows
very much about as a consumer it's very much like the car buying industry where
you know certain things and you've bought them before you use one every day but you don't really know about how the
business works so the goal of couch.com is to educate consumers to remove that
sort of veil of mystery if you will to make people feel comfortable and then
gather some information from them to point them in the right direction because there's a lot of information or
there's there are a lot of variables that go into a couch buying experience that people don't really expect when
they first set out sounds it's filled with all sorts of challenges and things
that an educated consumer can learn about couches at couch.com Great Name
love it you're an interesting Guy what's been one of your biggest Lessons Learned in entrepreneurship over the years for
Entrepreneurship Lessons and Challenges
me whenever I get asked a question like that the first thing that comes to mind
is is that it's something you hear often it's it's don't listen to other people
too much and how that applied to my personal history is that with uh my
former company apartment tub we were very successful but it took a long time to achieve that very
scalable success that we did in the end and our trick was really taking the slow
and steady approach that's not smart strategy for every single business or
organization but for us it worked and as much as people tempted us and Industry
tempted us to supercharge it at certain points we really found a lot of comfort
and ultimately success in taking this slow and steady route so we saw others pop up around us that raised a ton of
money and came and went and there's so many difficulties and challenges in the furniture industry that really behooves
one to take their time and figure it out so take your time and don't necessarily listen to anybody else is advice that I
would give to some people in certain cases mine was one of them slow and steady wins the race don't listen to
everyone I like it yeah what would you say your biggest challenge is as a
leader well personally my biggest challenge as a leader is that I need everybody to like me and that's a very
difficult we're getting a little deep here Mark early this morning but but that but it
truly is my greatest sort of crutch it's an advantage because it really allows me
to find ways to empathize with people and connect with them because I inherently want or need them to connect
back with me so it could be great for communication but if someone's not doing
their job very well you can imagine that wanting to be their friend and wanting to wanting to like you is not exactly
the easiest hurdle to overcome because sometimes as a leader you have to give it to people straight and be the bad guy
so that is that's been my personal challenge the most and I think a lot of
people struggle with that too just the balance between being the sort of
amicable leader I just said like 19 times being this amicable or benevolent
leader or dictator as a CE and also just getting the job done so
that's always been the biggest challenge for me as a leader I think I can relate to that it's it's hard sometimes when
you want everyone to like you and your role or the the nature of what you do
you can always be a good gu I appreciate you sharing that when it comes to prioritizing there's probably no
shortage of things that you have to get done what helps you prioritize what's most important that's a tough one and
it's that is that's a challenge I think that every startup founder struggles
with as well prioritization is very difficult and to bring It full circle to
a comment I made a few minutes ago everybody's telling you to do certain things there's always there's a lot that
attracts you in different directions I listen to podcasts and read articles every single day and I get excited by
things or interested and I get nervous that I'm not doing something that I should be doing and at the end of the day sticking
to one's goals and priorities and what's the most important thing is really sort
of Paramount to one's success do I achieve it all the time not necessarily but my practice at not
listening to other people and just that sort of Mantra rolling through my brain
at all times helps me focus on what is most important even though the new and
shiny may be attracted me and I think that it relates a lot to just this concept and term AI it's something that
really has gotten in everybody's Minds it's like the thing that everybody feels
like they need to master they need to incorporate it into their everyday life and sometimes it makes sense and
sometimes it doesn't focusing on the most important thing to your business or to your personal life is still I think
the most important thing AI it's a tool right but it can only help to so such
degree that your priorities are your priorities and there is a definite case
of shiny object syndrome with so many new tools coming out let's talk a bit about AI how have you been able to
The Role of AI in Couch.com
leverage it in your business there's a great question there's a frontend meaning user facing uh way to answer
that question and then there's backend but I'll start with the backend so our entire site thus far our strategy
couch.com was to get start with a Content first approach meaning before we
build the ultimate platform which is going to sort of be an advertising
platform for the furniture industry on a national scale where there's going to be local listings for furniture businesses
