Mastering Time for Coaching Success: Debunking Time Management Myths

Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™

Chareen Goodman, Business Coach Rating 0 (0) (0) Launched: Jul 28, 2023 Season: 1 Episode: 17

Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™
Mastering Time for Coaching Success: Debunking Time Management Myths
Jul 28, 2023, Season 1, Episode 17
Chareen Goodman, Business Coach
Episode Summary

Episode 17 - Show Notes

In this episode of Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™, host Chareen Goodman explores the importance of time management for coaches and debunks some common myths surrounding it. 

Here are the topics covered:

Myth 1: You can manage time

  • Explanation of why time cannot be managed as everyone has the same amount of it
  • Emphasis on the importance of managing ourselves and our priorities instead

Myth 2: Better time management means better task management

  • Explanation of how merely adding more tasks can lead to burnout and decreased effectiveness
  • Importance of prioritizing and focusing on tasks that align with business goals

Myth 3: I work best under pressure

  • Stressing the need to set priorities and boundaries to focus on what is most effective for the coach's business
  • Exploring how saying no can actually lead to greater success and productivity

Practical tips for effective time management as a coach

  • Recommendations on how to prioritize tasks and make time for essential activities
  • Insights on setting boundaries and managing distractions
  • Strategies for leveraging tools and technology to improve efficiency and productivity
  • Inspiring stories of successful coaches who mastered their time management
Episode Chapters
Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™
Mastering Time for Coaching Success: Debunking Time Management Myths
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Episode 17 - Show Notes

In this episode of Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™, host Chareen Goodman explores the importance of time management for coaches and debunks some common myths surrounding it. 

Here are the topics covered:

Myth 1: You can manage time

  • Explanation of why time cannot be managed as everyone has the same amount of it
  • Emphasis on the importance of managing ourselves and our priorities instead

Myth 2: Better time management means better task management

  • Explanation of how merely adding more tasks can lead to burnout and decreased effectiveness
  • Importance of prioritizing and focusing on tasks that align with business goals

Myth 3: I work best under pressure

  • Stressing the need to set priorities and boundaries to focus on what is most effective for the coach's business
  • Exploring how saying no can actually lead to greater success and productivity

Practical tips for effective time management as a coach

  • Recommendations on how to prioritize tasks and make time for essential activities
  • Insights on setting boundaries and managing distractions
  • Strategies for leveraging tools and technology to improve efficiency and productivity
  • Inspiring stories of successful coaches who mastered their time management

Chareen Goodman [00:00:04]:

Welcome to the Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™ podcast where every Thursday, coaches from all over the world can tune in to get a dose of good info to help them crack the coaching code in their coaching business. On this podcast, you will get what you need to make your coaching business a true dream business. Whether that's a short learn-to-earn knowledge session or a full-length interview conversation with some of the most interesting, influential, and impactful people in the industry. This podcast will give you the inspiration motivation, but above all, the encouragement you need to get you and keep you building and growing your own coaching practice.

Chareen Goodman [00:01:04]:

