Prodigal Grace - 3.27.22

Grace Colorado Sermons

Pastor Justin Spurlock Rating 0 (0) (0) Launched: Mar 27, 2022 Season: 1 Episode: 129

Grace Colorado Sermons
Prodigal Grace - 3.27.22
Mar 27, 2022, Season 1, Episode 129
Pastor Justin Spurlock
Episode Summary
Prodigal Grace: The word “prodigal” is commonly used to describe the son who squanders his inheritance. Yet, this parable invites us to consider how God’s grace is also prodigal—extravagant, lavish, illogical. This parable disrupts and expands our definitions of grace. Once again, grace is not earned. After wasting his resources, the younger son becomes destitute and returns home to his father, saying, “I am no longer worthy.” His father, instead, greets him with a celebration and the fatted calf. The older son, in contrast, has done everything “right”—he’s tried to perform, work hard, check all the boxes—but he forgets how to celebrate. How might you receive and extend prodigal grace? Based on Scripture: Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32
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Grace Colorado Sermons
Prodigal Grace - 3.27.22
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Prodigal Grace: The word “prodigal” is commonly used to describe the son who squanders his inheritance. Yet, this parable invites us to consider how God’s grace is also prodigal—extravagant, lavish, illogical. This parable disrupts and expands our definitions of grace. Once again, grace is not earned. After wasting his resources, the younger son becomes destitute and returns home to his father, saying, “I am no longer worthy.” His father, instead, greets him with a celebration and the fatted calf. The older son, in contrast, has done everything “right”—he’s tried to perform, work hard, check all the boxes—but he forgets how to celebrate. How might you receive and extend prodigal grace? Based on Scripture: Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32
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