Raw File - Ramzi Boukhiam

Duct Tape Theory

Sunny Fassler Rating 0 (0) (0)
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getus@ducttapetheory.com Season: 1 Episode: 5
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Duct Tape Theory
Raw File - Ramzi Boukhiam
Jul 24, 2024, Season 1, Episode 5
Sunny Fassler
Episode Summary

Resilience isn't just a word for Ramzi Boukhiam. Judging from the last ten years, it's his whole life.

Ramzi started as just another kid from Agadir on borrowed boards, and with a burning desire to make it. The road to the CT was long - ten years long, to be exact. And when he finally qualified, an ankle injury sidelined him for his entire rookie season.

That's the kind of stuff that breaks most surfers. Not him.

Fast forward to today, he's the only Arab surfer ever to crack the CT. When he's dialed in, Ramzi can take down anyone. But his story goes from the highest highs to the lowest lows. He's refreshingly blunt about the mental toll, the isolation, and the relentless pressure of pro surfing. With the event window for the 2024 Summer Olympics days away, it's the perfect timing for another Raw File.

*We recorded this before Ramzi was awarded a definitive spot on the CT. At the time, he was an injury alternate trying to re-qualify the only way he knew how; The Qualifying Series.*

A conversation too good for the cutting room floor.

This is Ramzi Boukhiam, uncut.


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Duct Tape Theory
Raw File - Ramzi Boukhiam
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Resilience isn't just a word for Ramzi Boukhiam. Judging from the last ten years, it's his whole life.

Ramzi started as just another kid from Agadir on borrowed boards, and with a burning desire to make it. The road to the CT was long - ten years long, to be exact. And when he finally qualified, an ankle injury sidelined him for his entire rookie season.

That's the kind of stuff that breaks most surfers. Not him.

Fast forward to today, he's the only Arab surfer ever to crack the CT. When he's dialed in, Ramzi can take down anyone. But his story goes from the highest highs to the lowest lows. He's refreshingly blunt about the mental toll, the isolation, and the relentless pressure of pro surfing. With the event window for the 2024 Summer Olympics days away, it's the perfect timing for another Raw File.

*We recorded this before Ramzi was awarded a definitive spot on the CT. At the time, he was an injury alternate trying to re-qualify the only way he knew how; The Qualifying Series.*

A conversation too good for the cutting room floor.

This is Ramzi Boukhiam, uncut.


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Okay, we're on.

So again, born and raised around the points, best waves, definitely in Africa.

So tell me, how did it all start?

Well, first of all, it started in Agadir, down south of Morocco.

That's the city where I was living with my brother, my dad and my mom.

I went to school there and stuff.

That's where I grew up.

And my dad used to take us a lot to the beach, me, my brother, even my mom.

Because he used to love fishing.

He was fishing a lot, my dad.

So we would always be around, you know, the sea and at the beach all day.

And I started standing up on a boogie board.

Honestly, I was starting, you know, I was doing boogie board a lot.

And I was just hanging out playing soccer on the beach.

Just spending the whole day at the beach, right?

And my brother, my older brother started surfing before me.

And then he was like, man, you should try surfing or not.

and i tried after like i think a year or something or even more of boogie i tried

and i don't know i just clicked really fast i guess and then uh yeah and then we

went to to walidia to surf land it's the surf camp where i like pretty much

everything started for me where laurent miramont kind of like you know saw i guess

the potential i had from from the start and told my parents like your maybe your

kid has some you know have something special in the in this sport and

But I was playing soccer, too, on the side.

Soccer was my main thing, you know?

And I loved soccer, and I was pretty good at it.

And then my dad came to me after, like, I think six months.

He was like, what do you want to do?

You want to go soccer or surfing?

And I just went surfing, and I quit soccer.

It was pretty hard, honestly, because I loved it.

But I guess I loved surfing more, and...

So I kept going a lot to surf land.

Every holiday, every school holiday, I was there.

It's up north.

It's like close to Casablanca, Guadalajara.

Super nice place to surf and to learn.

And you have every type of waves, too.

I loved it there.

Just being around kids too, it was amazing memories, the time I had in Surfland.

And then not even a year after I started, maybe less, I did my first contest in 2003 in Mohamedia.

It used to be the Gromit's Trophy, which is, I think, the king of the Groms now.

Back then it was called the Gromit's Trophy.

And they had like a contest, I guess, in every place in the world.

