Embracing the Power of Generative AI with Kieran Gilmurray

Ai Training Podcast

Mark Latimer and Kieran Gilmurray Rating 0 (0) (0)
openaitraining.com Launched: Feb 09, 2024
podcast@openaitraining.com Season: 1 Episode: 20

Ai Training Podcast
Embracing the Power of Generative AI with Kieran Gilmurray
Feb 09, 2024, Season 1, Episode 20
Mark Latimer and Kieran Gilmurray
Episode Summary

In this enlightening discussion, technology expert Kieran Guilmurray shares his insights into the world of Generative AI and Intelligent Automation. He talks about his journey in the tech industry and how these transformative technologies have revolutionized industries and brought about significant improvements.


For more info and episodes visit: https://www.openaitraining.com


From discussing real-life applications like intelligent automation in factories and generative AI in various industries, Kieran discusses the ethical implications of AI, its potential risks, and the need for businesses to keep up with technological advancements.

He also underscores the idea that 'technology drives so much change'. This conversation is not just for the tech-enthusiasts, but for everyone keen on understanding the potential of technology in improving businesses and peoples' lives.

Connect with Kieran Gilmurray

Linkedin:   / kierangilmurray  

Website: https://kierangilmurray.com/

Connect with Mark Latimer

Linkedin:   / openaitraining  

Website: https://www.openaitraining.com


Instagram: w  / marklatimer  


00:00 Introduction and Background

01:28 Early Experiences with Technology

02:10 Creating Solly the Robot

04:08 The Power of Data Analytics

05:16 The Role of Business Leaders in Tech Adoption

07:33 The Excitement for the Future of Tech

08:11 The Impact of Generative AI

10:53 The Power of ChatGPT

15:16 The Future of AI in Business

21:17 The Importance of Continuous Learning

23:07 Getting Started with ChatGPT

24:58 Harnessing AI in Business Operations

25:39 The Role of Executives in AI Implementation

26:53 The Impact of COVID on Technology Adoption

27:35 The Importance of AI in Competitive Advantage

29:20 The Power of Automation in Business Processes

34:49 The Future of AI and Generative Technologies

44:01 The Role of AI in Human Resource Management

50:07 The Power of Sharing Knowledge in the AI Community

#TechnologyTransformation #GenerativeAI #ArtificialIntelligence #IntelligentAutomation #DataAnalytics #EthicsInAI #ExponentialOrganizations #ProcessDesign #AgingTech #DigitalTransformations #FutureOfWork #ConversationalAI #AIInBusiness

Episode Chapters
Ai Training Podcast
Embracing the Power of Generative AI with Kieran Gilmurray
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00:00:00 |

In this enlightening discussion, technology expert Kieran Guilmurray shares his insights into the world of Generative AI and Intelligent Automation. He talks about his journey in the tech industry and how these transformative technologies have revolutionized industries and brought about significant improvements.


For more info and episodes visit: https://www.openaitraining.com


From discussing real-life applications like intelligent automation in factories and generative AI in various industries, Kieran discusses the ethical implications of AI, its potential risks, and the need for businesses to keep up with technological advancements.

He also underscores the idea that 'technology drives so much change'. This conversation is not just for the tech-enthusiasts, but for everyone keen on understanding the potential of technology in improving businesses and peoples' lives.

Connect with Kieran Gilmurray

Linkedin:   / kierangilmurray  

Website: https://kierangilmurray.com/

Connect with Mark Latimer

Linkedin:   / openaitraining  

Website: https://www.openaitraining.com


Instagram: w  / marklatimer  


00:00 Introduction and Background

01:28 Early Experiences with Technology

02:10 Creating Solly the Robot

04:08 The Power of Data Analytics

05:16 The Role of Business Leaders in Tech Adoption

07:33 The Excitement for the Future of Tech

08:11 The Impact of Generative AI

10:53 The Power of ChatGPT

15:16 The Future of AI in Business

21:17 The Importance of Continuous Learning

23:07 Getting Started with ChatGPT

24:58 Harnessing AI in Business Operations

25:39 The Role of Executives in AI Implementation

26:53 The Impact of COVID on Technology Adoption

27:35 The Importance of AI in Competitive Advantage

29:20 The Power of Automation in Business Processes

34:49 The Future of AI and Generative Technologies

44:01 The Role of AI in Human Resource Management

50:07 The Power of Sharing Knowledge in the AI Community

#TechnologyTransformation #GenerativeAI #ArtificialIntelligence #IntelligentAutomation #DataAnalytics #EthicsInAI #ExponentialOrganizations #ProcessDesign #AgingTech #DigitalTransformations #FutureOfWork #ConversationalAI #AIInBusiness

Introduction and Background


without further Ado for those that haven't been formally introduced why don't you give yourself a a warm


introduction um it's not often you get to introduce yourself warmly or otherwise so happy to look my name is


Kieran I live in Ireland I've been in the business technology space for about 30 years thus aging myself immediately