Mom and Pops and Regional chains alike brick and mortar and online the first thing we did was to
start with content making tons of Articles and videos and images to answer
some of the toughest questions that people have when buying a couch so that's what we've been focusing on in
the last six months and AI has assisted a lot in that we used AI to write a lot
of our articles or assist us in writing a lot of our articles I know it's taboo
to say that AI wrote everything it didn't we edited it heavily but we used AI a lot to gather information into one
place as far as our images in the furniture industry and interior design
it's just a sea of pretty images so much so that they almost don't resonate
anymore I think with consumers like a beautifully styled room and I would say
only a certain percentage of people are like whoa that's really nice I'd like all the products that are in that room most people just chalk it off oh that's
a pretty room that I'll never have or something to that effect so we used AI to create images that really told
stories that we would never be able to capture in a photographic sense there so Hy hyper real not hyper abstract images
like someone getting lost in a sea of couch cushions because they were having
trouble making a decision right that's not something you could be like all right let me hire a photographer and get a sea of couch cushions here no we
literally use mid journey to have a sea of couch cushions overcoming somebody is an example of how we used it to our
advantage from a visual perspective and then just tons of backend organ data
organization and things of that nature ai's been really helpful on the front end we intend to use AI in heavily with
couch.com to augment the users's experience of finding and ultimately
buying a couch the main thing is making
people feel comfortable and educating them in the process but first we have to
get information from them so the entry point to couch.com eventually will be a an AI powered quiz where
consumers will come and we will ask them quite literally what are you looking for what are the most important things to
you timing Comfort Design budget these
things don't always work in Tandem and they are four factors for instance out of the 50,000 that you need to consider
when you're buying a new couch needling in a what's most important to people using AI to funnel that information into
a personalization strategy to help the consumer find the couch of their dreams
is really important a really important part of our strategy and the user experience at couch.com
amazing the the thing you said earlier about you know not listening to people
The Importance of Mentorship and Inspiration
because there's this intuitive part of being an entrepreneur how do you balance that with mentorship and finding mentors
yeah that's a great question not to be a broken record but for me it applies I have a lot of people in my network I
started really young in e-commerce and business and so I built up a lot of
great contacts along the way what I found is every time I talk to someone
who is smarter than me and I know say that in a derogatory sense they literally are smarter than me but in a
specific area so I think it's important to remember what type of advice you're seeking from a mentor or a wise elder or
whomever you're seeking advice from because they often have a specific Focus if you talk to an accountant they're
going to give you they're going to have a a financial take about how you do certain things but they also may have an
opinion about how your website font looks like I don't know that's the person you should be listening to okay
that but that seems obvious ultimately I think it's about something I said before just not listening to everything
trusting that you or me in this case have the best sort of most well-rounded
vision for this company and when people give you advice or opinions even if you really trust
them I think it's to be taken with a grain of salt and I think good mentors understand that you're not going to just
be like yes whatever you say and do literally what they say I think it's
everybody has opinions especially people who have done stuff and has have succeeded so when they give them to you
I think it's about filtering them in a way that's going to be Val valubles you versus detrimental that's great
advice tell me Alex what are you most excited about I so like the furniture
whatever it's an open question you can take it anywhere you want I love making
so when you and your listeners check out couch.com now and in the future you see
a lot of Alex there me making silly videos and just having fun with all of
these Concepts that have that that we're educating customers on or that people
have questions about like negotiating in a furniture store and things of that nature like I love talking about things
and presenting them in an entertaining way so that's really on the streets of Oslo Norway what drove me towards this
type of Direction was like oh I can make a couch
content site that is actually helpful and entertaining so I'm excited to
really continue doing entertaining and funny content surrounding this but in a
larger sense I really know that this industry being a Furniture marketer for
so long is missing something like couch.com which is a platform that's
literally exists to help people bind and buy couches and I know that a lot of
furniture companies are struggling to find advertising that works for them
