Luke 7:18-35 Why Can't We See God?

First Baptist Church of Tarrytown

First Baptist Church of Tarrytown Rating 0 (0) (0) Launched: Sep 27, 2023
Season: 3 Episode: 4

First Baptist Church of Tarrytown
Luke 7:18-35 Why Can't We See God?
Sep 27, 2023, Season 3, Episode 4
First Baptist Church of Tarrytown
Episode Summary

Why can't I see Jesus at work in the world today? Why does he seem distant at times... or all the time? We find the answer in the Gospel of Luke! 

Luke 7:18-35 Why Can't We See God?

Episode 4 - Season 3


Why can't I see Jesus at work in the world today? Why does he seem distant at times... or all the time? We find the answer in the Gospel of Luke! 

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