LinkedIn Secrets Revealed: The Authority Brand Formula™ for Coaches & Consultants

Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™

Chareen Goodman, Business Coach Rating 0 (0) (0) Launched: Sep 12, 2024 Season: 2 Episode: 38

Episode 38: Show Notes

LinkedIn Secrets Revealed: The Authority Brand Formula™ for Coaches & Consultants


Welcome to the Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™ Podcast, your bi-weekly source for insights, strategies, and expert advice to help coaches and consultants thrive in the ever-evolving digital space. Hosted by Chareen Goodman, this episode uncovers the Authority Brand Formula™, specifically tailored for building your authority brand on LinkedIn.

Episode Overview:

In this episode, we dive deep into the three key elements of the Authority Brand Formula™: Branding, Optimizing Your LinkedIn Profile, and Content Creation. You’ll learn practical steps to elevate your LinkedIn presence, attract the right clients, and convert connections into quality leads. If you're ready to level up your LinkedIn strategy and become a recognized authority in your niche, this episode is for you!

Today’s Agenda

  1. Introduction to Branding on LinkedIn:
    Understand why branding is the foundation of LinkedIn success and how a strong authority brand positions you to stand out in a crowded marketplace.

  2. Optimizing Your LinkedIn Profile:
    Learn how to transform your LinkedIn profile into a powerful digital storefront that not only looks professional but attracts high-quality leads.

  3. Content Creation Strategy:
    Discover the power of thought leadership and how consistent, high-quality content can supercharge your lead generation efforts on LinkedIn.

  4. Using AI for Content Creation:
    Explore how AI tools like ChatGPT can streamline your content creation process, saving you time while maintaining quality and consistency.

  5. FREE LinkedIn Training – Don’t Miss Out!
    Learn about Chareen’s upcoming free training, designed to teach you the 5 essential secrets for attracting your ideal clients on LinkedIn.

Key Takeaways:

  • Branding on LinkedIn: Branding is more than just a logo; it’s your unique value proposition that sets you apart and attracts the right connections.
  • Optimizing Your Profile: A fully optimized profile increases your visibility and credibility, ensuring you get noticed by your ideal clients.
  • Content Creation as a Thought Leader: Regularly sharing high-quality content positions you as a thought leader and generates ongoing engagement.
  • Leveraging AI: Use tools like ChatGPT to simplify content creation and maintain a consistent posting schedule without burning out.
  • Exclusive Training Opportunity: Don’t miss Chareen’s FREE training on September 18th, where you’ll learn how to turn LinkedIn into a lead-generating machine.

Resources That Compliment This Episode:

Special Offer: FREE LinkedIn Training – Unlock the 5 Essential Secrets to Attract Your Ideal Clients

Struggling to generate consistent leads or attract the right clients on LinkedIn? This is your opportunity to transform your LinkedIn strategy! Join Chareen for her FREE LinkedIn training on Wednesday, September 18th, where she’ll reveal the 5 essential secrets for optimizing your profile, content strategy, and engagement to turn connections into premium clients.

Choose from two live sessions:

  • Daytime: 11:30 AM CST
  • Evening: 7:00 PM CST

Click here to register for the FREE LinkedIn Training!

Why You Should Register:

This training is packed with actionable insights and easy-to-implement strategies that will help you:

  • Optimize your LinkedIn profile to position yourself as an authority.
  • Create thought leadership content that gets you noticed.
  • Learn Chareen’s top engagement tips to turn your LinkedIn connections into quality leads.

Stop spinning your wheels and start turning LinkedIn into a lead-generating powerhouse—just in time to finish the year strong! Don't miss out—register today!

Closing Thoughts:
Thank you for tuning into Episode 38! Building your authority brand on LinkedIn is essential to attracting the right clients and growing your business. Remember, it all starts with branding, optimizing your profile, and consistently creating valuable content. And don’t forget—if you want to dive deeper into mastering LinkedIn, join Chareen for her FREE LinkedIn training on September 18th. You'll walk away with actionable strategies to generate more leads and position yourself as an authority.

Connect With Us:
We’d love to hear how you're applying the Authority Brand Formula™ to your LinkedIn strategy. Share your stories and experiences with us on LinkedIn or via email. Your insights could inspire others! 

Subscribe & Follow: Don't miss out on future episodes of the Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™ Podcast. Hit subscribe and stay tuned for more strategies to empower your coaching or consulting journey. 💛

Episode Description:

In Episode 38 of the Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™ podcast, host Chareen Goodman dives deep into the second installment of the LinkedIn Authority Accelerator Series. This episode breaks down the essential components needed to build and enhance your authority brand on LinkedIn by applying elements of the Authority Brand Formula™.

