Pitfalls and Perils: What Coaches Need to Know When Integrating AI

Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™

Chareen Goodman Rating 0 (0) (0)
chareengoodman.com Launched: Jun 15, 2023
info@chareengoodman.com Season: 1 Episode: 11

Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™
Pitfalls and Perils: What Coaches Need to Know When Integrating AI
Jun 15, 2023, Season 1, Episode 11
Chareen Goodman
Episode Summary

Segment 1: Introduction and AI in Coaching
- AI has become a part of our daily lives and is now making waves in the professional world, including coaching.
- ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, is a unique language model with the potential to revolutionize how businesses operate.
- ChatGPT can do tasks such as writing, answering questions, tutoring, translating languages, and even crafting poetry.
- The podcast will explore how ChatGPT can be used in coaching and its practical and profound impact.

Segment 2: Pitfalls and Challenges of Using AI in Coaching
- Over-reliance on ChatGPT can be problematic for coaches.
- Strict adherence to AI-generated plans can lead to missing out on nuanced human experiences.
- AI tools like ChatGPT can do heavy lifting work, but personal human touch and professional judgment is necessary for success.
- Coaches must consider their own accountability in using AI tools.

Segment 3: A.R.T. - Authenticity. Relevance. Transparency
- The speaker introduces two cornerstones of AI-generated content as authenticity and relevance.
- The speaker emphasizes the importance of infusing AI-generated content with the user's unique style and personality through review and editing.
- AI tools like ChatGPT may provide irrelevant responses to clients' needs, and coaches must review and ensure they're contextually appropriate.
- Coaches should align AI responses to the business and be transparent with clients about the use of AI, which fosters trust and strengthens the client-coach relationship.

Segment 4: Benefits, and Future of AI in Coaching
- Staying updated on advancements in AI is crucial for ethical and effective application in coaching.
- Coaches need to align recommendations made by AI with professional judgment and promote transparency with clients.
- The potential benefits of using AI in coaching include scalability, personalization, and efficiency.
- The speaker promotes an upcoming webinar on practical applications of ChatGPT.

Segment 5: Conclusion and Forward Thinking 
- Coaches must ensure they don't violate the trust of their clients, especially when integrating AI tools into their practice.
- The two pivotal issues when it comes to using AI in coaching are client privacy and informed consent. 
- As coaches, it's their responsibility to ensure that they uphold professional standards and commitment to clients.


I'm excited to invite you to our upcoming webinar on June 20th, where we'll dive deeper into some practical applications and use cases to maximize the benefits of using ChatGPT in your coaching or consulting practice. And that's exactly what we have in store for you. It's going to be an enlightening session that you won't want to miss! 



Episode Chapters
Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™
Pitfalls and Perils: What Coaches Need to Know When Integrating AI
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00:00:00 |

Segment 1: Introduction and AI in Coaching
- AI has become a part of our daily lives and is now making waves in the professional world, including coaching.
- ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, is a unique language model with the potential to revolutionize how businesses operate.
- ChatGPT can do tasks such as writing, answering questions, tutoring, translating languages, and even crafting poetry.
- The podcast will explore how ChatGPT can be used in coaching and its practical and profound impact.

Segment 2: Pitfalls and Challenges of Using AI in Coaching
- Over-reliance on ChatGPT can be problematic for coaches.
- Strict adherence to AI-generated plans can lead to missing out on nuanced human experiences.
- AI tools like ChatGPT can do heavy lifting work, but personal human touch and professional judgment is necessary for success.
- Coaches must consider their own accountability in using AI tools.

Segment 3: A.R.T. - Authenticity. Relevance. Transparency
- The speaker introduces two cornerstones of AI-generated content as authenticity and relevance.
- The speaker emphasizes the importance of infusing AI-generated content with the user's unique style and personality through review and editing.
- AI tools like ChatGPT may provide irrelevant responses to clients' needs, and coaches must review and ensure they're contextually appropriate.
- Coaches should align AI responses to the business and be transparent with clients about the use of AI, which fosters trust and strengthens the client-coach relationship.

