S2 EP12: Legal Treats with Atty. Aileen

Legal Treats with Atty. Aileen

Aileen Ligot Dizon Rating 0 (0) (0)
legaltreats.lawinmedia.net Launched: Mar 24, 2025
Season: 2 Episode: 12

Legal Treats with Atty. Aileen
S2 EP12: Legal Treats with Atty. Aileen
Mar 24, 2025, Season 2, Episode 12
Aileen Ligot Dizon
Episode Summary

Tune in every Friday, at 6:30 PM CST for a live episode of 'Legal Treats' featuring Atty. Aileen.

Join us for insightful discussions on the latest legal trends and have your questions answered by an expert in the field. Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your legal knowledge!

Episode Chapters
Legal Treats with Atty. Aileen
S2 EP12: Legal Treats with Atty. Aileen
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Tune in every Friday, at 6:30 PM CST for a live episode of 'Legal Treats' featuring Atty. Aileen.

Join us for insightful discussions on the latest legal trends and have your questions answered by an expert in the field. Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your legal knowledge!

Each episode of "Legal Treats" is designed to address common legal issues that affect our everyday lives. From understanding your rights as a tenant to navigating the intricacies of estate planning, Atty Aileen will guide you through the legal maze and equip you with the knowledge you need to protect yourself and your loved ones.

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