Intro - One Harmonic Whole - Psychic Kim and Jill - Understanding Love and Connection

One Harmonic Whole - PODCAST

Jill & Kim Rating 0 (0) (0) Launched: Feb 22, 2024
Season: 1 Episode: 0

One Harmonic Whole - PODCAST
Intro - One Harmonic Whole - Psychic Kim and Jill - Understanding Love and Connection
Feb 22, 2024, Season 1, Episode 0
Jill & Kim
Episode Summary

ShowNotes for Podcast Episode: Understanding Love and Connection from Birth to Adulthood

Episode Summary: In this insightful episode, our speaker delves into the human experience of love, how we perceive it throughout different stages in life, and the challenges we face in maintaining a connection to that feeling. They explore the concept of designing a 'blueprint' before birth with intentions to learn about love on Earth and discuss how external factors can impact our journey.

Key Points Discussed:

  • Blueprint Before Birth: The idea that souls design their earthly experiences with specific lessons in mind, particularly around understanding love.

  • The Birthing Process: Described as an individual's first encounter with love through interactions with parents or caregivers at birth.

  • Early Childhood Experiences: How moments of perceived lack of love or safety can shape a child’s understanding and reception of love.

  • Disconnection from Source: Around ages 5 to 6 years old, children may start losing their innate connection to a higher power due to structured environments like school leading them away from unconditional love.

  • Physical Body Needs & Emotional Responses: Emphasizes the importance of proper nutrition and physical balance for emotional coping mechanisms during childhood development.

  • Victim Mentality Development: Discusses how holding onto negative experiences can amplify feelings of being unloved later in life.

  • Misconceptions About Love Locations in the Body: Challenges traditional beliefs by asserting that while often associated with the heart, true love is boundless within us.

  • Essence of Love as Peaceful Beingness: Suggests that real peace comes without thought or judgment – just existing freely without constraints which humans struggle with due to disconnection on Earth.

Reconnecting Strategies:

  1. Revisiting Initial Moments - Identifying early instances where disconnection began.

  2. Addressing Physical Necessities - Ensuring one's body has what it needs nutritionally.

  3. Spiritual Reconnection - Realizing ways individuals can reconnect spiritually by acknowledging guidance readily available since childhood but often forgotten over time.

  4. Healing Disconnections - Exploring processes (not detailed) whereby people could heal initial disconnects thus allowing reintegration both physically and spiritually.

Conclusion: The podcast concludes by highlighting potential paths toward healing past disconnections whether they're spiritual or physical. It suggests everyone possesses an innate ability for reconnection; however identifying root issues is crucial for progress towards embracing authentic expressions of unconditional peace and well-being known as "love."

Episode Chapters
One Harmonic Whole - PODCAST
Intro - One Harmonic Whole - Psychic Kim and Jill - Understanding Love and Connection
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ShowNotes for Podcast Episode: Understanding Love and Connection from Birth to Adulthood

Episode Summary: In this insightful episode, our speaker delves into the human experience of love, how we perceive it throughout different stages in life, and the challenges we face in maintaining a connection to that feeling. They explore the concept of designing a 'blueprint' before birth with intentions to learn about love on Earth and discuss how external factors can impact our journey.

Key Points Discussed:

  • Blueprint Before Birth: The idea that souls design their earthly experiences with specific lessons in mind, particularly around understanding love.

  • The Birthing Process: Described as an individual's first encounter with love through interactions with parents or caregivers at birth.

  • Early Childhood Experiences: How moments of perceived lack of love or safety can shape a child’s understanding and reception of love.

  • Disconnection from Source: Around ages 5 to 6 years old, children may start losing their innate connection to a higher power due to structured environments like school leading them away from unconditional love.

  • Physical Body Needs & Emotional Responses: Emphasizes the importance of proper nutrition and physical balance for emotional coping mechanisms during childhood development.

  • Victim Mentality Development: Discusses how holding onto negative experiences can amplify feelings of being unloved later in life.

  • Misconceptions About Love Locations in the Body: Challenges traditional beliefs by asserting that while often associated with the heart, true love is boundless within us.

  • Essence of Love as Peaceful Beingness: Suggests that real peace comes without thought or judgment – just existing freely without constraints which humans struggle with due to disconnection on Earth.

