Why your Prayers Fail Pt. 1 - Episode 2

RIA Global Church

RK Achina Rating 0 (0) (0)
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RIA Global Church
Why your Prayers Fail Pt. 1 - Episode 2
Sep 07, 2023, Season 1, Episode 2
RK Achina
Episode Summary

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Get ready to dive into this lit podcast episode with your host, RK Achina. Today, we're spilling the tea on prayers, and why sometimes it feels like you're sending out messages to God and getting radio silence in return. It's a real head-scratcher, but we're about to break it down.

First things first, let's talk about the struggle. You know that feeling when you've been putting in that prayer work, but it's like talking to a brick wall? Achina gets it, and he's gonna lay it all out for you. It's frustrating when your prayers seem to hit a dead end, even though you're pouring your heart into it. He's all about that self-reflection game, too. Sometimes, you gotta take a look in the mirror and ask yourself what's really going on.

Now, here's the deal-breaker: shaky faith. That's like the number one buzzkill for effective prayer. RK Achina's got some wild examples of how our faith can be up and down like a rollercoaster. He's all about that rock-solid belief in God's promises, and he's gonna show you why it matters.

We're also diving into the power of the words you use during prayer. Negative self-talk? Nah, that's gotta go. RK Achina is all about pumping up that faith with positive affirmations and making sure your words line up with what you're praying for. It's all about speaking that good stuff into existence.

And don't forget, you gotta align your prayers with what's poppin' in God's playbook, like His Word. Achina's gonna hit you with some knowledge about grounding your prayers in those promises from the scriptures. Faith doesn't come from crying a river; it comes from hearing what God's laying down. Tears might get you sympathy, but faith? That's what moves mountains, fam.

We're wrapping up this episode by recapping the top three reasons why prayers might be on the struggle bus: shaky faith, the words you're slinging, and praying without a strong foundation. Achina's teasing us with a sneak peek of a future episode where he's gonna drop knowledge on five more reasons why prayers might not be hitting the mark.

So, get ready to level up your prayer game and figure out why sometimes it feels like your prayers are on silent mode. Tune in and soak up that wisdom from RK Achina. It's all about boosting your prayer life and understanding why some prayers don't go as planned. Stay tuned, fam! 🙏🔥

Episode Chapters
RIA Global Church
Why your Prayers Fail Pt. 1 - Episode 2
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Get ready to dive into this lit podcast episode with your host, RK Achina. Today, we're spilling the tea on prayers, and why sometimes it feels like you're sending out messages to God and getting radio silence in return. It's a real head-scratcher, but we're about to break it down.

First things first, let's talk about the struggle. You know that feeling when you've been putting in that prayer work, but it's like talking to a brick wall? Achina gets it, and he's gonna lay it all out for you. It's frustrating when your prayers seem to hit a dead end, even though you're pouring your heart into it. He's all about that self-reflection game, too. Sometimes, you gotta take a look in the mirror and ask yourself what's really going on.

Now, here's the deal-breaker: shaky faith. That's like the number one buzzkill for effective prayer. RK Achina's got some wild examples of how our faith can be up and down like a rollercoaster. He's all about that rock-solid belief in God's promises, and he's gonna show you why it matters.

We're also diving into the power of the words you use during prayer. Negative self-talk? Nah, that's gotta go. RK Achina is all about pumping up that faith with positive affirmations and making sure your words line up with what you're praying for. It's all about speaking that good stuff into existence.

And don't forget, you gotta align your prayers with what's poppin' in God's playbook, like His Word. Achina's gonna hit you with some knowledge about grounding your prayers in those promises from the scriptures. Faith doesn't come from crying a river; it comes from hearing what God's laying down. Tears might get you sympathy, but faith? That's what moves mountains, fam.

We're wrapping up this episode by recapping the top three reasons why prayers might be on the struggle bus: shaky faith, the words you're slinging, and praying without a strong foundation. Achina's teasing us with a sneak peek of a future episode where he's gonna drop knowledge on five more reasons why prayers might not be hitting the mark.

