In this episode you'll hear four flash fiction stories ranging from magical schools to steampunk. All four were originally published by Havok and were written by Nadine Brandes, Katherine Briggs, Ruth Nguyen, and Karyne Norton. The stories are narrated by Paeter Frandsen and Karyne Norton.
Important Links:
The Author: Karyne Norton's website, where you can get The Light That Takes for free
The Author: Ruth Nguyen's newsletter sign up
The Author: Katherine Briggs' website, where you can get Experiments and Enchantment for free
The Author: Nadine Brandes' website; be sure to check out her newest book, The Nightmare Virus
The Narrator: Paeter Frandsen's website
Listeners' Choice Award: Vote for your favorite story here!
Finding Fantasy Reads is taking a summer break! Episodes will resume August 6th, 2024!