Mark but I've been there done that seen that there's very few Technologies I haven't come across over the years but


it's always fascinating to watch them appear and disappear I've passionate about education I'm an ex-teacher


believe it or not for many years ago not many people know that and then I've spent decades as a developer as a


consultant as a head of data science and process Excellence as a leader of intelligent automation I'm fascinated by


what technology can do for business can't imagine being in any other space


imagine doing something that didn't change every day my goodness we would be bored but I'm not excited for technology


sake I'm excited by what technology can do in the world and by goodness the technologies that we C have today can


allow businesses and society and governments and everyone else in between to do amazing things so I wake up every


single day with a smile in my face knowing that I'm going to see and learn do something different every single day


and Mark long may that continue Ken I appreciate you and I'm excited to to dig


into all of these things that you've learned over the years reading your a little sound bite from one of your

Early Experiences with Technology


YouTube videos in 2000 you built a robot tell me a bit about that because that


was pre RPA what'd you build yeah it's funny now isn't it the multi-billion pound


industry that it's become having been packaged beautifully existed for years


before maybe not the same guys but if you want to call it screen scraping robots customer relationship management


with workflow built into their case management workflow all these things created decades ago go I suppose the One


Thing Mark people have hired me for over the years is my foresight and in 2000 people weren't even talking about robots


which is slightly odd for me back in the day but I created Solly the robot I was working for a legal firm in Ireland and

Creating Solly the Robot


what you would see in the law firm was that there was a lot of things that are the same I know if you talk to a lawyer


they might talk about how they handcraft the law how their brain comes into so many things and genuinely does if you


ever get an opportunity h a great lawyer a great accountant a great tax burst knows things you need for your business


but the number of things that were the same were phenomenal when you broke the process down so when you're purchasing a


property or remortgaging a property someone needs to give you instructions once you've got instructions there's


obvious next steps once you've passed those next steps there's a contract stage once you've done the contract


stage there's a ass signing and whatever mortgage stage all the same so I created


a Rob robot that basically the soon as you started putting stuff into the case management system the robot started to


assist or augment even back in the day which is not what 24 years ago so the moment you did something the robot went


I know what you want next it went away did a whole load of the work for you that meant as a legal professional you


weren't dealing with the necessary but very mundane steps in the process the


robot of the digital workflow was taking care of all of this and if you look at some of the things we were doing back in


the day it was quite Innovative so the moment you signed up to the law firm we sent you a bill we sent an email telling


you where you were at with your case you could log in online you could interact with the robot you could interact bilingually or multilingually on the


website the robot would send emails updating you throughout the progress of the case what it would do is also


collect the information on all of the work that you were doing so when you as a lawyer paralal or legal professional


came in the next morning it had prepared your entire work load for the day and if


you were off and something didn't happen so that things didn't get stuck in the process it alerted your supervisor or


your manager but the really interesting bit on top of that which started part of my career was the analytics piece all of

The Power of Data Analytics


a sudden not only could you see the automation freeing lawyers to spend more time with customers or to do more work


essentially for higher productivity you also seen a lot of date analytics coming out because the role book could start to


go through numbers of cases per day numbers of transac particular stages how


long lawyers or legal professionals were taking to do things and it wasn't to catch them out it was very much to give


them the analytics so the business could see the number of Staff the amount of workflow the times to take things done


who was better and who was worse at something so it could provide training to start to create a high performance


environment and that business Grew From I think when I started it was about 20 people it grew to over 200 and something


people which isn't very big internationally but from a law firm perspective in the jurisdiction that it


was in it was the biggest Law Firm by none within a very short period of time


which shows you adopting the right technology with the right professional allows you to do far more than just a


professional being there by themselves for sure and uh a lot of unique kind of

The Role of Business Leaders in Tech Adoption


qualities to that that particular situation I feel like the business owner themselves has to be somewhat Forward


Thinking to agree to make these changes they absolutely do it's it's the the


horrible ugly truth Mark of why businesses don't transform is down to


the word people if you want to change you can change we put all the technology


in the world for decades yes maybe it's not as good as it is now but with of all the technology we have needed to


digitally transform for three or four different decades I was fortunate to


work for a business leader who absolutely adored the impact that technology could have


he also recognized he happened to be he that it wasn't just about the technology but if you give great people great


technology you can do even greater things but I do remember I I pretty much had a blank check because everything


that I was doing I made sure there was a business case put around it there was an outcome it was focused on delivering what the strategy was too many IT


projects I have seen are vanity projects in other words it's very interesting for the IT professional to do it but it does


nothing for the business so I had to build that element of trust in with the business leader to show that everything


we were doing worked and then there was a heck of a lot of other work done outside of it around the promotion


around the selling around the education around the training I call a massive change management plan to get people


into the mindset that we weren't replacing them with robots or actually were augmenting them to allow them to


achieve more and build more which ultimately resulted more money for the lawyer but to deliver happier better


quality service for all the clients which oddly enough resulted in less work for all the lawyers in the law firm


because clients weren't complaining I remember in the bottom of an email I was looking for X amount of pounds and I


also wrote and had like $1 million in a brown bag for a bit of fun as well to which I got absolute vukan of everything


apart from the BR bag in the million dollars but thanks for trying so I was trusted but maybe not up to a point


amazing it's was lovely to get a blank check that you can do amazing things with but you have to earn that oh I got


to put it out there blank checks love it tell me with the Year we're right in the beginning now what are you excited about

The Excitement for the Future of Tech


uh as I said a little bit earlier on Mark I have watched technology over the years so I've been through the year 2000


three or four different recessions through Erp through RPA and intelligent


automation through Cloud you name it I've been there as I said I I worked as a data science head of data science for