Segment 4: Benefits, and Future of AI in Coaching
- Staying updated on advancements in AI is crucial for ethical and effective application in coaching.
- Coaches need to align recommendations made by AI with professional judgment and promote transparency with clients.
- The potential benefits of using AI in coaching include scalability, personalization, and efficiency.
- The speaker promotes an upcoming webinar on practical applications of ChatGPT.

Segment 5: Conclusion and Forward Thinking 
- Coaches must ensure they don't violate the trust of their clients, especially when integrating AI tools into their practice.
- The two pivotal issues when it comes to using AI in coaching are client privacy and informed consent. 
- As coaches, it's their responsibility to ensure that they uphold professional standards and commitment to clients.


I'm excited to invite you to our upcoming webinar on June 20th, where we'll dive deeper into some practical applications and use cases to maximize the benefits of using ChatGPT in your coaching or consulting practice. And that's exactly what we have in store for you. It's going to be an enlightening session that you won't want to miss! 



Episode Transcript

Chareen Goodman [00:00:00]:

Welcome to the Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™ podcast, where every Thursday, coaches from all over the world can tune in to get a dose of good info to help them crack the coaching code in their coach business. On this podcast, you will get what you need to make your coaching business a true dream. Business minutes. Whether that's a short learn-to-earn knowledge session or a full-length interview conversation with some of the most interesting, influential, and impactful people in the industry, this podcast will give you the inspiration, motivation, but above all, the encouragement you need to get you and keep you building and growing your own coaching practice.

Chareen Goodman [00:01:22]:

Welcome, coach, to another insightful episode of the Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™ podcast. I'm your host, Chareen Goodman, Business Coach and Founder of Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™ and today we're venturing into the intriguing and exciting territory of artificial intelligence. Remember, we're in this series called Coaching in the Age of AI and ChatGPT, and we're continuing to unlock the magic of AI, focusing specifically on the groundbreaking tool ChatGPT and how it's reshaping the coaching landscape. Just think about it. From our smart home devices to getting personalized online shopping recommendations, AI has woven itself into the very fabric of our daily lives. And now it's making waves in our professional life as well, especially in the world of coaching. So why ChatGPT? Developed by OpenAI, this unique language model has the potential to revolutionize how we operate our businesses. It can write, answer questions, tutor, translate languages, and even craft poetry if that's your jam.

But what does this mean for us as coaches? Well, that's the question we're going to unpack today. We're diving into the practical and profound ways that AI, and more specifically, ChatGPT, can be used in our coaching.

Chareen Goodman [00:02:44]:

However, we're going to give it a twist. As we embrace this cutting-edge tool, we must also be aware of the pitfalls and ethical challenges that may come our way. Understanding these potential obstacles is not only crucial to ensure the smooth integration of AI into our businesses, but also to uphold our professional standards and our commitment to our clients as coaches. I'm thrilled to have you on board for this enlightening episode today.

So grab your notepad, take a seat, and let's dive into the fascinating world of AI and coaching and how to avoid some potential pitfalls to the Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™ podcast.

Chareen Goodman [00:04:27]:

We're embarking on the second segment of today's episode, where we'll dive into two pivotal issues when it comes to using AI and ChatGPT in our coaching practice client privacy and informed consent. You know, as coaches, we're entrusted with sensitive and personal information from our clients, and it's our responsibility to ensure that this trust is never violated. This becomes particularly crucial when we integrate AI tools like ChatGPT into our practices.

Imagine you're using ChatGPT to analyze notes from your coaching sessions. Now, this might seem harmless, but it could potentially expose sensitive client information to an AI system, which could be a privacy concern. Think of this like the Las Vegas commercial what goes on in Vegas stays in Vegas. So what can we do? It's simple. Be transparent about the data you share with AI and ensure you have the necessary permissions from your clients. Too, I would suggest that you use secure and encrypted platforms as your go-to, especially when you're handling sensitive client data. Now, on to our second point informed consent. It's crucial that our clients know when they're interacting with AI.

