53 Interview with Lianne McCooey

Zero Lives Left Business, Career & Life Podcast

Wayne Denner | Entrepreneur | Speaker | Author Rating 0 (0) (0)
Launched: Sep 01, 2020
Season: 1 Episode: 56

Zero Lives Left Business, Career & Life Podcast
53 Interview with Lianne McCooey
Sep 01, 2020, Season 1, Episode 56
Wayne Denner | Entrepreneur | Speaker | Author
Episode Summary

In this episode, I chat with Lianne McCooey of McCooeys Coffee Shop, Newry. 

Lianne gives the full showdown on her experience working in the business industry - from pulling her first pint at the age of 10 to now running her very own coffee shop within the City of Newry. 

We talked about the challenges of opening your own business along with the highs and low's of opening a business in today's society. 

Lianne opens up, sharing her tips on creating the perfect online social presence and lessons learned on how sometimes failure can lead bigger successes. 

Lianne is a local celebrity around the Newry area, due to her witty and quirky content, and it's safe to say that this podcast included both these, along with a lot more. Our chat ended with inspirational advice from Lianne - don't be afraid to be a risk-taker, success takes time as not all things take off straight away and hard work and determination is key.     

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Episode Chapters
Zero Lives Left Business, Career & Life Podcast
53 Interview with Lianne McCooey
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In this episode, I chat with Lianne McCooey of McCooeys Coffee Shop, Newry. 

Lianne gives the full showdown on her experience working in the business industry - from pulling her first pint at the age of 10 to now running her very own coffee shop within the City of Newry. 

We talked about the challenges of opening your own business along with the highs and low's of opening a business in today's society. 

Lianne opens up, sharing her tips on creating the perfect online social presence and lessons learned on how sometimes failure can lead bigger successes. 

Lianne is a local celebrity around the Newry area, due to her witty and quirky content, and it's safe to say that this podcast included both these, along with a lot more. Our chat ended with inspirational advice from Lianne - don't be afraid to be a risk-taker, success takes time as not all things take off straight away and hard work and determination is key.     

If you're enjoying the show, don't forget to hit the Share button and Subscribe to get notified on future episodes..  

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