Welcome, coaches! You're tuned into the Crack the Coaching Coast podcast, the show that brings you insightful conversations and valuable tips to help you thrive in the coaching world. I'm your host, Chareen Gutman, business coach and founder of Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™. You know, time is our most critical resource when it comes to being a coach or even for your business. It's that critical resource. So I wanna really talk a little bit about time and time management myths that we have out there. So, really, one thing that I do As I work as a strategic business coach, I work with coaches to help them really optimize their business. You know, coaching is a fast-moving growing industry, but it's surprising how many coaches out there are not as profitable as they could be and should be. So I am here to help make that happen for coaches to develop plans, help them to make more money, and decrease their own personal economy. and time is one of those factors that is a major player to make that happen. Let's kinda just dig into this. Talking about busting some myth. around time management so that you can really optimize your game as a coach. I just wanted to tee this up with a quote that I read. It's from the French sculptor Rodan. And he wants that nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely. Now that's true. And I do believe that that concept is a true concept. There's no such thing as I believe as failure until you give up. You can use every experience as an opportunity to learn something new about your business, to learn something new about yourself that's gonna help you again to uplevel your game. So even though that conceptually is true, the reality idea is, as I said before, your time is critical. And if you're trying to build a successful coaching practice a successful business. If you're really trying to serve your clients at the optimal level that you can, then it's important for you to be efficient and effective with the use of your time. You have absolute control over what you do with your time. And, again, like I said, it's important as a coach to use this critical resource for you to be as effective and as efficient as possible in order to get the greatest success that you can. So some people think that the dip between an avid person and a winning person is their ability to manage their time. We hear that. And I'm gonna share with you today a concept that I believe that's even better than just trying to squeeze everything into your day. And I believe that this concept, if you can catch this concept It will give you more freedom when it comes to your time. But right now, I wanna start by just dispelling these top Chareen myths that I believe really impact people when it comes to understanding how to really take absolute control of their time, and how to really use that when it comes to building their coaching practice. So let's chat for a moment. About the top 3 time management myths and how they might be holding you back.

Myth number 1. The first myth is that it's out there that you can manage time. I haven't you heard that? Oh, well, that's all concept of time management. We can manage time. The bottom line is we can't manage time. Time keeps ticking whether or not we do something with it or not like the Timex Commercial. Takes a licking but keeps on ticking. So when it comes to This myth about you can manage time, I want you to understand. No. You can't. We are all given the same amount of time. 168 hours every single week to make great things happen for ourselves and for our business. And you determining what you're gonna do in that time is really important. It's like a misnomer. Nope. We can't manage time. You have 7 days every week, 5 workdays to make something happen. and everybody is given the same amount of time every day, every week, every year. We all have the same amount of time to do something. When I think about even when it comes to time, sometimes it seems like the rate of time is moving very fast. but it's the same rate for everyone. So the first myth that you wanna get over is that you can manage time. and I'm here to tell you you can't manage time. You have a bucket of time that you can do something with, but you can't manage the time. You just have to do something with it. And I understand that it's not easy to always find time for your business, but that's important. Of course, there's always something that you need to do, and you're not sure even if you're able to really work on something. Like, say, for example, that landing page you know you need to create or the sales page that you you want you need to put together for your upcoming program You have to have time to make those things or to create those things in order for your business to work properly. So you're gonna have to find the time, carve out the time in some capacity. Just keep in mind, that myth number 1 is that you can manage time, and unfortunately, you can't manage time.

Now the second myth that comes up is this myth about better time management means better task management. And when I think about that, I mean, how many people have this long to-do list of things to do, a master to-do list, there are people that think that if you just have a bigger list of things to do, you can manage your time better. And I do think that that's a big myth. that you don't wanna just be busy for the sake of being busy. You don't wanna just have all of this stuff that you're gonna do, and you're running around like a squirrel trying to get everything done. I do believe in things like time blocking. I do believe in having focused days to get certain work completed that's important for the growth of your business. But it is not about just adding things to your to-do list. This myth is what I think will create more burnout than anything else that you just keep adding and adding and adding to your list. The deal is is that you have the power to choose what you're going to do and what you're not going to do. Like, you have the power to choose your priorities as a business owner, as a coach that's building a practice. And I think it's important to understand how you're gonna focus your energy to get certain things done that matter to your business. So don't think about trying to create a bigger list Try to be intentional about what you're you're ready to do with your time that's gonna be more effective for your business. You have the absolute power to set your intentions and make choices that are right for you and what you need to do for your business. Okay? So get rid of the squirrel effect of just trying to do everything and set some intentions and understand what your boundaries are. We all have a lot of things to do outside of our business. We have family. We have friends. We have households. And so many other things that We don't want our business to consume everything. So that's why it's important for you to get focused, get clear, again, what is it that you really need to spend time doing? What's really going to be effective for you when you think about your time, And then the other thing that I wanna just say about that is that you don't have to do everything, but you do need to get some clarity and set some priorities and some boundaries that are gonna help you build and grow your practice. So, again, I just wanna let you know that the choices you make dictate priority. So what are the choices that you're making about your business? What's the priority for you right now? If you're trying to make sales, and get more discovery calls, maybe the priority for you in terms of your time is going to be prospecting an outreach. And so all the of the other things that are not associated with that, like maybe you might need to take a breather from opening all those emails and just focus for a dedicated amount of time on your prospecting and outreach. So think about your choices and what your priorities are. So this is myth number 2 that you just need better task management and then it'll help you manage your time. Disspell this if you're dealing with this because it's not gonna help you.