13 years but the one thing that excites me continues to be data analytics which I talked started back in the day when I


started my it career in the '90s I've been fascinated by data and fascinated by what people can do with the datea in


terms of decision insight to allow them to make far better decisions now on top

The Impact of Generative AI


of that boy am I excited about generative Ai and it's not from the everybody's talking about a point of


view and therefore jumping on the bandwagon point of view I had seen chat GPT and a couple of others because you


follow Google you follow the trends you follow their their research groups but before November last year and you were


starting to go oh my goodness that's just phenomenal you'll remember back in the day you were designing narrow AI so


in other words we were doing retention models and I could tell you for most people in Northern Ireland what they


they were if they were going to sign up to this insurance policy or not and how much I need to charge them it was very


narrow you one case study you put Engineers near you built databases and data warehouses you data scientists and


data Engineers wrangling everything now all of a sudden I can ask ask a large


language model a thousand different questions and over time if I train that I can get it to give a thousand


different answers I've played with this technology and used this technology for 12 months at a minimum I am 30 to 40%


more productive and I've not spent as many hours as as I want I have to work as well but it is truly exciting the


power of analytics plus llms plus automation so what am I excited about in


2024 it's business is actually turning what is currently potential into value I


think we'll see a mass of companies or we should see a mass of companies giving their employees the training the


awareness the business use cases the skill and the access to generative technology to allow them to do far more


and ethically as well but to do and Achieve far more in far less time far


more easily in than in the past everybody will have ai in their pocket for $20 or even less that's going to


transform how we actually do things it's going to enrich the decisions that we make it's going to improve the


businesses that we're actually operating uh today and I can't wait to see that


turn into fruition once people start to use technology in a massively transformative way I think we'll


actually start people going remember that automation thing that we talked about those robots that we've resisted


and everything else that we can do to automate the life out of our jobs maybe we should relook at that again so I'm


excited about the combination of generative ai ai decision insight and intelligent automation to allow us to


really create the exponential firms that we should have created over the last decade wow lots to lots to be excited


about there I I can sense the the genuine enthusiasm for for what you do let's talk about


the let's maybe start with chat GPT you've been using it for 12 months

The Power of ChatGPT


what's been the story arc for you both from a usage perspective and how your


thoughts about the tool have changed yeah the the real story arc is the last time I used Google to search was maybe


November 2022 that's scary exciting fascinating if I'm Google I'm terrified


what's their business model built on the same with YouTube or whatever else so it's fascinating that I don't use search


engines anymore and haven't and why I haven't is because of the power of the tools so not only do I use chat GPT I


have a range of tools open at the same time again folks please go and pick the tool that's right from you but I've clawed


I've grammarly I have chat gbt I I've Image Creators being image Creator up


the amount of things that I can do and create in my day-to-day work is phenomenal so for example one of the


things I do for a lot of people is write H technology related content now before I begin instead of doing vast amounts of


research I go and put in the structure of what I want I put in the audience I put in a whole host of prompts and go


this is the kind of thing that I'm looking for now it's not replacing what I do that would be rather lazy and that


would be wonderful and rather easy if I could say write me a 3,000 word white paper on the latest Intel MX processor


it doesn't work like that unfortunately or maybe fortunately but by goodness does it give you a leg up in terms of


the things that you need so I'll go into chat gbt Bing Google board Claude each


of them give you a slightly different answer despite the fact that you maybe use the same prompt or adjust it but all


of a sudden a caterp bus me forward in terms of the ideas and the content and the the findings and the


combination of the findings that it's just not been possible to date I do a search engine it comes up with 10 Things


I then have to go into each and everything and make sense of them now I can get the engine to do that when I


start writing and I'm using this as one example only I get it to do a grammar check and do an audit of everything that


I've written back it comes with answers I can then get it to restructure it and rewrite it in a better way that's more


more receptive to my audience so I might say act as a Gartner blor analyst here's


the audience that you're actually going to I want you to pit it at this level would you rephrase that so it's got more impact out the back of that I'm doing


active and passive change the sentences around the grammar the structure at top of that I'll go this is now going to be


in a social media article can you write me a prompt that's intuitive interesting stops everybody scrolling can you now


create an image that goes with this article and so on and so on the number number of uses that I put it to every


day are phenomenal it's like having and it's a terrible phrase that people uh repeat it is like having an army A very


clever and increasingly clever interns beside me or executive assistants who


are really capable in so many different areas undertaking the work that I'm doing as I said it's not replaced me it


could maybe at some stage and I don't mind that by the way because it allows me to evolve in other areas but by


goodness has it allowed me to accelerate not only what I'm doing but the quality of what I'm doing and the ideas and the


and the the thinking behind what I'm actually at and ways that I just couldn't have possibly imagined now


before I do anything I'm almost reaching to generative AI in the first instance to get the thinking and the thoughts and


the structure and more ideas and counterarguments and counter intuative ideas as well because I can challenge it


to prompt what I'm actually doing so now that I've done that I I know it really and actually go out and train companies


how to do it every time I do it it's like presenting magic to people where they're going my goodness I'm doing an


interview for a particular role I didn't know what to ask the questions based on a particular methodology and I didn't


agree this with the other people in the room now I basically feed in the job advert ask it to produce all the


questions that I need an example a 10 following a particular interview methodology explain to me why you've


done and all of a sudden it goes and does it in two minutes you can have 20 Questions pick your top 10 work with the


person in front you and off you go those are just small examples of the wide variety of things as a friend of mine


said if you can think it and you can describe it CH gbt or generative AI can


probably create it so the only thing that's now limited is our


imagination so why why am I excited about all these Technologies things that it can do it it's just a bottomless

