Episode 6: Gut Reactions

Jamaul Ford

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brandmaven.io Launched: Mar 14, 2024
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Jamaul Ford
Episode 6: Gut Reactions
Mar 14, 2024, Season 1, Episode 6
Jamaul Ford
Episode Summary

In this episode of "7 Maven Minute Shortcast," host Jamaul the Maven shares invaluable insights for personal and professional success. He explores the nuances of trusting gut reactions, the art of negotiation, and the power of cultivating great habits. The episode also delves into wisdom from Nelson Mandela on resilience and Doris Lessing on embracing uncertainty. Additionally, Jamaul reflects on Jeremiah 29:11, highlighting it as a source of hope and reassurance in the divine plan for our lives. The episode concludes with a call to self-reflection, challenging listeners to identify and eliminate habits that hinder their progress.


  1. Understanding Gut Reactions: Learn when to trust and when to question your gut feelings.
  2. Mastering Negotiation: Focus on long-term relationships and value creation in negotiations.
  3. The Power of Habits: Consistent, positive habits can lead to significant personal growth and success.
  4. Resilience in Adversity: Embrace failure as a stepping stone to strength, as inspired by Nelson Mandela.
  5. Embracing Uncertainty: Be prepared for life’s unpredictability, guided by Doris Lessing's insight.
  6. Hope and Future: Jeremiah 29:11 offers reassurance of a divine plan for prosperity and hope.
  7. Maven Mindset: Identify and eliminate activities that don't contribute to your success.

Chapters 00:00 - Introduction: Insights for Everyday Success 00:10 -

Trusting and Questioning Gut Reactions 00:28 -

The Art of Negotiation and Long-Term Value 01:50 -

Building Success Through Consistent Habits 02:27 -

Resilience in Adversity and Embracing Uncertainty 03:00 -

Daily Bread: Hope and Promise in Jeremiah 29:11 03:57 -

Maven Mindset: Eliminating Unproductive Habits 04:32 -

Conclusion: Encouragement to Cultivate Wisdom for Success

Episode Chapters
Jamaul Ford
Episode 6: Gut Reactions
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00:00:00 |

In this episode of "7 Maven Minute Shortcast," host Jamaul the Maven shares invaluable insights for personal and professional success. He explores the nuances of trusting gut reactions, the art of negotiation, and the power of cultivating great habits. The episode also delves into wisdom from Nelson Mandela on resilience and Doris Lessing on embracing uncertainty. Additionally, Jamaul reflects on Jeremiah 29:11, highlighting it as a source of hope and reassurance in the divine plan for our lives. The episode concludes with a call to self-reflection, challenging listeners to identify and eliminate habits that hinder their progress.


  1. Understanding Gut Reactions: Learn when to trust and when to question your gut feelings.
  2. Mastering Negotiation: Focus on long-term relationships and value creation in negotiations.
  3. The Power of Habits: Consistent, positive habits can lead to significant personal growth and success.
  4. Resilience in Adversity: Embrace failure as a stepping stone to strength, as inspired by Nelson Mandela.
  5. Embracing Uncertainty: Be prepared for life’s unpredictability, guided by Doris Lessing's insight.
  6. Hope and Future: Jeremiah 29:11 offers reassurance of a divine plan for prosperity and hope.
  7. Maven Mindset: Identify and eliminate activities that don't contribute to your success.

Chapters 00:00 - Introduction: Insights for Everyday Success 00:10 -

Trusting and Questioning Gut Reactions 00:28 -

The Art of Negotiation and Long-Term Value 01:50 -

Building Success Through Consistent Habits 02:27 -

Resilience in Adversity and Embracing Uncertainty 03:00 -

Daily Bread: Hope and Promise in Jeremiah 29:11 03:57 -

Maven Mindset: Eliminating Unproductive Habits 04:32 -

Conclusion: Encouragement to Cultivate Wisdom for Success

Jamaul (00:01.836)
Now I suppose I shall have to use force.

Jamaul (00:10.414)
Hello and welcome back to the 7 Maven Minute Shortcast. Every week I'm here to arm you with wisdom and insights for your everyday success. Whether it's your personal life or your professional growth, we've got some powerful thoughts to share.

Jamaul (00:28.526)
Maven minutes. One, understanding gut reactions. Trust your gut, but know when to question it. It's a compass born from experience and understanding, not just an emotional impulse.

Ever had that feeling in your belly telling you something? That's your gut reaction. It's like an inner alarm system. But here's the catch. It's super useful when it's coming from what you've learned or deeply understand. However, when it's just about feelings or in stuff you're not familiar with, it's better to take a step back and think it through. That's a two. Mastering negotiation.

Negotiation is an art that plays on leverage. Build value, know your alternatives, and aim for long -term connections, not just winning the moment. Negotiation isn't just haggling prices. It's about understanding what you bring to the table and what you can walk away with. It's not about crushing the other person. It's about finding a win -win.

Keep in mind, relationships are often more valuable than one -time wins. Three, the power of habits. Great habits are like investment. The more consistent you are, the bigger payoff you get. It's about building a cycle of success. Think about habits like exercise or saving money. They might seem unnecessary at first, but over time, they build the exact strengths and resources you need. It's a loop. The more you do, the more you can do.

Two, couple of quotes. I, resilience in adversity. Nelson Mandela once said, the greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. It's not about never failing. It's about not giving up when you do. That's real strength. Two, embracing uncertainty.

Jamaul (02:27.886)
Doris Lessing offers this gem. You can't predict the future or the consequences of your actions, but you can be prepared to face them. It's not always about being right, but about understanding the impact of being wrong.

Life's uncertain and that's okay. It's about being ready for the ups and downs, not just trying to avoid them. Three, daily bread, Jeremiah 29, 11, NIV. For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. This verse isn't just a mere collection of words. It's a powerful declaration of hope and promise. It speaks to each one of us, reassuring us that our lives are not

random or aimless. Instead, there is a divine plan meticulously crafted for our prosperity, safety, and hope. This verse is like a promise that there's a plan for you. A plan for good things, hope, and a future. Let this verse be a guiding light in times of darkness, a source of strength when you feel weak, and a reminder of the glorious future that awaits.

4. Maven mindset. What's one thing you could stop doing right now that would make your life better? Think about it. Is there something you're doing that's holding you back? Maybe it's spending too much time on your phone or procrastinating. What can you cut out to move forward? Think about the extra time.

energy and peace of mind you'd have if you just stopped that one thing. Maybe you'd have more time for your hobbies, for hanging out with friends, for studying, or just for taking care of yourself. It's about reclaiming your time and your life from things that don't add value. That's it for today's 7 Maven Minutes Shortcast. I hope these thoughts and quotes inspire you to think deeper and act wiser. I'm Jamal the Maven encouraging you.

Jamaul (04:32.622)
cultivate wisdom for your success. Until next time, keep growing, keep striving, and keep shining.

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