Crafting Compelling LinkedIn Content: The Art of Thought Leadership for Business Growth

Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™

Chareen Goodman, Business Coach Rating 0 (0) (0) Launched: May 10, 2024 Season: 2 Episode: 32

Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™
Crafting Compelling LinkedIn Content: The Art of Thought Leadership for Business Growth
May 10, 2024, Season 2, Episode 32
Chareen Goodman, Business Coach
Episode Summary

Episode 32: Show Notes


Highlights: Welcome to the Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™ Podcast, your go-to resource for unlocking the secrets to success in the coaching and consulting world. Join host Chareen Goodman, as she explores the power of LinkedIn for building authority and attracting your ideal clients. Whether you're new to LinkedIn or looking to enhance your presence, this episode will provide valuable insights and actionable tips to elevate your game.

Episode Overview: Today, we're diving into the LinkedIn Authority Blueprint series, focusing on leveraging thought leadership content to stand out on LinkedIn. This episode is packed with strategies to help you create content that resonates, connects, and converts. Join us as Chareen shares her personal journey and the effective tactics she's mastered over the years.

Today’s Agenda:

  • Introduction to LinkedIn Authority Blueprint: An overview of why LinkedIn is crucial for coaches and consultants in a post-COVID era.
  • Chareen’s Personal Journey: Insights into Chareen’s own experiences and successes using LinkedIn as a transformative tool for business growth.
  • Mastering LinkedIn Content: Tips on crafting compelling thought leadership posts that demonstrate your expertise and attract your ideal future clients.
  • The Power of Authenticity: How sharing genuine stories and insights can position you as an authority and foster deeper connections.
  • Sells Without the Salesy Vibe: Insights into the secrets to creating engaging LinkedIn content that drives sales without selling

Key Takeaways:

  • Thought Leadership on LinkedIn: Understanding how to craft and leverage thought leadership content to enhance your professional brand.
  • Strategic Content Creation: Tips on developing content that showcases your expertise and connects with your audience on a personal level.
  • The Importance of Authenticity: Emphasizing the value of genuine interactions and authentic content in building lasting relationships on LinkedIn.
  • Actionable Strategies: Practical advice on enhancing your LinkedIn content strategy to attract and engage your ideal clients.

Resources Mentioned:

Closing Thoughts: As we wrap up this enriching episode, remember that your LinkedIn presence can be a powerful tool for growth and connection. Utilize the strategies discussed today to craft thought leadership content that not only showcases your expertise but also genuinely engages and attracts your ideal clients.

Connect With Us: We love hearing from our vibrant community. Share your experiences, triumphs, or challenges with us on social media or via email. Your journey could inspire others and contribute to our collective success. Don't forget to check out our website for more resources and sign up for our newsletter for the latest updates.

Subscribe & Follow: Press that subscribe button ☝️ to never miss an episode of the Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™ Podcast. Let's harness the power of LinkedIn together and make your coaching or consulting business thrive. 💛

Episode Chapters
Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™
Crafting Compelling LinkedIn Content: The Art of Thought Leadership for Business Growth
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Episode 32: Show Notes


Highlights: Welcome to the Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™ Podcast, your go-to resource for unlocking the secrets to success in the coaching and consulting world. Join host Chareen Goodman, as she explores the power of LinkedIn for building authority and attracting your ideal clients. Whether you're new to LinkedIn or looking to enhance your presence, this episode will provide valuable insights and actionable tips to elevate your game.

Episode Overview: Today, we're diving into the LinkedIn Authority Blueprint series, focusing on leveraging thought leadership content to stand out on LinkedIn. This episode is packed with strategies to help you create content that resonates, connects, and converts. Join us as Chareen shares her personal journey and the effective tactics she's mastered over the years.

Today’s Agenda:

  • Introduction to LinkedIn Authority Blueprint: An overview of why LinkedIn is crucial for coaches and consultants in a post-COVID era.
  • Chareen’s Personal Journey: Insights into Chareen’s own experiences and successes using LinkedIn as a transformative tool for business growth.
  • Mastering LinkedIn Content: Tips on crafting compelling thought leadership posts that demonstrate your expertise and attract your ideal future clients.
  • The Power of Authenticity: How sharing genuine stories and insights can position you as an authority and foster deeper connections.
  • Sells Without the Salesy Vibe: Insights into the secrets to creating engaging LinkedIn content that drives sales without selling

Key Takeaways:

  • Thought Leadership on LinkedIn: Understanding how to craft and leverage thought leadership content to enhance your professional brand.
  • Strategic Content Creation: Tips on developing content that showcases your expertise and connects with your audience on a personal level.
  • The Importance of Authenticity: Emphasizing the value of genuine interactions and authentic content in building lasting relationships on LinkedIn.
  • Actionable Strategies: Practical advice on enhancing your LinkedIn content strategy to attract and engage your ideal clients.