Alright. So myth number 3, this, I think, is a big one. I work best under pressure. Wow. You know, when I think about that, who wants to be under pressure all the time? That's just that, I think, is a fallacy when it comes to really being effective in the control and use and efficiency of your time. And here's the other thing when I think about that. It is really Impossible over a given period of time to show up great and to be productive. To be productive at the very last minute, that you're constantly scrambling. And then at the last minute, because you have a deadline that you now do the work. You know, I've seen this when I was managing projects as that was one of the big things that, 1, they didn't people didn't have a plan for how they were gonna execute some very large projects inside of a corporation. Now those same things apply when you are building your coaching practice that you really wanna start developing some habits of how do I lay out a plan for what I'm trying to accomplish in my business and stop trying to do things at the very last minute. Well, you wanna show up your highest and best. So think about this. If you're doing things at the very last minute, how are you serving your clients in that way? you know, you wanna show a frazzle all the time and scrambling that you wanna really have a plan in place and know that your time is is with Eve. And so if you're the kind of person that's showing up and trying to do things at the very last minute because you think that's the best way to get your work done. I'm gonna do some tough love here is one is that that's the sign of procrastination. 1. Procrastinating until the very last minute to get something done. Well, what are you doing with all the other time that you have? Is it really spent on something that's important? Are you always creating this sense of urgency? If you're building a business, if you're a coach operating in that urgent quadrant all the time, again, can lead to burnout. They're not really the best results that you can produce. And, again, think about that when it comes to your clients if you're always operating in a sense of urgency and you know, under pressure. Where where is that really gonna lead you? The second thing could be that you just have a lack of motivation. Just know that that's a scary place. Hashtag Chareen place to be to try to build your business. I stress a lot about how do you develop a plan. Where are you trying to go? Is it that you need to work on a marketing plan? Can you get clear about being creative about what you wanna do that's really gonna motivate you and stimulate you to do the work that needs to be done in order to build your business. So if you are operating with this myth that I work best under pressure, I want you to start thinking about how you can develop the skills to appropriately plan and schedule your critical tasks. There is work to be done. There's a lot of work to be done when it comes to building and growing your business, and you wanna plan your work and work your plan so that you understand how you're gonna use your and how to use it more effectively. The key to all of this is to understand that you have absolute control over time. Absolute control. Nobody can tell you what to do, how to do it when to do it for your business. It is really you because you are the owner. You're the coach. You are the one that's building this practice. So think about the importance of your time and how to use it and to understand 1, you can't manage time. 2, you know, need a bigger to-do list. You just need to know how to prioritize your work. And number 3, the whole thing about working under pressure, now develop a plan so that you can really embrace and love this business that you're creating.

So now I just wanna kinda do a transition. I mentioned that there's one thing that I think there's a concept that I love, that I've created, and that I share with my clients all the time of Stop trying to manage time. Stop trying to do 110 things. I want you to do this one thing. and this concept is what I call time integrity. You cannot manage time. The only thing that you can manage is your integrity to the time that you have. So, again, you have 168 hours every week to do something. Make something great happen for your business, for your family, for your life. But the thing is it's not the hours that matter. It is what you do with the hours that you have. Will you keep your integrity and do what you say you're gonna do when you say you're going to do it. So, again, this is my concept. I call it time integrity. And I believe that time integrity is the key to your success. So what really is time integrity? What it is is that it gets you to stop wasting your time on trying to manage time. Again, like I said, that's a myth you can't manage time.

