Episode 2 - The Beautiful Great Awakening - Owning Your Internal Power

One Harmonic Whole - PODCAST

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one.harmonicwhole.com Launched: Aug 08, 2024
Season: 1 Episode: 2

One Harmonic Whole - PODCAST
Episode 2 - The Beautiful Great Awakening - Owning Your Internal Power
Aug 08, 2024, Season 1, Episode 2
Jill & Kim
Episode Summary

The Great Awakening - Owning Your Internal Power

Key Points:

  • Great Awakening: It's not about external changes or realizing the corruption in systems; it's an internal process.
  • Personal Responsibility: With awakening comes the need to take responsibility for oneself and one’s healing.
  • Energetic Shifts: People are experiencing heightened awareness, including increased intensity of experiences and emotions.
  • Duality: There's a pull between two extremes, causing people to either embrace their individuality or lose themselves in the collective.
  • Internal Compass: Awakening involves tuning into your own truths, fears, disconnections, and reclaiming personal power.
  • Anxiety & Self-Awareness: Recognizing personal anxiety when observing others' actions is crucial. It reflects back on self-healing needs.
  • Urgency & Consequences: The podcast discusses a sense of urgency to live authentically due to intensifying consequences if ignored.

Insightful Moments:

  1. Individual vs Collective

    • True awakening respects individual paths while recognizing that collectively we're a tapestry of unique energies contributing to the whole.
  2. Missteps Along the Journey

    • Acknowledges that even those aware can "kick the can down the road," avoiding full engagement with their awakening journey.
  3. Anxiety as a Signal

    • Discusses how anxiety may indicate subconsciously aligning with collective pressures rather than staying true to individual beliefs.
  4. Enabling vs Authenticity

    • Highlights risks of enabling behaviors within awakened communities which might lead away from authenticity.
  5. Individuality & Creativity

    • Emphasizes honoring one’s creativity and living choices without undue influence from societal judgments or norms.
  6. Questioning Authority Within Collectives

    • Encourages critical thinking regarding who dictates collective decisions and stresses maintaining autonomy over conformity.
  7. Judgment & Personal Preferences

    • Challenges societal judgments around right/wrong ways of being by advocating respect for diverse perspectives especially concerning pet ownership as an example.
Episode Chapters
One Harmonic Whole - PODCAST
Episode 2 - The Beautiful Great Awakening - Owning Your Internal Power
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The Great Awakening - Owning Your Internal Power

Key Points:

  • Great Awakening: It's not about external changes or realizing the corruption in systems; it's an internal process.
  • Personal Responsibility: With awakening comes the need to take responsibility for oneself and one’s healing.
  • Energetic Shifts: People are experiencing heightened awareness, including increased intensity of experiences and emotions.
  • Duality: There's a pull between two extremes, causing people to either embrace their individuality or lose themselves in the collective.
  • Internal Compass: Awakening involves tuning into your own truths, fears, disconnections, and reclaiming personal power.
  • Anxiety & Self-Awareness: Recognizing personal anxiety when observing others' actions is crucial. It reflects back on self-healing needs.
  • Urgency & Consequences: The podcast discusses a sense of urgency to live authentically due to intensifying consequences if ignored.

Insightful Moments:

  1. Individual vs Collective

    • True awakening respects individual paths while recognizing that collectively we're a tapestry of unique energies contributing to the whole.
  2. Missteps Along the Journey

    • Acknowledges that even those aware can "kick the can down the road," avoiding full engagement with their awakening journey.
  3. Anxiety as a Signal

    • Discusses how anxiety may indicate subconsciously aligning with collective pressures rather than staying true to individual beliefs.
  4. Enabling vs Authenticity

    • Highlights risks of enabling behaviors within awakened communities which might lead away from authenticity.
  5. Individuality & Creativity

    • Emphasizes honoring one’s creativity and living choices without undue influence from societal judgments or norms.
  6. Questioning Authority Within Collectives

    • Encourages critical thinking regarding who dictates collective decisions and stresses maintaining autonomy over conformity.
  7. Judgment & Personal Preferences

    • Challenges societal judgments around right/wrong ways of being by advocating respect for diverse perspectives especially concerning pet ownership as an example.

Join us as we delve deep into what it truly means to awaken—to come into our own power—beyond just surface-level realizations about our world today but diving into energetic vibrations and inner truth!

Remember: This isn't about getting everything perfect but engaging genuinely with your path towards enlightenment! 🌟

Stay tuned for more episodes exploring these profound shifts in consciousness.