Resources Mentioned:

Closing Thoughts: As we wrap up this enriching episode, remember that your LinkedIn presence can be a powerful tool for growth and connection. Utilize the strategies discussed today to craft thought leadership content that not only showcases your expertise but also genuinely engages and attracts your ideal clients.

Connect With Us: We love hearing from our vibrant community. Share your experiences, triumphs, or challenges with us on social media or via email. Your journey could inspire others and contribute to our collective success. Don't forget to check out our website for more resources and sign up for our newsletter for the latest updates.

Subscribe & Follow: Press that subscribe button ☝️ to never miss an episode of the Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™ Podcast. Let's harness the power of LinkedIn together and make your coaching or consulting business thrive. 💛

Episode 32: Transcript

Chareen Goodman [00:00:04]:
Welcome to the Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™ podcast, where every other Thursday coaches and consultants from all over the world can tune in to get a dose of good info to help them crack the code in their coaching or consulting business. On this podcast, you will get what you need to make your coaching or consulting business a true dream business, whether that's a short learn to earn knowledge session or a full length interview conversation with some of the most interesting, influential, and impactful people in the industry. This podcast will give you the inspiration, motivation, but above all, the encouragement you need to get you and keep you building and growing your own coaching or consulting practice. Hey there, amazing coaches and consultants. Welcome back to another exciting episode of the Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™ podcast. I'm Chareen Goodman, your business coach and host of the Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™ podcast. Today, I'm thrilled to continue our series, the LinkedIn Authority Blueprint for coaches and consultants. And today, we're diving into a topic that I know many of you have been eager to explore.

Chareen Goodman [00:01:23]:
Unlocking the power of LinkedIn using thought leadership content. If you're looking to leverage LinkedIn to not just connect, but truly stand out and attract your ideal future clients who will benefit immensely from your expertise, then you're in the right place. So why focus on LinkedIn and why now? Well, in this post COVID era, the digital landscape has shifted dramatically. Traditional networking events have taken a back seat, making LinkedIn the front runner for professional connections. It's no longer just a platform for job seekers, but a powerful tool for building authority and establishing thought leadership within your coaching or consulting niche and a place where you can find your peeps and grow your practice. But before we take off on our topic today, I'd like to quickly share my story to help set a context for our episode today. Here's the bottom line. I've been where you are struggling to make my mark in the crowded online space of coaching and consulting. But over the years, through trial and error and a lot of learning, I've crafted content strategies that have proven to be quite effective in positioning me as a thought leader on LinkedIn. I've harnessed the power of LinkedIn to not only grow my own coaching business, but also help other professionals elevate their online presence. And with AI technology like chat GPT coming on the scene like The Terminator, I have absolutely elevated my game.

Chareen Goodman [00:04:07]:
In this episode, we're going to cover how you can transform your LinkedIn content from a mere hodgepodge of posts to a robust channel for sharing your unique insights and attracting more of your ideal future clients. I'll be sharing tips and insights that can help elevate your game on LinkedIn using thought leadership content. You'll learn about crafting posts that showcase your expertise, connect with your audience on a personal level through engaging stories and ultimately create a brand presence that feels both authentic and authoritative. By the end of this episode, you'll have a clear understanding of how to use content on LinkedIn effectively to support your growth as a coach or consultant. And you'll be equipped with actionable tips to enhance your content strategy that resonates with your audience and aligns with your business goals. So are you ready to start this journey? Great. Then grab a pen and paper, pop in your earbuds, and let's go. Let's dive into how you can master LinkedIn content and become the go to expert in your field.

