16 Interview with Adrian Curran Facebook for Business

Zero Lives Left Business, Career & Life Podcast

Wayne Denner | Entrepreneur | Speaker | Author Rating 0 (0) (0)
Launched: Oct 11, 2015
Season: 1 Episode: 20

Zero Lives Left Business, Career & Life Podcast
16 Interview with Adrian Curran Facebook for Business
Oct 11, 2015, Season 1, Episode 20
Wayne Denner | Entrepreneur | Speaker | Author
Episode Summary

In another packed episode I chat with Adrian Curran of WhatsThePointMedia about using Facebook for Business.  Many Businesses now use Facebook as a way to engage with their Customers but are customers really coming onto Facebook to be sold to?

Adrian shares his insights and advice to how businesses can get more out of their Facebook efforts.  Adrian talks about what content works, why businesses need to think about a strategy and the importance of building a community around your Facebook Business Page.  

In this episode businesses get real tips on how to actually use Facebook to make it work for a business, you will learn how to become your own media channel.  

Episode Chapters
Zero Lives Left Business, Career & Life Podcast
16 Interview with Adrian Curran Facebook for Business
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In another packed episode I chat with Adrian Curran of WhatsThePointMedia about using Facebook for Business.  Many Businesses now use Facebook as a way to engage with their Customers but are customers really coming onto Facebook to be sold to?

Adrian shares his insights and advice to how businesses can get more out of their Facebook efforts.  Adrian talks about what content works, why businesses need to think about a strategy and the importance of building a community around your Facebook Business Page.  

In this episode businesses get real tips on how to actually use Facebook to make it work for a business, you will learn how to become your own media channel.  

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