Ai Insights: Hailey Wilson, Fairy Godmother of AI
Ai Training Podcast
Mark Latimer and Hailey Wilson | Rating 0 (0) (0) |
openaitraining.com | Launched: Feb 09, 2024 |
podcast@openaitraining.com | Season: 1 Episode: 19 |
In this episode of the AI training podcast, we welcome a very special guest, Hailey Wilson, also known as the 'Fairy Godmother of AI.' Hailey shares her journey in the AI world, from starting her own business to creating an amazing AI community.
For more info and episodes visit: https://www.openaitraining.com
Discover her thoughts on AI tools like ChatGPT and Midjourney, and how she uses them daily in both professional and personal contexts. She also discusses the pitfalls and lessons from organizing a virtual AI event.
Furthermore, she opens up about her community's 'Great Debate' series that bring forth important AI-related issues. Lastly, Haley shares why human connections are still vital in a world evolving with AI. Come, join us for an insightful conversation filled with tips and tricks about navigating the ever-evolving AI landscape.
Connect with Hailey Wilson
Linkedin: / haileycomms
Website: https://www.aimpactevent.com/
Connect with Mark Latimer
Linkedin: / openaitraining
Website: https://www.openaitraining.com
Instagram: / marklatimer
00:00 Introduction and Guest Welcome
00:45 Guest Background and Journey into AI
01:46 Building the AI Impact Community
02:54 Recap of the Inaugural AI Impact Event
05:06 The Importance of Open Discussions in AI
11:22 Learning from Mistakes in Organizing AI Events
20:45 The Great Debate Series: A Platform for AI Discussions
26:55 Key Takeaways from Engaging with the AI Community
31:41 Embracing Humanity in the AI Era
32:03 The Struggles of Learning New Tools
32:55 The Importance of Choosing the Right AI Tools
34:31 Managing Subscriptions with Rocket Money
34:59 Favorite AI Tools and Applications
37:31 Exploring the World of AI Magazines
37:57 The Challenges and Rewards of AI Tools
43:56 The Impact Community: A Home for Everyone
46:29 The Power of ChatGPT in Everyday Life
49:05 Wrapping Up: The Future of AI and Creativity
#AITalks #Impactcommunity #NetworkingInAI #AICommunity #FairyGodmotherofAI #AItechnology #AIMarketing #AIInnovation #Entrepreneurship #LearningFromAI #ChatGPT in everyday life.
Episode Chapters

In this episode of the AI training podcast, we welcome a very special guest, Hailey Wilson, also known as the 'Fairy Godmother of AI.' Hailey shares her journey in the AI world, from starting her own business to creating an amazing AI community.
For more info and episodes visit: https://www.openaitraining.com
Discover her thoughts on AI tools like ChatGPT and Midjourney, and how she uses them daily in both professional and personal contexts. She also discusses the pitfalls and lessons from organizing a virtual AI event.
Furthermore, she opens up about her community's 'Great Debate' series that bring forth important AI-related issues. Lastly, Haley shares why human connections are still vital in a world evolving with AI. Come, join us for an insightful conversation filled with tips and tricks about navigating the ever-evolving AI landscape.
Connect with Hailey Wilson
Linkedin: / haileycomms
Website: https://www.aimpactevent.com/
Connect with Mark Latimer
Linkedin: / openaitraining
Website: https://www.openaitraining.com
Instagram: / marklatimer
00:00 Introduction and Guest Welcome
00:45 Guest Background and Journey into AI
01:46 Building the AI Impact Community
02:54 Recap of the Inaugural AI Impact Event
05:06 The Importance of Open Discussions in AI
11:22 Learning from Mistakes in Organizing AI Events
20:45 The Great Debate Series: A Platform for AI Discussions
26:55 Key Takeaways from Engaging with the AI Community
31:41 Embracing Humanity in the AI Era
32:03 The Struggles of Learning New Tools
32:55 The Importance of Choosing the Right AI Tools
34:31 Managing Subscriptions with Rocket Money
34:59 Favorite AI Tools and Applications
37:31 Exploring the World of AI Magazines
37:57 The Challenges and Rewards of AI Tools
43:56 The Impact Community: A Home for Everyone
46:29 The Power of ChatGPT in Everyday Life
49:05 Wrapping Up: The Future of AI and Creativity
#AITalks #Impactcommunity #NetworkingInAI #AICommunity #FairyGodmotherofAI #AItechnology #AIMarketing #AIInnovation #Entrepreneurship #LearningFromAI #ChatGPT in everyday life.
