Bullseye Marketing: AI-Powered Targeted Marketing Secrets for Coaches

Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™

Chareen Goodman, Business Coach Rating 0 (0) (0)
chareengoodman.com Launched: Aug 11, 2023
info@chareengoodman.com Season: 1 Episode: 19

Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™
Bullseye Marketing: AI-Powered Targeted Marketing Secrets for Coaches
Aug 11, 2023, Season 1, Episode 19
Chareen Goodman, Business Coach
Episode Summary

Show Notes for Episode 19

Welcome back to another enlightening episode of the Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™ podcast! In this episode, we into insights directly drawn from my recent training session in the Business Differentiation Mastery Program: Leveraging AI and ChatGPT. We'll explore how targeted marketing strategies, turbocharged by AI and ChatGPT, can help you hit the mark with your ideal clients and grow your coaching business with precision.

Segment 1: Understanding Your Ideal Client Avatar

Discover the transformative power of defining your ideal client avatar. Join me as we journey through the process of pinpointing your target audience's deepest pain points and aspirations. This segment lays the foundation for effective marketing that resonates.

Segment 2: Crafting Your Compelling Message

Personalized messages are the heart of successful marketing. Let's unveil the potential of tailor-made content. I'll introduce you to ChatGPT as your partner in refining your messages for maximum engagement. Stay tuned for specific prompts you can use to supercharge your content creation.

Segment 3: Effective Marketing Channels

Explore a spectrum of marketing channels that will speak directly to your desired audience. We'll delve into the merits of leveraging social media, email campaigns, and impactful content creation. I'll share real-life anecdotes of coaches who experienced remarkable success by tapping into these strategies.

Segment 4: Leveraging Your Expertise

Position yourself as a trusted authority in your field by showcasing your expertise. This segment reveals the power of crafting content that demonstrates your knowledge and provides solutions to your clients' challenges. I'll illustrate how ChatGPT can aid in generating insightful blog posts, compelling social media content, and engaging email newsletters.


It's time to put these AI-powered targeted marketing secrets into practice and witness your coaching practice flourish. Don't forget to subscribe, leave us a review, and share this episode with fellow coaches who are ready to take their marketing to the next level.

Thank you for joining me in this episode of the Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™ podcast. Until next time, keep aiming for the bullseye in your coaching journey!

Episode Chapters
Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™
Bullseye Marketing: AI-Powered Targeted Marketing Secrets for Coaches
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00:00:00 |

Show Notes for Episode 19

Welcome back to another enlightening episode of the Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™ podcast! In this episode, we into insights directly drawn from my recent training session in the Business Differentiation Mastery Program: Leveraging AI and ChatGPT. We'll explore how targeted marketing strategies, turbocharged by AI and ChatGPT, can help you hit the mark with your ideal clients and grow your coaching business with precision.

Segment 1: Understanding Your Ideal Client Avatar

Discover the transformative power of defining your ideal client avatar. Join me as we journey through the process of pinpointing your target audience's deepest pain points and aspirations. This segment lays the foundation for effective marketing that resonates.

Segment 2: Crafting Your Compelling Message

Personalized messages are the heart of successful marketing. Let's unveil the potential of tailor-made content. I'll introduce you to ChatGPT as your partner in refining your messages for maximum engagement. Stay tuned for specific prompts you can use to supercharge your content creation.

Segment 3: Effective Marketing Channels

Explore a spectrum of marketing channels that will speak directly to your desired audience. We'll delve into the merits of leveraging social media, email campaigns, and impactful content creation. I'll share real-life anecdotes of coaches who experienced remarkable success by tapping into these strategies.

Segment 4: Leveraging Your Expertise

Position yourself as a trusted authority in your field by showcasing your expertise. This segment reveals the power of crafting content that demonstrates your knowledge and provides solutions to your clients' challenges. I'll illustrate how ChatGPT can aid in generating insightful blog posts, compelling social media content, and engaging email newsletters.


