Q1 Mastery: Transforming Your Blank Canvas into A Year of Success

Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™

Chareen Goodman, Business Coach Rating 0 (0) (0)
chareengoodman.com Launched: Feb 02, 2024
info@chareengoodman.com Season: 2 Episode: 29

Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™
Q1 Mastery: Transforming Your Blank Canvas into A Year of Success
Feb 02, 2024, Season 2, Episode 29
Chareen Goodman, Business Coach
Episode Summary

Episode 29: Show Notes


Welcome to the Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™ Podcast, the ultimate weekly destination for coaches around the globe seeking to elevate their coaching businesses. Hosted by Chareen Goodman, Business Coach and Founder of Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™, this podcast is your beacon of inspiration, motivation, and encouragement to build and grow your coaching practice.

Episode Overview:
In our grand opening of Season 2, we delve deep into the heart of what makes a coaching business thrive. Today, we're spotlighting the critical importance of the first quarter in setting the pace for a successful year. Join us as we explore strategies, techniques, and personal stories that will empower you to lay a solid foundation for your coaching and consulting journey.

Today’s Agenda:

  • Introduction to Season 2: A warm welcome and gratitude for the continued support from our vibrant community.
  • The Blank Canvas of Q1: Visualize the first quarter as the start of a masterpiece. What colors, textures, and patterns will you choose to kickstart a year of growth and success?
  • Alex’s Story: A transformational tale of reflection, vision setting, and achieving beyond business goals. Learn how intentional goal setting can turn your year into a masterpiece of growth and fulfillment.
  • The Art of Planning and Preparing: Dive into why planning is the cornerstone of success and how a well-thought-out plan acts as your GPS in the dynamic world of coaching and consulting.
  • 6 Steps to Secure Your Footing in Q1: Practical advice on reflecting, setting goals, breaking them down, prioritizing, creating a timeline, and the importance of regular review and adjustment.

Key Takeaways:

  • Reflection and Vision Setting: The power of reflecting on the past to pave a clear path for the future.
  • Intentional Goal Setting: How setting meaningful goals can lead to extraordinary success.
  • Strategic Planning: Understanding that planning is not just a task but a roadmap to achieving your dreams.
  • Practical Steps for Q1 Success: Actionable tips to ensure your first quarter sets a strong foundation for the year ahead.

Resources Mentioned:

Closing Thoughts:
As we wrap up today's episode, remember that the first quarter is more than just a period; it's the launching pad for your year. Whether it's reflecting, planning, or investing in growth, every step you take is pivotal to your success. Let’s make this quarter count!

Connect With Us:
Share your Q1 plans, successes, or challenges with me on our social media or via email. Your story might just inspire others in our community. Don't forget to visit my website for more resources, and sign up for our newsletter to stay in the loop with the latest coaching and consulting insights.

Subscribe & Follow:
Hit that☝️subscribe button☝️ to never miss an episode of the Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™ Podcast. Your journey to business excellence starts here. 💛

Episode Chapters
Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™
Q1 Mastery: Transforming Your Blank Canvas into A Year of Success
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00:00:00 |

Episode 29: Show Notes


Welcome to the Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™ Podcast, the ultimate weekly destination for coaches around the globe seeking to elevate their coaching businesses. Hosted by Chareen Goodman, Business Coach and Founder of Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™, this podcast is your beacon of inspiration, motivation, and encouragement to build and grow your coaching practice.

Episode Overview:
In our grand opening of Season 2, we delve deep into the heart of what makes a coaching business thrive. Today, we're spotlighting the critical importance of the first quarter in setting the pace for a successful year. Join us as we explore strategies, techniques, and personal stories that will empower you to lay a solid foundation for your coaching and consulting journey.

Today’s Agenda:

  • Introduction to Season 2: A warm welcome and gratitude for the continued support from our vibrant community.
  • The Blank Canvas of Q1: Visualize the first quarter as the start of a masterpiece. What colors, textures, and patterns will you choose to kickstart a year of growth and success?
  • Alex’s Story: A transformational tale of reflection, vision setting, and achieving beyond business goals. Learn how intentional goal setting can turn your year into a masterpiece of growth and fulfillment.
  • The Art of Planning and Preparing: Dive into why planning is the cornerstone of success and how a well-thought-out plan acts as your GPS in the dynamic world of coaching and consulting.
  • 6 Steps to Secure Your Footing in Q1: Practical advice on reflecting, setting goals, breaking them down, prioritizing, creating a timeline, and the importance of regular review and adjustment.

