Local Search Academy Launches Affiliate Program for Impact-Driven Entrepreneurs

For Impact Podcast with Jared Erni

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AttractToScale.com Launched: May 06, 2024
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For Impact Podcast with Jared Erni
Local Search Academy Launches Affiliate Program for Impact-Driven Entrepreneurs
May 06, 2024, Season 1, Episode 16
Jared Erni
Episode Summary

In this episode of the For Impact podcast, host Jared Erni conducts a live Q&A session with participants of the Local Search Academy. He begins by announcing the launch of an affiliate program for Local Search Academy, which allows members to share the program with others and earn a commission for each referral. Jared emphasizes the importance of consistently managing Google Business profiles and staying updated on the latest strategies to optimize traffic and conversions. He also discusses the significance of creating effective funnels to convert website traffic into leads and customers. Throughout the session, Jared answers questions from participants and provides valuable insights and advice.

Key Takeaways:

  • Local Search Academy has launched an affiliate program that allows members to share the program and earn a commission for referrals.

  • Consistently managing Google Business profiles is crucial for optimizing organic traffic and staying on the cutting edge of strategies.

  • Creating effective funnels is essential for converting website traffic into leads and customers.

  • Backlinking to Google Business profiles may be a beneficial strategy to strengthen online presence and improve visibility.

  • The Local Search Academy program is designed to provide step-by-step guidance and support for optimizing Google Business profiles and increasing impact.

Notable Quotes:

  • "Managing your Google profile is a continual thing that requires frequent updates and staying on the cutting edge of strategies." - Jared Erni

  • "The other half of the equation is what happens when traffic comes to your website and how you convert that traffic into leads and customers." - Jared Erni

  • "Spiderwebbing to as many things that connect back to you as you can helps Google find everything about your business." - Jared Erni


To listen to the full episode and gain more insights from Jared Erni and the participants of the Local Search Academy, tune in to the For Impact podcast. Stay updated on the latest strategies and techniques for impact-driven entrepreneurship and learn how to amplify your business's impact.

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For Impact Podcast with Jared Erni
Local Search Academy Launches Affiliate Program for Impact-Driven Entrepreneurs
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In this episode of the For Impact podcast, host Jared Erni conducts a live Q&A session with participants of the Local Search Academy. He begins by announcing the launch of an affiliate program for Local Search Academy, which allows members to share the program with others and earn a commission for each referral. Jared emphasizes the importance of consistently managing Google Business profiles and staying updated on the latest strategies to optimize traffic and conversions. He also discusses the significance of creating effective funnels to convert website traffic into leads and customers. Throughout the session, Jared answers questions from participants and provides valuable insights and advice.

Key Takeaways:

  • Local Search Academy has launched an affiliate program that allows members to share the program and earn a commission for referrals.

  • Consistently managing Google Business profiles is crucial for optimizing organic traffic and staying on the cutting edge of strategies.

  • Creating effective funnels is essential for converting website traffic into leads and customers.

  • Backlinking to Google Business profiles may be a beneficial strategy to strengthen online presence and improve visibility.

  • The Local Search Academy program is designed to provide step-by-step guidance and support for optimizing Google Business profiles and increasing impact.

Notable Quotes:

  • "Managing your Google profile is a continual thing that requires frequent updates and staying on the cutting edge of strategies." - Jared Erni

  • "The other half of the equation is what happens when traffic comes to your website and how you convert that traffic into leads and customers." - Jared Erni

  • "Spiderwebbing to as many things that connect back to you as you can helps Google find everything about your business." - Jared Erni


To listen to the full episode and gain more insights from Jared Erni and the participants of the Local Search Academy, tune in to the For Impact podcast. Stay updated on the latest strategies and techniques for impact-driven entrepreneurship and learn how to amplify your business's impact.


0:00:03 - (Narrator): This is the for Impact podcast, the destination for impact driven entrepreneurs striving to live life on their terms and create a ripple effect of positive impact in the communities they serve. Where we put your success storyies center stage, dissecting the lessons learned and sharing insights and ideas that'll help you amplify your impact. And now, here's your host, Jared Ernie.

0:00:39 - (Jared Erni): Right. It is great to have everyone joining us for our next live event. This is going to be a Q and a where we can answer any of your questions about local search academy, Google Business profile and any other strategies related to that. We're going to wait for people to join, but just to keep you updated on some of the things with local search academy, one of the things we really wanted to do was be able to impact more businesses than we can work with on a personal level.