It's time to put these AI-powered targeted marketing secrets into practice and witness your coaching practice flourish. Don't forget to subscribe, leave us a review, and share this episode with fellow coaches who are ready to take their marketing to the next level.

Thank you for joining me in this episode of the Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™ podcast. Until next time, keep aiming for the bullseye in your coaching journey!

Episode 19 Transcript

Chareen Goodman [00:00:04]:

Welcome to the Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™ podcast, where every Thursday, coaches from all over the world can tune in to get a dose of good info to help them crack the coaching code in their coaching business. On this podcast, you will get what you need to make your coaching business a true dream business sense. Whether that's a short learn-to-earn knowledge session or a full-length interview conversation with some of the most interesting, influential, and impactful people in the industry, this podcast will give you the inspiration, motivation, but above all, the encouragement you need to get you and keep you building and growing your own coaching practice.

Chareen Goodman [00:01:58]:

Hello fellow listeners, and a warm welcome back to yet another enlightening episode of the Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™ podcast. I'm Chareen Goodman, Business Coach and Founder of Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™. As your enthusiastic host, I'm here to guide you on your journey toward unlocking your coaching business's full potential. Today we're diving into a topic that's absolutely crucial for the growth of your coaching practice, and that is targeted marketing. I'm particularly excited about this episode because it stems from an invigorating training session I conducted earlier today as part of my Business Differentiation Mastery Program: Leveraging AI and ChatGPT. The insights shared were so valuable that I couldn't resist bringing them to you in this podcast episode. So whether you're a seasoned coach or just getting started, this episode is designed to help you harness the power of targeted marketing and enhance your ability to connect with your ideal future clients in a way that truly resonates with them. So buckle up, my fellow coaches, because we're about to embark on a journey of understanding and mastering the art of targeted marketing. Before we dive into the depths of this topic today, remember to hit that subscribe button if you haven't already, so you never miss an episode packed with practical wisdom to elevate your coaching game. Now, let's get started and uncover the secrets of targeted marketing that can transform your coaching practice. 

Chareen Goodman [00:03:30]:

Welcome back, lovely listeners. In this first segment of our episode today, we're diving into the heart of targeted marketing, and that is understanding your ideal client avatar. This step is foundational and has the power to truly transform the way you approach your coaching practices. Marketing Strategy as coaches, it's imperative that we have a crystal clear understanding of who our ideal future clients are. We often refer to this as our ideal client avatar. Think of your ideal client avatar as the compass that guides your marketing efforts. It's not about casting a wide net. It's about honing in on a specific group of individuals whose pain points and desires align with what you uniquely offer. When you know your audience inside and out, you can create messages that truly resonate with them. I want to do this with you.

Chareen Goodman [00:04:27]:

Let's embark on a mini-exercise. Picture your ideal future client in your mind, their struggles, aspirations, and challenges. What keeps them up at night? What concerns them? What are they frustrated with? What dreams do they have? Take a moment to jot down these insights. This understanding will become the cornerstone of your marketing efforts, allowing you to craft messages that speak directly to their hearts. So, say, for instance, if you specialize in helping professionals transition to fulfilling entrepreneurial journeys, you'll want to address their concerns about leaving their secure jobs and embarking on a new, yet uncertain path. Or if you're focused on wellness coaching, say, for example, you'll want to tap into the desire your audience has for a healthier and more balanced lifestyle. By knowing your ideal client avatar is a lot like knowing your BFF, you can create content and offers that they will find not only relatable, but irresistible. As you can see, understanding your ideal client avatar isn't just about demographics.

Chareen Goodman [00:06:00]:

It's about delving into their psyche that emotional well and building a connection. And when you do that, your marketing messages become magnets that draw them toward your coaching practice. So there you have it, coaches. Understanding your ideal client avatar is like unlocking the map to success in targeted marketing. Take the time to define your ideal client avatar. By truly knowing who you're serving, you can tailor your message to resonate and connect. Now, stay tuned as we continue our journey through the world of targeted marketing. In our next segment, we'll cover crafting your compelling message. We're just getting started, so let's get over there.