Introduction and Guest Welcome
welcome ladies and gentlemen to the AI training podcast I have a very special
guest today this is Haley Wilson the Fairy Godmother of AI amazing Name by
the way welcome to the show thank you I'm so glad to be here go ahead I was
just gonna say I love the the prop I always like to see the the wand come out I'm very serious about being a fairy
godmother and I have you ever known a fairy godmother who doesn't have a wand I'm Legit I actually picked this up at
the marketing AI in makon conference last week last summer
so it does have its roots in in AI amazing so happy to have you on the show
and really looking forward to learning from you and having just a fun
conversation maybe for those who haven't visited y on LinkedIn yet why don't you
Guest Background and Journey into AI
give yourself a little bit of a introduction on who you are and what you do yeah wonderful thanks again for
having me here I came up with the term of fairy godmother of AI because I felt
that it best represented what I do for the past year I've been heavily involved
with building AI content and AI communities I've I actually started my
own business in November of 2022 having come from a very heavily
crisis Communications corporate Communications media background and so I have a long history of explaining the
technical and of in a little bit scary into snackable terms digestable things
that people can actually live with so for me going into communicating Ai and building that content out in the
communities was just the natural next step and in a really fun challenge so
Building the AI Impact Community
what that has involved is at first I wanted to be kind of the a then I started looking around and seeing
fabulous people like you mark who are doing such a great job with doing that and educating and talking about real
practical applications for AI that I decided that the where I could actually
use my skill set best was in creating communities so we created we being my
whole Community it's not Haley Wilson's Community it's the impact Community AI
NPA we had our inaugural virtual event back in November and as a result we have
lots of different things going on which I'm hoping we can chat about in this podcast today but really at the end of
the day it's about building out an amazing community of humans so that they
can use this technology to empower not only their work but their lives so I'm
excited I'm just living a life it's pretty fun it's fun to be the Fairy Godmother amazing it's it's great to
have the Fairy Godmother of AI on the show and yeah let's talk a bit about that event so the event was I forget the
Recap of the Inaugural AI Impact Event
dates exactly but it was a a multi-day event can you tell us a bit about the event and Lessons Learned oh my gosh it
was a 3-day virtual event it was November 7th through the 9th so I guess the very first lesson learned is that 3
days for a virtual event is just insanely long even by the the end of the first day I was like oh my gosh my I'm
the one putting this event on but my brain is already overloaded with information so for those of you who are
putting on Virtual events just word to the wise don't be overly ambitious try to get what you can in one day but the
event was pretty amazing because we had more than 50 speakers and we had
marketers we had neuroscientists we had philosophers it was really incredible
very diverse group of thinkers in a global audience as well as our speakers
and we did this all on a really Innovative platform called swap card and
actually all of that content is still available and I'll share a link on how they folks may want to access that
content there's well over 70 sessions and we really dove into not
only just the Practical applications for professionals and business owners but
also the philosophical and understanding like just because you can does that mean we should and impact is a big part of
our community is about doing our due diligence and having the tough conversations
this is probably rooted in my crisis Communications background and just
learning that the best disinfectant is sunlight so let's shine a light on the things that scare us let's shine a light
on the things that we really do need to talk about because AI like any tool is
value neutral you can do really wonderful things return voices back to
people who lost their voice return there's a a great example of a paraplegic who is able to walk now
because of use of AI a lot of amazing things we can do there's also some not
so great things so a big part of what we do is to have those discussions and not leave it into the
The Importance of Open Discussions in AI
realm of the Sam alans in Congress and the EU although they certainly have their importance and their place but we
believe that we need to have a seat at that table as well and the best way to be heard Mark is by joining when numbers
right everyone has a seat at our table amazing it's pretty exciting yeah very
cool and sorry the Wi-Fi sometimes sticks a little especially right now the recording will probably be fine but just
wanted to let you know in case I freeze I can still hear you and they'll probably come out clean in the wash
let's let's talk a little bit about some of the speakers you had at the event I know there was a huge panel how many
people did you have sharing their wisdom oh my gosh we had I want to say we had
upwards of a little over 50 speakers total over the three days we had several
panels that were with marketers because we originally had a a pretty sophistic
like a pretty intense group of marketers who are really getting involved in Ai and the generative AI World in
particular when you think about its ability to create content and visuals the Marketing Group was particularly
engaged on generative AI ear on last year so we had folks like the founder of
lately AI Kate Bradley Sharice and she's one of my personal Heroes she's been
doing AI for at least a decade and lately has been around for I want to say
seven years but don't quote me on that and being able to hear from
her what it must feel like now just now everybody is starting to talk about Ai
and everyone calls themselves an AI expert so to have someone like Kate who really is one and who's been talking
about AI for a long time was really neat to get her insight and again all the all
of these interviews and these sessions are available still on the platform so we'll try to get maybe some of your
listeners on the platform so they can benefit from that that content we also
had folks like Kurt Dodie he also has a podcast he runs realm IQ he just
launched a new newsletter on substack and he really looks at working with
businesses on um implementing Ai and using it wisely and responsibly and he's