Chareen Goodman [00:05:33]:
Thought leadership is a way to showcase your unique insights, knowledge, point of view, and expertise. On LinkedIn, thought leadership posts are an excellent way to elevate your authority brand and establish yourself as an expert in your field, making it easier for you to connect with potential clients. Through crafting thoughtful, insightful posts, you can forge meaningful connections with your ideal future clients. But how can we achieve this? Well, let's explore that.. What makes a post stand out as a thought leadership piece of content? First, it starts with creating valuable content. Your audience is looking for insights that can help them solve problems or improve their lives or or businesses. It's not about promoting your services outright, although you must market and promote your services. Otherwise, how will people become aware of them? But your thought leadership post is more about providing solutions that resonate with your audience's needs and challenges. Let's take a quick peek into the historical context of thought leadership on LinkedIn. In the early days, it was enough to have a polished profile and a large list of connections. But as the platform evolved, so did the expectations of its members. Today, people on LinkedIn are looking for more than just credentials.

Chareen Goodman [00:06:32]:
They're seeking genuine insight and expertise from coaches and consultants like you. Did you know that one of the most effective ways to deliver this is through infographics? Yep. You see, an infographic is a visual representation of data or information that can capture, engage, and inform your audience succinctly and creatively. Infographics are not only visually appealing, but they also offer a unique way of communicating complex and unique data or concepts, making them easier for your audience to understand and digest. In addition to infographics, creating original content by sharing insights, experiences, and industry trends also helps establish thought leadership. This is the most common practice on LinkedIn and can be achieved simply through regular and consistent posting. Consider doing regular social posts, LinkedIn articles, or even hosting LinkedIn live sessions. But remember, when it comes to real thought leadership, authenticity is key.

Chareen Goodman [00:07:48]:
The more original and authentic your content is, the more it will resonate with your targeted audience, leading to increased engagement and business opportunities. Let me sum it up by saying this. Thought leadership on LinkedIn extends well beyond a polished profile and connection list. It encompasses creating valuable authentic content, utilizing engaging formats like value and insightful posts, infographics, active networking, networking, and fostering meaningful interactions. And we've also discovered that a post isn't just a post. Your thought leadership post serves as a source of wisdom and knowledge for your audience. The starting place for such a beacon is unsurprisingly valuable content. Your audience is always on the hunt for solutions, insights, and information that can help them handle their problems and elevate their lives or even their businesses.

Chareen Goodman [00:08:53]:
We're not here to just promote our services per se, but rather to offer resonating solutions to the needs and challenges of our audience. So as we close this segment, let's carry with us the understanding of how thought leadership posts can truly shape your LinkedIn presence. Stay tuned as we move on to our next segment, where we will further explore how to create content that positions and engages on LinkedIn. Hey. Hey. Hey. Awesome listeners. Welcome back to the Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™ podcast, your go to spot for all things authority branding and making a splash in the digital world.

Chareen Goodman [00:09:44]:
I'm Chareen Goodman. And today, we're diving head first into the world of LinkedIn, but with a twist. As we dive into this next segment, we're going to explore how thought leadership posts can help position you as an authority, engage your target audience, and ultimately sell your services. To make it even more tangible, I'm gonna share, real life stories, provide relatable examples, and offer you actionable tips. So are you ready to discover how thought leadership posts can become the driving force behind your LinkedIn success? Let's get right to it. Here's your first tip. The secret sauce of your thought leadership success on LinkedIn is sharing your personal story. Guys, there's power in your journey, whether it's your triumphs, your hurdles, or the little moments in between.

Chareen Goodman [00:10:46]:
Your story is what sets you apart from the digital crowd and the sea of coaches and consultants out there. Think of your personal story as your signature, impossible to replicate and uniquely valuable. I recall a client of mine who struggled to stand out within her niche of corporate leadership consulting. On LinkedIn, she was posting about her services, but rarely received any interaction or leads. After working together 1 on 1, we shifted her LinkedIn strategy to posting more thought leadership content. She began sharing insights from her years of experience in the corporate world, like how to navigate office politics or implement successful change management strategies. These posts were loaded with actionable tips, making them incredibly valuable to her audience of corporate professionals. For your own thought leadership posts, think about the unique knowledge you've gained through your experience over the years.

Chareen Goodman [00:11:54]:
Share insights that are not commonly known or or discussed but are extremely relevant to your targeted audience. And to add even more spice and to bring your own LinkedIn posts to life, consider sharing stories from your personal or professional journey. Remember, your goal is to provide value and demonstrate your expertise. Show your authenticity and vulnerability. It's these human elements that will connect with your audience on a deeper level. Here's another example of how you can share an inspiring success story like mine. So once I was coaching a business consultant, and he was initially skeptical about the effectiveness of LinkedIn. Most of his clients came through word-of-mouth, which is not uncommon for most consultants.

