#64 "Navigating the Teen Years: A Christmas Message of Hope and Connection for Parents"
Parenting Teens: Advice Redefined for Today's Complex World
Cheryl Pankhurst | Rating 0 (0) (0) |
https://podopshost.com/podcast/2138/dashboard | Launched: Dec 23, 2024 |
support@cherylpankhurst.com | Season: 1 Episode: 64 |
- Introduction : Cheryl welcomes listeners and shares her gratitude for their support.
- Reflection on the Year A recap of the past year of episodes and the journey of connecting with experts and parents alike.
- The Challenges of Parenting Teens : Discussing the unique pressures of raising teenagers and the importance of fostering resilience and authenticity.
- Encouragement for Struggling Moms : A heartfelt message for moms feeling overwhelmed, emphasizing that trying is not failing and you're not alone.
- A Challenge for Positive Thinking : Cheryl presents a challenge to start each day with a positive mindset and the impact it can have on your relationship with your teens.
- Closing Thoughts : A message of kindness and connection for the holiday season, along with an invitation to explore coaching services for deeper support.
Call to Action: If you found this episode helpful, please subscribe, download, and share it with fellow moms. Your support helps create a community of understanding and kindness. For more resources and to connect with Cheryl, visit the show notes for details on coaching services and social media links.
Thank you for listening! Have a Merry Christmas and a hopeful New Year!
Connect with Cheryl!
email : support@cherylpankhurst.com
linkedin.com/in/l. R.cheryl-ann-pankhurst-1b611855
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Episode Chapters

- Introduction : Cheryl welcomes listeners and shares her gratitude for their support.
- Reflection on the Year A recap of the past year of episodes and the journey of connecting with experts and parents alike.
- The Challenges of Parenting Teens : Discussing the unique pressures of raising teenagers and the importance of fostering resilience and authenticity.
- Encouragement for Struggling Moms : A heartfelt message for moms feeling overwhelmed, emphasizing that trying is not failing and you're not alone.
- A Challenge for Positive Thinking : Cheryl presents a challenge to start each day with a positive mindset and the impact it can have on your relationship with your teens.
- Closing Thoughts : A message of kindness and connection for the holiday season, along with an invitation to explore coaching services for deeper support.
Call to Action: If you found this episode helpful, please subscribe, download, and share it with fellow moms. Your support helps create a community of understanding and kindness. For more resources and to connect with Cheryl, visit the show notes for details on coaching services and social media links.
Thank you for listening! Have a Merry Christmas and a hopeful New Year!
Connect with Cheryl!
email : support@cherylpankhurst.com
linkedin.com/in/l. R.cheryl-ann-pankhurst-1b611855
https://www.instagram.com/cheryl.a.pankhurst/ https://www.facebook.com/cheryl.a.pankhurst
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In this special Christmas episode of Parenting Teens Advice Redefined, host Cheryl Pankhurst shares heartfelt gratitude to listeners and offers encouragement for moms navigating the challenging journey of parenting teens. With over a year of insightful conversations and expert interviews, Cheryl emphasizes the importance of connection, resilience, and the power of positive thinking. Whether you're feeling overwhelmed or seeking guidance, this episode reminds you that you're not alone in your struggles. Tune in to discover practical tips and a renewed sense of hope for the holiday season and beyond.
#ParentingTeens #MomLife #TeenParenting #ChristmasMessage #ParentingAdvice #MomSupport #Resilience #PositiveThinking #Connection #MentalHealth #ParentingJourney #PodcastForMoms
- Introduction : Cheryl welcomes listeners and shares her gratitude for their support.
- Reflection on the Year A recap of the past year of episodes and the journey of connecting with experts and parents alike.
- The Challenges of Parenting Teens : Discussing the unique pressures of raising teenagers and the importance of fostering resilience and authenticity.
- Encouragement for Struggling Moms : A heartfelt message for moms feeling overwhelmed, emphasizing that trying is not failing and you're not alone.