Chareen Goodman [00:05:32]:

Let's take a moment and paint a little picture here. Okay, so you've set up ChatGPT to handle initial client inquiries on your website. Now, if a potential client interacts with the AI without knowing it's not a human, it could possibly impact the rapport you're trying to build with that client. And if they later find out that their initial interaction was with an AI bot, let's call them Ian, well, they might feel a bit deceived, and we don't want that. So to avoid this, you can do something as simple as being upfront about the use of Ian, your AI assistant. A simple disclaimer or indication can suffice to inform your clients that they are interacting with an AI tool. The bottom line here, my coaching friends, is transparency and respect. Transparency in our usage of AI, and respect for our clients' rights to know when and how their information is being used and who or what they're interacting with, even if it is Ian.

Chareen Goodman [00:06:55]:

As we continue to embrace the benefits of AI, let's remember to uphold the core values that make us effective as coaches trust, respect, and integrity. Some of my favorite words, and I'm sure they are yours too. So stick around, folks. In our next segment, we'll discuss the risks of over-relying on AI and the question of accountability. These are issues you won't want to miss as we continue cracking the AI code in coaching. So stay tuned.

Chareen Goodman [00:08:07]:

Welcome back to the podcast, where we're exploring the exciting yet challenging integration of AI and ChatGPT into our coaching business. In this segment, we are going to look at two important aspects the risk of over, reliance of AI, and the question of accountability.

AI has undeniably brought a wave of innovation and possibilities to our coaching practice and the industry. However, it's essential to be aware of over reliance on such technologies as ChatGPT. Imagine for a moment that you're a life coach and you've been using ChatGPT to draft session plans based on your client information. While. This can help save you a tremendous amount of time and perhaps provide you with some excellent suggestions for the plan. If you strictly adhere to these Ai-generated plans, without that personal human touch or professional judgment that you bring, you might miss out on the little nuances of the human experience that AI is yet to fully grasp. But that you do. What would be the results? Well, let's just say a coaching plan that lacks the warmth, the empathy, and the personal touch that only we as human coaches bring to the table.

Chareen Goodman [00:09:19]:

So how do we avoid this pitfall? Simply by using AI as a tool to supplement our work, not to replace it. Let ChatGPT do the heavy lifting in tasks such as drafting emails, setting up your appointments, or even generating content while you focus on what you do best as a coach providing a deep and personalized coaching experience to your clients. Now, on to our second topic accountability. In a world where AI is becoming increasingly sophisticated, there's a question we must ask ourselves as coaches. Write this one down. If an AI tool provides inappropriate advice or makes a mistake, who is ultimately responsible? Key question. So let's say you're a career coach and you're using ChatGPT to assist you with some career coaching advice for a client. Suppose ChatGPT suggests a career path that ends up not fully aligning with the client's skills and interests.

Chareen Goodman [00:10:46]:

Okay, who bears the responsibility for this mismatch? Is it the coach who used the AI, the client who accepted the advice, or the creator of the AI? I guess we can call this a gray area, but one thing is clear. As coaches, we need to maintain control and take responsibility for the tools we use and how we use them in our coaching practice. I've said this before, don't let AI drive you. You drive it. Don't let AI lead you. You lead it. This means, as a coach, you are accountable for verifying AI suggestions with your expertise and ensuring they align with your client's needs, challenges, goals, and aspirations. Okay, that wraps up this segment.

But don't go away just yet. Up next, we're going to discuss the importance of maintaining being the A.R.T. in your coaching business and the face of AI technology adoption. So stay with me as we continue to Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™ in the age of AI.

Chareen Goodman [00:11:55]:

Welcome back, coaches. As we continue on this exploration of AI and coaching, we're going to focus on a key element in our industry, something I like to refer to as the A.R.T. Authenticity, relevance, and transparency. These are the cornerstones that make us as coaches the masterpieces in the frame of our business. As we integrate AI technology into our practice, we need to ensure that the A.R.T. remains intact.

