Spirit of Compassion I Sacred Earth, Sacred Worth

Grace Colorado Sermons

Grace Presbyterian Church Rating 0 (0) (0)
www.gracecolorado.com Launched: May 26, 2024
gracepres@gracecolorado.com Season: 4 Episode: 2

Grace Colorado Sermons
Spirit of Compassion I Sacred Earth, Sacred Worth
May 26, 2024, Season 4, Episode 2
Grace Presbyterian Church
Episode Summary

It is through the work of spiritual practice that we move beyond fear into compassion and discover our deep and true selves. Engaging in spiritual practices–whether that looks typically religious (like praying) or not (like walking) have intentionality in common. They draw us closer to the Creator and who we were created to be–free and compassionate beings. What practices in your life draw you closer to your true essence and closer to compassion for others?

Episode Chapters
Grace Colorado Sermons
Spirit of Compassion I Sacred Earth, Sacred Worth
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It is through the work of spiritual practice that we move beyond fear into compassion and discover our deep and true selves. Engaging in spiritual practices–whether that looks typically religious (like praying) or not (like walking) have intentionality in common. They draw us closer to the Creator and who we were created to be–free and compassionate beings. What practices in your life draw you closer to your true essence and closer to compassion for others?

It is through the work of spiritual practice that we move beyond fear into compassion and discover our deep and true selves. Engaging in spiritual practices–whether that looks typically religious (like praying) or not (like walking) have intentionality in common. They draw us closer to the Creator and who we were created to be–free and compassionate beings. What practices in your life draw you closer to your true essence and closer to compassion for others?

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