these days they're going to be really happy and excited by this especially when it works so ultimately that's what
I'm excited for but I like to make silly stuff too that's great there are I know
with your content you're you've got some stuff about like celebrity couches how do you figure out who's what celebrity
has a wet couch and where does that all come from that's funny because this is
something that's an example of something that where AI was extremely helpful to help scour the internet for information
that was already out there that an example like we'll have I think yeah we have a an article or two about yes like
as you said like celebrity couches who has what couch or like what what's been written about couches in people's homes
ultimately I think that's people like to know this it's architectural digest has sold a lot of copies based on their
celebrity sort of Partnerships or editorial exposes so yeah using AI to to
find what's been written about like Mark Wahlberg's big sectional and then aggregating that data in one place was
helpful but also I live in Hollywood baby I live in LA so we we're a very
celebrity driven Community here and I think that that offers us a little bit
of a unique perspective on on that subject and I intend to build upon that too I have definitely have some c-list
and Bist friends out there not really A-list but I hope to intend to bring
them to couch.com to have some fun with me at some point that's cool tell me a bit about
Personal Furniture Shopping Experience
your experience buying your last couch how'd that work yeah so the last couch I
got was it looks horrible right now but they deserve to see so I just moved into my
own new place a number of weeks ago so I'm still getting it ready but I bought a couch recently from one of the
factories where I'm basically partnered with so for me I do know where I want to
buy a couch but that was ultimately a decision that was driven by cost and
other factors and ease and convenience I think the more relevant story is where I
bought the rest of my furniture which is funny because I was talking with my former business partner from apartment
2B the other day and reminding him that neither of us even know where to go to buy furniture I ended up at Living
Spaces which is a regional big regional chain here on the West Coast big
furniture store you're in Florida so similar to room to go type of
environment something for everybody just a big furniture store not where you would expect like a cool direct to
Consumer brand founder to go bu furniture and you know where I went right to the back of their clearance
section and I was picking and popping all the little clearance items and things that I felt were like a great
value so I almost went bargain hunting in a huge furniture store because I thought that's where I would get the
best deal and where I'd get the quickest results to tie that in into the concept
behind couch.com that's what was most important to me it wasn't the design it wasn't the Comfort it wasn't really much
of anything except the two factors were I needed to furnish an entire house so budget was important not the big biggest
thing and timing I have I had no furniture I like instant results and I
think there are a lot of people out there like me I don't think that I'm like the anomaly some people want to say
yes I need it tomorrow and that's going to weed out a whole bunch of retailers
that sell or Market to customers online so for me to go to a place like couch.com and say I need it tomorrow and
have filtered results by all these different retailers in my area and online where I can get it tomorrow would
have been a very useful tool instead I just took my friend's pickup truck and went to the local Furniture chain store
and started bargain hunting for a few hours so in your mind will there be like a
clearance section on the site that gets
people who have that similar I just need to fill a house with a couple couches
and uh give me the best price uh help me
absolutely and uh in fact right now there's we have a great post that was from the last few weeks it's very
relevant um about the top 10 online clearance centers to shop one one little
Furniture industry tip I can give everybody it may not be a shock but every Furniture retailer is
overloaded with inventory why because 2023 was one of the worst years for the
furniture industry in a long time and everybody has to buy and make inventory choices well ahead of time so you find a
lot of furniture retailers these days looking to get rid of inventory as
cheaply as possible this is a great time to bargain hunt in the furniture industry especially like surrounding the
end and the beginning of the year that's a big product turnover time so if you
walk into a clearance section of a furniture store right now and it's not completely full of good stuff send me an
email I would like to know about that one place because they must be selling and doing something amazing most retailers have like tons of inventory in
in their clearance section and things like that good point I'm excited to see the site progress and see where the
content Sor we're going to have to edit this out I have a knock at the door let me just go answer it and I'll be right yeah no problem so sorry we cut it no
worries and we're back so I wanted to ask you about what you are inspired by
Content Creation and Inspiration
like you're doing all this content there's certainly people that maybe you have as watching what people are up to