0:01:09 - (Jared Erni): And every business owner knows another business owner who likely could use what this has to share. We wanted to make it something where you can create impact in other people's lives as well, but also rewarding for you, too. So we recently just launched an affiliate program that will allow you to easily share this with others and create impact in their businesses as well. Because of that, and also earn a commission for anyone who continues to renew their subscription or their membership with local search academy going forward, this is going toa be really fun to be able to help people with share it with others and be able to amplify that impact, but also make it rewarding for you.

0:01:54 - (Jared Erni): Now what? I'll break this down as we're waiting for people to join the the live here. But the way that this works is when you decide to renew your membership, it's $97 a month to keep access to the community. And this isn't designed to be kind of a one and done course because managing your Google profile is like a continual thing. This is something that you have to do frequently and consistently, and there's always things that change and are updated. So we want to keep you aware of what's working best and keep you on the cutting edge of the newest changes that will help you amplify your impact. Not only that, it's not just about traffic, it's also about, it's also about being able to optimize the traffic that does come to your site.

0:02:42 - (Jared Erni): Hey, Kennedy, it's good to see you. Esmeralda. Hey, thanks for joining y'all. So just to give that announcement here, we're still waiting for others to join, but ve I see Esmeralda and Kennedy who are on our team. We're waiting for some of the others to join who've registered. We had about seven register for this live, but it's being recorded so those if you can't make it when you've registered for it, it's totally fine. I'm going toa give you some good value each time regardless of the people who come on live and give questions and go through answers there.

0:03:11 - (Jared Erni): But so the way that I want this, to share this with this new affiliate program is it gives you the ability to share this with others and as they renew their membership, you'll actually make 40% commission recurring every single month they continue with their membership with the program. So in effect, you can actually not just get your membership free. If you have three people who have joined because of your link, this program, your membership is not only free, but you're making money with it.

0:03:40 - (Jared Erni): And this could be a pretty nice side income stream for you or your business or however you want to do that just by being able to share that with others. Joita, good to see you on the call as well. So I wanted to give that announcement and what we're gonna do is next week we'renna actually launch our first affiliate contest and there's goingna be some prizes involved, but this will be able to kick start the community, being able to share this with others and being able to create more impact with others in the local search academy, but also being rewarded for it too. So I'm excited to announce what that looks like next week.

0:04:16 - (Jared Erni): We'll jump into some Q and A's here. And Joita, I see you on the call. Would love if you have any questions. Go ahead, let's talk about it.

0:04:27 - (C): No, not right now.

0:04:32 - (Jared Erni): Maybe I coulden to how is it going in, in the training so far for you?

0:04:37 - (C): By the way, this is Drewvy. I represent Janita. So I am the one who works with the updates or, or the marketing side of the company. So yeah, we're, as of the moment we're just, we're following all of the, you know, with the training, with the, I mean, updates on Google profile, doing the basic postings. I think that we're on that position right now.

0:05:09 - (Jared Erni): Is there anything that you feel like we could do to serve you as you're going through getting all those kind of situated or you're allgh for now?

0:05:17 - (C): Yeah, well actually my boss wanted to tackle more about with the funneling. The funnel campaign or. Yeah, yeah.

0:05:27 - (Jared Erni): And I know you guys are part of our higher level program too, where we actually build that funnel system out for you. So you're go going toa get a lot of good support on that with our other clinics. But do you have any particular questions about it or would you like me to give you kind of.

0:05:43 - (C): Yeah, we're actually waiting for. Not for now because we're actually waiting for Taylor. He said that he is going to send some of the, you know, proposal for the u with the discounts. Right. So. And, and as of the moment we don't have the access on ourb website back end so we can't do anything as of the moment. The third party, it's um, because it was made with a third party u company. So. Yeah.

0:06:13 - (Jared Erni): Gotcha. Well, I totally understand Taylor's going to do a good job of taking care of you. And for anyone who's watching this live video later, just to kind of give you some context here on what we're talking about, Google profile is a great source of new organic traffic coming to your website. When I say organic, we're talking free traffic. But no traffic is really free. It either requires time or it requires money, you know, so you're paying for it in one way or another.