Chareen Goodman [00:06:53]:

Welcome to segment two, crafting your compelling message. Now that we've laid the foundation for understanding our ideal client avatar, it's time to move on to crafting messages that truly captivate and connect. As coaches, our goal is to stand out amidst the noise and engage our ideal future clients authentically. And to do that, we need messaging that speaks directly to their hearts, to their emotions, but above all, to the current problems they face. Imagine having the ability to craft content that feels like a personal conversation, one that addresses their pain points and offers solutions that resonate deeply. Enter the magic of tailoring and personalizing your marketing messages. This is where your understanding of your ideal client avatar truly shines.

Chareen Goodman [00:08:16]:

It's about weaving their struggles, dreams, and desires into every word you write. Think of it as creating a custom fit suit, each message tailored specifically for them. Your goal is to make them feel like you're speaking directly to them. That's how you build a connection that lasts. And here's where things get even more exciting. In my Business, Differentiation Mastery Program is where I get to share the magic of using AI. Imagine having an AIpowered tool that helps you refine your message and make it even more compelling. Well, say hello to ChatGPT.

Chareen Goodman [00:09:10]:

ChatGPT is like having a brilliant writing assistant at your fingertips. It's an AI tool that generates human-like text based on the prompts you provide. And yes, it can be your secret weapon in crafting messages for your ideal future clients. So let me give you a taste of how it works. Start by asking ChatGPT to help you describe the unique challenges your ideal client avatar faces. For instance, if you're a wellness coach targeting busy professionals, you can prompt ChatGPT by asking it to describe the daily challenges faced by busy professionals seeking wellness solutions. The AI's response can give you fresh insights and ideas to incorporate into your messaging. Another prompt could be to craft a message that highlights the benefits of my coaching program for individuals seeking work-life balance.

Chareen Goodman [00:10:20]:

Again, ChatGPTcan provide you with different angles in Wording to make your message truly resonate. So, my fellow coaches now is the time to seize the opportunity to leverage technology for your marketing advantage. Craft your message with the heart of a coach and the power of AI. It's a winning combination that can elevate your marketing game. And that wraps up our discussion on crafting compelling messages. Your message is your bridge to your client's hearts and minds, and using ChatGPT to refine it is a game changer. Up next, we'll explore effective marketing channels that will help you reach your ideal future clients with precision. See you over there.

Chareen Goodman [00:11:32]:

Welcome back to segment three of our podcast episode. We're diving into the world of targeted marketing and using this powerful strategy to truly make a difference in your coaching practice. As coaches, we're not just selling a service, we're offering transformation and solutions. And to that, we need to be where our ideal future clients are. That's why choosing the right marketing channels is crucial. It's like finding the perfect stage to showcase your talents. Let's start with a powerhouse that's practically a staple in everyone's daily routine, and that is social media. Platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, and even TikTok for some of you offer incredible opportunities to connect with your audience.

Chareen Goodman [00:12:34]:

By tailoring your content to your ideal client avatar, you can use it to create a genuine connection with your ideal future clients. And then there's email marketing. The classic and still a very effective way to stay engaged with your audience. With well-crafted emails that provide value and solutions. You're not just showing up in their inbox, you're showing up as a trusted advisor. But here's the twist it's not just about showing up. It's about standing out.

Chareen Goodman [00:13:26]:

That's where content creation comes into play. Sharing blog posts, videos, and podcasts like the one you're listening to right now, and even engaging on other platforms can position you as an expert in your niche. So coaches consider your target audience and where they hang out. Is it social media emails? Or perhaps they're avid readers of insightful blogs? Tailor your approach to what resonates with them. And remember, your goal is not just to market, it's to genuinely connect and serve. I hope you got some excellent insights from this segment. Effective marketing channels are like arrows pointing directly to your target audience. The beauty of social media, email marketing, and content creation is in their ability to amplify your voice as we move forward. Stay with me for our next segment, where we're going to start to wrap up and talk about leveraging your expertise. See you soon.

