Journey To Awakening

Conscious Coach Radio

Gregory Bignell Rating 5 (1) (0) Launched: Jul 10, 2024 Season: 1 Episode: 1
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Conscious Coach Radio
Journey To Awakening
Jul 10, 2024, Season 1, Episode 1
Gregory Bignell
Episode Summary

Join me on an incredible journey of self-discovery and transformation. From a young age, I was filled with deep questions about spirituality, identity, and the nature of reality. Through powerful out-of-body experiences, encounters with mystical beings, and an experimental mindset, I set out to uncover my authentic self.

This episode takes you through my pivotal decision to travel to Australia alone, where I shed the expectations of others and courageously stepped into my own power. Diving into psychology, personal development, and spirituality, I share how I navigated the "dark nights of the soul" to emerge as the truest expression of who I am.

Prepare to be inspired as I reveal the key insights and practices that allowed me to break free from limiting beliefs and step into a life of purpose, passion, and abundance. This episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking to reconnect with their deepest essence and live a life that feels truly fulfilling and alive.


  • 05:05 Human Design
  • 09:46 Prioritizing Soul Over Material Possessions
  • 14:47 Witnessed Orbs and Out-of-Body Experiences
  • 20:31 Seeking Out-of-Body Experiences & Body Optimization
  • 24:49 Exploring Self-Identity Leading to Journey to Australia
  • 32:07 Discovering Self, Spirituality, and Genuine Desires
  • 36:21 Transitioning from Web Design to Coaching & Mentoring
  • 40:00 Reflecting on Past Successes and Embracing Growth

Tune in to hear an inspiring story of transformation and learn practical tips for your own journey toward self-discovery and fulfillment!

Episode Chapters
Conscious Coach Radio
Journey To Awakening
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00:00:00 |

Join me on an incredible journey of self-discovery and transformation. From a young age, I was filled with deep questions about spirituality, identity, and the nature of reality. Through powerful out-of-body experiences, encounters with mystical beings, and an experimental mindset, I set out to uncover my authentic self.

This episode takes you through my pivotal decision to travel to Australia alone, where I shed the expectations of others and courageously stepped into my own power. Diving into psychology, personal development, and spirituality, I share how I navigated the "dark nights of the soul" to emerge as the truest expression of who I am.

Prepare to be inspired as I reveal the key insights and practices that allowed me to break free from limiting beliefs and step into a life of purpose, passion, and abundance. This episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking to reconnect with their deepest essence and live a life that feels truly fulfilling and alive.


  • 05:05 Human Design
  • 09:46 Prioritizing Soul Over Material Possessions
  • 14:47 Witnessed Orbs and Out-of-Body Experiences
  • 20:31 Seeking Out-of-Body Experiences & Body Optimization
  • 24:49 Exploring Self-Identity Leading to Journey to Australia
  • 32:07 Discovering Self, Spirituality, and Genuine Desires
  • 36:21 Transitioning from Web Design to Coaching & Mentoring
  • 40:00 Reflecting on Past Successes and Embracing Growth

Tune in to hear an inspiring story of transformation and learn practical tips for your own journey toward self-discovery and fulfillment!

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\Welcome to our podcast and it is truly just wonderful to have you here. And, I I genuinely believe this is our podcast. It's something that we get to co create together in order to find what is going to best serve you. Because I have an absolutely deep appreciation for you, for your time, your energy, your presence here listening to this. It's it's honestly so amazing. And so I I wanna start off by just saying thank you. I know that there is tons of wonderful information out there and resources and this is something that has truly inspired me in my journey was having wondrous people to to learn from, to grow from and this is really kinda shaped who I am today. And there was a lot of my journey where I got really caught in this journey of searching for the truth, the absolute truth, the thing.