0:06:42 - (Jared Erni): But Google profile, we've been able to simplify the process of managing it in a way where you can do it with just minutes a day, giving you that boost of free traffic. Now the old method is traditional SEO, but that's getting harder and harder to compete in today because the competition is stronger. It's an unfair playing field when you're competing against billion dollar companies. And the positioning quite frankly sucks where you show up with traditional SEO compared to other channels.

0:07:09 - (Jared Erni): And so Google profile will feed more business, or I should say more traffic to your, your website initially. But what Junita, or I'm sorry, what was your name? Because I see Joita on the call but I can't remember your name. B it cut out. We'say. It again.

0:07:28 - (C): Juvie.

0:07:29 - (Jared Erni): Ju.

0:07:29 - (C): You can call me Juv.

0:07:31 - (Jared Erni): All right. Thank you.

0:07:31 - (C): You're welcome.

0:07:32 - (Jared Erni): So what juvie was saying is the funneling system because what happens after after the click is just as important as getting the click. And so really only one half of the equation is getting traffic from your Google profile. The other half is what happens when they come to your website. And how do you convert that traffic into a new lead and customer or increase your conversion to getting that traffic to convert to a lead to customer?

0:07:56 - (Jared Erni): And that comes down to good offer strategy. How you position your offer on your website and how you create a website that facilitates that offer, captures the lead and begins nurturing them. We're going to be breaking down some simple lessons and how to do that as you go through the content modules as well. So that's something coming up as well because we want you to magnify your results with Google profile and not just get more traffic, but also get more conversion with that traffic too.

0:08:23 - (Jared Erni): So anyway, Juie, you're going to love working with Taylor through that process, but if you need anything as you go through it, don't hesitate. Reach out to us.

0:08:32 - (C): Yes, of course.

0:08:34 - (Jared Erni): Great. I see. Were there any other questions though that come up or you're good for now. All right, so I see Paul joined. Hey, Paul, how you doing?

0:08:53 - (D): Good.

0:08:54 - (Jared Erni): Oh, Paul, I'm sorry, I think I accidentally muted your microphone trying to maybe unmute. You go ahead and unmute. How are you doing, Paul?

0:09:03 - (E): How's it going?

0:09:04 - (Jared Erni): Good, good.

0:09:05 - (E): It's good.

0:09:06 - (Jared Erni): On the call. Are there any questions that we can help you with today with the training you've been through?

0:09:16 - (E): I don't think, not really. Everything's been making sense so far.

0:09:21 - (Jared Erni): Yeah.

0:09:21 - (E): Just been working on getting, keeping posts going. I guess the only thing that I can think of, and this isn't super relevant just yet, but as far as does it make sense to try to get like backlinks to go to your Google Business profile? Does that help at all?

0:09:40 - (Jared Erni): Yeah, great question. I've never really seen that, but tell me, so I get a little more context. What kind of business are you in?

0:09:48 - (E): So I'm actually kind of managing some other, a few companies, like local service type businesses, like reversing concrete guys basically helping them with that. And. Yeah, so those are the main niches that I've kind of work in, or concrete like roofing. And so I help with their website. I know that's helpful to get backlinks to the actual website. And I've heard a little bit about, instead of just as your whole program's about, is how important the Google Business profile part of it is. And I could, you know, I've heard you can get like the same way you would get backlinks for a regular website.

0:10:29 - (E): You can do backlinks to like, like the way you would share your Google Business profile with someone. You can have that link, you know, backlinke on somebody else's page. That's relevant. That makes sense.

0:10:41 - (Jared Erni): Yeah. Yeah. Now that could be a good strategy to help because Google loves all of those backlinks. I wouldn't, I actually haven't really used a strategy like that, particularly for Google profile, but it did remind me of a strategy we are using that. I don't know if you've seen it yet in the training modules, but as you continue to go, this is something that will happen where. So you know how in Google profile you can list your categories and then under categories are the particular services fall under that category?

0:11:15 - (Jared Erni): Yeah, you can create those services or update the service information, but then when you create your posting strategy, you can actually create posts around all of those services too. And on the learn more link, have that link not just go back to your main website, but you could have that learn more link go to a page of your website specifically for that service. That great breaks down even more content. It sounds like that's something you've thought of too, but that is.

0:11:42 - (E): Yeah, that'yeah. I just. So after the training, I started doing, doing that. And the way you kind of describe it, any way it makes most sense is basically you're just continually spider webbing to as many things that connect back to you as you can and just help Google find everything about the business?