And the final would be in Cap Breton in France with all the best of each region.

And I won in under 12 and came second in under 14 for my first contest ever in Morocco.

So I won my ticket to go there.

But my dad thought I was too young.

So I never won the first year.

And then the second year I went.

And that's how I clicked with Quicksilver as well.

And that's where my story with Quicksilver started.

And I went there and everyone was baffled because I was a little shrimp, man.

I was so skinny, so small back then.

And when I got there, the Quicksilver guy said to Laurent, man, what's this kid you just sent us?

Are you kidding me?

What is he going to do?

And I ended up...

I ended up finishing fifth in this contest back then with John.

Everyone was there,

all the best,

Garrett Parks,

Tamaro Amakum,

Christophe Aldecol,

Peter San Crisanto,

all the boys,


I did that,

so my story started with Quickie,

and then I was still living in Morocco,

so I would go back to Morocco for the school,

and on holidays,

especially the summer holidays,

I would go to France and do the contests.

during the two months of summer.

And then, unfortunately, in 2005, I lost my dad.

So that was a very tough part for me and for my family.

Unexpected, you know.

So that was very hard.

And we decided to move in 2007.

So two years after, we decided to move to Biarritz.

and I mean we wanted to move anyway from Morocco because school was pretty

expensive in Morocco and in France it's free right so and we went to this region

because you know I had surfing and I could continue and maybe you know do something

with it there so I went to surf school I was at school and surfing in the afternoon

and and I feel like that's a big you know like

critical point of my surfing journey.

I feel like,

I'm not saying if I stayed in Morocco,

it would have been,

you know,

I would have never made it this far,

but maybe,

you know,

because you get into a whole other thing there,

you know,

you surf pretty much every day,


you know,

you're around the best in Europe,

you know,

so you're surfing,

you know,

with good guys in the water,

so you're pushing your level up and stuff,


And yeah, just surfing a lot.

And then you're just in the scene, you know, back then Europe was big, you know, in surfing.

And you're in the scene, you're in the, you know, the sponsor scene too.

So you're not all the way in Morocco by yourself, you know.

So yeah, that was the thing.

That was the thing.

And then,


and then first QSs and then boom,

longer few years on the QS to finally qualify last year,

two years ago,


Let me just rewind for a second.

You said it,

you lost your dad,

and I actually have a question around,

not so much about the death of your father,

but more about moving to France as a teenager.


it was a pretty difficult time,

but in hindsight,

do you think that move to Europe was a blessing in disguise?

Because you said it before, right?

The surf industry in France in particular is huge,

and it sort of put you on the map for the rest of the world.

Yeah, 100%.

Like I said,

you know,

of course,

especially the first year,


it was very tough because it's a whole thing.

You know, you're still a kid.

You know, I was 12.

I was 12.

You lose your dad.

You're like, wow, you have your life.

You have your friends.

You have...

You know, the climate in Morocco is, you know, it's nothing compared to the French one in the winter.

So, you know, there's a whole, there's so many things that come into this, you know.

But in the other side,

you know,

it's a good thing in terms of me growing up,

you know,

I had to grow up faster.

Me and my brother, that's it, you know.

In Morocco, you have everyone, you have...

the woman to cook the woman to clean the you know your clothes so you we have we

are really lucky in morocco you know and uh to be there in apartment with my mom

working from from 8 or 7 30 a.m till like 6 p.m every single day and us you know me

and my brother we had to like okay oh

There's no one here, you know what I mean?

Cooked dinner.

My mom wanted to share lunch,

but my mom was doing,


that's why my mom is special,

to be honest,

because she was solid.

I would have never been able to do anything.

I mean, I don't even know how she did, you know, working.

this hard you know losing her husband and switching all of a sudden and just

committing to something some new life just for the for our kids pretty much that's

it sacrifice everything for our kids is huge you know and uh and uh i've now we've

been hard on her with two sometimes you know you know it's that age you know but

with now now as i'm older you know i think about it and

I feel like sometimes it could have been nicer, you know, but we have a really special connection.

My mom is everything, my brother too, you know, like crazy.

I feel like when something like that happens to you, it's another bound, you know, it's like deep.

You cannot understand until it happens to you.

I'm not wishing this to anyone, but especially, you know, and moving to France, yeah, it was...

I had to, you know, I had to go to school on the motorbike alone with my brother.

We had to, you know, cook lunch.

So you become responsible.

How do you say in English?

That's how you say it?