what inspires you to create original content question I think the inspiration
for me comes from well okay hold on let me say specifically regarding creating
content what I think I enjoy most is that I know that it's very valuable
because whenever I talk to a friend or colleague like they they have the same
questions and they feel so happy when I give them advice the furniture industry is like the car industry and that if you
have a friend that tells you how to get the best deal on a new car or lease you're like thank you my goodness thank
you so much like I had no idea generally so I get inspired knowing that like I'm
giving information that's actually helpful and I'm not just making stuff for the purposes of making stuff because
I have to I I think that everything we're talking about at couch.com is actually valuable and helpful but
there's a lot of great interesting funny content on the internet on the social
platforms on YouTube and I get inspired by a lot of that stuff just to make
other wise for lack of a better term boring or not that interesting content
and make it fun and interesting I think it's a skill and it's something when I see other people's doing it well like
explaining some difficult Financial concept on a great YouTube video you're like oh this is great or an awesome
podcast wow I didn't understand that before so that those things inspire me as I'm sure they inspire
you yeah having a balance between some entertainment to little utility a lot of
utility and uh something that ideally people revisit so it's cool I'm uh I'm excited to see how the the content
evolves is the tools that make content easier evolve as well as an entrepreneur
Utilizing AI Tools in Business
what are some of your tools that you've started to use that have become daily Staples specifically around maybe AI
yeah absolutely so I will use GPT to organize dat data like
most people do but we're aggregating a lot of lists and taking just taking
things like transcripts and turning them into something else I think like data transformation and and light analysis
we're not asking AI to solve all of the couch industry's problems but we are
asking it to take a list of links of all these websites and give us just a list
of websites that we can give to our our readers and things like that one thing
for images because in the furniture industry the I don't know that there's
been a lot enough AI training out there for the visuals like on a platform like
mid Journey for instance you get a lot of weird stuff with prompts for
furniture think about what hap what may happen when you put in the term show me an armless sofa for whatever reason
it'll interpret it like arm should be coming out of it or something like that because there haven't been as many
prompts for armless sofa as there have been for attractive female superhero
with wielding daggers there there's been plenty of that and a lot of refinement um so that's interesting so
Harnessing AI for Visuals and Information Gathering
one of the programs that I've Ed that that does a great job with visuals
is. a that's something that's that has been really helpful to me and just found it's like for whatever reason filters
through some of that like AI noise when it comes to Furniture images it seems to
intuitively understand a little bit better what I'm looking for and yeah
tons of one thing I use just to gather information for myself I'm a big skimmer
when it comes to reading but if I'm listening to something I really connect with it so I turn almost all of my text
anything that's longer than an email I'll I'll use AI voice assisted audio to
give it to me while I'm working or exercising and I I find that I absorb information a lot better and it's so
engaging these days like tools are so good over the last few months even they've gotten so much better when it
comes to understanding and interpreting and ultimately putting a voice behind a lot
of text on some of these AI platforms like speechify something I use all the time yeah I was just I was just thinking
let's dig into that a little bit because I've I recently got back to iPhone which no idea how I went so long with without
it and the the ease of use with some of the text of speech is just amazing tell
Leveraging AI for Text-to-Speech: A Deep Dive into Speechify
us a little bit how you're using speech by yeah so essentially I'll go I have get a ton of emails every day with like
article roundups yeah they're probably leveraging AI to find those articles or
have some kind of alerts about what their readers will find interesting they'll and then they'll aggregate those
and put them in like an email Roundup we all get them in some form in every industry so then I will spend 15 or 20
minutes every morning or afternoon when I get to it opening those emails and
skimming through to find the articles that I think are most relevant to me and
what I'm thinking about right now and I'll open them in a like in separate
tabs then I'll go to them and just literally copy the URLs and paste them into speechify and each time I do that
it just it takes all of that information and puts puts it in the library there
and then when I'm ready to listen to it my my favorite lovely English woman will
read it to me in a wonderfully a powered AI powered voice that's great do you do
something s is this a me thing I I haven't it I think that is a you thing
but we're all unique and have our own little uh quirks but I do like that I think that's uh something that I'm going