The Future of AI in Business


wonderful pit of huge potential and huge opportunity to allow me to do the most


amazing things far better far more productively to higher quality than I've ever been able to do to date and the


exciting bit is all these models are getting better and better and thankfully I'm getting better and better at asking


questions as well it's exciting times I I share a similar enthusiasm it's so


cool what can be done and I feel like there's this idea of AI is really if you


look at it the right way the art of intelligence how you look at connecting


everything with a powerful input so I'm very interested in that connective


tissue putting together a string of tools that I love this idea of the


second brain and I've started to apply some of these ideas of using notion as a


repository for a whole bunch of data and recently started to play around with


notion Ai and being able to get really high quality output right inside for


ated usable databases so it's incredibly fascinating


and I'm curious from how do you now think about chat gbt what is your we've


got all these different tools what's your how do you think about it yeah look I suppose just to build on a phrase you


said a moment ago because it's exciting times I coined the phrase a little while ago we're not talking about a return on


investment despite the fact that we do need to invest in this technology and training and we probably have to


restructure how we go about things inside of organizations and everything else but we're really talking about a


return on intelligence that we can accelerate or multiply far greater than we currently have so now for example on


a normal day I can get X on with chat GPT or one of the other derivatives I can be 10x in certain instances more


productive and in certain instances I can be 20 and 40 and almost 100x more


Ive in general and the quality of my outputs can be greater so I go back to


the example where I'm writing a white paper I'm presenting an argument but to make sure that my argument solid I'll go


in and ask chat GPT or Bing or Bard or whatever Gemini give me the counterintuitive argument as to why this


may not be as good a quality statement as it might be so all of a sudden I'm getting challenged and checked and my


thinking is getting judged against what is currently really great quality l LS


now if you imagine that's going to improve as these things improve over time as well then the quality of the output should be greater so I'm excited


by the potential return on intelligence of the tools themselves and the more I invest in the tools and as you


mentioning I know of template prompts template documents that I feed in


template white papers to saying this is the quality and the standard and this is the style that I want you to get it to


because remember in the real world we've got a brilliant assistant we're giving them all the information here's prior


examples this is the outcome that I want you to put in place we can't just say to the computer do a white paper on X so


the more intelligence we put into the Tooling in general the manufacturers the more intelligence we put in as


individuals to train it in specific ways that we want in our style in our methods


the greater the return on intelligence we're going to get so 2 plus two is going to equal seven now once everybody


understands 2+ 2 is equal will equal seven then imagine You' have 100 people inside of your organization producing


100 time x now you have 100 times x times a multiplier and the opportunities


now to achieve even greater things are just going to be fast that's why I call it the generative or the exponential


organization but it's the combination I think Mark not of just one technology


because AI has been around for decades generative AI as I coined it in the talk I was doing recently is an 85 your old


success story but when you start to combine generative AI with normal Ai and


sometimes normal Ai and machine learning is absolutely fine and that's what you want when you combine it with other


exponential Technologies like blockchain like AR like VR like intelligent automation robotic process automation


the combination of the Technologies are going to give us arms and legs and


second and third and fourth brains that allow us to run far back F to far higher


quality than we can ever imagine the challenge is going to be trying to keep up with it all and therefore as we move


into this age of AI and as everybody who's now coming out of work suddenly becomes not a digital native but an AI


native and as soon as everybody is AI in their pocket in much the same way as the


mobile phone transformed everything that we're now doing when everybody is AI in their pocket my goodness are we going to


be able to do amazing things once they learn how to use it you and I are probably slightly ahead of the curve


because we're excited by technology we mix in this space and now with 12 months expertise you will have reached a ma a


marathon ahead of a lot of people but very quickly organizations are going to see the power of this technology they're


not going to be able to avoid it because if you think everybody is using AI they probably are and if you're not using it


you're probably one of the few not thinking about at the moment and that's a very dangerous situation to be in


because we're also not in an age of exponential technology or an age of AI


we're also in the digital Darwinism age or the AI in digital Darwinism age where


if businesses do not invest in these Technologies then and I don't wish this


in any of them I don't fancy their chances of being around the next five years time yeah I I tend to agree with

The Importance of Continuous Learning


you that if businesses aren't incorporating Ai and have a path to


where is the learning stages for the teams for the leadership on the agenda


for the year right these need to be regular checkpoints I think the


continuous learning organization has to be something that for an organization to succeed I just I understand as a


solopreneur there's different opportunities because you're not tethered by what your job description is


and depending on the organization there's certain security rules and things that are in place for obvious


reasons how often do we start to use something in our personal lives and


realize it's amazing because somebody showed it to us and then bring that to work it needs to be a Forward Thinking


leadership regardless of the organization and there needs to be time


on the tool but you increase that you start to connect the dots and there's


even today there are regularly things that I just throw at chat chpt and


discover something new just to see what it can do I realize that it's it's quite


a handy PDF splitter and combiner and that's just a a very slight use case


that ah handy to know right but you don't really get these kinds of


experiences unless you spend a lot of time with the instrument right for you


to become a exceptional guitar player as a leader for your your band you got to


spend the time practicing and I agree with you that I haven't used Google in a long time and if you are still using


