Maximize Success with the Four Disciplines of Execution

Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™

Chareen Goodman Rating 0 (0) (0) Launched: Apr 20, 2023 Season: 1 Episode: 3

Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™
Maximize Success with the Four Disciplines of Execution
Apr 20, 2023, Season 1, Episode 3
Chareen Goodman
Episode Summary

Timestamped Overview


[00:00:00] The Crack The Coaching Code podcast helps coaches grow their businesses with weekly episodes featuring industry experts and tips on achieving business goals. Today's episode is part of a series on strategies for the second quarter of the year.

[00:01:36] "Continuing discussion on last two disciplines of execution - scoreboard and accountability meetings - essential for goal achievement and team engagement. Benefits, strategies, and importance of regular routine discussed for coaches and teams."

[00:04:44] Make a scoreboard that is motivating, provides real-time data on progress toward goals, and highlights the gap between where you are and where you want to be. It can be simple or digital.

[00:06:02] Discipline of execution includes a scoreboard that is easy to update and maintain and a regular routine of accountability meetings. It's important to ensure everyone knows the progress toward goals.

[00:08:31] Structured meetings review progress, discussing challenges and solutions, in a positive and supportive environment. Formats can vary.

[00:09:48] Regular accountability meetings are crucial for coaches using the four disciplines of execution, no matter their coaching style or team size. This article highlights common challenges for coaches implementing these disciplines.

[00:11:04] Identifying wildly important goals is the first challenge for coaches to overcome in achieving success in their business. They should identify key areas of their business, and determine specific goals critical to achieving success in those areas.

[00:12:31] Coaches should set smart goals and establish routines to overcome their lack of commitment and achieve success.

[00:14:42] Coaches need to communicate the benefits of change and lead by example to overcome resistance and implement four disciplines of execution for success in coaching business.

[00:17:18] To achieve goals, create a visual scoreboard and be accountable through regular meetings. Download a checklist for implementing the Four Disciplines of Execution. Next episode: managing money for coaches.

Click here to download your FREE copy of The Four Disciplines of Execution Checklist 

Episode Chapters
Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™
Maximize Success with the Four Disciplines of Execution
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00:00:00 |

Timestamped Overview


[00:00:00] The Crack The Coaching Code podcast helps coaches grow their businesses with weekly episodes featuring industry experts and tips on achieving business goals. Today's episode is part of a series on strategies for the second quarter of the year.

[00:01:36] "Continuing discussion on last two disciplines of execution - scoreboard and accountability meetings - essential for goal achievement and team engagement. Benefits, strategies, and importance of regular routine discussed for coaches and teams."

[00:04:44] Make a scoreboard that is motivating, provides real-time data on progress toward goals, and highlights the gap between where you are and where you want to be. It can be simple or digital.

[00:06:02] Discipline of execution includes a scoreboard that is easy to update and maintain and a regular routine of accountability meetings. It's important to ensure everyone knows the progress toward goals.

[00:08:31] Structured meetings review progress, discussing challenges and solutions, in a positive and supportive environment. Formats can vary.

[00:09:48] Regular accountability meetings are crucial for coaches using the four disciplines of execution, no matter their coaching style or team size. This article highlights common challenges for coaches implementing these disciplines.

[00:11:04] Identifying wildly important goals is the first challenge for coaches to overcome in achieving success in their business. They should identify key areas of their business, and determine specific goals critical to achieving success in those areas.

[00:12:31] Coaches should set smart goals and establish routines to overcome their lack of commitment and achieve success.

[00:14:42] Coaches need to communicate the benefits of change and lead by example to overcome resistance and implement four disciplines of execution for success in coaching business.

[00:17:18] To achieve goals, create a visual scoreboard and be accountable through regular meetings. Download a checklist for implementing the Four Disciplines of Execution. Next episode: managing money for coaches.

Click here to download your FREE copy of The Four Disciplines of Execution Checklist 

Podcast Transcript


Chareen Goodman 00:00:0000:01:34Play

You. Welcome to the Crack The Coaching Code podcast, where every Thursday, coaches from all over the world can tune in to get a dose of good info to help them crack the Coaching Code in their coaching business. On this podcast, you will get what you need to make your coaching business a true dream business them. Whether that's a short learn-to-earn knowledge session or a full-length interview conversation with some of the most interesting, influential, and impactful people in the industry. This podcast will give you the inspiration, motivation, but above all, the encouragement you need to get you and keep you building and growing your own co practice. Welcome to the Crack the Coaching Code podcast. I'm your host, Chareen Goodman, founder of Crack the Coaching Code, and I want to say thanks for tuning into today's podcast. In today's episode, we are continuing with our series called What Do I Need to Change? In the Second Quarter, where we are discussing strategies and tips to help coaches achieve their goals and make the most of the second quarter of the year.