And it, it, it was a really powerful part of my journey. But what I realized is that there isn't any 1 truth out there. There is really what is useful and that's that's what started to shape my journey is finding these things, these experiences that were useful to me. That helped me in my journey, helped me to reach these these next levels. Because so much of this is, really about us, getting to this this higher level, this ascension inside of our own life where we're actually getting to live and express and experience life in the way that we truly are excited for. To actually create the life that we are so excited to be living. Right? Where it feels like we're in a book or a movie and we are the actual main character. And this is, this is a huge part of this journey and so this is also my intention with this podcast.

Is to be able to share some of the the experiences, the philosophies, the strategies and the actual results that you're looking for. Right? Whether that's to be, having this this wondrous experience with your clients where you're creating powerful transformations in a single session or thriving and actually receiving the wealth and the abundance that you know that you deserve. Or, or getting to this point where you're having these deep and powerful conversations and connections with your your partner. And these are all things that started to really shape who I was because there were things that I was really excited to learn about, to embody, to bring to life. I never set out to be the the teacher, the coach, the the messenger, any of those things. That was that was never my goal. Right? I was always led by this this deep sense of curiosity about the world. Right? I I wanted to find solutions to the struggles that I was going through in my journey.

And I'm definitely I did not have a a horrendous life or all of these really traumatic experiences that I know that some people have had. But, in my journey I was always focused on trying to find the ways to alchemize, to bring to life these these new and powerful experiences. And that became my focus. Right? And I I got very hungry for for learning. I got deep into spirituality. I me. I started to uncover some things that I hadn't seen anywhere else. I started to be living these experiences and putting these things to the test.

And, if you follow human design at all I I am a 3 5 split and so my experience is the great experimenter. And that means that, I'm not 1 to just look at something and be like, oh, that's that's how it is. I look at it and I'm like okay, how does that work? Let's actually try it, let's put it to the test, let's go out into the world and that's really exactly what my life became about even before I knew, any of this. And so, I I really started to get to this this place where I started to share some of the things that I found and I I noticed that the people alignment in the alignment in the things that they were experiencing in their life. Where, the the stuff that felt like they were swimming up a river, all of a sudden moved into this sense of flow and ease. And I was encouraged to start to share these things and and so I did. And it's continued to help and improve, people's lives. And so the things that I wanna share with you here, are things that I've only really shared with a few people, but they have really shaped who I've been.

And to kind of to share, I I grew up in, Ontario, Canada. Just a small town And it it was a very beautiful experience because it was it was a a place that I was able to explore. I did have the freedoms. I didn't have the the kind of gridlock that that big cities have. And my parents were absolutely incredible. They were they were always there for me and wanting to create the most ideal experience for me. To help me to just nurture and step into myself and, figure out what that even meant. And I am so appreciative and blessed, to have had that experience.

But at a very early age, I started to have some pretty big questions. When I ended up in elementary school, I ended up in a Catholic school. And, I was I was raised Catholic, and it was a choice that my parents had made because they they wanted me to have a connection and a sense, with with God, with, something greater than myself. But it was never something that was forced on me. It was something that was presented to me. And I think that's a very beautiful distinction that I was gifted with at a young age. And, I started to experience these these these moments of looking and and hearing the story of creation and and hearing all of these things. And I I started to have questions, right? Because in school we have science class, right? And they talk about the big bang and, and then I would hear that it was created rather intentionally.

And so I started to ask these questions. And I I remember that we used to have these nuns that would come in, periodically and and teach us these these stories, from the Bible. And, 1 of the the nuns that came in was a little bit more orthodox. She was a came from an older, background. And while most people have always kind of brought this, this love with God and associated, that connection with love. This nun came in and she put the fear of God into the classroom and, she started to talk about what happens when you don't follow these commandments and all of these things and introduce this eternal burning in hell. And I, as a kid was absolutely terrified. It, it was something that like really shaped me.