K. There's a lot of people waking up, and I say not in quotations because I've been hearing that the last time many years. Again Whoa, the the big awakening, it's coming, and everybody's being awoke and da, but with that great power comes great responsibility. You know that. So I like it's actually forcing people to either get on their own bandwagon and I'm understanding realizing themselves and being honoring themselves being with themselves.

That is part of the great awakening. You you're being showing all this stuff to be able to heal your body, heal yourself. That is the great awakening. Not that, oh, my gosh. The world's gonna turn to beauty, love and light.

It's not like, oh, you're gonna be showing that the government just cropped. You knew that. You know to be a awoke for that stuff. And it's not new. People think it's new.

It's not new. Look at the history. Yes. How it's crunch and the depth of it changes over time, but it's like, It's not oh, that's not an awakening. Awakening is the fact of you we are literally being shown that we are an energetic.

Vibration and people are very fearful of that. Like, things are starting to come to them. There's they're starting to hear things see things, experience more traumatic things in their life. Everything's more intense for this awakening. It's like, everything's on steroids off.

They wanna call it. And people are literally... They're either going 1 way or the other. The the duality is actually pulling things of part. Yeah.

Wow. Mh. So the great awakening has nothing to do with the physical around it all has to do with the inside of your body, awakening to your own truths, your own fears, your own, disconnection, Your own. Whatever you wanna call it, the great awakening is actually you getting your internal compass, internal power back. But people have no idea how to even utilize it, so they're they're fucking it up.

And and I actually have moments where I feel like, really high anxiety about the fact that I look around. I'm, like, people have people, Yeah. And III really, ultimately, I'm the first person that I'm calling people. Mh. K?

Calm myself first. It's easier to look at other people, but I catch myself, and I'm, like, Jill. But I do also at the same time. I'm like, I feel there's real sense of urgency. If if we're unwilling to...

Truly think, participate, live, b in our essence? Right. The consequences are getting pretty intense. Absolutely. Now, where we could kick that can down the road in the past our whole lifetime.

We can't kick that can down the road any longer. And I see myself still kicking the can down the road at times, and I see many other people that some... I know, some I don't. But, yeah, that's where that anxiety comes up, like, how interesting, like, anxiety on this that like, take stop, take a few breaths. Yep.

You know? And they... When... What you just said tells me the anxiety is more around being worried that I'm gonna say fuck it up. Yeah.

That I'm more... The anxiety is more frighten that. What if I get this wrong? Yep. And I I think the message is more along the lines of it just a matter of engaging it.

It's not a matter of getting it right or wrong. It's actually saying, hey, I'm not gonna let someone else control me. I'm not gonna let someone else dictate what I think, feel believe, know. As long as we make that choice, set that intention call it whatever you want, isn't that the great awakening. We never have the ability in the past.

Nobody told us was okay. Right. And we can with ourselves. Yeah. And I find...

I've always found myself a bit outside of the crowd on things. I've always found myself thinking differently. You know what about something like, perceiving it differently or something. And then I just... I have friends very dear friends too who sees stuff that way too.

And that's how we've come together as like, we attract to each other from when we look at stuff and go, Don't other people see this. And and they do. There's a lot of people who do, but there's a lot of people say who don't. But the way that that I see people sheep together. Yeah.

But does give me anxiety at times. And then I have to just breathe, say, Jill, just look at where you're sheep. Yep. And and just keep you what you're doing and keep putting it out there that you're, you know, making that choice and intention over and over again. As we said earlier, do something different, do something different.

And I think my anxiety starts to rise about it more when I'm kicking, like, subconsciously into shipping. Mh. Well, the cracks. Yes. And when when the awakening people tend to gravitate, gravitate towards somebody that is going through the same experience.

So that's part of the great awakening name also is to... Like, are you experiencing? Or are you... So then you have somebody else to think share your experience with it because that's very beautiful, and there's an honor, but what people have learned to do then, and almost then, it turns into a oh my gosh. What's the right word?

Enabling. Then you start enabling and that you're not them being to true to your authentic self. Mh. That's the sheep like, everybody coming together. It's like, yeah.

I'm going to you for help or to understand this, but you're not supposed to literally cling to each other and be, like, then become, like, this 1 big group. It's like, where's your that and eventual individuality. You're losing sense of that awakening. And I I have a deep deep deep sense of individuality I have for a long time. I'm learning how to make it a beautiful thing.