Chareen Goodman [00:13:03]:

So let's kick off with the first cornerstone authenticity. Imagine you're using ChatGPT to generate all your content, be it emails, social media, posts, comments, or even workshop material. Now, this amazing power tool called ChatGPT can generate content that's grammatically perfect and even highly insightful. But could it ever truly capture your unique brand voice, your personal touch, your well, your authenticity? We need to remember that AI, while incredibly advanced, doesn't possess the human touch that defines us as coaches, it's important to infuse the Aigenerated content with your unique style and personality, i.e. your brand. A simple review and edit process should be sufficient to add that personal touch, ensuring your communication never loses its authenticity. Next, let's move on to relevance. As much as AI has evolved, it is not flawless.

Chareen Goodman [00:14:30]:

An AI tool, including ChatGPT, may not always provide the most relevant suggestions or responses to your client's needs, and you need to be able to discern this without this added human touch. This might lead to responses that may seem out of context or irrelevant to the discussion at hand. To overcome this, you as the coach need to review Aigenerated responses and ensure they're contextually, appropriate and relevant to your client's situation. Even when it comes to your business, it must be aligned and relevant. And finally, let's touch on transparency. The use of AI needs to be transparent to your clients. As I mentioned in the previous segment, they should know when they're interacting with an AI and when it's you, their trusted coach. Remember, transparency fosters trust and strengthens your relationship with your clients.

Chareen Goodman [00:15:44]:

So the essence of this segment boils down to this as you integrate AI into your coaching practice, make sure you remain the artist of your masterpiece. Maintain your A.R.T., your authenticity, relevance, and transparency. Okay, head over with me to the final segment of our enlightening episode of the Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™ podcast. We've been on a fascinating journey today, exploring some of the pitfalls to watch out for when it comes to using AI and ChatGPT in your coach practice. We've delved deep into some of the challenges and considerations when integrating AI from the importance of client privacy and informed consent to the need for maintaining our A.R.T., authenticity, relevance and transparency as a coach. As we continue along this path of integrating AI into our coaching toolbox, let's remember to uphold the principles that make us effective as coaches. Respecting privacy means keeping clients' data secure, even when using AI. Obtaining informed consent means clearly communicating to clients when they're interacting with an AI tool.

Chareen Goodman [00:17:37]:

Taking accountability by scrutinizing the recommendations made by AI and aligning them with our own professional judgment and then promoting transparency means being upfront with our clients about our usage of AI in our coaching practice. Now, looking forward. The future of AI in coaching is bright and brimming. With so much possibility, the potential for scalability, personalization, and efficiency is enormous. But remember, as we navigate this landscape, continuous learning and adaptation are key. AI is a rapidly evolving field, and staying updated on its advancements will be paramount for its ethical and effective application in our coaching practices.

And that's why I want to remind you of our upcoming webinar that takes place on Tuesday, June 20, where we will demonstrate practical applications and use cases using ChatGPT.


I'm excited to invite you to our upcoming webinar on June 20th, where we'll dive deeper into some practical applications and use cases to maximize the benefits of using ChatGPT in your coaching or consulting practice. And that's exactly what we have in store for you. It's going to be an enlightening session that you won't want to miss! 


Chareen Goodman [00:19:08]:

My call to action for you, my fellow coaches, is to consider these aspects carefully as you integrate AI, like ChatGPT into your practice. Let's embrace the possibilities that AI offers without losing sight of our core values and principles. After all, we are the artist of our masterpiece, our coaching practice. Thank you for joining me on this journey today. I hope you found it enlightening and that it equipped you with the insights you need to leverage AI in your coaching business.

Don't forget to join me for our next episode, where we will continue to Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™.

In the meantime, if you have any questions or would like to learn more, please visit our website chareengoodman.com. And if you enjoyed this episode, don't forget to subscribe and leave us a review on your favorite podcast platform.

Chareen Goodman [00:20:21]:

Until next time, my friends, this is Chareen Goodman signing off. Keep coach, keep growing, and most importantly, keep cracking the coaching code. Blessings.

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