I I remember going out on recess and sitting in the grass and being like man, like I gotta figure this out because I might have a good, 80, 90 years of life. That's something that I I definitely, believe a little differently now. We can we can have an enjoyable life way way longer than that. But I started to look at that and I said, well, 80, 90 years versus eternity, that's a pretty big difference. So I think figuring out the fancy cars and all of those things and the big house, All of that stuff is is secondary to figuring out what's happening with my soul eternally. And I I went home and I started to like really take the time to read through the bible. And I started to find all of these different pieces and I remember 1 day my my mom brought me, to the bookstore and it was a place that I absolutely loved. Definitely a bit of a dork that way and, still do.

And so I'm walking through the aisles of this bookstore and it was a fantastic 1. It was very old. There was just the smell of books in the air and just that like light layer of dust on some of the books where you're like, oh, like this is this has been here for a while. And I remember walking around and I started to see these books that that really stood out to me. And it was about healing and energy and so I started to grab a few of these books And I turn around the corner and there's a world religion section. And at that point I was absolutely shocked because I realized that there there were people that believed in, in something with all of their heart, with all of their might that wasn't what I was taught. And so I started to grab these books as well and I remember, coming back to my mom and she's like, oh my gosh, Like, you got a whole stack. Like, maybe don't grab all of them.

And so I was like, okay. So so I I shuffled through and and found, a good smaller pile and I went home and I just started to read and I loved it. My my 2 favorite, places to be was deep in a book or adventuring and exploring and I made good use of my time with both. And as I started to go through this, I started to realize that, oh my gosh, like there's there's these different religions and I started to notice that there was a lot of similarities that that these these texts were sharing. And I'll never forget that night, I think I had finished, 2 of my books and I was sitting on my bed and it was a full moon. And I'm staring out the window, I'm probably 7 years old at this point. And I'm staring out the window and I can see the full moon and all of a sudden this chill comes over my body. And it starts in my head and moves all the way down to my toes.

And I was like, oh, what just happened? And then this insight dropped in. And, it was what if what if all of these stories, all of these texts were archetypes. And, the sun was God and Jesus was the moon and the angels were the stars and the archangels were the planets and all of it were these archetypes that were that were depicting something much much bigger, much much grander. And, I laid awake in bed that night just feeling into it because I had felt that I had inadvertently stumbled onto something that that made a lot of sense. And it was probably 11, 30, 12 o'clock and I'm laying there in my bed and I remember that these 2 lights came into my room and 1 was green, the other 1 was purple. And they were just these really small spheres of light that were very opaque. They were transparent and I I remember just watching them as they, like, moved around my room. And, I fell asleep.

And the next night, the same thing happened, and I would just watch these orbs. And as I would stare, I'd start to see kind of like shapes inside of it. And, then 1 night, I have this really powerful experience where as I was going to sleep, I opened my eyes and I was in my room floating, looking down at my body in the bed. And it was the first moment that I had this this experience of, oh my gosh, I'm not a body with a soul, I'm a soul that's temporarily inhabiting a body. And I had this realization that there was so much more, that I was part of something so much bigger. And, it was exciting and I got so excited that, all of a sudden I came back into my body and I was like, was a dream? Was that real life? Like I I couldn't quite figure it out. And and so I started try to figure out what I had stumbled upon. And, I I found, in 1 of the books that, I had picked up the first time was a book that talked about healing.

But it actually started to go through a few different modalities and it was really based off of more ancient teachings, from around the world, indigenous teachings. And I started to to look and there was this section on Australia and it was talking about the Aborigines and how they were the masters of dream time. And, they would utilize some of these tools and, medicines in order to achieve these altered states where they'd enter into this place called the dream time. And, as I'm reading this, I'm like, oh my gosh. This is this is what happened to me. And, it talked about a few different things but it it mentioned altered states, it mentioned brain waves and this term that I'd never heard before was the astral body. And at that time I was like, oh, that's the soul, right? And again, being that young it it it landed and it made sense, But these things started to really spur me forwards. And I I continued to explore this and I started to, like, intentionally go to sleep.