just he's a really interesting guy he has more than 30 years of branding experience in fact he is the one that
created our impact logo and our logo for our great debate series he's also a
former NBC executive so he has a lot of experience within the media
World content another person we had was isar mtis I hope I'm saying his name
right I remember and he's gosh he's a four-time CEO former Jet Pilot and one
of these people that if you missed your cup of coffee that day go have a conversation with esar and let Al do you
he's just so energizing and and exciting to talk to and has a really fantastic
insight and and that's the thing to me like the biggest takeaway and I don't think it's like a big surprise but it's
these people that's community of AI adopters is just phenomenal not only are
they're just really brilliant they also incredibly kind and even though I couldn't this is our very first year so
I couldn't pay any speakers and it was a little bit of a financial disaster on my
part but in terms of the community that we built and the content
that we were able to put out there to make it more accessible to people we we man we knocked it out of the park and so
I'll take it I'll take that Financial exposure any day if that means the kind of good that we can put back out there
but yeah you have 50 50 plus speakers from Germany Italy Switzerland the UK
India Australia Japan China all of course all out to the States Mexico I
think we also had an Argentinian and it's really truly a global effort and not a single one of
them charged me or charged impact to come in and share not only their time
their and their expertise the hours of work and research that they've had to
put in to gaining that expertise and they did that to do a good thing to get
this information out there just like what you're doing Mark me this is what we need to do reality is is in the next
2 to 3 years if you touch a computer whether it's at home or at work your
world is going to be a little different your workflows are going to change now it's not a question of
whether that transition will happen it's a question of how it will happen and you can either kind of come in for nice
landing where it's smooth and you have a long Runway and everybody's good you got your drinks you're happy everything's
phenomenal or or you can do a little bit more like the poor boing 757 whatever it
was in Alaska that had its door blown out and well you're having a land like this it's it's a choice and I'll tell
you like years of Crisis Communications has taught it's very much an emotional transition right it's a a
mindset you have to adopt so that's a big part of what impact is doing and
every single one of our community members and speakers and leaders they have that that ethos to go in this is a
humanitarian need that people need to be able to come to terms with this new technology and this new world that is
right there on the horizon for us and I'm really proud to be a part of that
that's so cool I yeah wish I would have known about the event beforehand but I
hope to be part of the next one if and when you do it again what would you do different great question I would
Learning from Mistakes in Organizing AI Events
simplify guess it's probably not surprising as someone who calls herself a fairy godmother and literally carries around a wand I am not I'm I'm a go big
kind of gal so I do want to simplify a little bit not necessarily have less speakers because I loved the amount and
the volume of content but I certainly wouldn't do a three-day event I would do more of a one-day event and we probably
would do different tracks we're looking at doing an event probably mid April to
late April so if you want to be a speaker let me know Mark but yeah it's definitely there were a lot of lessons
learned some other things one of the biggest things I learned and this is a rookie mistake I Learned was that I
think when you command the written word and you say your Communications which is my background you get a little bit big
for your britches sometimes right where you think marketing I can do that's just
content creation and pretty images why can't I do that so I had a little I
definitely had a big hum moment and I'm not afraid to share that I think it's important people should share their humbling moment otherwise you've wasted
it just on yourself and I had to really learn that I am not a marketer you I am
not a marketing professional and one of the the rookie mistakes I made as a
non-marketing professional was I purchased didn't really know I was doing it this way but
I purchased through seamless. aai thinking it was AI assisted and that these people were okay with it I winding
up kind of purchasing email lists and thinking that oh as long as it's through Ai and it's a high confidence level then
it'll be okay to send it but as probably some of your listeners are screaming into the void right now that was a very
bad mistake and I'll tell you why not only does it completely trash your
domain and it's very difficult to come back on once you've been marked as spam and on a blacklist but it also really
irrit and angers rightfully your your main audience the people that are receiving those emails and if I really
had sat down and thought about it of course people even if you what your even
if your message and your product and your service is phenomenal if you're just coming out of
the blue and knocking on someone's door without their permission or consent this
it's not a good look right and so I really had to come back from that it took me about 2 months to really fix
that big error and I regret doing it because I think when you make a mistake
there should be a level of regret but I don't regret the lesson and while there is this little shred of embarrassment I
have about having to admit to this huge human Frailty of mine especially
publicly like this on a podcast I think it's important to be
able to do that as a leader and if I want to be authentic and I want people
to be vulnerable with me I have to be I have to be willing to share these
stories so um that's where I am with I would not have done that I also early on
contracted even before I got most of my other speakers I contracted with a very
large a very I will say she wasn't well known but her price was
$25,000 and at the time I had big Ambitions for impact and so I said yes
let's do it and I contracted with her and unfortunately we were nowhere in the position to be P to pay that in terms of
our ticket sales and again I just a big thinker type person with I I was very
ambitious and I thought it would be this was me being very naive as a young
businesswoman I thought it would be a simple case of going to that person and saying hey look I know we have a