Chareen Goodman 00:01:3600:03:30Play

Today, we'll be continuing our discussion of the four disciplines of execution with a focus on the last two disciplines, keeping a compelling scoreboard and creating a cadence of accountability. These two disciplines are essential for coaches who want to achieve their wildly important goals and lead measures and ensure that their teams and themselves are staying on track and engaged in the process. Today, we're going to explore the benefits of keeping a visible scoreboard that displays progress toward your wildly important goals, WIGs as they are often referred to, and your lead measures. We'll be discussing strategies for creating a scoreboard that works for you and your team. We'll also be discussing the importance of establishing a regular routine of accountability meetings, where progress is reviewed, discussed, and adjustments are made. So whether you're a solo coach or part of a team, these disciplines can help you achieve greater success and drive growth in your business. Now grab your favorite drink, a pen and paper, and let's learn how to implement these last two disciplines of execution, which are crucial in helping coaches stay on track and achieve their goals. In last week's episode, we discussed the first two disciplines of execution, the first focusing on setting one or two wildly important goals and acting on lead measures that will help you achieve those goals.

Chareen Goodman 00:03:3200:04:42Play

Today we are talking about the remaining two disciplines of execution and how they can help coaches achieve success in their businesses. In this segment, we're diving into the third discipline of keeping a compelling scoreboard. This involves creating a visible scoreboard that displays progress toward your wildly important goals and lead measures. Keeping track of your progress is an essential part of achieving your goals. A scoreboard provides a clear and visual representation of your progress toward your wildly important goals and your lead measures. A scoreboard helps keep everyone on the same page and engaged in achieving your goals. So that means your scoreboard needs to be simple. It needs to be easy to understand and visually compelling to keep everyone focused on the most important objectives.

Chareen Goodman 00:04:4400:06:01Play

Ideally, you want to make your scoreboard as compelling as possible. A compelling scoreboard is not just any ordinary scoreboard. The goal is to make it so compelling that it will motivate everyone to take action and do their best to achieve the objectives. A compelling scoreboard should provide real-time data so everyone can see how much progress has been made toward the wildly important goals and lead measures. It should also show the gap between where you are right now and where you want to be moving forward. This helps to maintain focus and efforts on the most critical areas that need improvement in your business. Some examples of scoreboards that coaches can use include a simple whiteboard, or even an old fashioned chalkboard with colored chalk. Of course, even a digital dashboard could really spice things up, or even a simple spreadsheet.

Chareen Goodman 00:06:0200:07:25Play

The scoreboard should be easy to update and maintain, and it should be accessible to everyone on the team. Two, the scoreboard should be updated regularly. We don't want old news, and it should be shared with the team to ensure everyone is aware of progress toward the goals. In this segment, we're going to discuss the fourth and final discipline of execution, and that is all about creating a cadence of accountability. As we discussed in the previous segment, keeping a compelling scoreboard is a critical component of the four disciplines of execution. However, having just a scoreboard alone is not enough. It's also important to establish a regular routine of accountability meetings where progress toward your wildly important goals and your lead measures are reviewed, discussed and adjusted as needed. Yes, this applies to you solo coaches too, who have a single operation.

Chareen Goodman 00:07:2600:08:30Play

You have to have some way of staying accountable to your WIGs. Again, wildly important goals. So what exactly is a cadence of accountability? Well, it's a regular, recurring meeting where the coach and their team review progress, where you identify challenges and opportunities, and where you adjust your approach as needed. I call this course correction. The goal of these meetings is to keep everyone on track and focused on the most important objectives. Again, this applies to the solo coach, too. Even if you operate a solo coaching business, it's important to establish a cadence of accountability for yourself. This could mean setting up regular check ins with a trusted colleague, a mentor, or even a business coach.

Chareen Goodman 00:08:3100:09:47Play

These meetings should be structured and focused on reviewing progress toward your WIGs and your lead measures. Again, discussing any challenges that you may be facing and brainstorming strategies for how you're going to work through the challenges and move the needle for improvement. And I must interject this point. It's important to note that accountability meetings should be positive and focused on solutions, not blame or criticism. The goal is to create a safe, open, and supportive environment where everyone feels empowered to share their progress, to bring up their challenges, and to initiate ideas for resolution. Again, for the solo coach, no beating yourself up or criticizing yourself. The goal is to move forward, making progress. Now, there are many different formats for accountability meetings, and the key is to find what works best for you and your team.