Chareen Goodman [00:12:44]:
And he saw LinkedIn as just another social media distraction, which it can be if you don't have a LinkedIn strategy. Anyway, after a few coaching sessions, he decided to give it a try and started sharing his business insights and experiences in a storytelling kind of way. One of his posts caught the attention of a CEO of a fast growing startup, who then reached out to him through a DM. They set up a consultation, and the rest is history. Now the moral of this story is that people are always watching you on social media, and you never know who might be reading your posts. So position yourself with your thought leadership content by regularly sharing valuable content and stories, you increase the chances of catching the eye of your ideal future clients. Remember this, successful LinkedIn stories have a few things in common. They're authentic and and they engage your audience on a human level.

Chareen Goodman [00:13:51]:
They show vulnerability and allow people to see the human side of you, not just the professional coach or consultant you are. Your stories bridge the gap between you and your audience, making your content more memorable and impactful. And that, my friends, brings us to the end of this insightful segment. Remember, successful thought leadership posts are not just about showing off your knowledge. They're about positioning yourself as an expert every step of the way and effectively engaging with your targeted audience in a way that leads to business growth. It's about sharing valuable, relevant content in a good old fashioned storytelling way that resonates with your audience's needs and challenges. Take the stories, examples, and tips shared today, and start transforming your LinkedIn content strategy. I can't wait to see how you use these insights to shine on LinkedIn, so be sure to connect with me so I can follow your journey.

Chareen Goodman [00:15:03]:
But don't go anywhere just yet. We've laid the foundation, shared the secrets, and now it's time to put all that knowledge into action. In our next segment, we're on the brink of exploring something just as exciting, the science of writing content that sells without selling. This next segment is going to be a game changer, especially for those of you looking to make a splash on LinkedIn without sounding like a sales pitch. So sharpen those pencils, refill the ink, or let's be real, open up a new Google Doc, and get ready for some actionable tips that will transform your content strategy. Welcome back. This segment is chalked with goodness. So are you ready to make your mark on LinkedIn without sounding like a sales pitch? In this segment, we're getting down to the nitty gritty and covering the skinny on creating content that truly sells without selling. Imagine whipping up thought leadership posts with your audience that have them nodding along, thinking, this is exactly what I needed. It's all about getting cozy with your audience's needs, spicing up your posts with genuine value, and letting your true self shine. So here's what you need to know. First things first, knowing your audience is like having a treasure map. The treasure, their attention, and trust. The first step in crafting any thought leadership content that sells on LinkedIn is understanding your target audience. This involves knowing their needs, challenges, and aspirations. Dive into their world.

Chareen Goodman [00:16:55]:
Understand what makes them tick. By aligning your expertise with their needs, your content will naturally resonate and draw your ideal future clients to you. 2nd, provide value over selling. Here's a secret. Thought leadership isn't about selling. It's about giving, giving knowledge, insights, and solutions. Thought leadership content should not be overtly salesy. Instead, its primary purpose should be to provide value. This can be achieved by sharing insights, knowledge, or solutions that can help your audience overcome their challenges or achieve their goals. The selling aspect comes naturally when your audience recognizes the value you can provide. 3rd, authenticity and vulnerability. Authenticity is a powerful selling point and is your superpower in the digital world. Sharing not just your victories, but also your battles makes you human, relatable, and trustworthy. Being open about your experiences, including successes and failures, can help build trust with your audience. This makes your thought leadership content more relatable and impactful, leading to stronger connections with potential clients.

Chareen Goodman [00:18:19]:
4th, consistency is key. Imagine your content as a heartbeat, consistent, strong, and life giving. By keeping a steady pulse on LinkedIn, sharing insights and engaging content, you become more than a profile. You become an online presence, a visible force to be reckoned with. Consistency in posting thought leadership content helps establish your presence and authority brand on LinkedIn. Regularly sharing valuable insights keeps you on top of mind and encourages your audience to engage with your posts. And 5th, engage and interact. Thought leadership isn't a monologue. It's a conversation. Engaging with your audience is integral to selling without direct selling. Dive into the comments, mingle in groups, and interact with other content. Respond to comments on your posts, participate in LinkedIn Groups relevant to your area of expertise, and engage with other people's content. This active participation helps build relationships, foster trust, and position you as a leader in your field. This isn't just networking. It's building a community Every, like, every comment, every response is a brick in the bridge between you and your audience. And there you have it, folks, your authority blueprint to crafting thought leadership content on LinkedIn that doesn't just speak to your audience, but sings to them by understanding your audience, valuing generosity over selling, embracing your true self, and engaging actively.