contract can we push this to the next year I will paid her a
deposit and I thought that it would she would be amable to that particularly since it's a virtual event didn't
require travel and she was already booked to do another event that day so there wasn't really a lot of Damages I
was wrong I was very wrong and it surprised me and she was legally correct
and we wound up having to pay her even though she did not attend our event and
I do have I'm a little hurt feelings about it not that it's business I'm not allowed to have hurt feelings but that
was a big mistake on mine so don't sign any contracts that you're not absolutely willing to fulfill even if circumstances
change this was just a case of my alligator butt no alligator mouth
overloading my hummingbird butt as they say in the South and so those were my
biggest mistakes with impact and I do think it had an impact on on me as a
person and me as my on my business but like I said even with all of that aside
and who doesn't have troubles their first year as a business entrepreneur as an entrepreneur I'm incredibly proud of
the community that we've built we have more than 200 people as a part of our impact community and they're very
engaged we have a tester club that can be hired if you're a new developer or a
business person and you want to you want some quick and feedback on on your tool
these are product marketers these are developers these are neuroscientists uiux experts and so they give great
feedback we have a AI round thought leadersh Round Table every Thursday at
10: a.m. which we affectionally call the AI Avengers where we have more cerebral conversations like what's the impact on
art for AI and will this take the will ai's ability to create a beautiful thing
in mid Journey take away from an artist who spends years learning how to do
their art their craft and and then we have the great debate series which is a formable
structure of debate where we actually tackle some of these big questions and we have a team of Eternal optimists who
argue one way and a team of Devil's Advocates who argue the other way and it's a good way for us to flesh out some
of these big issues that AI raises so it's a wonderful lesson and I can't wait
to write the book one day which I will one of these days I get a moment to talk about um some of the successes and
failures of impact I'm very open there's not any like other secret little things that I hide I just I I think this is
important as business uh people to be able to be open about the missteps that
we've had and the successes that we enjoy thank you for being vulnerable and
sharing a bit of those hiccups along the way one way to look at it is you got a
$25,000 story which EXA you can tell again and again and anyone who's in
business has made mistakes that story you had about the email I learned the
lesson from a company I used to work for but anyone that has sent emails to
people who don't want them from their main domain hurts it there is no way
around it there are ways to circumvent that that's why if you see email coming
into to you from certain companies they will use subdomains which don't count or a
variation of their primary domain name so those are lessons right we either
learn them one way or another it's not a
big deal I am so proud of you for the community you've
built and that's worth at least 25,000 oh so I wouldn't necessarily focus on
and I know you're not focused on it but I'm sure there's still a bit of pain or resentment around making a mistake like
that and I've made my share so I am right there with you I wanted to ask you
about these debates that you're having in the community I love that you have
the people that are assigned optimism and assigned pessimism because I
generally gravitate toward the optimistic side just like in most things
as an entrepreneur you Sur all a a slightly optimistic bent towards
okay this will work out because you know yeah for reasons right one of the
ways that I've Lov to use chat GT is to do SWAT analysis on any idea I have
so it gives me that little bit of perspective that I don't wouldn't
normally have access to just from my default mode of thinking so tell me a bit more about these debates you've been
having with people on the positive and negative side yeah so we did our first
The Great Debate Series: A Platform for AI Discussions
one in October and the theme was or the question was Will AI save or destroy us
this is a very hyperbolic question and and frankly the end result of that it doesn't matter
because the genie is out of the bottle however we purposefully make it
hyperbolic and it was interesting when we're recruiting for both sides because
pretty much everybody it can relate to either side very few people are totally
Eternal optimists who think AI is the most amazing thing and there's very few people on the other side who are like yeah this is like the worst thing that's
ever happened to humanity and so it was challenging at first CU people are like I don't I'm worried if I
come out like on that side does that look look like I am not that I am saying
that Haley Wilson is an eternal optimist and so it would took a moment for the
team to say no this there is a degree of this that is performative and it's
theater with a purpose and a big part of my personal mission this again rooted in
Communications is to really show people by example not just my own example but
those of my community that you can disagree without being disagreeable and
it is possible to hold an idea in your hand and look at it without keeping it
and so that's really what the great debate is and so it's a full hour event
I moderate it unless I can find someone else that be willing to do it and and usually beforehand the two members of
the of either team they will get together and divide and conquer on their points just like at school right
remember when everyone had debate class or they did a debate Club it's very similar and we try to keep very strictly
to the times of two three minutes for your opening statement 2 three minutes
for your cost examination and then you get a closing statement and it's one to make sure that we maintain a certain
decorum throughout the event but also make sure that we can cover a lot of ground then the following hour is
devoted to diving deep and having more of a a casual conversation and the audience can get involved they usually
chat and say oh um I like your point about X can you tell me a little bit more about some of the things that have
led you to that conclusion and so it's a really great way of having literally public discour
which I think is sorely and sadly lacking in our community and our society
and I do see that the AI community and I think it's partially because they're a bunch of uber nerds and I'm an Uber nerd