It's the time to get your productivity on using time, integrity, and doing what you say you're gonna do when you say you're going to do it. here's the deal. I understand that time management is tough. It's tough to deal with. But if you think about bringing your character and your integrity to the work that is in front of you, the work that you're creating, the work that you need to do I guarantee you if you just do what you say you're gonna do, when you say you're gonna do it, results will happen.

Now I remember I had a client that I was working with her I was working with her own business, but it turned out one of the biggest ahas that she got was she was out of integrity with our time. As a coach, we give our clients assignments to do. We expect it to be done. We expect to be done in a timely manner. How can we continue to proceed when they don't do the work? So, I had given my client an assignment, but she just didn't understand how do I get this done. I mean, I understand her life was extremely full. So I introduced her to my time integrity system.

The intention or the deal is first to determine what is it that you want to achieve. What is it that you need to get done? So say, for example, if your goal is let's talk about that sales page for your upcoming coaching program. The thing would be, here's what I need to get done. Here are all the things that I need to do to accomplish to get that sales page done. Maybe you need to get the sales copy ready. You need to have it. You need to edit it. You need to review it. You need to get some graphics work. There's a lot of little things that happen in one little thing called to get a sales page up and running for my, you know, for my group program. But It's not like you're trying to do all of it in one day. There might be things that you're going to do over, let's say, the course of a week. So you put the task in time. And when I say in time, I mean, you schedule it with yourself. Like, we've heard that if you want a meeting with yourself, you put it in your planner. You put it in your calendar so it's blocked off. The same thing with time integrity.

So you're gonna put those tasks on the first day. I'm gonna lay out what the sales page looks like. I'm going to the 2nd day or at 10 o'clock. I'm going to say I'm going to write the copy. I'm gonna add the copy. Maybe on the 3rd day, I'm going to find all of the graphics and add all of the graphics to the sales page, set up the forms of the pay processor, you know, until you have your tasks laid out for the entire week.

Now this is where time integrity comes in. If you say you're going to do the task at 10 o'clock on Monday, Either you do it or you don't. Your integrity says I'm going to do what I say I'm gonna do when I say I'm going to do it. If you do that, you check it off. It's done. Tuesday, I'm gonna not do it at 10, but I'm gonna do it at 12 clock. It's in your planner. It's scheduled in time. Now either you do it or you don't. Now if you continue with that process and you actually do the work when you say you're gonna do it, what do you think the outcome is going to be? You can see clearly that you have accomplished something. You've got to the finish line. You've completed this.

Now think about the opposite if you just did not keep your integrity to the things that you say you're going to do. 1, you'll be working under pressure trying to get it done right before your group program. The second thing is at the end of the day, If you don't do anything, what result will you have accomplished? Nothing will your business grow? Absolutely not. So, again, when I think about what is so important, the only thing that you can manage with certainty is your integrity in the time that you have. You can't manage time. You can only manage your integrity to the time that you have.

So I hope that this has made sense. I hope it has been helpful for you to understand that there are myths about time management out there, and they're not gonna serve you. The one thing that is gonna be your best friend is your integrity in the time that you have. I call it time integrity. I hope it is something that you will apply to your coaching practice that will make a difference for you, but also for your clients. Because when you show up, cool, calm, and collected. When you show up, fully prepared because you're not working under pressure, because you have laid out and planned your work and worked your plan, will make a very big difference.

Don't forget to join us for our next episode. where we'll continue to crack the coaching code. In the meantime, if you have any questions or would like to learn more, please visit our website at And if you enjoyed this episode so. Be sure to subscribe to our podcast and leave a review. Your feedback helps us improve and reach more coaches.

So until next time, my friends, This is Chareen Goodman signing off. Keep coaching. Keep growing. And most importantly, Keep cracking the coaching code.


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