Chareen illuminates the importance of developing a strong, clear authority brand with a unique value proposition (UVP) that sets you apart from the crowd. She shares actionable insights into defining your UVP to make your brand irresistible to your target audience.

She then delves into optimizing your LinkedIn profile. Chareen walks us through transforming your profile into a polished digital storefront that increases visibility and credibility. She covers everything from professional photos and engaging headlines to a compelling summary that captures your essence and expertise.

Finally, the episode explores content creation and how to leverage it to position yourself as a thought leader in your niche. Chareen shares strategies for creating a diversified content calendar, leveraging AI tools like ChatGPT, and the types of content that effectively engage your audience.

Make sure you tune in to get the juicy details.

Episode 38: Transcript

Chareen Goodman [00:00:04]:
Welcome to the Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™ podcast, where every other Thursday Coaches and consultants from all over the world can tune in to get a dose of good info to help them crack the code in their coaching or consulting business. On this podcast, you will get what you need to make your coaching or consulting business a true dream business, whether that's a short learn-to-earn knowledge session or a full-length interview conversation with some of the most interesting, influential, and impactful people in the industry. This podcast will give you the inspiration, motivation, but above all, the encouragement you need to get you and keep you building and growing your own coaching or consulting practice. Hey, everyone. Welcome to another exciting episode of the Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™ podcast. I'm your host, Chareen Goodman, founder of the Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™ and Crack the Consulting C.O.D.E.™ business building frameworks. I'm so excited you decided to tune in. Grab your coffee, pen, and paper right now because here in Episode 38, we are going to continue on with our special podcast series, the LinkedIn Authority Accelerator series.

Chareen Goodman [00:01:26]:
In this episode, we're diving deeper into the Authority Brand Formula™ and how to start the process for building your authority brand on LinkedIn. And trust me, it's going to be a game changer. We will focus on the first three elements of the formula, how to develop your brand, optimize your LinkedIn profile, and create compelling content. So without any delay, let's dig into the first element of the Authority Brand Formula™, which is branding. Hey there, and welcome to our first segment. Let's dive into the foundation of your LinkedIn success as a coach or consultant, and that is your authority brand. Now I know what you might be training. Branding? Isn't that just for big companies? Oh, no, my friend.

Chareen Goodman [00:02:21]:
It's way more than that. Branding is the cornerstone of becoming a recognized authority on LinkedIn. Think of your brand as the magnet that pulls in your ideal clients. Without it, you're just another face in the crowd. In the competitive markets of coaching and consulting, your authority brand is like a bright neon sign that sets you apart from the crowd. A clear, strong brand speaks directly to your ideal clients. It's not just about your professional identity. It's about how you stand out in a sea of profiles and make people stop and take notice.

Chareen Goodman [00:03:02]:
A strong, clear authority brand is your ticket to attracting the right connections and setting the stage for everything you do on LinkedIn. With that in mind, let's talk a minute about your unique value proposition, UVP. This is basically your unique superpower, and you need it to build your authority brand. Your UVP is what makes you, well, you. What unique skills, experiences, or perspectives do you bring to the table of your ideal future clients? Your unique value proposition is the secret sauce that makes you irresistible to your target audience. Picture yourself as a detective uncovering the clues of your own story. I encourage you to take some time to dig deep and define your UVP. Ask yourself, what do I bring to the table that no one else does? For example, if you're a digital marketing consultant, don't just say you're experienced in digital marketing.

Chareen Goodman [00:04:12]:
Instead, you could frame it as I help brands explode their online presence through precision-targeted ad campaigns and engaging content. See the difference? Being this laser-focused will guide all your messaging and ensure you're speaking directly to the hearts of your targeted audience. Branding is your first step to becoming a recognized authority on LinkedIn. Remember, a strong authority brand will naturally attract the right connections and set the tone for your entire LinkedIn journey. As we wrap up this segment on branding, imagine yourself a year from now with a LinkedIn profile that not only showcases your skills and expertise but tells a compelling story that draws your ideal clients in. With a strong authority brand, the right opportunities will find you. In the next segment, we're diving into the second element of the Authority Brand Formula™, and that is optimization. 

Chareen Goodman [00:05:19]:
You've got the brand. Now let's leverage it by optimizing your LinkedIn profile effectively. Stay tuned. Hey, everyone. Welcome back to Segment 2. Alright. You've nailed down your brand. Congrats. Now it's time to give your LinkedIn profile a major glow up.