0:12:00 - (Jared Erni): Exactly. Yeah, exactly. And that's exactly what I was about to say. It's kind of like strengthening that web that you have. But I guess you could do the.

0:12:08 - (E): Same idea with like. So you have service pages, you can also have location pages. I guess you could kind of do the same thing, I would imagine.

0:12:16 - (Jared Erni): Yeah. Yeah. Absolute. Yeah. Now that's great. Great comment. Tell me if you end up doing some of those backlinks. I'd love to hear how that works for you. That's not something that we've really done a lot with, so I don't have tons of data on that, but the post to page strategy is something that, you know, we're doing and definitely helps increase your web on that. Cool, great.

0:12:40 - (D): Appreciate it.

0:12:41 - (Jared Erni): You're welcome. Anything else I can help with?

0:12:44 - (E): Not thathing I can think of right now. Yeah, pretyol. Think them all. All good.

0:12:48 - (Jared Erni): Yeah. If there's anything else that comes up, just let us know how we can best serve you'good. To have you on this call, too. I see Miguel. I see Cliff. Good to have you guys here. Miguel, you have any questions I can help you with from the training?

0:13:04 - (D): Hey, Jared. Not really. For the most part, it was all fairly simple for the pieces that I have unlocked, which was nice. You know what, actually one thing does come to mind with the map elites pro license that you give us, does that have to be signed in with the same email address that we use for this course?

0:13:31 - (Jared Erni): Oh, great question. No, it does not. So what we've done is we've given you a special link where you can create your own account and get that free essential license with it. And you may have registered with this course with, you know, any number of emails. But my recommendation when you're using map leads pro is that you create your account using your Gmail account. And best if it's the Gmail account attached to your Google business profile, though, you can actually sync that to a different Gmail account after you create your account inside when you connect.

0:14:02 - (Jared Erni): But does that make sense?

0:14:04 - (D): Okay, cool. Yeah, so that, yeah, yeah, it does. And I signed up for it with the link.

0:14:11 - (Jared Erni): Okay, cool.

0:14:12 - (D): My email that has the Google business page on it.

0:14:17 - (Jared Erni): Perfect.

0:14:17 - (D): So, so, yeah, I was just wondering because it has a little timer where it's like, oh, you got 30 days left. 29 days left. The upgrade. So I just wasn't sure.

0:14:26 - (Jared Erni): Yeah. And the upgrades will allow you to just have more functionality and management options should you want to use them. But we're teaching the program in a way where you don't need that. You can do it either way, either with map leads Pro with the automated systems, or just managing it directly from your Google management dashboard. But it does make it easier to do some of those strategies if you do that.

0:14:55 - (Jared Erni): Good. Well, good. It's good to have you. If there's anything else that. Oh, is there anything that you think we could improve in the program so far?

0:15:06 - (D): You'asking. Me directly?

0:15:08 - (Jared Erni): Yeah. Sorry, that was for you, Miguel.

0:15:12 - (D): No worries. Honestly, not really. I've had, I've joined different platforms for little things here and there and one thing I really like about attract to say at scale is that aesthetically it's very pleasing, very clean, but then it's also like super simple. It's not super, you know, complicated with a whole bunch of options for you. So kudos to the way you guys have designed it for the users, but no, I'm very thankful.

0:15:40 - (Jared Erni): Thank you for sharing that. I appreciate that. I have had a few comments come in about like wanting to unlock some of those modules sooner. And one of the reasons we decided to drip the content is because your Google Business profile and this program really isn't a one and done kind of thing. And we want it to be a progressive thing that you continually improve on over time, but also putting it into like bite sized chunks that are simplified and easy to make wins. And then it just, you know, you only have a little bit each week to do, but it's going to compound your success because you're doing it in the right order doing those things. So I've had a few people reach out and say, hey, can you unlock some of these? And unfortunately in the system, I'm not sure how to be able to unlock it for some and not for others. But every week you're going to get kind of like a new module to open up and give you some new stuff for the week and progressively you're going to see even more compounding wins by going through that.

0:16:36 - (Jared Erni): So cool. I think I saw someone else come on and leave, but I also see Gary there. Hey, Gary, good to have you on this. How are you doing?

0:16:50 - (F): Well, Jared, how are you?