Yeah, responsible.

Yeah, yeah, absolutely.

And you adapt yourself to a new thing, new life, new friends, new everything.

So I had a few, you know, I had a few friends that I knew from, you know, the contest and stuff, but...

But I ended up making a lot of friends there, and it's fully my second home there, you know.

I loved it.

And my mom still lives there most part of the year, and I go there too a lot.

So it became a really, yeah, it became home pretty much, you know.

And for sure it forced me into the surfer that I am today,

you know,

surfing there and,

you know,

having those difficult moments in winter when you never want to go in the water.

It's fantastic.

freezing it's cold it's shitty but you gotta go and you go push through you push

through and i feel like this if you don't go through this stuff this type of stuff

you're never gonna reach the level you want i guess no absolutely your mom is dutch

right yeah my mom is fully dutch yeah

So I was wondering, you know, you have all these different influences beating in your chest, right?

So your mom's Dutch.

You grew up in Morocco.

You lived your teenage years in France.


Was there ever a conversation to represent maybe, you know, Holland or France?

For me, it was clear from the start.

I mean, I wouldn't even think about it, you know, but the situation came up, huh?

I could have served for Holland and even for France.

They wanted me to serve for them at some point,

but my mom knew,


no way,

you know,


it's not because I don't like France or something.

It's just that I'm Moroccan, bro.

You know what I mean?

Of course.

I'm Dutch, too, in my blood.

But it's different, you know, man.

When you're pretty much born and grew up in Morocco and stuff, this is home, you know what I mean?

When I travel everywhere in the world,

when I land in Morocco and I put my foot outside,

there's a different feeling,

like I'm home here.

You know what I mean?

It's special.

So, yeah, for me, it was clear, not even a doubt.

I'm not even thinking about this kind of stuff, you know what I mean?


No, I mean, you're part of serve royalty now, right?

Like people look up to you, they use you as a reference.

I mean, you know, in the industry, people say you have the best backend in the world.

So people use you, use you as a reference point, you know?

So I wonder when you grew up, you said, you know, your dad and your brother

They were your influence.



I wonder if there's anybody,

you know,

around the points of Tagazou or anywhere else that sort of,


took you under their wing and sort of showed you the ropes.

Yeah, I mean, there's a few locals, you know, in Morocco, a few older surfers.

that I grew up, you know, watching them, you know, especially at Anchor Point.

When I was going to Anchor Point, it was big.

I was scared.

I was sitting on the rock watching.

I mean, big.

Back then, for me, it was big.

And no, it was pretty big, you know.

But I was like, wow.

And I was watching a few locals that rip, you know.

Especially, you know, like there's a few names.

Karim Elbihi, he was a goofy footer.

He had a sick backhand.

I feel like he had the sickest style.

I watched him a lot.

There's a lot of locals, you know.

Zuhir from Anchor Point, Christophe Chemsdine.

There's a whole crew, you know, of all the guys.

And when we were small, Kamel, Kamel Herboula as well, you know.

and then laurent miramont you have laurent miramont was pretty much my my mentor

you know the one i told you from north surf he's the one who really like took me

and you know said to my parents like your kid have something and pushed me you know

pushed me into like into surfing deeply you know and uh so yeah he was my biggest

mentor but there's a few guys you know and then growing up with ott man and other

friends you know there's other guys like



we had a nice little crew,


you know,

we had nice little crew of best friends that we would go surf there,

you know,

surf and,


and push each other,

you know,

push each other.

Yeah, for sure.

You spent 10 years on the,

on the QS,

just grinding it out and you came close to qualifying a few times,

but for some reason just never really eventuated until,


I think it was 2023.


Was that right?


So talk to me about life on the QS.

Like how tough was it mentally and physically,

you know,

to first,


you know,

grinding it out for so long and B,


you know,

coming so close to qualifying a few times.


I mean, it's tough, you know, but, you know, it's a journey, bro.

You know, it's a journey and QS is hard.

Honestly, it's very hard.

I feel like it's the jungle.

Because, man, people rip.

No, it's futile.

People rip.

Like, everyone rips.

And conditions are really hard.

And, man, you can easily, I mean, you can easily get into, you know.

And even me, like, I feel like I could have done.


No, no, no.

Okay, man.

Like I said, we can just cut things out.

Wait, wait.

One second, huh?

No, don't worry.


So I was telling you, QS is hard, man.

