Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.: Actionable Strategies to Achieve Your Year End Goals

Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™

Chareen Goodman, Business Coach Rating 0 (0) (0) Launched: Nov 16, 2023 Season: 1 Episode: 28

Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™
Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.: Actionable Strategies to Achieve Your Year End Goals
Nov 16, 2023, Season 1, Episode 28
Chareen Goodman, Business Coach
Episode Summary

Episode 28: Show Notes


In this episode, we explore the challenges they face and actionable strategies to overcome them.

- Setting and achieving year-end goals are crucial for coaches looking to make progress in their business.

- Unmet year-end goals can be discouraging and impact motivation and confidence.

- Common challenges coaches face when goals are unmet include feeling overwhelmed, struggling with accountability, and limited time.

- Actionable strategies to overcome these challenges include prioritizing and focusing on the most impactful goals, breaking goals into manageable tasks, and seeking accountability and support.

- Implementing these strategies can lead to boosted success rates, enhanced business growth, and increased motivation and confidence.


Show Notes:

- Introduction to the Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™ podcast and the importance of achieving year-end goals in a coaching business.

- Challenges coaches face when goals are unmet, including loss of motivation and confidence.

- Strategies to overcome challenges, including prioritizing and focusing on impactful goals, breaking goals into manageable tasks, and seeking accountability and support.

- Examples of specific situations where coaches struggle to achieve their goals, such as generating leads, launching new programs, and overcoming obstacles.

- The positive results and benefits of implementing these strategies, including increased success rates, enhanced business growth, and increased motivation and confidence.

- Success stories of coaches who used these strategies to achieve their year-end goals.

- Essential tips and best practices to stay focused and motivated, including staying focused on priorities, celebrating milestones, and embracing accountability and support.

- Summary of key talking points covered in the episode and the importance of taking action and implementing the strategies.

Implementing strategies like prioritizing goals, breaking them down into manageable tasks, and embracing accountability and support can bring incredible results.

Let's celebrate your progress and finish the year strong! 🙌


Episode Chapters
Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™
Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.: Actionable Strategies to Achieve Your Year End Goals
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Episode 28: Show Notes


In this episode, we explore the challenges they face and actionable strategies to overcome them.

- Setting and achieving year-end goals are crucial for coaches looking to make progress in their business.

- Unmet year-end goals can be discouraging and impact motivation and confidence.

- Common challenges coaches face when goals are unmet include feeling overwhelmed, struggling with accountability, and limited time.

- Actionable strategies to overcome these challenges include prioritizing and focusing on the most impactful goals, breaking goals into manageable tasks, and seeking accountability and support.

- Implementing these strategies can lead to boosted success rates, enhanced business growth, and increased motivation and confidence.


Show Notes:

- Introduction to the Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™ podcast and the importance of achieving year-end goals in a coaching business.

- Challenges coaches face when goals are unmet, including loss of motivation and confidence.

- Strategies to overcome challenges, including prioritizing and focusing on impactful goals, breaking goals into manageable tasks, and seeking accountability and support.

- Examples of specific situations where coaches struggle to achieve their goals, such as generating leads, launching new programs, and overcoming obstacles.

- The positive results and benefits of implementing these strategies, including increased success rates, enhanced business growth, and increased motivation and confidence.

- Success stories of coaches who used these strategies to achieve their year-end goals.

- Essential tips and best practices to stay focused and motivated, including staying focused on priorities, celebrating milestones, and embracing accountability and support.

- Summary of key talking points covered in the episode and the importance of taking action and implementing the strategies.

Implementing strategies like prioritizing goals, breaking them down into manageable tasks, and embracing accountability and support can bring incredible results.

