Episode 1: Starting From Zero

Jamaul Ford

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brandmaven.io Launched: Mar 07, 2024
brandmavenconsults@gmail.com Season: 1 Episode: 1

Jamaul Ford
Episode 1: Starting From Zero
Mar 07, 2024, Season 1, Episode 1
Jamaul Ford
Episode Summary

Summary In this episode of "7 Maven Minute Shortcast," host Jamaul the Maven, powered by AppSumo, explores empowering perspectives for bold living in 2024. The episode focuses on embracing new beginnings, innovating, and using what you have to your best ability. Jamaul emphasizes the importance of balance in life and business, citing Bertrand Russell and Colossians 3:23. He challenges listeners to reflect on their legacy and the story they craft through their daily actions and decisions, encouraging a life lived with purpose and passion.


  1. Embrace New Beginnings: 2024 is about being daring and innovative. Instead of seeing starting over as a setback, view it as a new opportunity.

  2. Work Smarter, Not Just Harder: Sometimes, the key to success is changing tactics and exploring less conventional paths.

  3. Utilize Available Resources: Like MacGyver, the genius lies in making the best out of what you have.

  4. Balance is Crucial: Both grinding and celebrating wins are important in life and business.

  5. Craft Your Story: Every day, your choices contribute to the narrative of your life. Aim for a legacy of courage, resilience, and growth.


00:00 - Intro and Episode Theme: Bold Living in 2024

00:15 - Welcome by Jamaul the Maven, Purpose of the Podcast

01:00 - Importance of Acting on Business Ideas, Embracing New Beginnings

02:11 - The Need for Balance in Life and Business, Bertrand Russell's Quote

03:00 - Reflecting on Legacy, Crafting Your Life Story

04:16 - Conclusion: Living with Purpose and Passion, Outro Music

Episode Chapters
Jamaul Ford
Episode 1: Starting From Zero
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00:00:00 |

Summary In this episode of "7 Maven Minute Shortcast," host Jamaul the Maven, powered by AppSumo, explores empowering perspectives for bold living in 2024. The episode focuses on embracing new beginnings, innovating, and using what you have to your best ability. Jamaul emphasizes the importance of balance in life and business, citing Bertrand Russell and Colossians 3:23. He challenges listeners to reflect on their legacy and the story they craft through their daily actions and decisions, encouraging a life lived with purpose and passion.


  1. Embrace New Beginnings: 2024 is about being daring and innovative. Instead of seeing starting over as a setback, view it as a new opportunity.

  2. Work Smarter, Not Just Harder: Sometimes, the key to success is changing tactics and exploring less conventional paths.

  3. Utilize Available Resources: Like MacGyver, the genius lies in making the best out of what you have.

  4. Balance is Crucial: Both grinding and celebrating wins are important in life and business.

  5. Craft Your Story: Every day, your choices contribute to the narrative of your life. Aim for a legacy of courage, resilience, and growth.


00:00 - Intro and Episode Theme: Bold Living in 2024

00:15 - Welcome by Jamaul the Maven, Purpose of the Podcast

01:00 - Importance of Acting on Business Ideas, Embracing New Beginnings

02:11 - The Need for Balance in Life and Business, Bertrand Russell's Quote

03:00 - Reflecting on Legacy, Crafting Your Life Story

04:16 - Conclusion: Living with Purpose and Passion, Outro Music

Jamaul (00:00.18)
Now I suppose I shall have to use force.

Jamaul (00:15.118)
Welcome to the 7 Maven Minute Shortcast, where we dive deep into empowering perspectives for bold living. I'm your host, Jamal the Maven, powered by AppSumo. Every week we bring you insights to challenge and inspire your journey. Ready to transform your mindset? Let's get started.

Three quick maven minutes, enough with soft launching your business. Just do it already. Embracing new beginnings is what 2024 is all about, being daring, innovating. Instead of saying I have to start over, start saying I get to start over. It's a whole new world of opportunities waiting for you. It's not always about pushing harder sometimes, it's about pushing smarter. This year, let's switch up our tactics.

How about starting by taking a different route than you usually do? Break up the monotony. Explore the road less traveled. You might be surprised by what you discover. You know what? You're fighting a losing battle if you're worried about what you don't have. Remember the show MacGyver? It's all about working with what you have. It's not about having the best tools. It's about using what you've got to the best of your ability.

The true genius comes from not having everything you need and still making it work. Two sage sayings. Here's something I wish I knew five years ago.

Bertrand Russell said,

Jamaul (02:11.246)
Balance is extremely important. While it's important to grind, it's also important to celebrate your wins, both in life and in business. As I've been learning over the past year, balance in all things is key. Daily bread. Colossians 3 .23 says, whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.

Many times we get caught up with doing what is trending because it seems right. But that may not be our purpose or our path to growth and success. I have often found myself chasing fad trends. Knowing yourself is a key component in following your destiny. Maven mindset. As we wrap up, let's reflect.

What story are you crafting for yourself today? Think about the legacy you're building with each action, each decision. Your daily choices write your life story. Every day, we're given a blank page in the book of our lives. The words we write, the actions we take, the decisions we make, they all contribute to the narrative of our journey. Are you writing a story of courage, resilience, and growth? Or are you letting the pages remain blank, waiting for something to happen? Your legacy,

isn't just about the big achievements. It's also about the quiet moments of integrity. The instances of choosing hope over despair. The relentless pursuit of your dreams, no matter how big or small they may seem. Each day is an opportunity to add depth, color, and meaning to your story. Live each day with purpose and passion. Remember, the world needs the unique story only you can tell. Thanks for joining me on 7 Maven Minute.

Remember, empower your perspective, challenge your journey, and build your legacy. Until next time, I'm Jamal the Maven. Keep mavening.

Jamaul (04:16.814)
Love it ain't easy, no

Jamaul (04:26.178)

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