to try so thank you for the suggestion so all you need is a a link to the URL and throw it in speechify and then you
can pick it up on your mobile phone when you're going for run or what have you and you can process it is that right
that's literally what I do and I just have my speechify libraries what I if I'm playing basketball or exercising
that's just have my earbuds in and I'm on speechify and that's when I get my
articles it's it's great I love it I have no complaints that's a great Pro tip one
thing that has been quite useful is not on the audio side but taking if there's
any training video or Long YouTube video that you don't want to spend an hour if you can copy that transcript and turn it
into a custom gep now you can dig into the details that's been like you talked
about that the way you manipulate data and taking some input and transforming
it into something else is U always interesting to hear about how other people are using technology because uh
it is so personal to us right I've often said that no two people are using chat
GPT the exact same way we all have our own little things that we've discovered that it can do and I love having these
conversations to hear how people are using these tools how do you prioritize
The Art of Staying Productive and Healthy
your your health I understand you you're using this is there anything else you do for productivity to reset after a long
day or are you a morning exercise or what's your how do you how do you stay in such great shape yeah I staying in
shape is important and I interview and people as
well and on for couch.com and somebody a very
successful CEO said recently even if it's 20 minutes a day you got to move your body around and so even though I've
been a sort of a lifelong exerciser myself I don't even think about it very
much and on the days where I'm like like oh this I'll skip today I'm like no
chanu said he said 20 minutes a day and that's the key to success and I'm like I can do 20 minutes so I really believe in
that and you hear it all the time you see a lot of at least I do a lot of advice and content surrounding how
important exercises to cognitive function I wish I felt the same way about sleep I don't get enough sleep
personally but when it comes to exercise like that's been one of my big things
for and yeah yes the morning sometime in the morning I'm not like a 5:00 a.m. exerciser but generally I'll take a
break in the morning my morning hours even though it's difficult to turn off the noise from you know 9 to 10 or
whatever that's the time I feel like I'm most needing of exercise and then it
pays dividends for the rest of the day so I think that's really important the timing of your exercise when can you get
yourself to to perform at a high level exercise wise and when will you get the
most benefit of focus that and mushroom coffee those have been my big things to
stay focused it's so funny it's like that and mushroom coffee of course can't forget it that's cool I I'm not drinking
mushroom coffee what's the why should I be drinking mushroom coffee what's I have no idea Mark no I'm
The Magic of Mushroom Coffee
just kidding mushroom coffee it it just really helps with focus it helps me with
Focus it's yeah it's caffeinated so that helps
yeah but it also just really yeah I don't know how else to say it like sometimes I feel extremely focused on
something almost to a degree that I'm have to check myself and I'm like whoa what's going on here I'm very dialed in
mushroom coffee I had it 30 minutes ago it really I don't know exactly I'm not like a big mushroom science person yet
but I started trying it about a month or two ago and it's been very helpful for my focus very cool you got a good
mushroom guy who's your go-to supplier now it's not legal in all the states yet
no not those kind of mushrooms but I think there's some similar principles but anyway the brand I got courted by
online after I told the Instagram or Tik Tok gods that I was interested in
learning more about this what is called rise R YZ they have a monthly
subscription thing it's super easy I guarantee there are plenty of them this one has been good for me and it's worked
so use promo code Alex at rise.com just yeah hit the link below no that's
that's cool mushroom coffee love that great is it I'm a big coffee drinker
myself ever made the switch over to mushroom The Taste is it is it you typically take a a Black Mushroom coffee
or you add a little something to that all right well here's what I do please I like okay so I like very
sweet coffee I'm not like a coffee connoisseur I have my I know what I like like very strong coffee with very sweet
sweetener there was a funny one of the seasons of the show True Detective on HBO these two cops were getting together
after not seeing each other for 25 years and he's one says to the other can I get you a cup of coffee he said yeah I'd
love one he you still like it the same way he goes yep make it like dessert and that's what I like but I digress so I
make my mushroom coffee like dessert don't love the tastes and I really like
my experience of tasting my morning coffee so I'll actually like down it I'll just put something in put some
coffee and and mix it with water and the mushroom coffee put some creamer in it like a bunch and I'll just down it I
don't know that's the best way but that's how I do it I don't try to savor it I'm just like this is serves a utilitarian purpose and then I go to my
like espresso coffee mate mixture to get the full effect recently yesterday