Chareen Goodman [00:20:14]:
You're not just selling, you're impacting, inspiring, and influencing. So what are you waiting for? Here's your coaching play to run. Let's turn those insights into action. Start creating, start sharing, and most importantly, start leading with your heart and mind. Because in the world of LinkedIn, your voice isn't just heard, it's felt. By mastering these strategies, you're not only enhancing your LinkedIn presence, but also creating a powerful platform for sharing your unique insights, attracting more of your ideal clients, and growing your coaching or consulting business. Before we close today's episode, I wanna share a valuable resource that I believe will further strengthen your LinkedIn strategy. I've written an insightful blog post titled 5 types of content you should be posting to build your authority brand on LinkedIn.

Chareen Goodman [00:21:13]:
This post dives deeper into different types of content that can position you as an authority, engage your audience, and foster a stronger connection with your potential clients. From thought leadership pieces to personal success stories and behind the scenes insights, this blog post breaks down the types of content that will help you shine on LinkedIn. I highly recommend you check it out after this episode to reinforce the strategies we've discussed today and gain additional insights into crafting compelling LinkedIn content. This blog post will not only aid you in mastering LinkedIn content, but will also provide a road map to help you become the go to expert in your field. It's all about sharing your unique insights, attracting your ideal clients, and growing your coaching or consulting business. Now to further support your journey on LinkedIn, I have a special offer just for listeners of the Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™ podcast. For a limited time, I'm offering a personalized review of your LinkedIn profile at a very special listener rate. This is your golden opportunity to have your profile reviewed by an expert who can provide actionable feedback and suggestions to ensure your profile isn't just seen, but truly resonates with your target audience.

Chareen Goodman [00:22:42]:
To grab this offer, simply visit the link provided in the show notes. I'm thrilled to support you in your LinkedIn success journey. As we wrap up today's episode, I hope you're feeling inspired and equipped with the tools and knowledge you need to transform your LinkedIn posts into a dynamic thought leadership driven content strategy that not only showcases your expertise, but also connects you deeply with your ideal future clients. One of the most surprising trends to keep in mind about LinkedIn content is how impactful authenticity and vulnerability have become in building professional relationships. In a world where everyone is trying to sell something online, those who share real stories and genuine insights stand out. Those who solve problems and challenges for their ideal future clients are the ones who win on LinkedIn. So remember, it's not just about being seen, it's about being remembered and trusted. Now I'd love to hear from you.

Chareen Goodman [00:23:50]:
Share your own LinkedIn success stories or any challenges you faced in building your authority brand on the platform. Your experiences could provide invaluable insights to others and help foster a community of learning and growth. And don't forget to check out my blog post, 5 types of content you should be posting to build your authority brand on LinkedIn. It's a fantastic resource that will guide you in crafting more effective, engaging, and resonant LinkedIn posts. So take some time, explore these resources, and most importantly, start implementing the strategies. The path to LinkedIn Mastery awaits you. Lastly, take action. Start implementing the strategies we discussed today and begin your journey towards becoming a recognized authority in your niche on LinkedIn.

Chareen Goodman [00:24:47]:
Remember, every post is an opportunity to reinforce your brand and connect with potential clients. And one more thing before we wrap up, I wanna remind you about the limited time offer to get your very own personalized LinkedIn profile review. As a token of my appreciation for your listenership, I'm offering this service at a special rate. Don't miss out on this opportunity to optimize your profile and attract more of your ideal future clients. You can find the link to this offer in the show notes. Thank you for joining me in this episode of the Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™ podcast. I'm excited to see how each of you leverages these strategies to enhance your online presence and grow your business. Until next time, keep striving to crack the coaching code one LinkedIn post at a time.

Chareen Goodman [00:25:50]:
And that's a wrap, my friends. Don't forget to join us for our next episode where we'll continue to help bring greater success to your coaching and consulting business. If you have any questions or would like to learn more, make sure you check out the show notes for this episode for more resources, and please visit our website. Be sure to subscribe to the Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™ podcast so that you don't miss out on any of our episodes. Until next time, my friends. Blessings. 💛

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