Chareen Goodman [00:05:43]:
Think of your LinkedIn profile as your digital storefront. It's the first thing people see when they come across you online, and we need it to be as polished and professional as a 5-star hotel lobby. So let's dive right in. A fully optimized LinkedIn profile is your golden ticket to increase visibility and credibility. When people find you, they should instantly see the value you offer. Every inch of your LinkedIn profile, from your headline to your experience section, should scream expertise and attract your ideal clients. Think of your LinkedIn profile as your personal storefront. When someone walks by, you want them to stop, take a look, and come inside.

Chareen Goodman [00:06:33]:
So make sure your profile photo is professional. That means ditching that vacation snapshot. Your headline should be a magnet that attracts your ideal future client, something like helping entrepreneurs scale to 7 figures rather than a generic cookie-cutter business consultant. Your summary, also known as your about section, is like a movie trailer. It needs to be engaging enough to make people wanna see the full film. Spruce up your summary. This is your chance to tell your story in a way that resonates with your audience. Use clear, vivid language to paint a picture of who you are and what you stand for.

Chareen Goodman [00:07:20]:
Think of it as your elevator pitch. Sum up who you are, what you do, and why it matters to the ideal clients you want to attract. For example, instead of saying, I have 10 years of experience in marketing, try, for over a decade, I've been transforming the marketing strategies of start-ups and Fortune 500 companies training growth and innovation. Make sure you complete every section of your profile. Why? Because LinkedIn's algorithm heavily favors profiles with complete sections and relevant keywords. In fact, according to LinkedIn, profiles with a complete summary, experience, and skills section are 40 times more likely to receive opportunities through the platform. Isn't that incredible? Add relevant skills too because members with 5 or more skills listed receive up to 17 times more profile views. When it comes to optimizing your LinkedIn profile, don't underestimate the power of your visuals.

Chareen Goodman [00:08:35]:
Think of your profile photo as a warm invitation, encouraging potential clients to engage with your expertise. It sets the tone and establishes an immediate connection. Just as an aside, did you know that profiles with professional headshots receive 14 times more profile views? And then there's your LinkedIn banner. Consider it your digital billboard. A branded eye-catching banner can make a strong first impression. Canva offers fantastic templates to create a banner that reflects your special authority brand. Here's the bottom line. If you wanna stand out in this crowded LinkedIn ocean, then having a stellar LinkedIn profile is your ticket.

Chareen Goodman [00:09:24]:
A fully optimized LinkedIn profile does more than just sit pretty. It works for you 247, increasing your visibility and credibility. So go ahead, tweak that headline, sprinkle those keywords, and get your visuals in check. You'll not only increase your visibility but also make a lasting impression as an authority to your ideal clients. Alright, friends. That's a wrap for segment 2. Remember, your LinkedIn profile is no longer a resume. It's a dynamic representation of your authority brand designed to attract leads and your ideal future clients.

Chareen Goodman [00:10:09]:
When people find you, they should instantly see the value you offer. The goal is to make them stop, engage, and remember you. Ready to dive deeper? Next up is content creation. Think of content as the heartbeat of your LinkedIn presence. It's what keeps your audience engaged and coming back for more. In our next segment, we'll explore the 3rd element of the formula, content, and how to use it to supercharge your lead generation efforts. Stay tuned because this is where the magic really happens. Before we move on to our last segment on content, I've got something special for you.

Chareen Goodman [00:10:58]:
If you've been struggling to stand out on LinkedIn, create a consistent flow of leads, or attract the right clients, will then listen closely and take action. Next Wednesday, September 18th, I'm hosting a free training that will reveal the 5 essential secrets for attracting your ideal clients on LinkedIn. In this training, you'll learn how to optimize your LinkedIn profile to position yourself as an authority, the thought leadership content strategy that gets you noticed as an expert in your niche. And my top engagement tips to turn your LinkedIn connections into quality leads. This is your chance to stop spinning your wheels and start turning LinkedIn into a lead-generating powerhouse. You'll walk away with practical, easy-to-implement strategies that will save you time and start bringing in more leads on LinkedIn. I'm running 2 live sessions on September 18th. 1 at 11:30 AM Central Standard Time, that's code for Chicago time, and another at 7 PM Central Standard Time.

Chareen Goodman [00:12:09]:
So you can choose the session that fits your schedule. To save your spot, all you need to do is click the link in the show notes to register for this free training. Don't miss this opportunity to transform your LinkedIn strategy, and start attracting quality leads and turning them into premium clients. I can't wait to see you there and help you level up your LinkedIn game. Okay. Now onto segment 3. The 3rd element of the Authority Brand Formula™... content. 

