Maximize Your Wins: Boosting Visibility Through Awards with Karen Hall


Lyubo Kuchuk & Karen Hall Rating 5 (2) (0) Launched: Feb 20, 2024
Season: 1 Episode: 15

Maximize Your Wins: Boosting Visibility Through Awards with Karen Hall
Feb 20, 2024, Season 1, Episode 15
Lyubo Kuchuk & Karen Hall
Episode Summary

Welcome to the BetterScope Podcast

In BetterScope we Unpack the Human Story Behind the Headlines!

Each episode is a journey, fueled by curiosity and guided by open minds. We tackle the micro and the macro, from the intimate struggles of everyday life to the sweeping forces shaping our planet. We challenge assumptions, spark new ideas, and leave you feeling empowered to make a difference.

Whether you're a changemaker, a knowledge seeker, or simply someone with an insatiable curiosity about the world, BetterScope is your home. We're a community of listeners who believe that understanding the human story is the key to a brighter future.

So tune in. Let's unpack the trends, amplify the voices, and discover what it means to live a meaningful life in a complex world. Together, we can make the world a better scope.


Sponsored by RemoStaff

This show is sponsored by RemoStaff. They are a leading Australian outsourcing specialist for online businesses. RemoStaff resolve business challenges by providing offshore staff for leasing to ensure the success of their partners’ daily operations.

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Show Summary

In the episode on BetterScope, Karen Hall, founder and director of Reputation by Design, joins the conversation to discuss leveraging award wins to enhance business visibility and reputation.


Guest Bio

Karen Hall is the founder and director of Reputation by Design, a marketing agency specializing in trust and reputation as an asset to drive business growth. Trusted brands are seven times more likely to command a premium price, and benefit from six times the consumer loyalty, so proactively amplifying trust in your business pays big dividends. As a trust and reputation expert, Karen has won multiple awards for her work, including 2023 BX Business xCellence Awards Winner: Business of the Year, Marketing Consulting Services.


Show Notes

Join us on BetterScope where Karen Hall will share her expert insights about Winning Awards and Influencing!

  • Karen emphasizes the strategic use of awards on social media platforms to amplify success, offering services to help clients pinpoint and win suitable awards.
  • She addresses the gender gap in award nominations and advocates for more recognition for women in business.
  • The discussion also explores the benefits of such strategies in the fashion industry and how winning awards can attract clients and talent.
  • Karen highlights the importance of businesses addressing climate change and environmental protection, noting the rise in environmentally focused awards.
  • The episode includes tips on using storytelling and evidence to influence judges, and the significance of taking pride in one's achievements.
  • Karen’s contact information: Email (, LinkedIn (, Facebook (
  • Visit Karen’s website at to learn more.



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Karen's Website:


BetterScope Podcast:

Pre-interview for BetterScope Podcast:

Discovery Call with RemoStaff:



Episode Chapters
Maximize Your Wins: Boosting Visibility Through Awards with Karen Hall
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Welcome to the BetterScope Podcast

In BetterScope we Unpack the Human Story Behind the Headlines!

Each episode is a journey, fueled by curiosity and guided by open minds. We tackle the micro and the macro, from the intimate struggles of everyday life to the sweeping forces shaping our planet. We challenge assumptions, spark new ideas, and leave you feeling empowered to make a difference.

Whether you're a changemaker, a knowledge seeker, or simply someone with an insatiable curiosity about the world, BetterScope is your home. We're a community of listeners who believe that understanding the human story is the key to a brighter future.

So tune in. Let's unpack the trends, amplify the voices, and discover what it means to live a meaningful life in a complex world. Together, we can make the world a better scope.


Sponsored by RemoStaff

This show is sponsored by RemoStaff. They are a leading Australian outsourcing specialist for online businesses. RemoStaff resolve business challenges by providing offshore staff for leasing to ensure the success of their partners’ daily operations.

Schedule a 15-minute Discovery Call with RemoStaff



Show Summary

In the episode on BetterScope, Karen Hall, founder and director of Reputation by Design, joins the conversation to discuss leveraging award wins to enhance business visibility and reputation.


Guest Bio

Karen Hall is the founder and director of Reputation by Design, a marketing agency specializing in trust and reputation as an asset to drive business growth. Trusted brands are seven times more likely to command a premium price, and benefit from six times the consumer loyalty, so proactively amplifying trust in your business pays big dividends. As a trust and reputation expert, Karen has won multiple awards for her work, including 2023 BX Business xCellence Awards Winner: Business of the Year, Marketing Consulting Services.


Show Notes

Join us on BetterScope where Karen Hall will share her expert insights about Winning Awards and Influencing!

  • Karen emphasizes the strategic use of awards on social media platforms to amplify success, offering services to help clients pinpoint and win suitable awards.
  • She addresses the gender gap in award nominations and advocates for more recognition for women in business.
  • The discussion also explores the benefits of such strategies in the fashion industry and how winning awards can attract clients and talent.
  • Karen highlights the importance of businesses addressing climate change and environmental protection, noting the rise in environmentally focused awards.
  • The episode includes tips on using storytelling and evidence to influence judges, and the significance of taking pride in one's achievements.
  • Karen’s contact information: Email (, LinkedIn (, Facebook (
  • Visit Karen’s website at to learn more.



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If you like our contents and is interested about being a guest or you know someone in your network who would be an awesome guest, then you – or them – can schedule for a 15-minute pre-interview to see if we are a good fit.  Just click on the link below.

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Relevant Links from the Episode


Karen's Website:


BetterScope Podcast:

Pre-interview for BetterScope Podcast:

Discovery Call with RemoStaff:



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