Let's celebrate your progress and finish the year strong! 🙌


Episode 28: Transcript

Chareen Goodman [00:00:04]:

Welcome to the Crack the Coaching Code podcast where coaches from all over the world can tune in to get a dose of good info to help them crack the coaching code in their coaching business. On this podcast, you will get what you need to make your coaching business a true dream business. Whether that's a short learn-to-earn knowledge session or a full-length interview conversation with some of the most interesting, influential, and impactful people in the industry. This podcast will give you the inspiration, motivation, but above all, the encouragement you need to get you and keep you building and growing your own coaching practice. Hello, everyone, and welcome to another exciting episode of the Crack Coaching Code podcast, where we delve into the world of coaching and provide you coaches with valuable insights and strategies to level up your coaching business. I'm your host, Shireen Gutman, business coach and founder of Crack the Coaching Code. The clock is ticking down towards the end of the year. So today in episode 28, We're going to tackle a topic that many coaches can relate to.

Chareen Goodman [00:01:33]:

Strategies you can implement right now to achieve your year-end coaching goals. Here's the bottom line. Setting And achieving your year-end goals are crucial for any coach looking to make significant progress in their business. So as the year draws to a close, it's essential that you reflect on your accomplishments And assess what you will work on to complete the year as you prepare to set new goals that will propel you forward in the upcoming year. I understand that this process can sometimes be challenging. And as a coach, you will often face obstacles along the way. So in this episode, I want to address some of the challenges around those unmet goals head-on and provide you with Actionable strategies to overcome them. Because let's face it, when our year-end goals remain unmet, It can be discouraging and can impact our motivation and confidence to continue on in our business.

Chareen Goodman [00:02:53]:

So whether you're a seasoned coach or just starting out, this episode will offer valuable insights And practical tips to help you finish strong and achieve your year-end coaching goals. We're going to explore the common challenges that coaches face when their goals are unmet. From feeling overwhelmed with limited time to struggling with accountability and staying focused, I've got you covered and I want you to know that you're not alone in these challenges and there are solutions available To help you overcome them. As we go through this episode, remember, success is within your reach. And together, we can crack the coaching code. So grab your pen and paper, and let's dive in.

Chareen Goodman [00:04:11]:

Welcome back, listeners. In this segment, we're going to dive deep into identifying the specific problems coaches typically face when their year-end goals are unmet. It's important to recognize these challenges so that you can find effective solutions to overcome them. When coaches find themselves falling short of their year-end goals, it can various aspects of their coaching business. One of the most significant effects is on their motivation. When we set goals and fail to achieve them, it can be disheartening. Especially when we put in so much time and effort and still miss the mark. It's times like this that our enthusiasm dwindles, and we may start to question our abilities as coaches. Not only does it impact motivation, but unmet year-end goals can also have a detrimental effect on our confidence. We may begin to doubt ourselves and our capabilities thinking that we're not good enough or that we're not cut out for the coaching business.

Chareen Goodman [00:05:20]:

This is where, too, imposter syndrome can rear its ugly head. These negative thoughts can create a downward spiral, hindering our progress in growth. Furthermore, unmet goals can hinder the growth of our coaching business. This is a big one. When we don't reach our objectives, it can limit our ability to attract new clients, expand our services, and increase our revenue. It's a roadblock that prevents us from reaching our full potential. Now let's take a closer look at some Specific situations where coaches struggle to accomplish their objectives.

Chareen Goodman [00:06:09]:

Picture this. A Coach who sets a goal to acquire a certain number of new clients by the end of the year. However, despite their best efforts, they find it challenging to generate leads And convert those leads into paying clients. This struggle can stem from various factors Such as ineffective marketing strategies, a lack of visibility, or difficulty connecting with your target audience. Other factors like time and capacity can also impact achieving the goal Because let's face it, life does happen and things do change. Another common scenario is when a coach sets a goal to launch a new coaching program or course by the end of the year. However, they face obstacles in the form of limited resources, time constraints, Or even technical challenges. OMG! Haven't we all experienced this one? These roadblocks can delay or even derail some of the best-laid plans, leaving us feeling frustrated and stuck. Now these examples simply highlight the real challenges that coaches face when their year-end goals remain unmet. But don't let these challenges stop you. In the next segment, We'll shift gears and delve into actionable strategies that can help you overcome these obstacles and achieve your goals. Stay tuned because we're about to unlock the secret to success in the next segment.