0:16:52 - (Jared Erni): Good. Good to see you. I don't know. So this is one of our live events over in the local search academy and designed to really just answer some questions about the training and anything about the Google business profile. You have any questions come up we can help with?

0:17:07 - (F): No, but you and I just had a call that for yesterday that focused on that. I just got a notice on my phone or notification on my phone and I clicked in, so.

0:17:17 - (Jared Erni): Oh, cool.

0:17:17 - (F): Just kind of lurking, you know?

0:17:19 - (Jared Erni): Yeah. Awesome. Well, it's good to have you here.

0:17:22 - (F): Thank you.

0:17:23 - (Jared Erni): So I know a few of you joined after I had initially started, and while I was waiting for people to join, I had a few things I wanted to cover. But since I've got some of you here, I want to just give you another, a little bit of information that I think will be interesting. We have just launched, and Gary, you may not know this part about local search academy since you're in our higher level program, but local search academy is a simple do it yourself kind of course that can help more people than we can help with our own time personally in our higher level program.

0:17:55 - (Jared Erni): And so with that, we've launched an affiliate program that anyone can access and share with other businesses, but we also want to make it rewarding for you. So we're actually paying a 40% recurring commission on the memberships that you bring into the community as well. So it gives you an ability to share and create impact with others and also get something nice back from it too. So we're going to be announcing a little bit more about that next week to give everyone access to what that affiliate program looks like and be able to create more impact with other businesses that this could help.

0:18:26 - (F): So what are you say? And I get my dentist, bring my dentist in and I'm in for 40%.

0:18:33 - (Jared Erni): Yeah. And this is in particularly for the local search academy. So not in our higher ticket program, but you're absolutely right. So we've created. So I'll give you a little feedback because I don't know that you've seen it yet. Local search account as you know, in our higher level program, it's very hands on, very involved, but we can't serve everyone at that level that wants to join and we just frankly don't have time to do it for everyone who could use it.

0:19:03 - (Jared Erni): There's also a lot of businesses that just aren't a good fit for one reason or another, but they are a good fit to get impact with their Google profile and some of the strategies we teach. So we just recently launched local Search academy, which is a do it yourself program to follow along and it unlocks little lesson, a little group of lessons each week for you to execute on your Google Business profile and see some good wins from that.

0:19:24 - (Jared Erni): And so that's what local search academy is. It's dollar 97 a month to keep your subscription. No contract, cancel any time. But for those people who want to continue to be part of the community and stay on the cutting edge of what's working best and go through those modules and stay updated, they keep that membership and we're going to pay 40% commission. The affiliate program, that's interesting.

0:19:46 - (F): Nice. I like the high level service that I get from you guys.

0:19:51 - (Jared Erni): Thank you, Gary. Yeah, and I like serving you there too. Absolutely. Well, good. Any other questions from the group that we have online right now? Doesn't sound like it, but that's okay. So if there's anything that comes up later on, feel free to post it to the community. As you've probably seen through the week, Taylor, my team and I are actively involved in answering any questions that pop up onto the community feed there.

0:20:20 - (Jared Erni): And we're going to go live again next week. So feel free to jump on live for a Q and a session as you keep going through the training and keep an eye out for some of those who have started. Maybe in the last couple weeks, there's going to be a really cool thing about reviews coming your way. And I'm excited to share with you the video review quiz or the video feedback quiz that we do because that's pretty unique.

0:20:42 - (Jared Erni): But that'll be a great thing for you to also be implementing into your business too, if you see that's a good fit there.

0:20:50 - (F): Sounds great.

0:20:51 - (Jared Erni): Yeah. Thank you everyone. Have a wonderful day and a good weekend. Thanice, you too.

0:20:56 - (F): Thanks, Jared.

0:20:57 - (Jared Erni): Take care.

0:20:58 - (D): Bye bye.

0:21:03 - (Narrator): Thank you for tuning to the for Impact podcast where we're all about driving positive change through entrepreneurship. Remember, your impact matters and your journey matters. If you found inspiration in today's episode, please subscribe, rate, and leave a review. Your feedback fuels our mission to empower impact driven entrepreneurs like you. You can stay connected with us on social media and go to forpactodcast.com

0:21:36 - (Narrator): to take our impact marketing challenge. Keep pursuing your dreams, making an impact, and living life on your terms.

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