actually I went to McDonald's and I'll take a little milk in my coffee I'm from Toronto so that's totally normal but
they don't even have the option for milk at McDonald's anymore it's only cream
there is at least in Florida and I know McDonald's are supposed to be the same everywhere the only way that they were
going to give me milk was to sell me like a child's milk to go along with it
I don't know what's changing but milk I did because I misunderstood their what
they were saying and then I immediately refunded it because and I just had the coffee black but yeah Strange World
we're living in where McDonald's is not allowing you to have milk they're just not even an option it's cream that's
very very interesting yeah and for those good Canadians like you this is a New
Concept perhaps there's still a lot of milk in Canada I bet there's uh there's plenty of milk in
Canada so you're helping people get on the couch are you going to be talking about
The Couch Conundrum: Getting On and Off
ways for people to get off the couch because when they get these couches and they're so comfortable I feel like you
have a responsibility to help them do both I'm glad you mentioned that Mark because there is a health and wellness
category at couch.com a little bit underrepresented at this moment but we do have a few great posts on things like
I don't know if you're familiar with couch to 5K couch to 5K is just it's a race it's more of an internal race it's
like a individual challenge get off the proverbial couch and start running and
start slow start with a walk then it's build up to a 5k I don't think there's an organization that's behind that but
if there were that would be an example of a great partner for us at couch.com as I said something I believe in
personally a lot just physical fitness and balance in one's life with exercise
yeah I think there's going to be a lot of content like that but first we have to make sure people like buy the couches and and are
very comfortable on them that's the main focus of couch.com but I'll get them off of them too I
will yeah that full circle responsibility to help people get on the coach off the coach back on the couch we
have to get him back we get him outside we gotta get him out you're tired you got put your feet up it's gonna heal your your feet after uh a long run after
that 5K coaches it's I never thought I'd be talk so much
about couches I know maybe when you were you've been in the furniture industry a long time so there's probably so many
things that you've learned about couches what surprised you about couches that you did
not know yeah I think a a good thing to mention there is they're so much
simpler in construction than people think they are
and you get sold the bill of goods from a brand like Restoration Hardware which is extremely
premium expensive and you think that there's a
real big difference in between the construction of one couch and another but after spending time in factories and
talking to many Furniture manufacturers and makers over the years I wouldn't say
a couch is a couch because there absolutely are different materials and you want to make sure that you choose
the material that most that you enjoy most that most fit your lifestyle or sitting style to
be more literal but ultimately there really shouldn't be thousands of dollars
in difference between couches unless there's something extremely ornate a lot of it is you're
paying more for the brand or Cache or the Restoration Hardware behind something so I think the biggest thing
that I've learned over the years is that you can find a really great couch for a
lot less than you think Cliffhanger good advice the I think a little bit about
the car industry and that you never want to be taken and get a bad deal how can
The Quest for the Best Deal in Furniture Shopping
people avoid that experience of feeling
like they got hat and they're sitting on a couch that they may be paid too much for just what's the best way for people
to make educated decisions and get a good deal because we all want a good deal right that's an an amazing question
I was talking to somebody the other day and they were they equated what I'm doing in couch.com
to like a Travelocity or Expedia you go to these websites as a
user and what's the number one variable you want to find the best deal now you
have other criteria in place like I only want non-stop flights I don't want to lay over or I'm looking for this first
class business class only economy whatever there are variables to be sifted through but ultimately your
purpose is getting a good deal which is to say that it is a it is
a main criteria point it doesn't necessarily mean that you need to have find the
cheapest couch people want to feel like they got a good deal I think the operative term that we've always used in
my former business was value we didn't have the cheapest couches at apartment TV but we always believed that we had
pound-for-pound the best value in the online DC Furniture space because we combined extremely great designer
quality with a relatively affordable so
getting a good deal is very important to people and I think we're going to have a lot of content about finding the best
deal even if it's not at the the least expensive retailer so I think going for
consumers just really recognizing that getting a good deal is important to you
is extremely important and is actually a variable in your search because there are places where you'll never feel like