Google as a leader in organization I would really assess are you researching

Getting Started with ChatGPT


enough what chat GPT specifically can do what is your recommendation for people


in business that are new to chat GPT and how to get your feet wet where to begin


well like you've said it a second ago do you know what I mean you just need to put the tool on your desktop and be


conscious that look everything comes with risks so the very first one with chat gbt and again this is open to other


tools as well folks we should say this is that if you do not hit a particular


box or option then any data you feed into chat gbt can become part of the overall training Corpus and as Samsung


discovered not that long ago and there were one of a number of companies that fed in their IP all of a sudden you may


run the risk of actually giving up a lot of very valuable content and in this day


and age when most things can be bought and copied I can launch a business in China tomorrow in the cloud whereas two


decades ago I would have needed someone in the local market I would have needed a factory I would have needed Machinery


or I I can now do anything I want the real differentiator becomes the skill of the people the will of the leadership


the technology and how you combine them together but most importantly the data that you've got your processes so we do


warn people just be careful putting things securely into place we do also


warn people around the ethics of this and when people talk but ethics can s really boring in the governance bed but it's not there literally has been too


many examples over the past where AI has been trained by a particular Cort to recognize everything that cohort does is


wonderful and great guess what it's not it's not very diverse it's not very even and statistically speaking diverse teams


produce better results all that said get the tool dip your toe in the water get


it to do simple things as you're mentioning split a PDF get it to come up with a counterargument to something


you're saying you're organizing a training event in your business ask it to come up with some suggestions you

Harnessing AI in Business Operations


want some questions of a very publicly available interview form or or job


advertisement put it in and ask it for 10 questions saying you want to follow a particular interview methodology and


tell it what you want it to do think of all the roles in your organization and look at some of the tasks that they


perform and ask chat GPT or Bing or board or gemini or whatever else it is For answers or checks or challenges or


up dates or restructures or rewrites of emails but to your point get your feet wet you made a really great Point as


well Mark here that I think very often people miss this technology AI is too important to throw

The Role of Executives in AI Implementation


to your it team in the corner and then come back in two years time as an executive and chair and a and board


there should be continued education around the art of Technology but AI in particular because it is truly amazing


they should learn they should evidence it this is too much of a change too much of an investment too much of a restructure in a business to hand it


anyway down from Beneath the Sea Suite the sea Suite should have been an owner on this and to your point they should


have been playing with it there's nothing worse than you and I have probably been in businesses where leaders sitting up there talking a whole


lot of bump about a technology that they've not used or not willing to use and then are trying to convince the


world beneath them that this is the greatest things in sliced bread in a very bad way and everybody listens and


goes you don't believe in this I'm all this technology is too transformative leaders have to understand it they have


to believe in it they have to provide some guidelines to get it done and they have to provide the training and the


models and everything else and the awareness and risks and everything else to let people experiment whilst their it


teams and the risk teams work out what it is that people can or cannot do but


even there I would caution one thing during Co and you mentioned Co a while

The Impact of COVID on Technology Adoption


ago the world transformed everybody learned what they should have learned decades ago that you can work from


anywhere assuming there's trust because there's been laptops for decades there's been broadband and Lease lines for


decades antivirus you name it everything has existed Co created a platform that forced people to to react and to work


together and all of a sudden things that were blocked in the past that it teams said they couldn't do all of a sudden


magically disappeared overnight so if organizations want to roll this technology out apply the learning that


they learned during Co that if you want to make it happen you can make it happen there are risks but there's risks to


crossing the road but this technology is too important and too competitively advantageous to spend the next nine

The Importance of AI in Competitive Advantage


months working out a policy or putting the top of your pile so what I would encourage people to do is learn it give


them the skills give them the direction and training put this as the number one project inside of a business and do what


you did during Co which is remove every barrier Focus really quick quickly get this working because if you haven't got


it working the next 6 months I just think you will not be 6 months behind but you'll be 18 months behind a lot of


your competitors yes to your point add it to the agenda and move it to Priority


number one and that's seeing what it can do that's part of me starting open AI


training is because I the writing is on the wall I spent time running a PR


business and I was the majority of my time was spent training my team on AI


because I knew that any amount of time put into that they were going to be


exponentially better independently at getting all the things that they need to get done and I just feel there's in


thinking about helping my friends I'm like guys girls you need to know some of


these things and I've got a a stream deck beside me and I've just been


starting to connect all these shortcuts and applications with click triggers so


I'm loading it up with gpts to give myself push button triggers to get to


access these tools So speaking about process a lot of it now is deciding what


what processes can be eliminated right and that's do we even need to be doing these things after you set up an

