Breaking The Cycle Of Insanity

Coffee Break with Jess

Jess Rating 0 (0) (0) Launched: Feb 09, 2024 Season: 2 Episode: 7

Coffee Break with Jess
Breaking The Cycle Of Insanity
Feb 09, 2024, Season 2, Episode 7
Episode Summary

In this episode of Coffee Break with Jess, host Jess delved into the crucial topic of breaking the cycle of insanity that hinders us from fulfilling the plans and vision that God has set for our lives. She acknowledged the destructive nature of being stuck in a repetitive cycle of fear, anxiety, and incomplete tasks, emphasizing the importance of identifying and challenging these patterns. Through insightful analogies and personal reflections, Jess encouraged listeners to stay aligned with their purpose, maintain their faith, and seek God's guidance to overcome the tornado of insanity. With an empowering message of self-reflection, perseverance, and reclaiming control, this episode offers a compelling guide on navigating challenges and striving for progress in the face of opposition. If you're seeking inspiration to break free from destructive cycles and pursue a path of purpose, this episode is a must-listen.

Episode Chapters
Coffee Break with Jess
Breaking The Cycle Of Insanity
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In this episode of Coffee Break with Jess, host Jess delved into the crucial topic of breaking the cycle of insanity that hinders us from fulfilling the plans and vision that God has set for our lives. She acknowledged the destructive nature of being stuck in a repetitive cycle of fear, anxiety, and incomplete tasks, emphasizing the importance of identifying and challenging these patterns. Through insightful analogies and personal reflections, Jess encouraged listeners to stay aligned with their purpose, maintain their faith, and seek God's guidance to overcome the tornado of insanity. With an empowering message of self-reflection, perseverance, and reclaiming control, this episode offers a compelling guide on navigating challenges and striving for progress in the face of opposition. If you're seeking inspiration to break free from destructive cycles and pursue a path of purpose, this episode is a must-listen.

Jess [00:00:03]:
The worst thing about being intentional with the plan and the vision that god has given you, the call that he's put on your life, the worst thing is the cycle that starts, the cycle of fear, the cycle of anxiety. And I know the last 2 episodes, we really touched on this too. But nobody really talks about breaking that cycle of insanity where you've gotten the same thing has happened so many times. So many times over and over and over, it becomes a cycle. We talk about cycles with relationships, but we rarely talk about cycles with just us living and doing what god told us to do. One of the core pieces that the enemy is going to try and do to derail you is to help put you in this cycle, then I help help you go ahead and just, you know, sprinkle a little bit on helping you get into this cycle so that you could be so wrapped up in this tornado of insanity that you can't complete what you need to complete. And if you can't complete it, then what does that do with your relationship? God, you said this was going to work. You told me to do this, and I'm doing it.

Jess [00:01:47]:
And this is happening. I haven't even completed it. I haven't done what you asked me to do. I haven't been able to. I've been so hit with depression. I've been so hit with anxiety. I started it. I'm trying to keep going.

Jess [00:02:05]:
I don't understand what this is. And if you look at the definition of insanity, it is doing the same thing over and over and over again. And it's going to give you the same result each time that you do it, no matter how many times you do it. Now it doesn't make sense because it's like, if if God if you told me that this is what I'm supposed to do and I'm doing it, And now I'm in this cycle of insanity, this this tornado of insanity, just doing it over and over, thinking I'm gonna get a difference, or thinking this time that I'm gonna actually complete it and actually get to where you wanted me to get. When you think of a tornado, because I've kinda painted this it has to have the perfect wind, the perfect temperature, the perfect terrain to become a tornado, to even become a tornado and then move into the different stages and strengths of a tornado. So as you're starting into your cycle, the quicker you identify that wait a minute. Hold on. I did the didn't I do this last time? And I tried to do this.

Jess [00:03:49]:
Hold on. Let me Let me turn back. But, like, I what am I am I are you sure we're going this way? Can you update the directions of where I need to go. Is this the place that I need to be? Are these the people that I need to do it with? Is, do I have the right tools? Do I have what I need? And just taking a moment to identify where you stand. That can change completely, the trajectory to your success, just taking those small steps throughout. Like in the last episode, We talked about just starting small, strategizing, celebrating your accomplishments. I'd rather take care of a mini tornado know, then to take care of the biggest category tornado that's gonna cause the most destruction. I kinda wanna start now here.

Jess [00:04:50]:
I wanna I wanna be able to identify. I wanna get to that first step, like, great. Thank you. Looking at the plan. We are on track. Okay. It's it's gonna take some reviewing. It's gonna take some accountability for myself to be able to continue to seek god.

Jess [00:05:07]:
Because even though he gave me the vision, even though he helped me build a plan even though some things can change along the way. And if I cancel him out of the plan, then I can never get that vision or those updates that he would give me. It's like on Google Maps. Sometimes you're riding down the road, and it's like, hey. You may be on the fastest route, but there's an accident coming up. So take this alternative route to get to where you need to go. Is the same way in keeping god on your plan with you, keeping god with you as you accomplish those small, strategized accomplishments. If our tornado takes perfect wind, the perfect temperature, and the perfect terrain, then if I start with God and I keep going with god.