I say that totally affectionately that it is just in our Natures to want to do this but I think
that especially since we're in a big election year in the US the more that we can show this as an example and that it
is totally possible possible to disagree with people without being an about it about without them
hating you that we need to have more of this and if I wasn't so completely heads
down and busy with the AI stuff which I love I would love to get into more
General topics so maybe one day probably not going to try to do that in the middle of an election year just because
everyone's so heated as it is but I definitely that's a big goal of mine to
try to teach people guide people along of having tricky conversations
contentious conversations without losing your cool and so that's a big part of
what the great debate series is is all about and we'll have another one I believe the next one's in early February
I'm going to try to get two in and if there's anyone that is any of your listeners or Mark if you're interested
in participating in the great debate I'm not terribly picky about who because I I want the more
diverse voices as possible so I've got a nice list running of people who want to
participate and if I get enough then we can do multiple events so if that's
something that someone's listening at home and says man that's be something I like to do it's really simple it's over
a zoom call we have just a couple meetings before the great debate and we
have a a heck of a whale of a time doing it it's really fun so let me no and
what's the what's your website while we're while we're here if you just go to
www. impact event.com you'll find everything you need to know about us you
can also go to my LinkedIn page or you can email me H Wilson at impact event
that's aim Pac event.com and I'm happy to engage you invite you to any of our
round taes or anything like that we're very inclusive we try to be I'd love to see more diversity I would say that it's
it's interesting challenge but yeah are you are these Live Events how what's the
format so for the great debate those are live events and what we do it's pretty
simple it's the zoom event but I use the LinkedIn live third party service so
even though the Great Debaters and the moderator is on Zoom it's being live
streamed to LinkedIn live and we can collect audience comments and questions and then
we do offer a zoom link to our audience if they want to join us in the zoom call
for the the second hour of conversation they don't tend to do that very much
people prefer seem to prefer texting through comments and and that's fine
we're just happy to have the participation even if you're just lurking we're really happy with that that's great to us too very cool from
Key Takeaways from Engaging with the AI Community
the from everything everything you've been learning from all these incredible people you've connected with about AI
what three things stand out for you well that's a great question I would say the
first is remember this is still early days for generative AI in
particular and chat GPT is wonderful I use it all the time but it is only as
good as Maybe a college freshman in turn who knows just enough to be
dangerous so I think that's an important thing to point out because I think
there's some people have talked to you used AI used chatu BT in particular they
expect it to be either amazing or crappy and it's really
neither it's right in the middle of that and it's a lot of that is about how you use it so I would say level set your
expectations not just for chat GPT but any AI tool ask AI is a really
interesting search engine you can actually add it to your Google Chrome and it gets like the main needs for a
search engine using AI but is it going to be able to answer really complex
things like is there a god questions that involve that no it's not so I think
it's important whenever you're dealing one this you ask me for three the first is level set your expectations with AI
knowing that it's a tool the second thing is that don't overwhelm yourself
with trying to do every single new AI tool I think I did early on I think early on like December January of last
year I'm like this stuff is so cool I'm going to learn all of it and then I come across like future tools. Co or like
futurepedia and it's they're listing 500 1,000 new AI tools a day and it very
quickly becomes a overwhelming to be like wow I literally cannot keep up with it and I like there's a few sources that
I really like to listen to like isar I love his podcast Kurt I love his podcast
I love your podcast there's really good newsletters Chris pen does a phenomenal
I think it's called Almost timely newsletter and those are better sources
in my opinion to find potential new tools so don't feel like you have to R
to to learn every single new AI tool that comes out frankly learning two or
three really good on and knowing how to use them really is superior to trying to
learn a bunch of new ones that'd be my second thing and then my third piece of advice that I'm getting from my
community which is not going to be surprising but it Bears repeating here is that guy is just a tool it will never
replace never ever replace the power and the meaning and the value of Human
Relationships I know that there's a lot of AI boyfriends and girlfriends you can download on Apple but I'm will tell you
you spend a week with them it is not going to be the same as being with a real human and for me I don't worry too
much of a situation where we're forgetting our human Roots because in
favor of AI friends it's doesn't matter how many beautiful shiny AI tools you
have doesn't matter how well you use them if you don't have a that supports
you in this day and age then I don't really know what you have cuz I don't know if you've notice mark But the world
looks like it's been shaved by a drunk Barber so it's tough and when you have
things like October 7th of last year happened and you look at all the crazy stuff that happens in the world all the
time earthquakes even not even human related I think back to Fred Rogers
remember Fred Mr Rogers Neighborhood and he says that whenever he feels really
daunted by how dark the world can seem and how sad news is his mother told him
to look for the helpers don't look at the people running out of the building that's on fire don't look at the Flames
don't look at the the pain and the destruction look at the people running in to save others and for me that's my
community so when I feel really distraught about the state of Politics the fact that people can't have simple
conversations with each other the fact that there's kid that won't even talk to each other because they're on opposite