It's like,

it's a jungle,

but you can easily,

you know,

it's like,

I feel like I could have qualified earlier as well.

You know,

is that,

you know,


you do your little mistakes,

you know,

you do your little road,

you know,


you know,



you learn,

you learn while,

you know,

on the road and it's a it's a whole thing you know and yeah it took me 10 years i

could have done it earlier i'm pretty sure but uh that was it that was my journey

that was how it was supposed to happen and uh and uh it's hard man honestly it's

hard i had a few times where i wanted to stop to be honest especially one time i

feel like it was yeah 2019 i really wanted to stop i was feeling like pretty

Yeah, pretty much depressed, honestly.

I was bummed.

I didn't want to surf anymore.

I said it to my coach back then.

I told him, yeah, I'm done.

I'm really done.

I don't want it anymore.

I don't feel good.

I don't feel happy.

He told me that was right before the qualification of the first Olympics.

It was in 2019.

And he told me, Hamzy, look, give me these four events, four next events.

And then if you don't want to go to Hawaii, you don't go to Hawaii.

And then you stop.

That's it.

Just give me that.

And in those four events, it was the Miyazaki contest, the qualification for Tokyo in Japan, right?

So yeah, first contest, uh, we go boom, uh, Pantene boom.

I'm surfing great in free surf.

I feel great.


I lose first round with two, three points.

I'm like, wow.

I'm like, this is it.

This is like,

this is putting me even,

you know,


I'm even,

I'm like more sure about quitting now,

you know?

And then we go to Japan and I get there.

I don't know what I have to do to qualify.

Honestly, I don't expect anything.

I'm at the lowest in my career.

I just wanted to surf.

That's it.

And I got there and I ended up qualifying for Tokyo.

And that was the switching point.

I was like, wow.

I didn't realize, but when I came home and I saw the buzz, the whole thing that was happening,

yeah like wow actually you know there's a lot of people looking up to you and

supporting you you know like a lot you cannot do this you know like wake up and and

it gave me a i don't know like a fresh you know breathing again yeah and it was

like your it was like your natural antidepressant no like to to see right but the

two contests after that i lost first round as well you know i was like what

But was that easier to lose because you knew you qualified?

No, it was easier.

It was easier because I qualified for the Olympics.

It was the first time in the history.

It was a huge ball, Morocco, you know, everything was happening.

So it was easier for sure.

But I knew that I still, you know, I was still there because I had qualification.

It was pretty much all the best, all the best in the world.

And I was with them, you know, fighting for it.

for the top spots.

And I was like, you can do this.

Come on, like, this is a proof, you know?

And after the next year, so 2020, first contest, I go to Brazil, I win.


Five stars.

I'm like, wow, this is big.

This is it.

That's it.

It's a switching point for me.

I'm on, you know?

And then COVID.


COVID comes.

Then it stops me again in my thing.

No contests.


I'm like, oh, la, la.

You know, everyone had a hard time.

In COVID, I'm like, wow, this was my momentum switch.

And now, you know, again, we're going through some weird phases, you know.

But I was like, no, no, no.

It's happening.

In this next year or two, you're in.

That's it.

I don't know.

Something clicked, you know.

And it's true that I made way more sacrifices as well than before when I was younger.

And I just committed.

I committed to it fully.


i knew what i had to do after all these years the experience i knew the mistakes

i've done many times many times you know i was like okay just boom control all that

and do your best and give your best until the end not for months or two until the

end and then if it doesn't happen well it doesn't happen but at least no regrets

you know and i did it and i qualified right there so

Yeah, I actually want to talk about that.

Like you qualified in 2004 to 2023 season, right?

And then you had this like season ending injury in Hawaii.

And was that one of the toughest moments in your life?

Or was that also like a moment where you're like, you know what?

I'm done.

Like, again, I'm at this point.

You know,

it was,

I swear that,

I mean,

it was the,

I mean,

it's the one of the toughest thing that can happen to an athlete,

I guess,

you know,

the way it happened to me,

especially when you know my journey,


But I feel like the moment I told you in 2019, I was way more depressed and sure about being done.

I was like, wow, this is it.

I wasn't feeling good at all.

But when that happened in Hawaii, man, you see, the life is crazy, bro.

It's a roller coaster because, look, I just qualified.

I just had the best year of my life, right?

I was in Hawaii.

Boom, I took a flight.

Boom, went all the way to Qatar to watch the World Cup.

Morocco has the best World Cup in the history.