Key Takeaways:

  • Reflection and Vision Setting: The power of reflecting on the past to pave a clear path for the future.
  • Intentional Goal Setting: How setting meaningful goals can lead to extraordinary success.
  • Strategic Planning: Understanding that planning is not just a task but a roadmap to achieving your dreams.
  • Practical Steps for Q1 Success: Actionable tips to ensure your first quarter sets a strong foundation for the year ahead.

Resources Mentioned:

Closing Thoughts:
As we wrap up today's episode, remember that the first quarter is more than just a period; it's the launching pad for your year. Whether it's reflecting, planning, or investing in growth, every step you take is pivotal to your success. Let’s make this quarter count!

Connect With Us:
Share your Q1 plans, successes, or challenges with me on our social media or via email. Your story might just inspire others in our community. Don't forget to visit my website for more resources, and sign up for our newsletter to stay in the loop with the latest coaching and consulting insights.

Subscribe & Follow:
Hit that☝️subscribe button☝️ to never miss an episode of the Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™ Podcast. Your journey to business excellence starts here. 💛

Episode 29: Transcript

Chareen Goodman [00:00:04]:
Welcome to the Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™ podcast, where every Thursday, coaches from all over the world can tune in to get a dose of good info to help them crack the coaching code in their coaching business. On this podcast, you will get what you need to make your coaching business a true dream business. Whether that's a short learn-to-earn knowledge session or a full-length interview conversation with some of the most interesting, influential, and impactful people in the industry. This podcast will give you the inspiration, motivation, but above all, the encouragement you need to get you and keep you building and growing your own coaching practice. Hey, everyone. It's your host, Chareen Goodman here, Business Coach and Founder of Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™. And I am thrilled to be back with a brand new season of the Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™ podcast. As we kick off this 2nd season, I want to thank all of you for your continued support and for being a part of this amazing community.

Chareen Goodman [00:01:21]:
In this season, we're going to dive even deeper into strategies and techniques that will help you thrive in the coaching and consulting world. From mastering your mindset to attracting your ideal clients, we've got it all covered. So I invite you to join me every week as we unlock the secrets to success in this industry. Together, we'll elevate our coaching businesses. If you are so ready to crack the coaching code in your business, Then hit that subscribe button and never miss an episode. Let's make this season our best one yet. Today, I'm particularly excited to delve into a topic that holds a special of place in my heart and is undeniably crucial for all of us in the coaching and consulting arena. And that is setting the stage for success in the Q1.

Chareen Goodman [00:01:18]:
You know, we end the year with the joy and frenzy of the holidays, and then we come into the new year trying to get back into the flow for the year ahead. So allow me for just a moment to paint a picture for you. The first quarter of a new year can be likened to the early mornings in your business. Just as your morning routine sets the tone for your day, the first quarter sets the pace for your entire year. It's an opportune time to lay a solid foundation, establish clear goals, and implement effective strategies that will undoubtedly shape the trajectory of your business in the months to come. And let me assure you, my dear listeners, that getting this crucial stage right can truly make all the difference between mediocrity and extraordinary success in your business this year. So make sure to grab your pen and notebook, and let's dive in. Shall we? Welcome to our 1st segment.

Chareen Goodman [00:03:50]:
Today on the podcast, let's paint a picture together. I want you to imagine the first quarter of the year as your blank canvas. Imagine Standing in front of a pristine white canvas. This canvas is your year ahead. What will you paint on it? Will it be bold with vibrant colors of growth and success? Or will it be more soft, filled with subtle cues of introspection, learning, and optimizing? For me, this past month has been more of the latter, but the choice is yours. You see, the first quarter offers us a fresh start, a new beginning. This first quarter time is more than just a few calendar pages. It's a symbol of new opportunities and a chance to set your course.

Chareen Goodman [00:04:58]:
It's a time filled with potential just waiting for your unique touch. Now I wanna share a quick story with you. Last year, I worked with a client. Let's call him Alex. Alex had a challenging previous year. Despite his best efforts, these didn't go the way that he expected. When we kicked off his personalized profit loves a plan coaching program in January of last year, Instead of rushing into action and tactics, I coached him to spend some time reflecting and vision setting. We looked at his successes, no matter how small, as well as his setbacks, no matter how big.

Chareen Goodman [00:04:54]:
It was like turning the pages of a book and understanding each chapter before starting a new one. This was a new, but still transformational experience for him. This reflection and vision setting process was eye opening for Alex. He realized that some of his, Quote, unquote, perceived failures were simply stepping stones on his entrepreneurial journey. There was a lesson in each experience he had, a hidden gem that helped him in setting more realistic and meaningful goals for the year. But he just didn't set goals. He set intentional goals full of meaning and purpose that were close to his heart and that were much more in alignment with what he wanted. By the end of first qurter, Alex had not only a plan, but a genuine vision for his business and his life.