sides of the political spectrum and that's sad to me but then I look over and I see people like R chimazo Smith
and I see people like Patty Kettle and I see people like um Mark and that's what keeps me going because y'all are the
Embracing Humanity in the AI Era
people running in it doesn't matter what the world looks like you're just going to keep running in and do good things
that's what this is all about so don't get hung up on the AI and forget your
Humanity that'd be my third point I'm long-winded I'm Southern you're gonna get all sorts of things you never know
it's gonna pop out of my mouth Mark I tell you what oh I love it those are
The Struggles of Learning New Tools
great pieces of advice and I know I've been there with the trying to learn all
the tools I was just helping my mom with her iPad and she's a speech language
pathologist so at one point she downloaded like hundreds of tools to try
first to use in therapy now I feel like there it's easy to get overwhelmed and
I'm of the a similar sentiment that for me I'm all in on chat GPT as something
that I think will it'll evolve but it'll be here so that's one that I'd like to
continue to reinvest my time into learning it has image capabilities but I
know there's others like mid Journey that do a better job so there's another one that if you had something that was
The Importance of Choosing the Right AI Tools
an image specialization one that would be a good one to probably sck sink your teeth into but you may not need another
text based one other than chat GPT right now like I tried notion AI or their
Q&A which it's powered by chat GPT so
you're doubling up on generative text and I just didn't really see yet the
I love notion ability to organize information very easily and you can have it right inside but I'm so used to Now
using chat GPT that it feels like that's the environment I want to work in right
yeah see your workflows yeah you get in a habit of doing things a certain way so your point
about the tool overwhelm I definitely know how you you feel with that and that
is great advice because it's can be overwhelming like there's no
question that you also as a business owner run into uh a stacking of
subscription costs that if you're not careful you're like you know every AI tool is at least $8 a month after their
one week trial or what have you which the great business models but
responsibly speaking you can't practically have subscriptions to everything you need to pick your spots
that's right be choosy and then get Rocket money to help you identify which things you accidentally signed up for
Managing Subscriptions with Rocket Money
and you forgot about that happens to me that's why I have rocket money great app it identifies all your subscriptions and
your recurring cost I'm like oh my gosh I forgot I did subscribe to rewardful my
bad then she go cancel it that's I don't have that but thank you for bring that
up rocket money I I'll be sure to to get that service I love that on the topic of
Favorite AI Tools and Applications
like apps you love and things it doesn't necessarily need to be AI but AI is cool
to talk about what do you really love as far as tools that make your business
more productive better I want to mention descript is a fantastic tool it's and I
and they've done a lot of improvements on it even when since I started using it back in gosh July so essentially what
does is that there's a couple different things you can do recordings one neat feature that it does is slightly creepy
but is neat say you have a document and you just are teleprompt and you want to
read and your eyes are going like this right I'm a person who can usually read and sound conversational that's
important you have to be able to do that but it will automatically adjust your eyes to the camera so it doesn't look
like you have fourble eye contact and it doesn't do it in a creepy way because even when you're talking I especially do this
when I talk I do this I'm thinking with my eyeball so it doesn't completely make
you look and sound like a robot which I like it also does some really neat things where it will help pull out good
snackable content it'll take your and actually TR put it into a transcript and then help you find really
good pieces that you can then pull back out and reuse in clips and social media
I really like that in terms of meeting notes there's a lot of AI note takers
gosh there's fathom there's otter a bunch of other ones I can't think off the I think even Zoom has been working
on creating one that's built in the the product the one I prefer is we it's
about time for Zoom yeah come on guys get on it I really like app I think that
one's quite good I like the the way it it's structured and if anything it's it
struggles with trying to provide you with too many flashy tools that aren't exactly Ed because I'm a one person uh
business I don't really need to know like how inclusive my language is
because I can't coach myself I can coach myself but it's not I can imagine that being maybe helpful for a manager with a
team of customer service people right not necessarily something I can use but
I like read AI quite a lot and then I do love mid journey in fact even people
Exploring the World of AI Magazines
don't know this but they actually have their own magazine it's $4 a month and I subscribe not only are the pictures just
so amazing but they also have these really great interviews with AI creators
which is what I find to be particularly interesting I like to hear how people are using this technology mid turnour is
an interesting one I like it it's you brought up a little interesting we touched on it that it's not the most
The Challenges and Rewards of AI Tools
userfriendly I don't think that they're bothered with that right now like they're actually impossible to get in
touch with I try to get in touch with anyone at midur to come to impact or even to get a bul because I wanted to
get bulk by a magazines and have them sent to our participants but you can't
even do that so they're just an interesting model to watch and they are creating incredible Tech and in my
opinion Dolly can't come close to good the good images that
mid Journey can create it does depend on how vers how well versed you are with
prompting within mid Journey because the quality The Prompt makes a huge difference so not the most user friendly
but worth in my opinion taking the time to learn it so those are the ones that I
like so far and I did on my LinkedIn page I did 2023 Haley's highlights and I
listed like the best books I've read from 2023 and the best podcast of which
I shouted out to you my friend and also some really great AI tools so go check
that out if you if you want more good advice on really great AI tools and
