Episode 4: Smart Work vs. Hard Work

Jamaul Ford

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brandmaven.io Launched: Mar 07, 2024
brandmavenconsults@gmail.com Season: 1 Episode: 4

Jamaul Ford
Episode 4: Smart Work vs. Hard Work
Mar 07, 2024, Season 1, Episode 4
Jamaul Ford
Episode Summary


In this edition of "7 Maven Minute Shortcast," Jamal the Maven shares innovative insights for effective living in both personal and professional realms. He discusses the importance of smart work over hard work, the key elements for forming lasting habits, and the significance of how we perceive time. The episode also includes wisdom from John C. Maxwell and C.S. Lewis on growth through challenges and the balance of confidence, respectively. A powerful daily affirmation from Psalm 16:8 is highlighted, providing a sense of security and stability.


  1. Smart Work vs. Hard Work: Focus energy on what has the biggest impact and ensure you're working smartly.

  2. Forming Lasting Habits: Consistency, a supportive environment, and enjoying the process are crucial.

  3. Understanding Time Perception: Distinguish between being deeply engaged in valuable activities and mere distraction.

  4. Growth Through Challenges: Challenges add depth and purpose to life.

  5. Balance of Confidence: Confidence paired with humility leads to true self-improvement.

  6. Value of Patience in Goals: Embrace processes that require time for significant dreams and goals.


00:00 - Introduction to Smart Work and Effective Living

00:15 - Smart Work vs. Hard Work: Focusing on the Right Efforts

01:00 - Habits that Last: Keys to Lasting Habit Formation

02:05 - Perception of Time and Its Impact on Life

03:00 - Sage Sayings: Growth Through Challenge and Balance of Confidence

03:57 - Maven Mindset: Embracing Patience and Long-Term Thinking

04:30 - Conclusion: Encouraging Smart Work, Habit Cultivation, and Deep Time Understanding

Episode Chapters
Jamaul Ford
Episode 4: Smart Work vs. Hard Work
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00:00:00 |


In this edition of "7 Maven Minute Shortcast," Jamal the Maven shares innovative insights for effective living in both personal and professional realms. He discusses the importance of smart work over hard work, the key elements for forming lasting habits, and the significance of how we perceive time. The episode also includes wisdom from John C. Maxwell and C.S. Lewis on growth through challenges and the balance of confidence, respectively. A powerful daily affirmation from Psalm 16:8 is highlighted, providing a sense of security and stability.


  1. Smart Work vs. Hard Work: Focus energy on what has the biggest impact and ensure you're working smartly.

  2. Forming Lasting Habits: Consistency, a supportive environment, and enjoying the process are crucial.

  3. Understanding Time Perception: Distinguish between being deeply engaged in valuable activities and mere distraction.

  4. Growth Through Challenges: Challenges add depth and purpose to life.

  5. Balance of Confidence: Confidence paired with humility leads to true self-improvement.

  6. Value of Patience in Goals: Embrace processes that require time for significant dreams and goals.


00:00 - Introduction to Smart Work and Effective Living

00:15 - Smart Work vs. Hard Work: Focusing on the Right Efforts

01:00 - Habits that Last: Keys to Lasting Habit Formation

02:05 - Perception of Time and Its Impact on Life

03:00 - Sage Sayings: Growth Through Challenge and Balance of Confidence

03:57 - Maven Mindset: Embracing Patience and Long-Term Thinking

04:30 - Conclusion: Encouraging Smart Work, Habit Cultivation, and Deep Time Understanding

Jamaul (00:00.492)
Now I suppose I shall have to use force.

Jamaul (00:15.598)
Welcome to another edition of the 7 Maven Minute Shortcast, your weekly source of innovative insights for effective living. I'm your host, Jamal the Maven, here to deliver wisdom for your personal and professional journey. Let's dive into today's topics.

3 quick maven minutes 1. Smart work vs. Hard work Efficiency isn't just about working hard, it's about identifying and resolving bottlenecks. Hard work in the wrong area can lead to frustration, not progress. Hard work is admirable, but smart work is transformative. It's about focusing your energy where it makes the biggest impact. Ask yourself, am I working hard on the right things? Remember,

direction is as important as effort.

2. Habits that last. Three keys to lasting habits. Consistent repetition, stable environment, and positive experiences. Habit formation is as much about the journey as it is about the destination. Building habits that stick isn't just about willpower. It's about creating the right conditions. Make your habits a part of your daily routine. Ensure your environment supports them and find joy in the process.

3. Time Perception Losing track of time can be a sign of deep engagement or distraction. It's either a life richly lived or potentially time wasted. How you perceive time can tell a lot about your life. When time flies, are you immersed in meaningful activities or are you merely distracted? It's important to differentiate between being engrossed in something valuable and just passing time.

Jamaul (02:05.71)
Two, Shaa Sage Sings. One, growth through challenge. John C. Maxwell says, challenges are what make life interesting. Overcoming them is what makes life meaningful. Embrace your challenges as opportunities for growth. It's through overcoming obstacles that we find depth and purpose in our lives. Two, the balance of confidence.

C .S. Lewis beautifully puts it, true humility is not thinking less of yourself. It's thinking of yourself less. It brings not self -doubt, but self -forgetfulness. This reminds us that confidence balanced with humility leads to genuine self -improvement and meaningful interactions with others.

daily bread. Psalm 16 and 8. I am secured and not shaken. This profound statement carries a weight of assurance and stability, especially in the context of our ever -changing world. It's a declaration of stability and trust in the face of life's uncertainties. This isn't just about physical security. It's about an inner sense of peace and grounding, knowing that whatever comes your way, you are held firm.

This affirmation, I am secured and not shaken, can serve as a daily anchor. Whether you're facing personal trials, professional challenges, or just the general uncertainties of life, this statement can remind you of your inner strength and resilience. It's a reminder that you are not alone and that there's a steadiness available to you that can withstand any storm.

Maven mindset.

Jamaul (03:57.614)
What am I postponing because the results take longer than I prefer? In a world that prizes speed and quick results, it's easy to lose patience with processes that require time. We're often tempted to put off tasks or goals that don't offer instant rewards. But let's pause and think about this. Are we sidelining our most significant dreams and goals simply because they demand more time and perseverance?

This isn't just about procrastination. It's about understanding the value of patience and long -term thinking. Your goals, your dreams, they deserve the time and effort. The novel that takes years to write, the business that takes time to build, the skill that demands daily practice, these are the endeavors that bring lasting fulfillment.

Don't let the fear of a long journey deter you from starting. Embrace the process and you'll find that the journey itself is just as rewarding as the destination. Thank you for tuning in to the 7 Maven Minutes Newsletter. I hope these insights inspire you to...

to work smarter, cultivate lasting habits, and think deeply about how you spend your time. Until next week, I'm Jamal the Maven, encouraging you to embrace the journey and cherish every step along the way.

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