Chareen Goodman [00:08:40]:

Welcome back, coaches. You're tuned in to segment 3 of the Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™ podcast. In this segment, we're going to dive into some actionable strategies that coaches like you can implement To achieve those year-end goals. Are you ready? Then let's do this. Actionable strategy number 1, prioritize and focus. Time is getting tight, and the year is winding down. So one of the most effective strategies you can implement Is to prioritize your goals and focus on the most important or most impactful ones. By narrowing your focus, you can laser in and direct your energy and resources toward the goals that will have the greatest impact on your coaching business between now and the end of the year. The benefit of this strategy is that it helps you avoid spreading your soap too thin, especially during the holidays, and increases your chance of achieving tangible results. It's important, however, to be aware of the potential drawback of neglecting other important areas of your business. The key here is to strike a healthy balance as much as possible. Actionable strategy number 2, break your year-end goals into smaller manageable tasks and take consistent action toward their completion.

Chareen Goodman [00:10:05]:

By breaking them down into bite-sized action items, You make them less overwhelming and more achievable. Consistent action is the key to progress and success Even at year end. Now the benefit of this strategy is that it helps you build momentum and stay on track. Too, it's important to continue to be mindful of potential challenges, such as unexpected obstacles or time constraints. And remember, this is the holiday season, so don't overdo it. Actionable strategy number 3. Accountability and support go a long way. Accountability and support are crucial for achieving your year-end coaching goals.

Chareen Goodman [00:11:04]:

Even during this time, if your unmet goals need to be met, Find an accountability partner or hire a coach for the short term who can provide guidance and hold you accountable for doing the work required to hit your goal. The benefit of this strategy is that it keeps you motivated, inspired, and laser-focused. However, ensure that the support system you choose aligns with your needs and your values. So let's see this strategy in action. I want you to picture a coach who is stalled at writing the last few chapters of the book she set out to finish by the end of the year. Rather than giving up on her goal, she hires a writing coach who provides guidance, holds her accountable to her writing schedule, and offers feedback to remove the obstacles impeding her progress. With this support and accountability in place, the coach completes her book by year's end. These are just a few examples of actionable strategies that you can implement To achieve your year-end goals. Remember. What works for one coach may not work for another. So choose strategies that align with your unique circumstances and your strengths. In the next segment, we'll explore the positive results and benefits that you can expect By implementing these strategies, so don't go away.

Chareen Goodman [00:13:44]:

Welcome back listeners to segment 4 of our episode on Strategies to achieve your year-end coaching goals. In this segment, we're going to explore the Citing results and benefits that you can experience when you implement the strategies we've discussed so far. So get ready for some serious motivation and inspiration. By implementing these strategies, You can expect, I believe incredible and positive results and benefits in your coaching business. So let's dive into a few of them. Number 1. Boosted success rates. When you prioritize your goals, focus your efforts, and take consistent action, You can significantly increase your success rate by year-end and utterly amaze yourself. By concentrating on the most impactful goals, you maximize your chance of achieving tangible results. This boost in your success rates will not only bring you closer to accomplishing your year-end goals, but we'll also build the confidence and motivation you need to finish the year strong. Number 2, enhanced business growth. As you focus on achieving your year-end goals, Your coaching business will experience a boost of enhanced growth as well.

Chareen Goodman [00:14:52]:

Whether it's attracting new clients, Increasing revenue, or expanding your services. Accomplishing your unmet goals Can't help but propel your business forward when you do it. As a bonus, As you focus on achieving your most important year-end goals, doors to new opportunities, Collaborations, and partnerships will open, ultimately leading to a thriving coaching practice. And the biggest one is increased motivation and confidence. When you see your progress And witness the positive impact of your actions, your motivation and confidence will soar. Achieving your year-end goal serves as a powerful reminder of your skills and abilities as a coach and a business owner. It reaffirms your belief in your potential and propels you to set even higher goals for the future. Now that's a win-win in my book.