And I had this, like, mind frame of okay, I'm gonna go to sleep, I'm gonna like achieve this state again. And I while I didn't do that immediately, what started to happen is I'd go to sleep and I'd enter into this space where I had this screen. And on this screen there were all of these different dreams that I could drop into. And some of them I realized that I had dreamed so many times before and they were repetitive dreams. And I started to kind of, like, move through these screens, almost like they were projected in, like, a hollow gram in front of me. And I'd go through and I'd choose these dreams and I'd enter into these dreams quite consciously. And it became a really really powerful experience. And so, this will date me a little bit but, as the internet became a thing and dial up happened and and all of this, I started to explore this even even further.

And I was able to to get some programs that would generate these frequencies, that would help to achieve these altered states. And, these frequencies were called binaural frequencies which means it's 2 frequencies that would happen simultaneously and because they were both, playing you'd have to use headphones ideally. And so you'd have 1 frequency in 1 ear and it might be a little bit lower and another frequency that might be a little bit faster and a little bit higher. And what happens is as those frequencies meet inside of your head, it generates a third frequency right where your brain is and this would start to achieve, different altered states. And this is where I really started to experience and explore these out of body, experiences. And it it happened at this time where, my my grandfather had passed. And I'll never forget that day because I I came off the bus and I had visited him a few times with my dad and he was in the hospital, he wasn't doing very well. And I just kept having this like hope like, oh, he's gonna get better.

He's gonna get out of the hospital. And I remember getting off of the school bus and walking into my house. And, I went into the living room and I saw my mom crying on the couch on the other side of the room. And I just felt my backpack slide off of my shoulder onto the ground. And I could just feel the weight, the gravity of the situation. And I knew in that exact moment that he had passed. But all of these experiences that I had, I started to realize that, well, he's not gone. He's probably in this place that I went to while I was sleeping.

And so it gave me this like real big drive and desire to to continue to explore these out of body, experiences in order for me to to kind of like get in touch with him again and connect with him. And that really started to shape a lot of my understanding because I wanted to have the actual life experiences of these concepts that I was learning about. And as I continued on my journey, as life unfolded more and more, I I explored different things. I explored how to start to optimize my body and got really into body building in a very natural way. I would absolutely calculate how much time at the gym, the the workouts that I would do to to overcome plateau and everything. And obviously this, high school kid was very excited to have a peak performance in his body. And as as I started to do this I would explore these different, aspects. And I remember getting to this place where I had such a fine tune understanding of my body that my meals were perfectly balanced to the workouts that I was doing and I would just watch as I would continue to shape my body in ways that I I had really started to imagine and I was so excited about.

And it it really started to show to me that everything in life was malleable. Right? I started to have these these altered state experiences and I continued to explore that. But I also had these really deep like 3 d in body experiences and I got to see how both of them were were directly connected to our expression and to our experience. And I I remembered when I I graduated high school, I kind of had these these choices of of schools and and paths that I wanted to go down. And there was this moment where I I had this realization where I was like, wow, I'm literally, I have this 1 life that's exploring and learning and and growing and personal development and psychology and all of these things and spirituality. And I'm also just like the second life that's just following this path that's been laid out in front of me. And it was almost expected of me to follow this path. And I'm sure you know what that means.

And III realized that. And so I had this moment where I was like, what if I did something completely different? What if I put these things to the test in a way that I had never even imagined before? And that night, I I opened 1 of my books, and it was, a psychology book and it was talking about these these levels of identity. And in this outer ring of our identity is where most people live and experience themselves and this is, who other people think that we are. And, then there's this ring underneath if you imagine an onion that's closer to the center ring and, it's who we think that we are. And I thought that was fascinating because they're these like concepts but it's not really ourself. And And then we get to this very center point and it's who we really are. And in order to start to peel back these layers we have to get rid of some of these these levels of identity that that we had chose to hold on to. And I remember sitting there and and having this experience and being like, wow.

