Healing Power: Scriptures and Prayers for the Sick


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https://christians.org.ng Launched: Oct 14, 2024
editor@christians.org.ng Season: 1 Episode: 1

In times of illness or distress, it can be comforting to turn to the Word of God for strength and guidance. The prayers for healing found in the Bible are a source of hope and encouragement, reminding us that God is our ultimate healer. By speaking these prayers over ourselves or loved ones, we can invite God

Discover powerful scriptures for healing the sick and learn how the Word of God can bring physical and spiritual healing through faith. In this video, we share key Bible verses that remind us of God's healing power and provide prayers for healing that you can use for yourself or loved ones. Whether you're seeking physical restoration or spiritual peace, these scriptures will strengthen your faith and bring comfort in times of illness. Watch now and experience the transformative power of God's Word!

(00:01) [Music] hey everyone thanks for joining me today I just want to take a few moments to share some powerful scriptures for healing with you if you're feeling unwell or you're praying for someone who's sick I believe these words from God can bring healing hope and restoration let's start with Isaiah 53:5 which says but he was pierce for our transgressions he was crushed for our iniquities the punishment that brought us peace was on him and by his wounds we are healed now this is a powerful reminder that Jesus already
(00:41) paid the price for our healing he took on all our sickness and pain and by his wounds we are healed so let's pray to get a base on that Lord I declare that by your wounds healing belongs to us I speak your healing power over anyone who is sick right now let your touch restore them completely amen next is Jeremiah 30:17 where God says but I will restore you to health and heal your wounds this verse is such an amazing promise God doesn't just want to heal us he wants to fully restore US Body mind and soul lord
(01:21) I pray that you would restore Health to everyone hearing this today heal every wound both seen and unseen bring your complete restoration in Jesus name amen another beautiful scripture comes from Psalm 103: 2-3 it says praise the Lord my soul and forget not all his benefits who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases I love this because it reminds us that healing is one of the benefits we receive from God just like forgiveness Lord I Thank you for all your benefits including the gift of healing let your healing power flow into
(02:01) every person right now heal every disease and let there be a testimony of your goodness amen now in James 5:4 to 15 we read is anyone among you sick let them call the Elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord and the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well the Lord will raise them up this reminds us of the power of Faith filled prayer when we pray God moves Lord we pray in faith right now just as your word says let the sick be made well raise them up strengthen them and let
(02:41) your healing be evident in their bodies amen here's another powerful one Exodus 15:26 says for I am the Lord who heals you such a simple but profound truth God is our healer it's who he is Jehovah Rafa our healer I ask you to touch every person listening you know what they need physically emotionally and spiritually heal them in your name amen Matthew 8:17 tells us he took up our infirmities and bore our diseases Jesus already carried every sickness we would ever face what a comforting truth Jesus thank you for
(03:23) bearing our sicknesses I pray that anyone who is dealing with illness right now would feel the weight of that sickness lift as you bring healing and restoration amen and lastly 1 Peter 2:4 says by his wounds you have been healed this is such an encouraging verse because it reminds us that healing has already been accomplished through the work of Jesus Lord we thank you that by your wounds healing has already been made available to us let this truth manifest in the lives of everyone who is in need of healing today amen before we
(03:59) close let's take a moment to pray a general prayer for healing over everyone listening right now Lord I lift up every single person who is battling sickness or pain today you are The God Who heals the one who restores and the one who makes us whole I speak your healing power over them physically emotionally and spiritually let your peace fill their hearts and let your healing touch be felt from head to toe in the mighty name of Jesus I declare complete healing and restoration over their lives amen thank you for joining me today keep
(04:36) standing in faith keep speaking God's word over your situation and remember God is always with you stay blessed [Music]

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