Reconnecting Strategies:

  1. Revisiting Initial Moments - Identifying early instances where disconnection began.

  2. Addressing Physical Necessities - Ensuring one's body has what it needs nutritionally.

  3. Spiritual Reconnection - Realizing ways individuals can reconnect spiritually by acknowledging guidance readily available since childhood but often forgotten over time.

  4. Healing Disconnections - Exploring processes (not detailed) whereby people could heal initial disconnects thus allowing reintegration both physically and spiritually.

Conclusion: The podcast concludes by highlighting potential paths toward healing past disconnections whether they're spiritual or physical. It suggests everyone possesses an innate ability for reconnection; however identifying root issues is crucial for progress towards embracing authentic expressions of unconditional peace and well-being known as "love."

So say people come here to learn about love. And you're designing your blueprint prior to coming here on Earth and you're like, oh, cool. I wanna learn this about love. I wanna learn every aspect of love because you know what here on this side is just amazing the concept of love. It's just pure conditional love.

So I wanna experience that here on earth. Like, let's bring that to earth because I feel like earth needs more love. So let's bring that. You come in, like, all truthful, and like, all happy and then all these different experiences come up because you're trying to you're trying to navigate your love. But, your blueprint is that you decided that if this experience say you're coming in and the birthing process, you have always these, like, ideas of how it's gonna lock in and it's gonna be beautiful coming through and nick, you you know that there's gonna be pain.

You know that there's gonna be this bright light, And you know what's gonna be intense that you know that. K? You're already consented to coming through and going through that burning process. K? But what you don't have a choice.

Is how the other people are going to impact you. So that is your first chance rate then in there to experience what does love look like. So you could have an amazing experience with, say your mother, your father, or their nurses whomever in the room. With you to feel like that care of that compassion. So, see it's a wonderful birth.

And you're like, yep, I went through the paint. I knew this was gonna be Yep. It's great. I feel loved. I feel like I'm being embraced.

There's people taking care of me. Awesome. K. So then you go along to the next thing. And until you come to a point in your life where there's almost like a.

Judgment or a a feeling that's not of love that you would perceive love. So that is right there in 1 experience, that comes up. You get the choice at that moment as to how are you going to perceive that? Are you gonna be like, okay. I'm gonna sit with it.

I'm gonna pull back and just... Okay. Like, my... I need this to help me cope with this situation because I may not be grasping banner it, You could be 1 years old, and you're realizing that, who, I don't feel that safety that security or whatever the feeling of love to you needed to represent or need to feel like, you weren't feeling that immense connection. Oh, 0, feel like, that's another piece.

When people are getting to that 5 6 year old range, they start losing that feeling that connection to source. Higher power, so they can actually get more nervous more scared. And then this is the Age asia that we're now throwing him into a constructed environment of school. So it forces them again to not be connected to disconnect. Yep.

And that's when they they lose that sense of... Love, unconditional love. So this... These earlier stages, I'm gonna go back 2 1 more. 1, and this child lawson just doesn't feel a sense of love.

K? And that that is very much internal based and experience say, I I fell down. I bumped my knee, and I'm crying, and nobody's there to come save me. This is a child is very, very, very smart. Very, very, very connected.

We do not need to tell a child that they... Are surrounded by their spirit guides third loved ones. They don't need to be told that because they know. And at this point, they can choose based off, oh, shit. Okay.

Based off of what is happening in their physical body, how they want to experience that. And if they take that experience and I'm, like, okay. Like, yep. I hurt myself. Yes.

There was some physical pain, but I am okay. That okay comes from when the physical body is actually functioning. When we have the proper vitamins nutrients when we have the proper internal balance, our digestive system is working as a should. K? So right then and there, that is part of your process here on Earth that creates such a strong disconnect.

When kids are growing up is that they literally do not have the proper nutrients to be able for the physical body, a to do what it needs to do so then emotionally and energetically, it can actually cope through some of these experiences. Who. So now this child is, like I don't feel love. So then they're gonna really grasp onto to that experience that they felt like they didn't have love. However they wanted to express their love or feel their love?