The Power of Automation in Business Processes


automation you've had a lot of experience with process design how should organizations think about


approaching process and chat GPT or a generative AI really great question so


let me combine that with generative AI plus intelligent automation okay what a lot of people do is they do it wrong


hence why a lot of project have failed in the past where they go out to the business say what do you not like doing


and we'll automate that and what happens is people come up with all sorts of suggestions of stuff that's relatively


boring to do and very low value they spend a lot of money automating that and don't actually see a return in their


investment mine is not to start at the bottom in the weights mine is to be a little bit more fundamental and


transformative which is I'm going out to the market and I'm understanding what is my customers uh want what are they


willing to pay money for and pay a premium over cost to such an extent that it makes it worse while for me to have a


business fund a business hire people create a product or service that people are going to enjoy and pay me money for


not just next week next month but next year so I'm looking in the organization going what are the big decisions we need


to make to allow us to be the best organization possible what are the key


functions and processes that need to operate in the most efficient frictionless manner that Delights and


excites both our customers and employees to deliver this product at the highest


quality as appropriate and the lowest cost as appropriate to allow me to maximize the value of of my


organizational investment so now that I know what we're going what we're deciding to do and how we're going to do


it then I'm eliminating everything else that exists in the organization that I possibly can that does not contribute to


the big price now that said there are some things that you and I know need to happen like we have to do email every


day I can't eliminate email but if you ever go through an organization that's in financial distress and I've had to


restructure and number them all of a sudden you go looking for things that don't add value lots of projects


suddenly are suggested it projects that were really interesting but actually do the turn the dial on the big number and


the answer is no lots of marketing spend training spend or side projects or


invoices or recurring direct debits or the purchasing of something that's been going on but nobody's looked at it or


what is there's processes in place that someone put in two years ago but nobody's at a timed examine and I am


slashing those so I'm looking at the big decisions I'm looking at the big processes I'm taking away everything


else that doesn't turn the dial for those because that allows me to free funds free people and free time to work


on those big high value ad items then what I'm doing is I'm looking down those


processes and not automating and digitizing them and putting generative AI in to help me decide and to do just


for the sake of doing that as you and I know in business and let's take the example Mark of car insurance if I've


got a claim the last thing I want to do when I'm sitting on the side of the road is talk to a chat bot that says please


repeat the question I don't understand it there are certain moments when intelligent Automation and generative AI


make sense and there are certain K mods key moments of Truth where people make sense so as I'm redesigning and


restructuring the process to maximize the value remember I mentioned a moment ago about the customer and the employee


experience I'm making sure that when people can add their highest and best value and emotional support and judgment


and decision-making creativity and Innovation that is absolutely protect protected from automation but is


augmented by it when I say from you're not replacing a a good human answering a question to a distressed client by a


robot you're augmenting them with great technology so during that claims process for example I'm out of an app I asked


the person on the side of the road to point at the car take a video of all the surrounding and all of a sudden AI works


out where they are contacts the breakdown company and gets a vehicle coming out assesses the damage gets the


vehicle Ure notified as the potential loss starts the initial process so that


I can spend all this time being empathetic and answering all the customers questions as all of this magic


work is happening in the background so big thinking goes to big decisions big


process flows working out end to end process flows the key moments of Truth


where we need people and the key moments of Truth where we need them augmented and the things that we can digitize and automate and I'm working down from that


big picture Vision that way there I can get maximum value maximum employee and


customer experience whereas working from your bottom up automating or using generative AI on the bits and pieces


will result in a bits and pieces return and that's not what we're looking for and it's certainly not what that


technology can deliver today it's uh it's an excellent point the only way to


achieve any thing is to go after the goal right so as long as that's front and center and you reverse engineer how


to get there then things that don't need to be automated fall off because they're


not serving the the final outcome so excellent uh excellent example to I can


imagine how that that AI would work with filming the location and incredible

The Future of AI and Generative Technologies


right so what have been some aha moments this year for you working with


technology that's wow that's that's really interesting it it always


surprises me Mark there isn't a time when if you get a really great technology that you can't do something


with it so let's work through a couple generative AI let me not repeat that that's just been as exciting as hell


suddenly seeing very narrow AI that has been able to allow companies to achieve amazing things over the last numbers of


decades suddenly turn into something that's now democratized that's now capable of working across so many


different Industries and verticals and tasks at next to no marginal cost that


is massively exciting I have to say some of the other stuff that I've seen is is what I would describ as older technology


but you remember technology goes through hype curves so all of a sudden everybody says R and VR is the greatest thing that


ever existed on this planet and all of a sudden you see a pile of cash going into it and all of the promises that were


made to sell it don't suddenly go through because it's thrown at things that it shouldn't be thrown at so all of


a sudden AR and VR at the start of 2023 were getting a kicking not really exciting anymore and I remember being at


the Web Conference in November in Lisbon in 2022 when everybody said it was brilliant then it was and then it died


now you're starting to see Technologies like that settled down so you can start to see for example R&V are used to train


people in fighter jets to control manufacturing equipment sitting underground in Australian mines that


suddenly cost a fortune to actually fix or to man or to drive or to woman or they drive so you start to see the


technology like AR and VR and mixed reality been employed in areas where it really can work some of the uses of AI I


think and I'm ignoring generative AI just for the moment are starting to really be Revisited in a fantastic way


so some of the Technologies I've seen over the last numbers of ises are you look at factories and one of the things


that uh stops factories working scares people is now there's more and more Machinery all of a sudden people are


getting injured now there's heavier packaging because people are buying more things and those things need delivered


more quickly people need to work harder and all of a sudden you muscular SK legal injuries and whatever else and


