Love Never Ends: Hold Firmly- 2/6/22

Grace Colorado Sermons

Pastor Justin Spurlock Rating 0 (0) (0) Launched: Feb 06, 2022 Season: 1 Episode: 123

Grace Colorado Sermons
Love Never Ends: Hold Firmly- 2/6/22
Feb 06, 2022, Season 1, Episode 123
Pastor Justin Spurlock
Episode Summary
Hold Firmly: What is the story of your faith journey? How did you come to know that which has been passed down? How is your faith rooted? How does your beliefs go to the level of convictions, of feeling them in the bones? What will you hold firmly? Based on Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:1-11
Episode Chapters
Grace Colorado Sermons
Love Never Ends: Hold Firmly- 2/6/22
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Hold Firmly: What is the story of your faith journey? How did you come to know that which has been passed down? How is your faith rooted? How does your beliefs go to the level of convictions, of feeling them in the bones? What will you hold firmly? Based on Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:1-11
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