The Sound of Inclusion: Neurodiversity and Music Therapy with Samantha Foote

Advancing With Amy / Mental Health Warrior & Neurospicy Mama

Amy Taylor / Samantha Foote Rating 0 (0) (0) Launched: Jun 27, 2024 Season: 2 Episode: 28
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Advancing With Amy / Mental Health Warrior & Neurospicy Mama
The Sound of Inclusion: Neurodiversity and Music Therapy with Samantha Foote
Jun 27, 2024, Season 2, Episode 28
Amy Taylor / Samantha Foote
Episode Summary

Welcome to another inspiring episode of Advancing With Amy / Mental Health Warrior & Neurospicy Mama. In this episode, Amy sits down with Samantha Foote, a board-certified music therapist, positive discipline parent educator, and registered music together teacher.


**Episode Highlights:**

**Meet Samantha Foote**

*Samantha’s Education and Career*

- Samantha holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Utah State University and a Master of Music with a specialization in music therapy from Colorado State University.
- She is a neurological music therapy fellow and a dialectical behavior therapy-informed music therapist.
- When she's not working, she enjoys outdoor adventures with her husband and children.

*Life with Neurodivergent Children*

- Samantha shares the journey of raising three children, all diagnosed with autism and ADHD.
- She describes the challenges and triumphs of managing various therapies and medical appointments.
- Samantha recounts a particularly scary moment when her son had a seizure, leading to an epilepsy diagnosis, and discusses how medication has been a blessing.

*The Transformative Power of Music Therapy*

- Samantha explains what music therapy entails and provides examples of activities used to enhance cognitive skills and communication.
- She shares heartwarming stories about the progress of her non-speaking clients through music.

*Celebrating Neurodiversity*

- Samantha hosts a podcast called "Every Brain is Different," where she shares parenting strategies and resources for the neurodivergent community.
- The podcast aims to support both parents and individuals by discussing ADHD, autism, and other neurodivergent conditions.


**Key Takeaways:**

1. **Importance of Proper Diagnosis:**
   - Samantha emphasizes the need for proper evaluation and diagnosis to access essential resources and support for neurodivergent children.
   - She advises seeking specialist assessments rather than relying solely on pediatrician recommendations.

2. **The Katie Beckett Program:**
   - Samantha provides valuable information about the Katie Beckett program, which offers Medicaid benefits regardless of income for children with severe diagnoses.
   - She discusses additional waivers, such as Family Direct and Self Direct, which cover non-traditional therapies.

3. **Parenting Neurodivergent Children:**
   - Samantha shares her experiences and strategies for connecting with and supporting neurodivergent children.
   - She underscores the importance of understanding and responding to communication through behavior.



- Listen to Samantha's podcast, "Every Brain is Different," on all major platforms.
- Visit Samantha’s website, (, for resources on obtaining a diagnosis, increasing parent-child connection, and understanding neurodivergent terminology.


**Final Thoughts:**

We hope you enjoyed this episode with Samantha Foote. Her insights and experiences provide valuable guidance for parents navigating the complexities of raising neurodivergent children. Stay tuned for more enlightening discussions on Advancing With Amy / Mental Health Warrior & Neurospicy Mama!

For more updates and episodes, follow us on facebook at . or on LinkedIn at or Instagram at You can also check out my website at

**Until next time, keep advancing!**

P.S. Don't forget to check out my FREE / WHO AM I Journal and sign up for my newsletter at

And if you're looking for something upbeat, check out my friend Sage's, Here and Happy Modern Mindfullness Meditations with my affiliate link:

Episode Chapters
Advancing With Amy / Mental Health Warrior & Neurospicy Mama
The Sound of Inclusion: Neurodiversity and Music Therapy with Samantha Foote
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Welcome to another inspiring episode of Advancing With Amy / Mental Health Warrior & Neurospicy Mama. In this episode, Amy sits down with Samantha Foote, a board-certified music therapist, positive discipline parent educator, and registered music together teacher.


**Episode Highlights:**

**Meet Samantha Foote**

*Samantha’s Education and Career*

- Samantha holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Utah State University and a Master of Music with a specialization in music therapy from Colorado State University.
- She is a neurological music therapy fellow and a dialectical behavior therapy-informed music therapist.
- When she's not working, she enjoys outdoor adventures with her husband and children.

*Life with Neurodivergent Children*

- Samantha shares the journey of raising three children, all diagnosed with autism and ADHD.
- She describes the challenges and triumphs of managing various therapies and medical appointments.
- Samantha recounts a particularly scary moment when her son had a seizure, leading to an epilepsy diagnosis, and discusses how medication has been a blessing.

*The Transformative Power of Music Therapy*

- Samantha explains what music therapy entails and provides examples of activities used to enhance cognitive skills and communication.
- She shares heartwarming stories about the progress of her non-speaking clients through music.

*Celebrating Neurodiversity*

- Samantha hosts a podcast called "Every Brain is Different," where she shares parenting strategies and resources for the neurodivergent community.
- The podcast aims to support both parents and individuals by discussing ADHD, autism, and other neurodivergent conditions.


**Key Takeaways:**

1. **Importance of Proper Diagnosis:**
   - Samantha emphasizes the need for proper evaluation and diagnosis to access essential resources and support for neurodivergent children.
   - She advises seeking specialist assessments rather than relying solely on pediatrician recommendations.

2. **The Katie Beckett Program:**
   - Samantha provides valuable information about the Katie Beckett program, which offers Medicaid benefits regardless of income for children with severe diagnoses.
   - She discusses additional waivers, such as Family Direct and Self Direct, which cover non-traditional therapies.

3. **Parenting Neurodivergent Children:**
   - Samantha shares her experiences and strategies for connecting with and supporting neurodivergent children.
   - She underscores the importance of understanding and responding to communication through behavior.



- Listen to Samantha's podcast, "Every Brain is Different," on all major platforms.
- Visit Samantha’s website, (, for resources on obtaining a diagnosis, increasing parent-child connection, and understanding neurodivergent terminology.


**Final Thoughts:**

We hope you enjoyed this episode with Samantha Foote. Her insights and experiences provide valuable guidance for parents navigating the complexities of raising neurodivergent children. Stay tuned for more enlightening discussions on Advancing With Amy / Mental Health Warrior & Neurospicy Mama!

For more updates and episodes, follow us on facebook at . or on LinkedIn at or Instagram at You can also check out my website at

**Until next time, keep advancing!**

P.S. Don't forget to check out my FREE / WHO AM I Journal and sign up for my newsletter at

And if you're looking for something upbeat, check out my friend Sage's, Here and Happy Modern Mindfullness Meditations with my affiliate link:

In this episode of "Advancing With Amy / Mental Health Warrior & Neurospicy Mama," hosts Amy sits down with Samantha Foote, a board-certified music therapist, positive discipline parent educator, and registered Music Together teacher. Samantha, who specializes in working with the neurodivergent community, shares her personal journey of parenting three children diagnosed with autism and ADHD. She speaks candidly about navigating the complexities of their medical and sensory needs while still making time for family adventures. Samantha dives into the world of music therapy, explaining how it helps in achieving non-musical goals like communication, motor, and cognitive skills. 

Listeners will also learn about the Katie Beckett program, which has been a financial lifesaver for families needing specialized healthcare. The episode rounds off with Samantha providing invaluable advice for parents who suspect their child might be autistic and sharing resources from her own podcast, "Every Brain is Different," and her website, Whether you're a parent, caregiver, or someone interested in music therapy, this episode offers a wealth of information and heartfelt stories that are sure to inspire.

Tune in to connect, learn, and understand the intricate beauty of neurodiversity.

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