I've seen some simple yet amazing technology where there's Imaging cameras put into Factory or shop floors and


they're watching the worker lift things and what they're doing is providing feedback in real time on a computer screen to talk about actually you were


trained to do it like this so you didn't get injured now you've got into bad and sloppy habits here's how you can reassess and people


are using the technology to stop the person hurting themselves intervening really early and just teaching them how


to lift correctly so they don't end up injured now for the long term I've seen


forklift trucks being stopped and alarms going off as people inside of factories


are walking across or about to get hurt by a truck when again you're thinking my goodness there's nothing more precious


than a life I'm starting to see vision technology and AR and VR starting to


work on production lines so that the quality of the content that's coming out of the product all of a sudden if there


is a problem rather than allowing to continue and waste money and time and dollars the production line is starting


to be stopped so now you're starting to see Ai and mixed reality and artificial reality and virtual reality been used in


really clean ways intelligent automation for me has always worked but you're starting to see that ramp up a little


bit more and there's some wonderful vendors who are now starting to integrate llms into robotic process


automation intelligent Automation and what they're doing is traditionally you would have had to do business process


analysis now you're starting to record what people are actually doing on their screens and the technology is working


out the best way to do it and using numbers and methods to all of a sudden to diagram and to flow it and to put


metrics around it and suggest best ways and if something changes in the process it's automatically rebuilding the code


that's exciting I've also seen Technologies coming out from Amazon code Whisperer for example there's other


derivatives GitHub do the same thing but all of a sudden it's a coder and I warned coders in Belfast about this a


year or two ago folks you're going to get replaced by Ai and generative AI Technologies but if you think about it


there's lots of old code in the world there's lots of things that we don't get time to do if you do and I use code


whisper as the example it can write code in 13 different languages so if I want something written in C or python or


whatever else I can ask it to do it people have started to get really clever and now you're able to draw in a forward


with a business user what is it that they want you hold the iPad or the laptop up in front of the screen it


looks at the flow diagram and automatically builds the code the exciting bit is not just the code building because that's automatically


done for you but it's building it in an ethical way it's building it with security buildin by default it's


automatically annotating the code the things that nobody wants to do it's automat automatically building a manual


as well so the next developer who comes along has actually got a guide so she can and see now I know what's happened


and word's gone wrong and what I need to change something that the game developers don't like to do and testers


will miss things because they're obviously human but now you're starting to see the potential of the Technologies to allow business people to do and


Achieve even more you know on top of that of course you're seeing the growth of the internet now that has become


aaple nobody questions it and you remember back in the day in the year 2000 when everything crashed now the


internet has settled down and we're now able to do just the most wonderful amazing transaction


that were impossible 10 years ago all with predictive science but in behind it to allows recommendations and everything


else so some of the stuff that I'm saying that I'm excited about the traditional stuff that's just immense


now that people understand that some of the technologies that got a kicking that all of a sudden now they've settled down


beyond the hype curve and now people are using them for real and gorgeous and beautiful things AR VR Mr and everything


else some of the technologies that have reinvented themselves to be more efficient intelligent automation a


automated coding Automated Business process mapping and diagramming doing everything else now we're starting to


see generative AI come on top of that and this is the exciting thing about Society is technology drives so much


change and I love to see now that we're having the debates around ethics and risk and governance but that's coming to


the four so you're seeing this layer of existing technology settling down and expanding and function and use a new set


of Technologies being repurposed on top and even newer technology coming on top again to allow us to achieve even more


it will be as I say Mark that's exciting from last year this year what will be truly exciting is when people start to


combine all of those Technologies together to allow them to create an exponential productive creative business


like they've never been able to do before and my basic philosophy is that technology won't replace roles all boats


rise in a floating tide so the more people we can exposed to all of these Technologies and the more technology we


can put into play in a really productive creative way way the more businesses and the more people can benefit from all of


this great technology H and I can't wait to see that that's a lot to unpack there


but the general theme I absolutely love of excitement enthusiasm and it's it's


going to be a wonderful year I can't wait to to see all the different announcements happen as we as the year


unfolds very curious to learn a little bit more about you've got some speaking


opportunities that you're going to be places this year what's on the event calendar for you yeah the big thing is I


laugh in the last three weeks is three trips three talks three three trips three talks three trips to London okay I


did one of my first talks in Ireland in years because I tend not to at the moment for some reason most of my talks


are international or online a lot of them been around key themes intelligent automation is ever I'm an expert in that


Ai and generative AI because people are truly excited by that and I've done talks for marketing talks for HR General


business talks as to the state of the market market and where things are going and how companies could get uh


positioned I've done a lot work on decision Insight which is again a gardner trend from 2002 but it was been


around a decade before that which is using AI Plus data analytics to allow organizations to make better decisions


all that I'm doing at the same time sometimes overlapping sometimes separate items in addition I'm also doing talks


around how do we actually get all these things to work what are the key success factors that allow any technology in the


key change management aspects that need to go in place to let people actually succeed because the technolog is there


and sometimes the actual methodology or the selling of the technology isn't as well so that's coming through those are


my main things at the moment I've talked to do in maius couple in London one


hopefully in Dubai one hopefully in qual limpa and those are the ones that I know about at the moment but always open to


doing a talk CU I have tremendous fun doing that and one in London I forgot I'm back there and a couple of times in


the next year as well talking about generative Ai and conversational AI as well and one in actually I have one in

