Hank Thomas’s Masterpiece - A Dive Into The World of American Politics

Yaya Diamonds Dream Chasers Radio

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https://www.youtube.com/dreamchasersradio Launched: Nov 12, 2021
dreamchaserradio@gmail.com Season: 11 Episode: 103

Yaya Diamonds Dream Chasers Radio
Hank Thomas’s Masterpiece - A Dive Into The World of American Politics
Nov 12, 2021, Season 11, Episode 103
Yaya Diamond
Episode Summary

Hank’s  book  A  Broken  Sausage  Grinder;  Is  Our  Government  Fundamentally  Flawed?  Was written  between  2011-2012  during  the  midterm  elections  that  marked  the  end  of  Obama’s  first two  years of  administration. He  later launched the  2nd edition as an update.   Hank’s goal with the book is to educate the average  American citizen of what the government should be doing based on the doctrines laid down by  America’s founding fathers vs. what they are doing and how they are going wrong.   “We the  People of the  United  States,  to form a  more perfect  Union,  establish  Justice,  insure domestic  Tranquility,  provide for the common defense,  promote the general  Welfare,  and secure the  Blessings of  Liberty to ourselves and our  Posterity,  do ordain and establish this Constitution for the  United States of America.”  -  Preamble   Hank iterates occasionally the principles that are laid down by the founding fathers of the country and how strongly the current political moguls are straying away from it.  . We all must take an active part as responsible citizens and come together for a  solution and a better American future.   “Everybody proclaims disgust with our political system,  yet the system continues to get more disgusting and nothing is going to change until we the people change it. My research  for  this book  has  convinced  me  that  our  political  process  can  and  will  work  if  we  choose  the  right people to represent  us.”  -  Hank Thomas   

Episode Chapters
Yaya Diamonds Dream Chasers Radio
Hank Thomas’s Masterpiece - A Dive Into The World of American Politics
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Hank’s  book  A  Broken  Sausage  Grinder;  Is  Our  Government  Fundamentally  Flawed?  Was written  between  2011-2012  during  the  midterm  elections  that  marked  the  end  of  Obama’s  first two  years of  administration. He  later launched the  2nd edition as an update.   Hank’s goal with the book is to educate the average  American citizen of what the government should be doing based on the doctrines laid down by  America’s founding fathers vs. what they are doing and how they are going wrong.   “We the  People of the  United  States,  to form a  more perfect  Union,  establish  Justice,  insure domestic  Tranquility,  provide for the common defense,  promote the general  Welfare,  and secure the  Blessings of  Liberty to ourselves and our  Posterity,  do ordain and establish this Constitution for the  United States of America.”  -  Preamble   Hank iterates occasionally the principles that are laid down by the founding fathers of the country and how strongly the current political moguls are straying away from it.  . We all must take an active part as responsible citizens and come together for a  solution and a better American future.   “Everybody proclaims disgust with our political system,  yet the system continues to get more disgusting and nothing is going to change until we the people change it. My research  for  this book  has  convinced  me  that  our  political  process  can  and  will  work  if  we  choose  the  right people to represent  us.”  -  Hank Thomas   

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