- A Challenge for Positive Thinking : Cheryl presents a challenge to start each day with a positive mindset and the impact it can have on your relationship with your teens.
- Closing Thoughts : A message of kindness and connection for the holiday season, along with an invitation to explore coaching services for deeper support.
Call to Action: If you found this episode helpful, please subscribe, download, and share it with fellow moms. Your support helps create a community of understanding and kindness. For more resources and to connect with Cheryl, visit the show notes for details on coaching services and social media links.
Thank you for listening! Have a Merry Christmas and a hopeful New Year!
00:01 - 00:39
Cheryl-Host of the Podcast: Welcome to another episode of Parenting Teens Advice Redefined for Today's Complex World. I'm your host Cheryl Pankhurst and this is a little different. This will be released on Christmas Day So I thought maybe a little different episode would be valuable today. And so first of all, let me say thank you. Thank you to my listeners. Thank you to all my guests. Thank you to the networks I belong to, the podcasting groups. I am so grateful for every single 1 of you and this whole podcast thing is just a dream come true for me and you're just
00:39 - 01:22
Cheryl-Host of the Podcast: making it so enjoyable and fun and knowledgeable. I'm just, I'm meeting so many people and I'm learning so much about life and people and connections and community. And so first I wanted to say thank you. It has been over a year, so we have 63 episodes out there and most of them, the first 5 were solo episodes and then I started doing interviews and honestly got addicted to meeting people and having these conversations and As soon as we start talking, it's almost like, I forget we're recording, I forget that it's an episode, I forget, I'm just
01:22 - 02:01
Cheryl-Host of the Podcast: having this great conversation with somebody who knows something, and I want you to know that something, and I wanna know that something. I think the 1 thing that we can really confirm over this year of podcasting in the parenting teen arena is that it's not easy. It is 1 of the hardest jobs you will ever do is to parent. And I know parenting little ones is really tough and you're raising kids but then once they hit the teenage years now the pressure to not just raise kids but raise humans to go out into this world and
02:01 - 02:38
Cheryl-Host of the Podcast: be resilient and strong and authentic, like really true to themselves. You know, that is a feat upon itself. And so having all these experts on and having all these conversations is to me, like the key, Every little bit of information, every little nugget that you can take away that you're thinking, oh my God, I totally heard that or I felt that. I get it too. And my kids are like grown ass adults. And there's so many conversations I've had where I wanted to go, oh, I wish I could go back and do that again. But I
02:38 - 03:17
Cheryl-Host of the Podcast: can't. And neither can you. However, it's never too late. So if you're a parent and you're really struggling with any of the issues that teens are involved in or challenged with, I recommend you go scroll through all the episodes. I would almost guarantee you will find something that you're concerned about now. And if there's topics we haven't covered here on this podcast, feel free to reach out, DM on social, send me an email, support at CherylPankers.com. I am so happy to bring in the experts that you need to hear from or to even launch into solo
03:17 - 03:55
Cheryl-Host of the Podcast: episodes that relate to my expertise. 28 years of working with teenagers who have very significant needs and their parents. That is just, that's my jam. But we got into the podcast as well because it's not just, you know, parents who have kids with a diagnosis that are struggling. It is a new time. It is a new world. And I don't know about you, but I can barely keep up. So to try to keep up and try to bring our teens with us is definitely not easy. I'm hoping I'm here to help you with that. That's my
03:55 - 04:31
Cheryl-Host of the Podcast: goal. I just want to help. I just want to let you know that no matter what you're working with or dealing with, you're not alone. You scroll through all those episodes, I bet you find something and you can say, yeah, I'm definitely not alone. So this is just a quick episode. It's Christmas and you will be maybe having your coffee quietly before your teens wake up. I actually used to wake mine up at like 05:00 in the morning because I was so excited even though they were teens so yeah that might not be 1 of their
04:31 - 05:11
Cheryl-Host of the Podcast: favorite moments. If you're sitting on Christmas morning and looking at the tree and having a coffee, I wanna say thank you for listening. Thank you for trying. And if you're at the lowest moment of parenting and you're thinking failing, I don't wanna be in this position anymore. I can't stand this anymore. It's too hard. Listen, if you're listening to podcasts like this, then you're still trying, which means you're not failing. We can get through this. Maybe we get through it together. I've been there, I've done that. I have a history of challenges that I have gone
05:11 - 05:45
Cheryl-Host of the Podcast: through since having kids. And so, You know, the bright side is there's always somebody, maybe it's not me, maybe there's somebody else out there who just has a handout ready to help you walk along with them to where you want to go, but you're not alone. And if you are at the point where when you wake up in the morning, the first thing you think is, oh my gosh, what's going to be the argument? What's going to happen today? What kind of trouble are we going to have today? What kind of yelling is going to happen?