Chareen Goodman 00:09:4800:11:03Play

Some coaches might prefer weekly team meetings, while others might opt for monthly progress reviews. Even the one on one coaching sessions are very effective for individual accountability and support. I like to say that this is where the miracle happens in the conversation. So here's the deal creating a cadence of accountability is a crucial part of the four disciplines of execution. It helps to ensure that everyone is on track, focused on the most important objectives, and accountable for their progress. And as a coach, it's important to establish a routine of regular accountability meetings. Whether you operate a solo coaching business or lead a team, accountability is key. In this final segment, I want to laser in on some common challenges that coaches will face when implementing the four disciplines of execution in their business.

Chareen Goodman 00:11:0400:12:30Play

Now, while the four disciplines of execution can lead to significant success, coaches will encounter some challenges that can hinder their progress. So now let's dive into some of these challenges and what you can do to overcome them. The first challenge is really going to be around difficulty in identifying your wildly important goals. One of the primary challenges that coach will face is identifying exactly what their wildly important goals are. It can be challenging to determine which goals are critical to the success of your business. This challenge can result in a lack of focus and direction, making it difficult to achieve the success that you know you want for your business. So, to overcome this challenge, coaches should identify the key areas of their business that have the most impact on their business success. So is this lead generation? Is it client acquisition? Is it getting better at your sales call? Once these areas are identified, then you can determine the specific goals that are critical to achieving success in these areas.

Chareen Goodman 00:12:3100:13:39Play

Additionally, coaches should ensure that their goals are smart. They must be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. Here's another challenge that coaches may face, which is their own lack of commitment and discipline, which can be a significant roadblock to implementing the four disciplines of execution. Without discipline, coaches may struggle to consistently execute on their WIGs and lead measures, making it difficult to achieve success. So here's my solution. To overcome this specific challenge, coaches should establish routines and habits that promote discipline and consistency. Routines and habits like morning routines, specific day-of-the-week routines, et cetera. So these routines and habits can include things like setting specific times to review, progress toward your WIGs and your lead measures.

Chareen Goodman 00:13:4000:14:42Play

Prioritizing the most critical tasks that are in front of you, planning out your work, and working out. Your plan and doing what you say you are going to do when you say you are going to do it and then regularly holding yourself accountable. This is what I teach my clients through my time integrity method, and it works like a charm. Now, the third challenge is all about resistance to change. Come on. Now, who doesn't experience this challenge on a regular basis? We all have some form of resistance to change, and implementing the four disciplines of execution will require a significant change in the way coaches operate their business. If you have a team, this change can lead to resistance from team members. Believe me, when I was managing projects for some major Fortune 500 companies, I experienced this a lot.

Chareen Goodman 00:14:4200:16:05Play

But this resistance to change will show up even from the coach themselves. So what's the solution to overcome this challenge? Coaches should communicate the benefits of the four disciplines of execution to their team members and explain why these changes are necessary. I liken this conversation to the matrix, where Neo had to decide on the red pill or the blue pill. Of course, your conversation will more than likely involve making a decision between having a successful coaching business or a losing coaching business. I encourage you to choose wisely. But more than that, as a coach, you should lead by example and consistently demonstrate the benefits of the four disciplines of execution in your own work. Now, these are just some of the common challenges coaches will face when implementing the four disciplines of execution. But by identifying these challenges and implementing the solutions I've just shared, you can overcome these obstacles and achieve greater success in your business.

Chareen Goodman 00:16:0600:17:16Play

I'm rooting for you. Well, that concludes episode three on the last two disciplines of the four disciplines of execution for coaches. We've covered a lot of ground today discussing the importance of keeping a compelling scoreboard and creating a cadence of accountability to help you achieve your wildly important goals and your lead measures. We also address some common challenges coaches will face when implementing these disciplines, and I've provided some solutions to help you overcome them. So let's do a quick recap of what the four disciplines of execution are. Discipline number one focuses on the wildly important goals that will help you move the needle toward success in your business. Discipline number two act on lead measures. Figure out what they are that align with your wildly important goals.

Chareen Goodman 00:17:1800:18:40Play

Discipline number three keep a compelling scoreboard. Put up a visual that will help you and your team see the progress that you are making toward your goals. And then, discipline number four create a cadence of accountability. Have your meetings, even if that means with yourself, so you can track your progress and course correct as you go. 

Now, if you want to dive deeper into this topic, I encourage you to download the Four Disciplines of Execution checklist, which summarizes the key points from both episodes and provides actionable steps that you can take to implement the four disciplines of execution in your coaching business. You'll find the link to the checklist in the Show Notes, and if you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact us via our website or social media channels. I want to thank you again for listening to the Crack the Coaching Code podcast, and I look forward to seeing you on our next episode, where I'll be sharing a strategy on how coaches can better manage their money. Until then, my friends, have a blessed day.

Click here to download your FREE copy of The Four Disciplines of Execution Checklist 


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