Chareen Goodman [00:12:53]:
Welcome to our final segment. Let's dive into something super exciting here, and that is creating content on LinkedIn that positions you as a thought leader. Remember, content is king, especially on LinkedIn. To position yourself as a thought leader, you need to consistently share valuable insights that resonate with your audience if you want to attract the right people to you. So how do you make sure your content not only stands out but also positions you as the go-to expert in your field? Well, let's walk through this magic together. First things first, let's talk strategy. Think of this as your game plan. Develop a content calendar that aligns with your brand and addresses the pain points of your target audience. For example, if you're a consultant in the tech industry, share insights on the latest trends, tools, and innovations.

Chareen Goodman [00:13:57]:
The goal with your content is to become the go-to resource for your niche, build credibility, and establish trust. Research shows that 53% of marketers say blogging is their top content priority. This is from HubSpot, and I must admit that posting a blog every week is a pillar in my thought leadership content strategy. And according to LinkedIn's own stats, members who share content regularly are 5 times more likely to receive profile views and connection requests. So map out your content like a road trip with each post being a stop that brings you closer to your destination. Thought leadership. Now let's talk about leveraging the power of AI tools like ChatGPT when it comes to creating thought leadership content quickly and effectively. Imagine having your own personal assistant who never sleeps and can brainstorm content ideas at lightning speed.

Chareen Goodman [00:15:06]:
Tools like ChatGPT are like having a creative assistant who never tires. For instance, if you need to write a post about the latest trends in digital marketing, you can use ChatGPT to draft a couple of versions, tweak them, and voila, your creative juices stay flowing, and your content remains top-notch. Remember, the time element of the Authority Brand Formula™. Use AI tools, like ChatGPT, to generate content ideas and streamline the content creation process. This way, you can maintain a consistent posting schedule without burning out. Using AI tools help greatly to reduce the amount of time you would normally spend on creating Consultants. Think of using your AI assistant as having an extra pair of hands to help you build that content empire.

Chareen Goodman [00:16:04]:
Now let's get into the fun stuff, the types of content. Here, variety is the spice of, well, Here, variety is the spice of, well, everything, including LinkedIn content. Don't just stick to articles. Mix it up. Post videos, share infographics, and write thought-provoking articles and posts. Each content type serves a different purpose. Videos can humanize your brand, articles can delve deep into topics, and infographics can simplify complex ideas. For instance, you could start with a detailed article about a new marketing strategy, then follow-up with a short video tutorial and wrap it up with an infographic summarizing key points. This not only keeps your audience entertained, but also positions you as a versatile thought leader.

Chareen Goodman [00:17:00]:
Diversify your content to keep your audience engaged and position your expertise in multiple formats. So what's the takeaway here? By consistently sharing high-quality, valuable content, you're not just another voice in the crowd. You become an authority, a trusted expert, the person people turn to for insights and advice. And guess what? This naturally leads to more engagement, more leads, and more opportunities knocking on your door. Alright, friends. We've covered some exciting ground. Now it's time to roll up those sleeves and put these ideas into action. Are you ready to take your LinkedIn presence to the next level? The journey to thought leadership starts with that first post.

Chareen Goodman [00:17:56]:
Think of each post as a stepping stone on your journey to building a strong authority brand. Keep training, keep engaging, and most importantly, keep being you. Now before we depart, I just wanna remind you about my free LinkedIn training that's happening next Wednesday, September 18th. If you're finding it tough to stand out on LinkedIn or bring in the right clients, you won't wanna miss this training I'm hosting. I'll be sharing the 5 essential secrets for attracting your ideal clients on LinkedIn. In this training, you'll learn how to optimize your LinkedIn profile to position yourself as an authority brand on the platform, the content strategy that will get you noticed as a leader in your niche, and my triad of engagement to help turn your LinkedIn connections into quality leads. This is your chance to finally stop spinning your wheels and start turning LinkedIn into a lead-generating machine. You'll walk away with practical strategies that save you time and bring in more of the right leads for your business.

Chareen Goodman [00:19:12]:
I'm running 2 live sessions, a daytime session at 11:30 AM Central Standard Time and an evening session at 7 PM Central Standard Time. So pick whichever works best for your schedule and make sure you get in. I'm sure you will find it valuable. To save your spot, just click the link in the show notes and register. I can't wait to see you there and help you level up your LinkedIn game before the end of the year. And that's a wrap, my friends. Thank you for joining me for today's episode of the Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™ podcast. Don't forget to join us for our next episode where we'll continue to help bring greater success to your coaching and consulting business.

Chareen Goodman [00:20:04]:
If you have any questions or would like to learn more, make sure you check out the show notes for this episode for more resources, and please visit our website. Be sure to subscribe to the Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™ podcast so that you don't miss out on any of our episodes. Until next time, my friends.

Blessings. 💛

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