So, get ready to level up your prayer game and figure out why sometimes it feels like your prayers are on silent mode. Tune in and soak up that wisdom from RK Achina. It's all about boosting your prayer life and understanding why some prayers don't go as planned. Stay tuned, fam! 🙏🔥

The provided episode transcript is a sermon or teaching on the subject of why prayers fail and what individuals can do to enhance the effectiveness of their prayers. It is broken down into several parts, with each part addressing different aspects of this topic.

Part 1: The Problem of Ineffective Prayers

The speaker begins by addressing the issue of ineffective prayers. He highlights that many people pray fervently but often do not see the desired results. He emphasizes that he is not against practices like fasting, speaking in tongues, or laying on of hands but suggests that if one repeatedly fails to see results in their prayers, it's essential to assess what might be going wrong.

The speaker expresses frustration with the perception of God as slow in answering prayers and the tendency of some believers to seek quick solutions through alternative spiritual practices. He asserts that such approaches are unacceptable and need correction.

Part 2: Faith and Belief

In this section, the speaker emphasizes the importance of faith in prayer. He likens faith to a light bulb, suggesting that it should not flicker but remain constant. He highlights that some individuals exhibit strong faith during church services but lose it when faced with challenges in their daily lives.

The speaker encourages believers to maintain unwavering faith, even when circumstances seem unfavorable. He cites the importance of living by faith rather than by sight, referencing the biblical passage that states, "Without faith, it is impossible to please God."

Part 3: The Power of Words

The speaker discusses the impact of words on prayers. He suggests that negative or contradictory words can hinder the manifestation of prayer requests. He uses examples of individuals who pray for healing but, when faced with symptoms, confess sickness and doubt their healing.

He advises believers to align their words with their prayers and to avoid undermining their faith with negative declarations. The speaker underscores that words have the power to cancel out prayers and urges listeners to be mindful of what they speak.

Part 4: Baseless Prayers

This section focuses on the concept of baseless prayers, emphasizing the importance of aligning prayers with God's will. The speaker references 1 John 5:14, which states that prayers should align with God's will to receive answers.

He cautions against praying without a foundation or biblical basis, citing examples of prayers that lack assurance and confidence in God's promises. He encourages believers to base their prayers on scripture and the promises of God, as this pleases Him and increases the likelihood of answered prayers.

Part 5: The Role of Faith in Healing

The speaker delves into the topic of prayer for healing. He advises individuals to maintain their confession of healing even when faced with lingering symptoms. He explains that faith is essential in obtaining healing and that doubting or negative declarations can nullify prayers for healing.

He references Romans 4, which states that God calls things that are not as though they were, and urges believers to follow this example by speaking positively over their situations.

Part 6: The Importance of Aligning Words with Faith

The speaker continues to stress the importance of aligning words with faith. He cites Mark 11:23, where Jesus emphasizes the power of words and belief. He encourages listeners to speak in alignment with their prayers and faith, emphasizing that faith is the evidence of the prayer request.

Part 7: Prayer According to God's Will

In this section, the speaker introduces the idea that prayers should align with God's will. He references 1 John 5:14, which highlights the importance of asking according to God's will to receive answers.

He cautions against assuming that any request can be made to God without considering His will and emphasizes that faith comes from hearing God's word. He advises believers to base their prayers on God's promises found in scripture.

Part 8: Baseless Prayers and the Need for God's Will

The speaker further discusses the concept of baseless prayers and underscores the need for prayers to align with God's will. He warns against making prayers without a scriptural foundation and without considering whether they are in line with God's plan.

He uses an example of a prayer for financial help and suggests that such prayers must align with God's will and promises to be effective.

Part 9: Using God's Word as a Basis for Prayer

In the final section, the speaker encourages believers to use God's word as the basis for their prayers. He asserts that God's word is His will and that prayers should align with His promises found in scripture.

The speaker concludes by summarizing the three main reasons prayers may fail: wavering faith, negative words, and baseless prayers. He promises to address additional reasons in the following episode.

In summary, this episode transcript provides valuable insights into why prayers may fail and offers practical advice on how to strengthen one's faith, use words effectively, and base prayers on God's will and promises. The speaker's teachings aim to help believers enhance the effectiveness of their prayers and experience breakthroughs in their spiritual lives.

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