What if what if who I think that I am is just really just other people's concepts and constructs of who I am? And so I went on this journey and I started to explore like how do I how do I shift that? And the people around me would be like, oh no, that's not you, this is who you are. And I realized that, oh my gosh, like I am like fitting inside of and making only these small moves and evolutions based upon what other people think that I am. And so I had this radical idea and I said, well, I'd never really traveled. I had gone and visited grandparents during the summer, a few provinces over. And I was like, oh my gosh, what if? What if I actually change this? What if I I brought myself to a new environment where nobody knew me? And so I remember going to the travel agency and I was like, what? Like I wanna go somewhere. And that's not a very useful way to approach a travel agent. Well, they're like, where do you wanna go? And I was like, I don't know. And all of a sudden, this, like, small voice inside was like Australia.

And I was like, oh, I wanna go to Australia. And, I started to have these like desires to to to go and to travel and I remember I was like, okay, I'm gonna do this. I think I think this is gonna happen. And so they gave me all of this information and I went home and I was like sitting on it. And I was like, okay, what if I do? Now 1 of my favorite things that I would do and it would help me to think, it would help me to see new perspectives in my life was to go for drives into places that I'd never been before and really kinda get lost. Right? I I didn't really have the GPS constant monitoring, that, we have now. This was very much, you could get maps and, like, literally open books with maps in them. And so I would just drive and drive and drive.

And it was probably a little bit later in the the afternoon, and I'm driving down this dirt road and I'll never forget this experience. And I'm going and I feel the car start to move from 1 side to the other. And for those of you who get like really that connection with your car, you can start to feel as this like movement. You're you realize you have no traction. And so I went to put on the brakes but at that point it was too late and the car started to spin. And the road that I was on was only a lane and a half wide. And as I'm going, the car starts to spin and spin and spin. And I could feel myself slipping out of my body and watching myself spinning in this car.

And in that, like, very moment I just felt myself get sucked back in and the car came to a dead stop in the middle of the road facing the same way that I was going. And my heart is racing, my hands are are blue holding on to this steering wheel and I'm staring forwards and the dust is dancing and settling. And just off to 1 side, I see this white wolf. And it turns and it went back into the woods. And in that moment my logical brain was like, there's no way there's no way there's wolves and things like that. But there was something that I I felt inside of me, I was like, there's no way that I I stayed in the center of the road while my car was spinning. And that night, I had this dream and the wolf came to me. And this was the first awakening to a deeper part of my DNA and my my lineage was this was the first, connection that I had made to 1 of my power animals.

And, this this wolf would show up in my dreams and kind of like deliver messages in interesting ways. They would just kind of pop in and I knew to pay extra attention to my dreams. And I saw in 1 of my dreams Australia, and that was the confirmation that I needed. And so I I went back to the travel agency. I booked my ticket, and I came home, and I said, hey. I'm going to Australia, and my parents laughed. And I said, and I leave on Monday. It was a Friday.

And they're like, what? And I showed them the tickets and they're like, you are crazy. Cancel the trip. All of the things. I was like, I can't do that. I'm going. And it was the first time that I actually stepped into myself. And so many experiences came from that, but this became the the the starting point of me figuring out who I was. And, I think this is 1 of the most important journeys that we can go on is to figure out who we are.

And, there's many reasons why, Australia became the the path for for me to go down. But what what became incredibly obvious to me was that until that moment I had lived for everybody else. And that decision was me choosing to live for myself. And I got to explore and to to figure out who I was in all of these experiences. And it it it changed me. I got to experience and play with all of these different versions of myself until I came to this point of understanding and really aligning with this highest version. And I realized that I could choose excitement. That I could wake up each and every day and figure out what do I wanna do today? Literally, anything is possible.