stuff so it's fun I love this St so fun I can't wait to check out that list
descript or descript depending on how oh what happened there can you oh yeah my
my window just changed not sure why I use that tool I did not know and I do
love it I did not know that it helps you call out sections yeah and also helps you call
out helps you identify speakers say you're sometimes we will record our
thought leadership round table because there's some really good snackable stuff in there and it can help you identify
like everything that George said and as in conversations you don't necessarily
speak in complete sentences or there's mumbles and just the natural of speaking
and there are times that you maybe Mis pronounce a word so there are things that you can go in train your AI V your
V the AI on your voice and it will go in and actually update that snackable bit
with the right the correction which is me creepy yeah they're I think they call it overdub or overdubbing or yeah I love
that you can make those kinds of Corrections curious do you remember what it's called where it highlights what no
I I don't know if you can do it in the online on the dash what am I trying to
say in the desktop version if you go to their main website login and you go to
their lab it's one of the more beta Fe that they're testing and actually to be
fair with you I haven't used it in a in a in a minute so so they may have
discont continued it if maybe there was a reason why they couldn't do it but I remember thinking why isn't this in the
desktop version because this is great but it's if you go to the descript and you go to the labs that one's pretty
cool oh and then actually another one that does that does like Labs I love when they do that because then you can really experiment and they're already
letting you know this isn't going to work perfectly but they're letting you experiment with it which is fun I like
doing that Runway and L is really good in terms of literally taking AI
generating AI videos that one's pretty phenomenal and just fun I find it hard
to control so like a lot of times you wind up with a bunch of random stuff that's not exactly usable but what's
created is beautiful and I'm like I wish I could figure out a way to use it so if you're an artist or a
videographer I think it could be one of those things you can learn to prompt it but yeah there's just there's so many
great tools and I know that there's more that I not even I'm not even mentioning that because I haven't tried it yet and so if
people are ifers are interested in in trying to find new ones I would say
product Hunt is a great website to go to to see some of the neat things that are new and upcoming or future future I
think that's futur
pedia.com is so it's a very nicely done website and trying to help you determine
what is the best AI tool for you just don't get overwhelmed it's easy it's
like being the kid in the candy shop and have being spoiled for choice and being like I don't know if I want to Hershey's
I don't know if I wanted to I don't know what I'm doing and if you do get overwhelmed just know blo we've been
there it's human it's okay you'll get through it there's definitely a kind of
like the shiny object syndrome the shiny tool syndrome right where they all look
so great I know I'm going to use this a million times and then after that fun
couple days you may not use it for the month but your subscription has started
and you forgot about it that's why I gotta get Rocket money and I'm not even an affiliate or anything of them I just
they have saved me so much money because they've been able to say oh gosh I spent
I spent $49 on that tool I haven't used in two months I need to go cancel that and if that happens to you don't feel
bad it happens to all of us at every single person even my crazy brother-in-law who is like about his
expenses has it happened to him so when it happened to him I was like oh I'm off the hook because if it can happen to him
it can happen to anyone yeah absolutely what else this has been such a fun
conversation you are amazing and I love your energy what else would you like to
share that you haven't had a chance to yet I I just want to reiterate that impact is a very open Community whether
The Impact Community: A Home for Everyone
you are a developer who's been like if you're someone like Kate Bradley shist and founder of lately. a and you've been
doing this for a long time there is a home for you here or if you're someone who's not even gone into the AI world
there's a home for you here I say that every single person has a seat at our table and I know that with the world as
busy and crazy and as quickly as it changes does feel like time is speeding
up that it's easy to Turtle it's easy to put your head in the sand or your shell
and hope that it will go away but I'm telling you that is not the answer it's just going to get harder so the best way
forward I believe is through community and I'd like to offer that as a very godmother of AI That's What We have at
impact and that doesn't just mean you as a business person or a professional but you as the whole individual a big part
of what we do is help people navigate through this ambiguity I don't have a crystal ball I
don't know what's going to happen in fact my track record for predicting the future is not good so I've learned not
to try because I know that God the universe The Source whatever you want to call that entity out there loves to make
a fool out of me loves it and it's a good thing I've got a good sense of humor about it all of that to say that
we're here we're here for you Mark we're here for your uh listeners and if you
guys would like to be part of the impact Community we have a seat for you at our table come check our website out reach
out to me through email through Link in join our one of our round tables join our great debates if you would like to
be a tester of our tester club and get advanc an advanced chance to look at
tools that haven't gone out to market yet usually there AI but not always then
let me know we love to have a really healthy list of potential testers for
our developers and Founders to choose from to be able to have a really successful listening session so lots of
really cool things going on and I'm just excited to be here man the world is a
crazy weird place to be right now but I'm happy that I'm here and I'm happy I
I know you mark this is fun so let's do some more of this I so Happ you're here and thank you so much uh before we wrap
The Power of ChatGPT in Everyday Life
up I did want to I ask everyone uh about their
experience with chat GPT what do you use it for how frequently do you use it oh I