Chareen Goodman [00:14:36]:

Welcome back. In segment four, we're diving into a topic that's near and dear to every coach's heart, and that is leveraging your amazing expertise. I talked about this topic exclusively in my last podcast episode, so if you want a deeper dive, go check it out. Episode 18! Okay, now that you've identified your ideal client avatar, crafted your message, and chosen your marketing channel, it's time to show the world what you're truly made of. You see, my friends, trust is the currency of coaching. When your potential clients trust your expertise, they're more likely to choose you as their guide.

Chareen Goodman [00:15:56]:

And showcasing your expertise is more than just talking. It's about delivering value and solutions that resonate with their needs and desires. Content creation is your gateway to demonstrating your knowledge. It's about sharing insights, tips, and strategies that directly address your clients' challenges. Now, let's talk about a tool that can take your content creation to the next level, and that is ChatGPT. This is the main tool we are teaching the participants in our Business Differentiation Mastery program how to leverage so that they can create their own unique competitive advantage in the marketplace using content. Just imagine having a virtual brainstorming partner that generates powerful ideas for your blog posts, social media content, and even your email newsletters. Take for instance, Alex, who specializes in time management for busy professionals.

Chareen Goodman [00:17:18]:

Using ChatGPT, he enters in prompts like how to prioritize tasks when your to-do list seems endless. In return, he gets a wealth of suggestions and insights to craft a compelling blog post that resonates with his audience. And then there's Mia, who focuses on stress management techniques for new mothers. She inputs prompts like, give me five ways new mothers can find moments of calm amid the chaos of motherhood. With ChatGPT's creative assistance, Mia turns these prompts into engaging social media posts that capture her followers' attention. So remember, coaches, your expertise is your superpower. By creating valuable content that speaks to your ideal future clients' pain points, you're not just showcasing what you know, but you are also demonstrating how you can help your ideal future clients transform their lives. Leveraging your expertise is the golden key to building authentic trust with your audience. Using ChatGPT to spark your content creation process simply adds the extra touch of brilliance. As we wrap up, let's get ready to pull it all together in our final segment. I'll see you over there.

Chareen Goodman [00:18:46]:

Thank you, coaches, for joining me on this insightful journey into the world of targeted marketing. Let's quickly recap the gems we've uncovered today. First, we learned the importance of defining your ideal client, avatar that precise image of the person you're here to serve. Next, we discuss the importance of crafting a compelling message that speaks to their pain points and desires as your ticket to capturing their attention. We then delved into effective marketing channels the pathways that lead your message straight to your ideal future clients.

Chareen Goodman [00:20:10]:

Social media, email marketing, and content creation are your allies on this journey. Then we embrace the power of showcasing your expertise. Remember, your knowledge is your secret weapon. By sharing valuable content and using ChatGPT to spark creative ideas, you're forging deeper connections with your audience. Now, my fellow coaches, it's your time to shine. Implement these targeted marketing strategies, apply the insights shared, and watch a transformation take place in your own coaching practice. And that does it for another episode of the Crack the Coaching C.O.D.E.™ podcast. Again, thank you for joining me today on this enlightening journey.

Chareen Goodman [00:21:13]:

Remember, every step you take in mastering targeted marketing brings you closer to having a coaching practice of your dreams. I'm Chareen Goodman. Don't forget to join us for our next episode, where we'll continue to crack the coaching code. In the meantime, if you have any questions or would like to learn more, please visit our website at charengoodman.com. And if you enjoyed this episode, don't forget to subscribe and leave us a review on your favorite podcast platform. Until next time, my friends. Keep coaching, keep growing, and most importantly, keep cracking the coaching code. Blessings.

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