What do I wanna do today? And I got to to have that experience. And so I share these things because that moment of coming home to myself and to my identity became a really powerful starting point for me where I started to see where spirituality, where psychology, where all of these wonderful things that I had been reading, this this personal development, self development. And I started to see what was actually applicable and real and what was fluff. And I got to see what made me feel good to hear and what actually created results inside of my life. And as I went out and applied these things, I I realized that there were so many parts of myself that I had never met before. And I think that's very much by design. I think that there's so many, people and, places that, want you to take on this other identity or an identity that's been, prescribed to you. And I think the moment that we come back and we actually take a look at who we are, what we genuinely want and desire inside of our life, and what lights us up, what sets us on fire, what is the thing that we're so passionate about.

And we figure out these core pieces. All of a sudden it's like we've we've found this key inside of ourselves that opens up this whole other path inside of our life. 1 that feels like we came here to walk and we've been distracted ever since. And so, if if you've been kind of going in these different journeys and feeling lost inside of your journey, that was something that I had to navigate. And from that moment, I I genuinely believe it was the first day of my life where I started to actually live and I knew nobody in Australia. I got to figure all of those things out. And so a lot of the things that we're going to share here might be counterintuitive to the stuff that we've been told our whole life. And my my request to you is that you don't just accept the ideas, the strategies, the tactics, the steps that I share with you over the course of this this podcast and this journey that we get to go on together.

But, that you try it. That you apply it inside of your life. You you start to go through what I would like to call the experiment. Right? And you can ask yourself, a very different question than what we've been told to ask ourselves. Right? We can look at our life and say, how good can it get? How good can we stand life getting and being and experiencing? And I I really truly believe that this is a huge aspect of why we're here, is to allow ourselves to experience the absolute best of life. To allow these these visions, these ideas that that have been deep inside of us and, allowing these things to to come to life. Right. And as this journey unfolded, III came into, starting my own business.

And, it started off in web design and that transitioned, where I stepped into, coaching and, kind of helping people through a lot of these, like, inner dark nights of the soul that they had been experiencing. And eventually, moving into kinda this place where I got to partner with some really incredible leaders and help them to to bring their wisdom to life for so many others. And so all of these all of these pieces are are going to be things that I wanna share with you, and, I wanna give you the the best of the best in this experience. And so as you start to to go through your life today, I want you to start to notice what what is it that would light you up the most. Right? Are you taking actions because you feel like you have to take the actions or you always do things this way? Or are you actually walking a path that is exciting for you? And I'm not talking in all of your life in this moment but everyday. Could you shake things up in your routine? Could you go somewhere that you've never been before? Push yourself out of that routine that you've been in where very often it's autopilot And just see what it feels like outside of that, coming back into yourself. And so with that being said, I want to to really share with you and and thank you again for being part of this. And I'm gonna make sure that every single episode that comes out is going to help to support you in in exploring ideas and concepts and parts of yourself that will really allow this this emergence of who you are to come to life.

Because that's what that's what we're here for. We are all here just walking each other home, and, this is, my, contribution. And so we're gonna go through some, really awesome discussions. And some of it might, not be the the glam and glitter and excitement that, other social media platforms have because real life isn't always that way. And so I want you to be able to take a look at things in a different way. To look at how we can have these evolutionary experiences in our journey and to be able to go further than we've ever been. Right. So that you can come away from each 1 of these episodes, with a different idea, right.

Or something that reminds you of the success that you've already created. Reminds you of the things you've actually done that are noteworthy, that are so easy to forget about in our day to day life. Right. I'm here to help to hold up, a bit of a mirror so that you can see the incredible accomplishments and the amazing things that maybe you haven't given yourself credit for. I really look forward to, going through this this beautiful journey with you and for us to find the gemstones inside of your life that are going to help you, feel more like you, to come more into your full nature and expression, to have deeper relationships and connections with the people that you love. And of course, thrive. Right? Inside of your life in wealth and abundance of every single kind. But really, truly getting to experience yourself and be a human being.

Right? So we can then get grounded and get into this like really good experience. So I wanna thank you so much for listening to today and we're gonna have a lot of fun with this and I'm so excited to see what unfolds. And on behalf of the entire team here, I wanna thank you so much for listening. And we'll see you on the next episode.

Sending you so much love.

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