use it every single day there is not a thing that I haven't used it for in some regard even if it's just to test it out
in my free time I paint do quite a little bit of painting and I was
struggling with one of my paintings I was doing some Christmas presents and I
took a picture of what I had painted and I said help me figure out ways to
develop the water better whatever it was and draw me illustration of how to do
that and I'm going to tell you it was really helpful so even as an artist I
find it really helpful to just be a guide now I'm not to always use all of that I've used it I'm trying to think of
some of the more bizarre ways I've used it I was dating a nerdy guy for a little bit who liked to talk to me in binary
code so 010111 0 and so I would just copy and paste
that into chat GPT get a translation and have it write back something that I can send a binary code there's just it's
your imagination and luckily I've got a lot of that it's just I think that
people think that chat GPT is supposed to necess is supposed to make it's supposed
to replace a lot of the work that they do and I think that's the wrong way to approach it I just think of it as having
a really curious very eager to please intern at my beckin call and sometimes
it comes up with some really amazing things and sometimes it's really disappointing and that's okay so yeah I
use it for a lot of things a lot it's really great when you're trying to come up with some cute pickup lines too
that's always fun sometimes I'll put in a letter that's hilarious my grandma writes me an email it's really long then
I'll put in and say Hey you have my voice chat GPT can you just write her letter back and give her updates about
XYZ or whatever it is and it will give me a pretty nice letter that I can adapt
for my purposes to be able to send to my grandma and she doesn't bu the difference and all she thinks is I just
wrote her a three-page letter and now oh how nice that is and so it's these little little ways to surprise and
Delight it's fun I love that the the little ways chat GPT can surprise and
Wrapping Up: The Future of AI and Creativity
Delight I play guitar and one of my first applications was just testing it
on writing songs because it's something that's text based and usually can take
quite a lot of time to get things to just Rhyme or maybe come up with an idea and for art I think
everything we create at some point is not just going to be us it's going to be us plus AI in some way there's going to
be not always right but more and more whether it's a book or uh anything
textual it's likely that AI touched it that Fusion of creativity with this
powerful insightful tool I'm very excited to see what people come up with
and I love that mid journey book I think that's that's something that I'd like to get my hands on and leaf through so I'll
out for sure look it's thick it's really in good quality it looks like it yeah
pretty cool so I would definitely advise and think it's good to support them even if they're off doing their own thing the
proof is in the pudding and the things that they create and we talked about one other good thing I'll say about Chacha
PT this may be slightly more serious of a use case the Biden administ came out
with new rules around classifications of whether an employee or contractor and a
lot of that is to get at the abuses of uber and lift and I totally get that but as a small business owner that it's it
frightens me it feels a little bit of an overreach and so I was putting my thoughts and my emotions and why I was
feeling certain way into Chachi PT I gave chat PT a few different
articles one that was pretty laughly when was pretty right leaning because I feel like you have to do that to balance stuff out and I would say help me
articulate my concerns because sometimes you don't know how you really feel about
it until you see something written down and it did a really good job of
articulating when I read it I'm like yeah yeah that's how I feel oh yeah oh good job chat GPT and then to check
myself because I don't think you should just this is a challenge into people ha I think you don't just go with what's
comfortable and what feels right you also have to challenge yourself so then my reply to is that's phenomenal chat PT
Now give me the opposite op um opinion give me the arguments again that that
against what I'm saying and for the rules and it it was really helpful for
me to get a full context of the the argument and then I still hold a lot of
my initial feelings and opinion opions but now I know why I have those feelings
and and I had that reaction and I posted about it on LinkedIn yesterday it went
over like a lead balloon I didn't get any comments or or comment likes which is a little unusual but I think that's
because people don't like to touch Politics on LinkedIn and that's fine that's fair but I the point is I was
prepared to have a conversation should someone want to engage with me and debate with me about it which I'm all
about I love that I don't learn anything by hearing myself talk not usually sometimes but not usually and so I find
chat GPT is a good prep for that so if you're going to do a great debate it's really smart to put in your arguments
into chat PT and then ask for it to argue with you it's a really great Devil's Advocate I so that's another use
case that I find is pretty good for chatu PT very long-winded explanation I would tend to agree yeah helping you see
another perspective from what is arguably an un bias you can give it any
bias you want to position against whatever you believe so it's a great example I like to have Chad gbt ask me
questions about things to help me think through things or interview me about
topics quizzing on certain something you're studying I love a great question
I guess is what I'm said I'm telling you you need to join my thought leadership roundt well you're going to love it because we talk about all sorts of stuff
well I can't wait to sometimes I do put some of the things that we talk about in Chap and so it's fun to to see what chat
GPT has to say about it but yeah it's open invitation it's an open Round
Table Uber nerd kind of Kingdom but again that is the highest compliment I
can give someone if you're an Uber nerd you're gonna be just fine yeah well I think I'll fit right in for sure okay
Haley this has been so much fun thank you so much for making some time today and sharing
everything that you've learned up to this point in your life with us in only an hour and I look forward to our next
conversation and participating in your groups awesome thank you so much Mark
I've really enjoyed this and look forward to collaborating with you more in the future have a good rest of your
day have a wonderful day cheers that was great Haley thank you so much thank you