Chareen Goodman [00:06:59]:
A vision painted with lessons from the past and aspirations for the future. And let me tell you, By the end of the year, Alex had achieved not just his business goals, but personal ones too. He turned his blank canvas into a masterpiece of growth and fulfillment. So what about you? Are you ready to pick up that brush and start painting your year's story? And what can we learn from Alex's story? For starters, the value of taking time to reflect is immeasurable. It's not just about patting ourselves on the back for what went well or dwelling on what didn't go as well. It's about gaining insights, understanding our entrepreneurial journey, and using that wisdom to set goals that Truly resonate with us. As we wrap up this segment, I encourage you to view the first quarter as a blank canvas. It's fresh, full of potential, and waiting for you to paint your year's masterpiece.

Chareen Goodman [00:08:21]:
Embrace this blank canvas with enthusiasm and thoughtfulness. Remember, Each stroke of your brush, every goal you set, and every plan you make is a step towards creating Your Host extraordinary year. Stay tuned for our next segment, where we'll dive into how you can make the most of this planning phase. Until then, think about your canvas. What will you paint this year? Welcome back to the crack the coaching code pod where we're all about turning your coaching and consulting aspirations into a masterpiece of achievements for the year. In this segment, we're going to explore a critical aspect of your business journey, the art of planning and preparing. Now let's talk about that. As a project management consultant yep.

Chareen Goodman [00:09:29]:
That's a big value added service I bring to my clients ins because many lack the planning skills it takes to execute those big audacious goals. I often explain that planning and preparation are like mapping a road trip. You wouldn't just jump in your car and drive off without knowing your destination or how you're going to get there, would you? Planning in business is just the same. There's this stat that I love. Did you know that businesses with a plan are 30% more likely to grow? This isn't about overloading yourself with a lot of arbitrary goals. It's about setting goals that resonate with you and charting a clear path to reach them. Remember, your plan is your business road map for the year. The fundamental truth is that planning is the cornerstone of success, both in business and in life.

Chareen Goodman [00:08:17]:
Again, your plan is your roadmap. Sure. Wandering can be fun, But a map guides you to your destination more efficiently and effectively. In the dynamic world of coaching and consulting, where change is the only constant. A well thought out plan is your GPS. I use GPS to mean growth, profitability, and sustainability. Your GPS not only guides you, but also helps to quickly adapt when unexpected detours appear. Take Emily, a consultant, who approached her business without a concrete GPS plan.

Chareen Goodman [00:11:17]:
She was passionate, yes, but she was also like a ship without a rudder, drifting wherever the wind took her. After a few months, she felt overwhelmed, directionalist, and heading for burnout really fast in her business. When she enrolled in my profit love the plan program, We sat down and worked on a strategic plan that was personal to her and was in alignment with what she wanted to do with her Business. And oh, how the tables turned. With a clear plan, Emily was able to navigate her business with purpose and Confidence. Her story is a testament to how vital planning is. I want you to keep this in mind, that a well crafted plan is your road map to success. It navigates you through the complexities of business and life.

Chareen Goodman [00:11:13]:
So take the time to plan, prepare and position yourself on incredible journey ahead. Stay tuned as we move into our next segment, where we'll delve into the practical steps to secure your footing for this first quarter. Until then, Keep dreaming big, planning wisely, and preparing earnestly. Hello, my friends. We're back with our next segment of the Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™ podcast. This segment is about the 6 steps you can take to secure your footing in the first quarter. Now you might be wondering, How do I create a plan that's not just a document gathering dust on a show, especially if you are not a planner or one who just really hates the land. Right? Well, stepping into the practical zone, here are 6 steps you can take To start to secure your footing for the year.

Chareen Goodman [00:13:26]:
Step 1, reflect on the past year. The first and perhaps most crucial step is reflection. Think of it as looking in the rearview mirror before celebrating forward. It's about understanding where you've been to better navigate where you're going. What worked for you? What didn't work for you? Take those lessons and channel them into your new plan.

Chareen Goodman [00:13:58]:
Step 2, set clear, intentional, and measurable goals. Now that you've done some reflection, it's time to set clear goals for the first quarter. Think smart. Specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time bound. Setting clear and measurable goals is like aiming an arrow at a specific target. The more precise your target, The more likely you are to hit the mark.