It's caused a lot of trouble tune in my life lifetime. But it it being what it is. I I think the anxiety I feel when I look at the world when I feel the anxiety and I'm looking at the world. It's because I'm picking up on that. It's a...

Not an individual world. It's a collective. Yeah. And I just have a really deep... I I feel like I lose myself.

If I consent to a collective that I no longer get to choose, decide, think, be and express creatively that I have to give up Right. Myself in order for the collective. But then and which done well is probably a beautiful thing, But I'm like, who's the collective and who then gets to be in charge because we're not living in a world where there aren't people in charge where there isn't a hierarchy. That's why I get anxiety from it. Right?

Yes. Like, like, I pick up that there's vibe out there of, you know, just become part of the collective people just become part of the collective. But it begs the question, and this is even calming me as I know thinking it through and thinking about it it begs the question up, then who gets to be in charge of the cole collect. You is how it's supposed to go, but that's not what we're being asked to do. Correct?

We're being asked to become part of the collective and let someone else be in charge. I mean, doesn't that take enabling to the most dysfunctional degree you can get to? Yep. It's it's literally, we are an individual person on this planet, but yet when we are in our individual selves, and we're on our individual self, that is actually the collective. So the more we are honoring ourselves, just doesn't mean that you get to be, like, selfish, you know, we're not talking about that, but honoring your creativity abilities.

Honoring the fact that this is how I want to live, and I'm very happy with where Live. Why does somebody else come and tell me to mow lawn this way. Really, like, my my elon moan like I'm taking care of it. Why why it doesn't matter that mode this way. You know, it's more honoring and respect.

Like, I'm not harming you. You're not harming me, Like, word... Doing good. When you're doing that, you're honoring yourself your individuality, and then that's actually when you put that vibe out there, that is a collective, which is beautiful. Right.

The collective is a collection of individuals Yeah together. But in... But right now, when I feel that sense of anxiety about it, It's the collective is Hey, Kim. Here's how you need to mow your lawn. Yeah.

And if you don't agree with me, we're no longer in love and light, and that means that I get to kill you. Yep. Which makes no sense when you stand outside of that and really analyze that and go wolf for love and light, then you can't be angry at someone. Yeah. Who doesn't agree with you.

You're supposed to also love them. Yeah. And so it gets just all kinda energetically gets, like, tricky, you know? And it's a weird example, but I'm gonna throw it out there because it keeps coming to me is that years ago, animals could be outdoors. Mh.

No problem. Perhaps it was a problem, but they just were still outdoors. Yes. Now, I have literally seen many, many conversations where people are, like, the idea of... The collective needs to agree that all animals should be kept this way.

And I'm like, That's not a collective thing. That's a dictator that's you telling everyone else how to do it. And get that? Me is what's going on right now, but we're being told you're not a good person because you won't line up. You won't...

You don't... You let your docs sit out and Kennel outside. It's an call... You are a horrible person. Yeah.

You know, he needs to be inside next to you and bad with you at night and, you know, Blah blah. It's like... Yeah Rate. What? Yeah.

Because they're family members into that person it meet you... Your dog... I know Lots of people whose dogs are their family members. And I respect that. And also know people who dogs.

Are dogs. They're not a family member. They don't abuse them, but they don't have them living, like, as a child in their home. Yep. Neither of them are red nor wrong.

That is their personal preference. And is it harming anybody else? No. You are... They are the person, society, whomever it is.

They're just putting judgments out there. It's a judgment thing again. And Judgment thing needing to be delineate of who gets to decide what harm is because a, pet owner who calls a dog, a child says you are harming a pet, a dog when they're not raised as a child. To but see, that's that's a problem. That...

Because that that, scale, only scales, 1 person's perception, 1 person's definition of what it means to not harm an animal. And Mh. And we are very, very, very stuck in that. That's what I'm saying. When I look around, I get...

It just... I see the I picked that up, and I... It makes me anxious, and I just circle hang tight because I... I don't know. It...

I have to comb myself down, find my own center, and I'm bringing this up just because I'm sure there's lots people who find themselves. Even been kinda oddly weirdly feeling anxiety when you're not even really sure why. And this is what I've une earth. Because I'm like, it's because I'm seeing in experiencing and picking up on stuff that's going on around that, like you said, and Yep point in the past, we kinda didn't even have to or couldn't discern it, and now we can't not discern it. And I know that's a total negative, but it's not true.

Right? Yep. Yeah. Yeah. Beautiful great awakening.

Some Marcos. It's gotta own your own. You do own your own. You gotta it own your own. Yeah.

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