The Role of AI in Human Resource Management


Belfast one online one around technology and human resource management and how to


make HR a lot more efficient but how to actually put technology and all of the beautiful things that it can do into


career paths and career maps to help professionals inside of businesses realize what technology can do by


employing it in their everyday jobs so lots of interesting talks that hopefully to good will allow people to be Come


Away inspired come away a lot more knowledgeable and hopefully come away a lot more enthused to do something about


taking hold of all of these Technologies and actually experimenting and doing something with it to make them and their


lives that little bit easier and to make their firms that little bit more productive as well amazing I I can't


wait to see a a live performance where can I find more information yeah big


thing is look go to my website kenil murray.com go to my YouTube I want to


grow that K King G Murray searching me there I'm on Twitter King G Murray same thing I'm also on bus Sprite or or


Spotify Apple any of my podcasts are there and I spend it far too much time on LinkedIn writing thought leadership


articles and engaging in the most amazing conversations with the best people across the world so again go to


Twitter my website YouTube Spotify Apple Twitter if you name it I'm probably


there communicating in some shape form or other being part of a community and sharing whatever knowledge I have


perfect well we'll make sure that all the links are available in the show notes before we wrap up I love to learn


about what people are reading do you have any favorite books or books that you're leaning into right now yeah I


have a very dangerous habit of spending far too much money on far too many books every month and I'm in I think I must be


Amazon's favorite customer in the entire world what I am reading at the moment because I'm very conscious of this is


the coming wave it was a Sunday Times bestseller and this talks about the ethical dilemas and the joy of what is


going to be a new AI age that one's absolutely fantastic I tend to read two


or three books at the same time so when I'm in the gym it's my mobile phone and then playing with Kindle and then when


I'm at home it's actually on my Kindle as well and I'm reading another book and I can't remember the title of it Mark


it's 10x it's very much not the 10x as we know the chap who wrote the book about selling things 10 times over this


is human 10x is easier than 2x 10x is easier than 2x which talks about human


potential and about us removing all of the things that don't excite us or don't get us 10 times where we want to be


today that I'm on chapter six or seven and it's probably the slowest I've gone through a book but I'm writing so many


things down and so many actions to take away it's it's phenomenal so my two things are the


10x versus 2X and anything ai ai ethics and then far too many white papers on AI


and business process change to be imagin that's what sits on the iPad that I've


got beside me at some stage of the day as well nice every day is a school day


yeah it's if you love to learn the topic of AI couldn't be more juicy of an


appetite right there's just constantly new stuff coming out and so much to


learn I really appreciate you making some time to share with you've learned


one thing I wanted to add was with custom gpts I've started to experiment


with for books that I own pre-loading a PDF and then like digging into the author's brain on any topic and I found


this along with YouTube transcripts to be a really great way to microle learn


and have quizzing being brought back to me on how well I know the content on


chapter 2 two or five or so I'm curious


if you can talk a little bit of bit about your chat G gpt's experience and


for those listening their custom little how would you describe the applications


yeah it's someone said they're and they are the same as the App Store so what you're not able to do instead of a very


broad large language model like open AI 3.5 or four which can basically answer a


question than absolutely everything what you're starting to see is more bespoke gpts or again more bespoke llms so in


the next numbers of years and the next numbers of decades open AI themselves are launching their app store or


whatever we want to call a GPT store but I think you'll also see businesses and governments and industries narrowing


down to create gpts that have got the language or the content or more specific


content around particular areas so for example you'll see legal llms you'll


start to see medical llms that will be infinitely trained in the language and


the Lexicon and the methods and the models of everything that specific industry related so the large language


models will still persist you will see narrow L llms that are more specific and


you'll see us playing with gpts to allow us to do a thousand one different things that'll be slightly more specialist


again but boy this is the interesting thing Mark it's like drinking from the fire hydrant all of the knowledge that's


coming out and all of the changes in Technologies coming out that can be scary for people to know whether to


begin with open AI an industry specific large language model or a GPT m is just


download chat gbt or play with Bing or board or Gemini on your phone get started somewhere and work your way


through all of these different things till you find something that in your instance is massively uh productive


having that short cut guide but lacking none of the the the knowledge on your


desktop to allow you to consume genius content for a quicker and far better a brilliant use of chat gbt I'm not going

The Power of Sharing Knowledge in the AI Community


to copy that it's information is for sharing right so that's the one thing


that the best way to learn is to share and teach so you have to go over the


information at least twice you learned it and then you also shared it so now that's two


points in time that maybe you'll hang on to some of this right because it's flowing quickly but I we should share


more I see too many people hiding and cting knowledge believing that's what makes the world go wrong but you and I


are the same all boats will rise want a floating tide and the more people we can


share with the bigger the fie simple as that I look as examples at at successful


YouTubers I'm constantly looking at them as like the very generous and giving I


come across videos of certain automations and things or things that have come out nine months ago and I'm


watching it for the first time but it's like an amazing little tool or something


that makes me more productive and the generosity there is just it's always


great to see when people learn something they they share it right y you give you


get that should be the Mantra of the world if you don't give you should not get a darn thing in life yeah this has


been a a lot of fun Karen I can't wait to do this again and learn what's


changed because certainly a lot will so have a wonderful year and can't wait to


follow your tour schedule and see when you're going to be in a in a city near me fantastic thank you so much and


thanks the audience for listening as well what fun what fun that this is going to be the most fantastic here


today absolutely

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