05:45 - 06:29
Cheryl-Host of the Podcast: What chores are not going to get done? What teacher is going to call? If that's the first thought you have everyone. I challenge you to try something just a little different because if that's the first thing you're thinking in the morning, then our brain, scientifically proven, our brain goes to looking for that evidence. So when you find it, then your brain says, see, I told you, another fight, another sock on the floor, another broken dish, another punch in the wall, another teacher call. And it's not that you are creating your problems. It's that problems are gonna
06:29 - 07:07
Cheryl-Host of the Podcast: come. But if we wake up in the morning, I just challenge you, just try this. Wake up in the morning and think, this is going to be the best day with my team. We are going to have the best conversations. We are going to find the best things to talk about. We are going to find something in common. We're going to find something to connect. We're going to do that. Not maybe. We're going to do that. And then your brain will automatically go into radar and start looking for evidence of that. Just try. I promise it's
07:07 - 07:43
Cheryl-Host of the Podcast: gonna work. Let me know. So challenge presented and I just want to say have a very Merry Christmas whatever that means, however you want to spend it, do what I'm going to do, put a pause on all of this. There's not going to be a whole lot of promo, there's not going to be a whole lot of recordings. I'm just going to sit back and take a breath. And this podcast and the New Year's Day podcast will be a solo quickie just like this. And thank you. I truly appreciate all of you. And I truly appreciate
07:43 - 08:25
Cheryl-Host of the Podcast: when you subscribe, when you download, when you share. You just never know who's listening, who's thinking, I have no answers left, I have nothing left, I can't try anymore, I'm all alone, nobody understands. And then, you share. That's what the world's all about, just helping each other and being kind. And that's what I wish for you for Christmas, that you find ways to be kind and that the world is kind to you. Have a happy holiday. See you next time. And thank you for listening. Thank you for listening to another episode and I just wanted to
08:25 - 09:05
Cheryl-Host of the Podcast: share something with you because you know, parenting teens is not just about managing these challenges that we talk about on all the episodes, it's also about evolving alongside them. And I'm Cheryl and not only the host of this podcast, but I'm also the creator of Insight to Impact, coaching and consulting. And I help you, moms of teens, reconnect with your true selves so you can lead with purpose, you can parent with clarity, you can create stronger, more meaningful relationships with your kids. Because here's the truth, The transformation starts with you. Together we will break free from
09:05 - 09:38
Cheryl-Host of the Podcast: the stress and overwhelm. We will rediscover your power. We will create the life and the family dynamic you always dreamed of. If you're ready to start this journey, let's do it. You might just not recognize your life in the next 90 days. It all starts with a call. There's no pitch. There's no pressure. Just a call to see if I can help. We'll talk about your goals. We'll talk about what's making you feel stuck and what might be getting in your way. And everything you need to connect with me is in the show notes. Again, I'm
09:38 - 09:51
Cheryl-Host of the Podcast: Cheryl. Thank you so much for joining me here on parenting teens advice redefined for today's complex world and the creator of Insight to Impact, Coaching and Consulting. Have a great day.