I'm having a crazy time.

All Moroccans are, you know, united.

It's crazy time for sports in Morocco, you know, Moroccan sports.

And then one month later, I go to Hawaii before the first event of my dream since I'm a kid.

Boom, I break my ankle.

Biggest injury I've had in my whole career.

In a month, farts, you know?

It's crazy.

So you go from the highs of highs to the lows of lows.

And I was like, no, I couldn't believe it was happening to me.

When it happened under the water, I was like, no, no.

I knew it was serious.

Like, did you know instantly that something was wrong?

Yeah, it cracked.

I thought I broke my leg.

But then I was like, I knew it was something wrong.

I knew it, but I couldn't believe.

I didn't want to believe it.

So I tried even,


I had five ruptured ligaments and I tried to put my foot in a boot for 10 days and

like thinking,

I'm surfing pipe.

I was like, no, I'm doing it.

And when I went to France, I showed the guy, the surgeon, he's like, man, what were you thinking, bro?


Your ankle is gone, man.

You need a big surgery.

Like, no way you can serve.

No way.

And I, but I, you know, it was, it was just hard to swallow.

But then I feel like,

and that's why you have to be strong as an athlete,

because then you cannot get into that,

that phase of,

you know,

questioning everything and going dark and deep into the bad thoughts,

you know,



why me?

Why is this happening to me?

What did I do?

Blah, blah, blah.

of course they go through your mind i'm not lying i would be lying if i said no but

you have to be stronger and able to you know get rid of those stuff and start

switching process okay what i have to do to to recover and to be back there when i

was like 10 days ago what do you do to get back yeah position


I remember that time,


when you injured yourself and then the talk was,


he's out of the water for a bit,

but he might surf the event,


And I think they called up, I think it was Carlos Munoz, no?

That was your replacement for that event?

They called him up like 24 hours before the event started.

And I was like, oh, so it's, you know, because...

They sort of,


talked about it as,


it's just a little,

you know,

it's just a little injury,

but he'll be back kind of thing,


And then when they called up Carlos, I was like, oh, so it is worse than what they said.

But I,


I never actually thought about until the diagnosis was public,

you know,

what actually happened.

I thought, okay, no, he'll be back.

And then also,


through the whole season,

everybody was,



Carlos is going to serve the next event,

but Ramsey will be back.

and then exactly yeah yeah yeah because man you know like i told you you want to

believe until you know until the surgeon comes and says man this is it you're going

to the operation like especially with the cut it's like boom you know it's five

events i knew i was done right there but um but yeah like i told you you have to

switch into that

Thinking like,

what do you have to,

I guess,

figure it out and find a way to be stronger than that and believe that sentence

that everyone says,

everything happens for a reason and you'll come stronger out of that.

You have to believe that.

It's hard sometimes because you're like, this is bullshit.

But when you fully try to believe it and commit to it,

i feel like it helps a lot i mean it helped me a lot and uh and look i i thought i

was gonna be three or four months injury and man it's been nine months and i'm

still having a little problems with my ankle i mean i i'm surfing good and stuff

but it's not like 100 perfect you know so um so yeah it's a long journey and i took

this whole year off i didn't try to squeeze a few challengers here and there

knowing i was at 60 65 i wanted to take some time off for my body for my mind to

heal properly and

and come back in this year in 2024 i'm hoping to have a crack on the city because i

fully think i mean i think i deserve it after all all i've done and um and i feel

like i yeah i mean i deserve to have a shot you know and uh it's not meant to be

bro it's not meant to be and i'll go back to the challenger and

and try to kick some ass there and qualify again because I know how to do it now.

And I know I can beat these guys,

you know,

when I'm switched on and when I do the right thing and everything clicks.

I know I can beat a lot of them, maybe all of them.

So I just need to believe it and push, you know.

Actually, I want to talk about, you said it, you know, you deserve a shot at the World Tour or at the CT.

Do you think you should have gotten the injury wildcard?

Yeah, I think so, 100%.

Honestly, I think I should have.

But it's,

you know,

it's a hard one too,

you know,

because there's,

you know,

you have some pioneers,

you know,

some guys like Kelly,

the GOAT,

you know,

and you have Miguel and Yari,

you know,

they've been on tour for years,

you know,

so it's hard to say they don't deserve it too,

you know.