Jess [00:06:16]:
None of those things can be perfect because fear can't live if I'm walking with god. So it can't make me I wrote into depression because I'm a I'm staying focused on god. I'm a stay obedient to what I need to do. Yes. It's gonna get hard. It ain't never gonna be that easy to where it don't I don't have some battles that I need to fight. And most of those battles, unfortunately, they're going to be me. A lot of them are gonna be me.

Jess [00:06:45]:
It's gonna be me listening to the wrong things, listening to the wrong people, sharing my vision with people who have failed themselves to the point where they can't believe for anybody else that they can accomplish what they were unable to accomplish. So now I have this doubt because I shared my vision with the wrong person. I wanna share with people who are gonna win, who have won, who have lost and who have won, and who will encourage and who is also walking in a journey with god. That's who I trust, to not send me spiraling into another bad relationship. That's who I trust to accomplish what I need to accomplish. I trust god. I trust the faith that I have in him. Even if it seems small, They said you only need a mustard seed.

Jess [00:07:44]:
That's it. So small is great enough to accomplish that. Breaking that cycle of insanity, identifying it, keeping yourself on the road that needs to go. I challenge you to just Write down your journey as you go. It could be a daily review where you're just saying, hey. This is what we accomplished in regards to our goal. This is how I felt. In me feeling like this, Let me check this.

Jess [00:08:32]:
Does this match up with what god told me in 2nd Timothy one verse 7. No? Yes? Alright. If it's yes, cool. If it's no, alright. I gotta pray about it. I gotta talk to god about it because I can't have fear. So if I'm feeling fear, then that means something is trying to stop me, trying to push me into a place of the perfect conditions for a tinnatal to spiral out and to fast travel to years above where I'm supposed to be and where I come out and I realize, Dang. I ain't even finished what I was supposed to.

Jess [00:09:26]:
I can't believe that a week just went by. Like, I can't remember that a week went by. In a tornado, there's an eye. And in that eye, it's quiet. It's calm. So even in the midst of that destruction, even in the midst of stuff flying around us, not particularly touching us, but just getting close enough to spark a little fear, I'm in the eye of the storm, which means that god is with because even in the worst of it, he's here. So I'm a cry out. I'm a sit down.

Jess [00:10:15]:
I'm a look through the eye up to the sky. I'm gonna find that peace that I know that god gave me. Even if it's just a single thread of peace, I'm gonna grab it. I'm gonna close my eyes, and I'm gonna stay with him. I'm gonna remember the words that he spoke to me. I'm gonna remember the visions that he spoke to me. I'm gonna remember what I saw, how successful I was, how beautiful I was, how handsome I was. I'm gonna remember how I felt.

Jess [00:10:52]:
I'm gonna remember that peace. I'm gonna take a moment and just feel the ground underneath me to know that I am still here on the ground. I know that I'm not up flying around in this tornado of insanity, but I'm actually grounded with god. And it's okay because this is gonna pass. I may have believed a couple of things to get me here, but it's going to pass. I'm gonna be okay. I'm gonna be alright. And when it dies down, I can remember what sparked it.

Jess [00:11:36]:
And I could not do that again, hence breaking that cycle of insanity. Doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result. It's going to be broken. Yeah. It might be another one down the road. But guess what? That means there's something inside of me that does not agree with god, and it's gotta go because it can't go with me. So, yeah, I'm a get a little frustrated. Why am I frustrated? Why am I overwhelmed? Why why am I stopping? What is going on? Why do I feel like this? Why am I depressed? Why are the shades closed? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Just like I asked myself, what if? I asked myself, Why? Just like I might try and question god.

Jess [00:12:27]:
Why did you let this happen? I need to be looking at myself. Why did you let this happen? What did you do? Oh, I ain't eat breakfast 3 days in a row. Well, that sparked a migraine, which tanked my my entire accomplishment list because I didn't accomplish anything. Because I was in the bed. I was laying there. I didn't feel good. I was in pain. I didn't understand why this was happening to me when I was the problem.

Jess [00:12:58]:
I did not eat for I didn't eat breakfast. I didn't give myself a good start. I know that if I eat Even just something small is going to help me carry on, throughout my day. I'm not gonna fail myself because I ate breakfast. I did these things that I know will give me a different result. So continue to do a scare even when you fall, you're in the perfect position to pray. You're in the perfect position to remember what god told you. When you get up and you start walking again, You're in the perfect place.

Jess [00:13:55]:
You're in the perfect place. You continue walking, and you're completing what you're supposed to be doing. You're breaking the cycles that you once were entwined with, that you once walked hand in hand with. It's now broken off of you. How much further can you go now that you've released that piece, now that that cycle is broken. How much further can you go? How much better would you feel? How much more would you believe in

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