They didn't feel it. So then now they take that and they're like, almost holding onto to it. They have a judgment. So then that experience is gonna actually amplify to the ne. Experience and amplified to the next to the point where now later later in life, they're gonna be a victim of nobody loves me.

I don't feel loved. Nobody bans me because they want... They're literally stuck right back to the starting point and when they felt like a judgment towards that or a feeling, and it literally came down to just a lack of something in their physical body was just not processing at that moment had nothing to do with the people around. At all, it was literally what was missing in their body. And and this is where it can start off say with Love love can go anywhere in the body.

We can hold on to that anywhere. But a long times it goes to the heart, because we like to assume that everything is physically heart based love when in in essence, that's not where love is truly stored in the body. Love has no boundaries. Love has no. They're saying, your feeling of love.

And I get pulled to, the tingle, the... Like, oh, I could feel that in my hard. Okay. They said that's just a sensation that you're feeling that you have designed to where you think love is. That's just a program.

Yep. In essence, love is peace. Love has really no feeling. It is what I call a feeling of weightlessness. It's like, like, are just floating, and we're just being.

There's no there's no thought with it. There's no real feeling physical feeling with it. It's just the ultimate peace. And there's no judgment. There's no hesitation there is no right and nor wrong.

It is literally being. And when we're in that state, that's hard to be in a physical form because we have been designed to disconnect it. And this is where a lot of humans are struggling now. So we were designed to disconnect it or that's... They'll being here on Earth.

Has forced us to disconnect it. Mh. So a lot of lot of what it calls souls have been trying to come here on earth and bring peace, bring up love that the true un a lot they've been bringing it here. Got disconnected. Yep.

And so now we we get into this either. A sell pity mode victim pigmentation mode, judgment mode. Like, all of that garbage that goes with it. But they said if you were to go back to the point where you had originally event that that experience that made you question it, there's literally a piece in your body if physical body that did not feel that it was being met. So it's not the emotion.

They responded to. You're actually responding to your body, did not feel like it had either, say script money. It didn't have all the proper nutrients to heal that knee up or to be able to handle that pain or whatever it is or something physically that was just not there. Just and sometimes a freaks you, but it's not about freaking out. Right.

So we can reconnect by going through a certain process that we won't go into right now, but we will go into it of going back say through that moment. Yep. Call, like, an initial moment of disconnection, the first moments of disconnection. Yeah. And then that first moment, will created a second, which created a third, which created a fourth.

So while they all over overtime appear to be different disconnection. They really do it's like a tunnel. Yep. Goes back in time to... There was a root moment.

Of disconnection. Yep. And we can heal that if we wanna call that. Yep. Resolve that or, another word would be we can reconnect.

Yes. So we are reconnecting with, say that, like, a child is connected to the spirits side 2 guides without even thinking. You you had said earlier, they know they're connected. I would say that... Not do they know they are actually being They are here in this world being connected.

Yeah. They know it, but the knowing and being, noah is... Yep. They know it, being is like, it's in action. Too.

Yeah. They're living it in the world. Until of a sudden they're not. Yeah. And they're they're not moment if I understand you correctly to was more about something on the physical body wasn't being properly say nourished.

Yes. And then that created the the chain of events that that... Yep. And that could even happen in ut. Right.

That they had, like, not having a specific by men nutrient it wasn't formulated correctly, something that even genetically passed down. But here's the thing. But genetically the past, you know that that's gonna happen when you're coming in. So we can... So if we know that was gonna happen, whether it was in, genetically, whether it happens as a child, some people probably go through childhood and have that disconnects moment happen more in say young adulthood because different times.

I'm sure, but we know it's going to happen some... Do we know what's gonna happen? Or until it just happens? Like, it it it gradually happens. Because the 1 incident that when things majorly come up.

That's when it's like, oh, shit, like, I've been denying this. I haven't been seeing it. I've been getting all little science for how long, but we didn't have the tools or resources back then. And now we can reconnect. And we...

If I am hearing this correctly, we are going to... We can reconnect to, spiritual side or guides or whatever we wanna call it, all those. We wanna call that and we can reconnect to our physical body's needs. Yeah. Nutritional needs, other stuff.

Yep, both of those can be reconnected. Hundred percent. Yeah.

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