Chareen Goodman [00:14:36]:
Step 3. You want to break your goals down into smaller manageable chunks. Think of it like eating a pizza. You don't eat it all in 1 bite. You enjoy it slice by slice.Similarly, Tackle your goals 1 step at a time. Break down your goals into smaller tasks and prioritize them based on importance in urgency. For example, if one of your goals is to revamp your website, Break it down into tasks like researching website design trends, hiring a web designer, and creating content for each web page. Step 4, prioritize and plan. Once your goals are set, prioritizing and planning come into play. Prioritizing and planning are key steps in achieving your goals effectively. When it comes to prioritizing, it's important to assess the urgency and importance of each task. Some tasks may have strict deadlines or require immediate attention, while others may be more flexible.

Chareen Goodman [00:16:00]:
It's up to you to figure out what's the priority. By understanding the urgency, you can determine which task Needs to be Completed 1st. Additionally, consider the impact of each task. Some tasks may have a greater impact on your overall goal more so than others. Identifying these high impact tasks allow you to Allocate your time and resources much more effectively. Step 5, Create a timeline. That means create a timeline for your goals and a schedule for yourself daily, weekly and monthly to keep yourself on track and so that you know exactly what needs to get done and by when. Organize your tasks in a logical order and assign deadlines to each one of them.

Chareen Goodman [00:17:01]:
This helps you stay on track and ensures that you are making progress towards your goals. Consider using productivity tools or project management software like Asana or Trello to help you stay organized, track your progress, and meet your deadlines. The structured approach will keep you focused and productive throughout the year. And step 6, regularly review and adjust. Regularly review and adjust your plan as needed. This is what I like to term course correction. Just because you left the station doesn't mean that everything is gonna work out perfectly. There will be times to course correct.

Chareen Goodman [00:15:56]:
The business world is ever changing. Circumstances may change, and new priorities may arise, so be ready to pivot when needed. Stay flexible and adapt your plan accordingly to keep yourself focused and aligned with your goals. This flexibility and adaptability can make all the difference in the dynamic world of coaching and consulting and can save you a lot of frustration and headache. So regularly review your progress, and don't hesitate to tweak your plan when it's necessary to hit your goal. Think course correction.

Chareen Goodman [00:18:28]:
As we conclude this segment, I encourage you to embrace these steps wholeheartedly. You have got to put them into action. Reflect on your journey. Set clear goals, prioritize your actions, and be ready to adjust as you go along. It's time to get practical and create an action plan that lays a foundation so strong that the rest of your year can unfold with boldness, confidence, and clarity. Now Join me for the final segment where we'll bring all these threads together. See you over So here we are at the close of another enriching episode of the Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™ podcast. It's been a wonderful journey today, so thanks for being here, especially exploring the blank canvas of the first quarter. As we wind down, let's take a moment to reflect on the gems we've gathered along the way. Today, we painted the first quarter as our blank canvas, a fresh start filled with promise of possibility.

Chareen Goodman [00:19:47]:
Remember, it's your canvas, and you have the power to create the masterpiece that you want for the year. We then delved into the art of planning and preparing. Understanding that a well laid out plan. It's like a road map guiding you to your desired destination. And, of course, We walk through the practical steps to secure your footing for the year, emphasizing the importance of reflection, goal setting, Reviewing and adjusting and staying flexible. As we wrap up this episode, remember that the first quarter is your launching pad. How you use it can make a significant difference in your year. I wanna encourage each one of you to use this first quarter effectively.

Chareen Goodman [00:20:41]:
It's a time to set the stage for the year ahead. So whether you're reflecting on the past, planning for the future, or investing in your growth, Each action you take is a step towards your success. Let this quarter be the foundation upon which you build a year of achievements, Joy and growth. Thank you for tuning in. I hope this episode gives you the momentum to make this first quarter truly count. If you're looking for more resources and tips on goal setting, time management or business strategies and planning. check out books like "The 12 Week Year" by Brian P. Moran and Michael Lennington, or check out "15 Secrets Successful People Know About Rime Management" by Kevin Kruse. You can also check out my "Profit Loves a Plan Personalized Bootcamp" program if you would like help planning out your year. The links to these resources are in the show notes.

Chareen Goodman [00:21:54]:
I'd love to hear about your plans and successes for this first quarter. Feel free to share your stories, your goals, and even your challenges with us. You can share on our social media platforms or simply drop us an email. Your story could be the inspiration someone else needs. Also, don't forget to visit our website for additional resources. Sign up for our newsletter to stay updated with the latest tips, tools, and tales from the world of coaching and consulting.

Chareen Goodman [00:22:35]:
And as always, make sure you subscribe to the podcast So you never miss an episode. Thanks again for sharing your time with me today. Until next time. Keep dreaming, keep planning, and keep growing. This is Chareen Goodman, your host signing off. May your first quarter be as brilliant as you are. Blessings. 💛

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