Chareen Goodman [00:16:10]:

Now let me share some success stories from coaches who have used these Strategies to finish strong and achieve their year-end goals. So meet Coach Sarah. She implemented the prioritize and focus strategy. And by narrowing her focus on attracting high-ticket clients, She not only reached her year in revenue goal but also exceeded it. This success allowed her to invest in further professional development and expand her coaching offers. The next person I wanna share is Coach Mark, who embraced the break it down and take consistent action strategy to launch his online course by the end of the year. By consistently working on smaller tasks, He successfully launched his course, attracting a global audience and generating a passive income stream that continues to grow. That could be your story. 🤔

Chareen Goodman [00:17:21]:

And finally, Coach Jessica, who recognized the importance of accountability and support in achieving her goals. I shared her story in the previous segment when I shared how she hired a writing coach to meet her year-end goal. The guidance and encouragement she received were what she needed to complete her book. This accomplishment positioned her as an industry expert and opened doors to speaking engagements, collaborations, and media opportunities. This is the power of taking control to meet your unmet goals before the end of the year. These success stories demonstrate that with determination, strategic action, and support, coaches can achieve remarkable results and experience transformative growth in their coaching business by year-end. So my amazing listeners, in the final segment, we'll wrap up this episode with some essential tips in closing thoughts to help you stay focused and motivated as you work toward your year-end goals. Stay tuned because the best is yet to come.

Chareen Goodman [00:19:06]:

Welcome back, my incredible listeners, to the final segment of our episode on strategies to achieve your year-end goals. In this segment, we're going to wrap things up with some essential tips, Best practices, and some closing thoughts to keep you focused and motivated as you work towards your year-end goals. So let's dive in right away. Tip number 1, stay focused on your priorities. Remember, you've got to prioritize your goals and focus on the ones that will have the greatest impact on your coaching business. If everything is a priority, then nothing is a priority. Avoid getting overwhelmed by trying to tackle everything at once. By staying focused, You can allocate your precious time and resources effectively and make meaningful progress in your business while still enjoying the holidays.

Chareen Goodman [00:20:16]:

My second tip, break it down And celebrate those milestones. You have a limited amount of days left to wrap up the year and make great things happen. Break your year-end goals into smaller manageable tasks. You know, I tell my clients all the time, don't try to eat the elephant in 1 bite. Break it down. 2, I want you to celebrate each milestone you achieve along the way. It's important to acknowledge and celebrate your progress as it keeps you motivated and energized to continue pushing forward. And my 3rd tip is to really embrace accountability and support to meet those goals.

Chareen Goodman [00:21:16]:

Find an accountability partner or hire a coach who can provide guidance and support and hold you accountable. Having someone to share your progress, challenges, and successes with can make a world of difference in staying motivated and on track without burning out. Now let's summarize the key talking points we covered in this episode. We discussed the importance of setting and achieving year-end coaching goals, The specific problems coaches face when their goals are unmet, and actionable strategies to overcome those challenges. By implementing these strategies, you can experience increased motivation and confidence, Enhance business growth and success, and improve goal-setting and planning skills. You have to plan your work and work your plan. Remember. While these strategies have numerous benefits, it's important to acknowledge that there may be potential Challenges in implementing certain strategies and the need for adaptability and flexibility In response to changing circumstances, so stay open to adjusting your approach as needed.

Chareen Goodman [00:22:47]:

As always, I want to encourage each and every one of you to take action. Don't just listen to this episode and let the strategies fade away. Implement them in your coaching business and see the positive impact they will have. And please don't forget to share your progress and success stories with us. We would love to hear how you're using these strategies to Finish your year strong. Thank you for joining me in this episode of the Crack the Coaching Code podcast. Remember, success is within your reach.

Chareen Goodman [00:23:33]:

Until next time. Keep pushing forward. Stay dedicated, and let's crack the coaching code together. Thank you for joining me on this journey today and for being a part of Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™. Don't forget to join us for our next episode where we'll continue to crack the coaching code. In the meantime, if you have any questions or would like to learn more, Please visit our website at Don't forget to subscribe and leave us a review on your favorite podcast platform. Blessings! 💛

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