you you got a great deal if you go into a very high-end furniture store you're going to be wondering did I get taken
here did I get hosed on the price here is this really worth it and you're never
really going to find out the answer to that yeah makes a lot of sense yeah
Productivity Hacks and Inspirational Reads
when it comes to books you're an entrepreneur Avid
Reader what's on your desk or your audible right now what are you listening
to you're obviously an audio guy what do you like her one of my favorite questions this could be books you go
back to your revisits or your just things that
you're digging into now my revisits are very simple they're all about okay
productivity there's not much that I like to do over again like I'm not the type of guy who will watch a movie
multiple times to me that seems agonizing I don't know why so I don't go
back to things very often unless I really find a utilitarian purpose in doing so and for me think reminders
about productivity tips very those are very helpful because we've talked has
been a theme in our discussion today it's very easy to get distracted by the new and the shiny especially as an
entrepreneur you're always juggling 30 different things at one time focusing on
the most important thing for having tools to help you do that is very valuable another thing I go back to is
inspiring entrepreneurial stories if I'm ever feeling like lost or just needing
of a little bit of a push there's plenty of content around like the how I built this podcast is
unbelievable if it's the this Guyz I think I think it's very popular he even
wrote a book called How I built this where he Aggregates some of his top top
10 list of sorts of his guests and and ideas expressed so that's it's a pretty
broad one there but if you heard of how I built this podcast I have not it's
always great to be introduced to a new valuable source of information so I
appreciate that the productivity one is there a book or uh something that you
like you said you revisit the productivity category is there a specific author or someone that uh
really enjoyed I wish I was a super Smarty And could give you like the best answer on this one however I have um a
little bit of an abstract answer so no I don't have anything specific here's it's similar to how I feel about parenting so
I have two two young kids they're wonderful love you guys but very
challenging and all kids are right they'll push your buttons you'll they'll do whatever they can to just present
challenges and test boundaries and for me parenting advice is a very Dynamic
thing euro is changing the kids are growing your issues are changing the challenges are for me it's more about
getting new ideas or being reminded of old ones New Perspectives on the same
subject matter can be really valuable you don't necessarily have to follow them but for instance I'll listen to a
parenting podcasts that'll be like say this to your kids instead of that I'm
like oh my God yes that's great oh and it reminds me I used to do this and it really worked I'm going to bring that
back there's no parenting strategy that works for more than two weeks that's my thing right okay guys we're doing a
point system for your fortnite time and it's going to work like this it only works for so long until everybody falls
out of favor and the same thing goes for my productivity it's just I just I need to listen to 30 minutes of productivity
stuff right now so I'll go on blinkist blinkist is a great service that takes
very popular books and sizes them down to 12 to 15 minutes like an an audible
version of cliffs notes was and there I'll just listen to I'll rifle through
three or four books that give you a few tips and tricks and I'll jot down a few notes and I find out perfect appreciate
that and one more for fun if you were give advice to your younger self say mid
Advice to My Younger Self
20s that guy what advice would you have I'm going through a divorce so there's
certain things that come to mind with that no just kidding yeah that's a good
one I don't know I think it what what comes to mind most my my my business
partner um he's uh about 10 years older than me and we came up together in the
e-commerce space and figured it out as we went and I've always been the type of guy I think
I'm just I think I know everything and I just I have a lot of confidence and things that I know and can be very
Resolute about them but he would always say to me he's like when you get older
you get wiser and he would use that in a defensive way at certain times or I I
don't know exactly why but he mentioned always about being wiser now I understand that so my advice to myself
would be don't think that you know everything I wish I sought out more
information along the way and to tie it full circle with AI and all the tools that
are available to us now versus 15 20 years ago when I was getting started like that information is so much more
readily available so I would encourage myself as a young entrepreneur to really spend time to absorb a lot of
information and stories of other people versus just go and you think you know what you're doing but really there's
usually a better path for almost anything you do great advice Alex this has been a lot of fun I
Wrapping Up: The Journey with Couch.com
appreciate your time and let's let's do this again all the best with couch.com
it's a a wonderful journey and I can't wait to follow the story thank you Mark and when you need a
new couch you know where to go amazing thanks so much
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