But I feel like just,

you know,


the context,

you know,


you know,

what I've done to get there,


you know,

I didn't get to serve one single hit,

one single wave,

you know,


And I had the worst injury out of them all, you know, so I fully deserve my wild card, that's for sure.

Like I said,


if you start getting into those thoughts,


you know,

you're going to go into some bad vibes,

bad mood.

I try to.


I mean,

on a lighter note,

you do have,

I mean,

you are a replacement surfer for the 2024 season,


So how is that actually?

How do you think about this?


are you,

because I'm sure one side of you goes,


I don't want anybody to get injured,

but at the same time,

I would love to have a crack at it.

I know, I know.

It's a weird one.


You don't want anyone to get injured, you know?

It's everybody, you know?

You want everyone to be healthy and have a good life.


pretty much my only chance is someone you know someone getting hurt or I don't know

someone you know retiring or someone who doesn't want to compete for I don't know I

don't know what reason but yeah that's pretty much my my situation right now I told

you in Abu Dhabi you should have kicked Kelly's um hip you know that would have

been your shot a good time in Abu Dhabi but uh

no you know man like i told you if it's meant to happen it will happen you know of

course you know my thought you know i i fully i fully think i deserve it to be

there and not not being a replacement but it is what it is what can i you know cry

all day and sit on it or try to you know move on and and be ready in case someone

someone something happens you know and that's that's that's what i'm doing now

getting ready and uh

I'll be in Hawaii and that's it.

So are you trying to re-qualify regardless through the QS or are you just waiting your turn?

Well, my goal, anyway, the QS, the Challenger doesn't start until April or something.

Hopefully everything clicks and I have my shots on the events before the cut and I

can come back and I'm on tour,

you know?

Don't need to do the Challenger.

Yeah, exactly.

The perfect scenario and that's my main goal of it.

if it doesn't happen like i told you i'll get back to the challenger and and grind again brother

Man, that's life, you know?

I have one more question for you before we go.

So you're an Olympian too, right?

We talked about it already.

So I wonder,

what's more important for you,

representing Morocco on the CT or representing your country at the Olympic Games?

That's a tough one.

Because, man, you know, Olympics is huge.

You know, everyone that even doesn't know surf, just sport-wise, it's Olympics, you know?

But as an athlete,

as a surfer,


you know,

and the way I grew up with the values of surfing I have and all that,


top is the CT,

you know,

because that's the goal when you're young,

you know,

when you're young,

especially when I was young,

there was no Olympics for surfing back then.

Just came up, you know, so my goal was CT, CT, CT, CT.

So I feel like when I qualified, that was, that felt good, bro.

It felt good.

No, absolutely.

It sure did, you know.

Because I know I can make it up, you know?

Back then, there were a few people telling me, Ramsey, you deserve to be on tour.

You have to serve to be on tour.

But honestly, deep inside, man, I wasn't... I was like, I don't know, man.

Everyone is saying this, but look at these guys, man.

There's so many good guys that get in there and get back, you know?

Right back, you know?

Right back to the US.

Like, it's hard, you know?

And I wasn't sure if I was ready, to be honest.

Deep inside, huh?

But now...

It's been a few years now, maybe two years.

I feel like two years that I really think I'm not saying if it happens,

I'm going to,

you know,

it's still hard.

All the guys are the best,

you know,

but I'm saying that I know I can mix up with most of the guys up there,

you know,

When I'm on,

if I'm switching on and I'm doing my thing and everything is right and all,

you know,

I know I can beat a lot of them there.

So that gives me an extra confidence too,

you know,

knowing that you can mix it up with the guys up there.

So that's why I'm here.

I think it's also easier now for you.

Like your mindset, you know, is more at ease because you sort of cracked the code.

You did it, you know, like before...

You were trying, you came so close so many times, but it never actually happened.

Now you actually, you know, you did qualify.

Well, then there was the injury, whatever.

You cracked the code like you did it, you know.

So I think now for you also looking back or looking forward, I should say as well, is it becomes easier.

Yeah, I feel like to maybe because I know, like you said, because I did it once.

So now I know how to do it, you know.

I know how to do it.

I'm not saying it's going to be easy.

But like you said, I'm not in that state of mind of, I don't know how it feels.

You know, I don't know because I never, you know, now I know, I know what to do.

I know what it takes to do it.

And with all my experience now on the QS and I'm just competing,

you know,

just my experience with competition.

And I feel like, you know, I know, I know the mistakes I've done.

And yeah, let's see, man.

And now it's up to me.

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